Journal “Tambov University Review. Series Philology and Culturology” is scholarly and applied journal of broad profile.
It is published since March, 2015.
The establisher, publisher, is editorial of the journal – Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin.
The journal is registered by the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technologies (Roskomnadzor). The certificate about registration of mass media ПИ № ФС77-61097 from 19 March 2015.
4 issues come out in a year.
Edition is 1000 copies.
Journal is added in the catalogue of agency JSC “Rospechat”, subscription index 80303.
General instruction on formation and publishing the scientific journal is implemented by the editorial board with the editor-in-chief. Editor-in-chief of the journal – Doctor of Philology, Professor Antonina Semenovna Scherbak.
Themes of the journal. Every issue has different rubrics, most of them are focused on modern problems of philology, linguistics and culturology:
“Intercultural communication”;
“Studies of literature”;
“Studies of art”;
“Cultural heritage”;
“Theory and history of culture”;
“Studies of culture”
“Methods and methodology”.
The journal publishes the articles, having scientific and practical value for academic society. Original articles, reviews, survey, information about scientific forums are published in the journal.
The preference is given to the scientific-research works containing new results of the theoretical and applied researches within the journal’s headings. The editorial welcomes the reviews containing the analysis of the modern foreign publications allowing estimate the condition of the considered problem.
All the articles accepted by the editorial must be reviewed. You can get acquainted with the requirements for execution in the section “For the authors”.
The authors of the journal are the scientists from various Russian scientific and educational organizations and also from CIS countries, near and far abroad. The publication is for scientific workers, lecturers of high school, post-graduate students and all who are interested in achievements of modern Russian science.
Full-size network versions of the issues of scientific journal “Tambov University Review. Series: Philology and Culturology” can be found in free access in Scientific Electronic Library on the journal website in Russian and English languages in the section “Archives”. The journal is included in data base of Russian index of scientific citation (RISC)
Policy of the journal. The aims of the journal are the information about scientific achievements in the modern humanitarian knowledge sphere, distribution of the scientific research results within the modern humanitarian knowledge. The main task of the journal is the scientific researches results publication, conducted within the leading scientific schools and directions of Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin.
Legal address: 33, Internatsionalnaya St., Tambov, 392000
Location address: 190g, Sovetskaya St., Tambov 392000
Telephone: 8 (4752) 72-34-34 add. 0440, 0442 ;