Tambov University Review.
Series Philology and Culturology



Dear Colleagues!

The list of the authors, whose articles are planned to be published in the journal Tambov University Review. Series Philology and Culturology. Tambov, 2016, V. 2, issue 4 (8) according to the decisions of the Editorial Board is presented below


Babina L.V., Ivanova A.S. Conceptual integration as a mechanism of demotivator interpretation

Shcherbak A.S., Kazankova A.A. Creative tendencies in the sphere of modern urbanonyms

Kalinkin V.M. Please meet poetonymology

Dzhumagulova G.S., Beysekova R.T. Cultural regularities of civic spirit formation of personality

Musabekova U.A. The image of a woman in myth, folklore of Turkic literature (basing on the material of Turkic culture)

Soyegov M. Pages from the ashgabatperiod of life of orientalist A.A. Semenov – native of Shatsks village Polnoe Kоnоbееvо

Tsvetkova M.V. The image of Joan of Arc in the artistic world of Marina Tsvetaeva

Boroda E.V. Science fiction and non-science fiction: creative experiments of the artists of XIX century

Platitsyna N.I. A man and a natural world in the short stories of W. Borchert (“The Thunderstorm”,“Dear, Blue-Grey Night”)

Bayanbaeva Z.A., Tumanova A.B., Utepova R.I. The notions of native country in fiction space of Russian-language writers and poets of Kazakhstan

Shuldishova A.A. “A heart in a trap of Carmen”: literary-musical analysis of A.A. Blok’s poetic cycle


The issue 3 (7) for 2016 came out of the press

The issue contains scientific articles in the following rubrics: “Linguistics”, “Onomastics”, “Culturology”.

The issue 2 (6) for 2016 came out of the press

The issue contains scientific articles in the following rubrics: “Onomastics”, “Linguistics”, “Studies of literature”, “Culturology”.

The issue 1 (5) for 2016 came out of the press

The issue contains scientific articles in the following rubrics: “Linguistics”, “Studies of literature”, “Methods and methodology”.