Tambov University Review.
Series Politics and Law


Journal “Tambov University Review. Series: Politics and Law” is scholarly and applied journal of broad profile. It is published since 2015. The journal is established by Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin, and it is subscription scientific periodicals. 4 issues come out in a year. The journal has the materials in relevant problems of humanitarian knowledge. The journal publishes articles prepared by lecturers and employees of Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin or in cooperation with them. The articles for the publication are presented by the members of editorial board or by the Editor of the journal, who are responsible for their contents, scientific value and novelty. The articles are also received from scientists from different scientific and educational institutions of Russia and foreign countries. The journal is registered also in International center ISSN in Paris that provides the information about it in certain international report issues.


1. Preparation of the article to publication

Document set should be sent by mail as registered letter (not as value letter) by address:, 33 Internatsionalnaya St, Tambov, Russia, 392000, Editorial of Journal “Tambov University Review. Series: Social sciences” to Ilyina I.V. The authors living in Tambov can personally bring the article in editorial of the journal. (190g Sovetskaya St., Tambov). Along with printed the electronic version is also given on CD as separate files (Ivanov-article.doc; Ivanov-abstract+keywords.doc; Ivanov-information about author.doc), the files can’t be sent by e-mail.

The paper should represent a ready original-maquette on one side of white paper in А4 format.

Surname, name, middle name of the author(s), name of the article, abstract of the article and key words, (5–6 key words or combinations of words reflecting the work’s theme and serve as key during search of certain information) in Russian and English languages are given in separate page or file. English variant should be identical to Russian.

On separate page or file the information about all authors is given (full surname, name and middle name) including title, scientific degree, position, place of work (full name), for post-graduate student and candidates for doctoral degree – name of speciality, postal address (with index for receiving journals according to subscription); phone numbers (with city code) and contact e-mail. The information about authors is given in Russian and English languages.


2.1. Structure of the article

In upper left corner of the page the UDC code , is placed which has to have detailed reflection of the article themes (find in scientific library of university or city).

Next in center of the page the name of the article is written in bold type (the first letter is capital letter), below in regular type – name and middle name (full), surname of the author(s), below – full name of organization with its legal address (affiliated data – author affiliation) in Russian and English languages, below the text of abstract in the Russian and English languages is written.

The abstract (150–200 words) must include the relevance and aim of the research, methods, main results (for example it is justified, it is disclosed, considered, analyzed, formed... etc.), conclusions. The abstract should reflect the content and main results of the article but not to be the introduction or conclusion of the article. Then the key words are given in the English and Russian languages (5–6 key words or word combinations, reflecting the paper theme and being the key to search the appropriate information). In a line the main text of the article is given.

The recommended structure of the article (without rubrication):

– introduction: where the problem is stated in general type and its connection with researches in this sphere and publications with references on the used literature (all borrowing must be right formalized);

– state the problem: formulation of aims and tasks of the considered topic;

– results: the basic material of research is given with the basement of the received scientific results;

– conclusion scientific novelty, theoretical and practical meaning the research and also prospects of further scientific researches in this direction;

list of literature (necessary);

– References (article bibiliography list in Roman alphabet (the Latin alphabet) – full translit of the sources and their translation into English)

– gratitude and references on numbers of grants.

The list of the literature should include 10 or more sources, reference on your own works - not more 20 % from general quantity of sources; list of literature should contain references on the modern sources published for the last 2-3 years (about 50 %), the foreign sources are acceptable.

At the end of the article should the note “Article is published for the first time.

Article is checked by system antiplagiat. Uniqueness of text is ...%” – then the date and sign of the author(s).

The author(s) is responsible for the mistakes and inaccuracies of scientific and fact nature.


2.2. Text of the article

The article should be typed in program Microsoft Word on one page of standard paper sheet - А4 with margins 4 cm from left side, 2 cm – from right side, top and bottom margins (not more than 30 lines on one page and 60 characters in a line together with inter-word intervals). 14-point Times New Roman font. Width adjustment. 1,5 line spacing. Paragraph indentation is – 0,7. Transfers are included. It is necessary to use printers of good quality. All pages with tables and pictures should be numbered (pages include tables, pictures, signs to pictures, list of literature). Type selections in the text of the article should as italics or semi-bold type.

The special attention is paid on check of articles in computer type and full accordance of file on disk and in printed variant!

Mismatch of received materials can be the base for reject of the article by Executive Editor.

The rejected articles are not returned to the authors.


2.3. Features of type of characters, numbers, formulas

Simple inter-line and one-line formulas can be typed without use of special programs – by symbols (the use of special symbols from the type Symbol can be allowed). Complex and multi-line formulas should be typed fully in Formula Editor Microsoft Word. Mixing of symbols from Text Editors with symbols from Formula Editor is not allowed.

It is necessary to simple the type of formulas, simple fractional expressions is necessary to type in one line using slash (/), extra characters of multiplication can be left in formulas. Only the formulas with references in text are numbered. All used letter indications and abbreviations should be decrypted.

Latin letters in mathematical formulas are typed in italics. Figures, numbers and fractions, mathematical symbols of type sin, Im, Re, lim, log, max, exp, zero, Greek letters, chemical symbols are typed in straight normal type.

Mathematical characters of actions and correlations are separated from adjacent symbols.

The centuries should be written as Roman figures (VIII–IX, XXI) in Russian language.


2.4. Illustrations

The graphics are made in graphic Editor Corel Draw or in any application of MS Office in grouped form. The graphs, graphics and photos are added in the text after the first reference but there must be inserted as object and metafile, to have the ability to editor it. In accompanying electronic version additionally every graphics, photo, graph etc. should be provided as separate filein the format .jpg, .tif, .cdr. It is allowed to place the illustrations, tables and formulas in whole width of the page. The name of the illustrations is given under them in center after the word Рicture. with a serial number. After this the dot isn’t needed. Between the sign to the picture and text is 1 interval.

The graphics, pictures should be clear, well-done (without additional rework).

The author is responsible for the article’s graphic materials (graphs, diagrams). During making process of journal they are not edited. The authors are responsible for the absence of mistakes in legend. The signage at axes of coordinates and in legend shouldn’t contain the abbreviations except common (for example, In Russian год – г.;метр – м., and etc.).

The size of one line graphics is no more than А4, all signs – type of one size. The explanations to the graphics are necessary to reduce in maximum, transferring them into signs. The whole details of the graphics at its reducing should be clear.

All illustrations should have references in the text.


2.5. Tables

The word Table with number is situated in the right side before the table. Next line contains the name of the table without dot at the end. The tables should be numbered. The main text should contain the references (for example, (table 1).

Tables should be used only for presenting the data that can’t be described in the text, which are placed near the paragraph where it is mentioned for the first time. Tables are usually printed in one column with width of 74 мм and in exceptional cases in two columns (width 160 mm). The words in tables should be written fully with considering of transfers. In table cell the dot isn’t allowed in the end of sentence. In decimals in Russian language the comma is put, but not the decimal point like in English language (for example: 5.62 %). (The quantity of characters after the comma for all numbers should be the same.


2.6. Article bibliographical lists of references

References on literature ARE NECESSARY for are scientific article. Indication of all references in the list is obligatory.

Bibliographical references in lists of literature are formed according ГОСТ Р 7.0.5-2008 “Bibliographical reference. General requirements and rules of composition” and given in the order of the sources cited in round brackets. Bibliographical references are given after tags in round brackets with pointing number of tag and page, for example, [1, p. 25] or [3-10].

Automatic footnotes (per page or end) are not allowed!

The author is responsible for accuracy of given data, references and names of books and other sources in the article. After the reading of the text of the article and check of the references the author on the last page writes: “The article is proofread. The references are checked. [Date. Signature.]”.

The editorial board asks the authors about the following thing if you have the information that the article or monograph which you refer is published in Russian language but also has English version (for example the journal is translated for English or the monograph was translated from English, please give references in Russian language for English reference with the same number.

The references on unpublished works or give to publication works are not allowed.

It is necessary to watch for the right arrangement of dotes and commas. Do not forget about the dotes in the end of lines in bibliography. It is not necessary to type dash between points of bibliography, names of publishing houses, general quantity of book pages. If the pages are noted than after letter C. (Russian) – dot and space. If the name is in English language – P. is written, in German language – S. Surnames and initials of the authors are given in italics.

The examples of literature registration:


1. Грызулина А.П. Обучение чтению научно-популярной литературы на английском языке. М.: Высшая школа, 1978. 119 с.

2. Ковшиков В.А., Глухов В.П. Психолингвистика: теория речевой деятельности: монография. Москва; Тверь, 2006.

Article from the journal:

1. Березнов С.В. Верования и обряды амурских эвенков // Вестник Тамбовского университета. Серия Гуманитарные науки. Тамбов, 2016. Т. 21. Вып. 2 (154). С. 10-14.

2. Бурак В.К. Активность и самостоятельность учащихся в познавательной деятельности // Педагогика. 2007. № 8. С. 71-78.

3. Dummett M. Wittgenstein’s Philosophy of Mathematics // The Philosophical Review. 1959. Vol. 68. P. 324-348.


1. Экономика и политика России и государств ближнего зарубежья: аналит. обзор, апр. 2007 / Рос. акад. наук, Ин-т мировой экономики и междунар. отношений; под ред. А.Е. Марона. М., 2007. С. 3-39.

2. Поляков О.Г. Некоторые вопросы разработки основных образовательных программ подготовки учителей и преподавателей иностранных языков в контексте реализации новых образовательных стандартов // Профессионально-личностное развитие преподавателя и студента: традиции, проблемы, перспективы: материалы 3 научно-практической конференции. Тамбов: Изд-во ТРОО Бизнес-Наука-Общество, 2015. С. 190-193.

3. Карабущенко П.Л. Элитология – наука о творчестве, культуре и философии элит // Современная российская элита: сборник статей. М.: Наука, 2008. С. 35-40.

Normative documents:

1. Федеральная целевая программа «Уничтожение запасов химического оружия в Российской Федерации»: утв. постановлением Правительства Рос. Федерации от 21 марта 1996 г. № 305: в ред. постановления Правительства Рос. Федерации от 24 окт. 2005 г. № 639 // Собр. законодательства Рос. Федерации. 2005. № 44, ст. 4563. С. 12763-12793.

2. О внесении изменений в статью 30 закона Тамбовской области «О государственной службе Тамбовской области»: закон Тамб. обл. от 19 мая 2006 г. № 721-ОЗ: принят Собр. депутатов Тамб. обл. думы 12 мая 2006 г. // Тамбовская жизнь. 2006. 24 мая.

3. Об индивидуальной помощи в получении образования: (О содействии образованию): федер. закон Федератив. Респ. Германия от 1 апр. 2001 г. // Образовательное законодательство зарубежных стран. М., 2003. T. 3. С. 422-464.

Electronic resources:

Don’t put a lot of internet-sources as the necessary data can be available on web-site temporally. It is required to give references according the rules of bibliographic registration of scientific articles.

Don’t forget to remove hyperlinks (“click left bottom of the mouse on hyperlink – hyperlink – delete”):

1. Королев С.В. Клубная деятельность как одно из средств группового сопровождения воспитанников. URL: http://pandia.ru/text/78/461/ 22637.php (дата обращения: 06.05.2016).

2. Российская книжная палата: [сайт]. URL: http://www.bookchamber.ru (дата обращения: 16.11.2015).

3. Список документов «Информационно-справочной системы архивной отрасли» (ИССАО) и ее приложения – «Информационной системы архивистов России» (ИСАР) // Консалтинговая группа «Термика»: [сайт]. URL: http://www.termika.ru/ spisok24.html (дата обращения: 16.03.2009).

4. Статистические показатели российского книгоиздания в 2006 г.: цифры и рейтинги. URL: http://bookchamber.ru/stat_2006.htm (дата обращения: 16.03.2009).

5. Ванюшин И.В. Методика измерения характеристики преобразования АЦП // Исследовано в России: электрон. многопредм. науч. журн. 2000. [Т. 3]. С. 263–272. URL: http://zhurnal.ape.relarn.ru/articles/ 2000 /019.pdf (дата обращения: 06.05.2006).

6. О концепции Федеральной целевой программы развития образования на 2011–2015 гг.: распоряжение Правительства РФ от 7.02.2011 г. № 163-р. Доступ из справочно-правовой системы «Гарант».

7. О жилищных правах научных работников [Электронный ресурс]: постановление ВЦИК, СНК РСФСР от 20 авг. 1933 г. (с изм. и доп., внесенными постановлениями ВЦИК, СНК РСФСР от 1 нояб. 1934 г., от 24 июня 1938 г.). Доступ из справ.-правовой системы «КонсультантПлюс».

8. Энциклопедия животных Кирилла и Мефодия. М.: Кирил и Мефодий: New media generation, 2006. 1 электрон. опт. диск (DVD-ROM).

Archive documents:

1. ГАТО (Гос. арх. Тамбовской области). Ф. 1. Оп. 19. Ед. хр. 8.

2. Дело об изменении Устава и штата Государственной Публичной библиотеки // РГИА. Ф. 733. Оп. 15. Ед. хр. 784. Л. 1-15.

3. РГАДА. Ф. 210 (Разрядный приказ. Разрядные вязки. Вязка 1. Ч. 1). № 10. Л. 1-64.

4. Боднарский Б.С. Письма Б.С. Боднарского Д.Д. Шамраю, 1950-е гг. // ОР РНБ. Ф. 1105 (Д.Д. Шамрай). Ед. хр. 258. Л. 1-27.


If the dictionaries have general reductions than they can be used in the text and in bibliography the reduction and full name are used: [ЭССЯ] – Этимологический словарь славянских языков. Праславянский лексический фонд / под ред. О.Н. Трубачева. М., 1974. Вып. 1.

If the specific volumes of books are used than they are specified: Словарь современного русского литературного языка / отв. ред. Ф.П. Сороколетов, Ф.Ф. Филин: в 17 т. М., 1950–1965. Т. 5.

Hyperlink on specific article in dictionary: Федорова Л.Г. Цитата // Литературная энциклопедия терминов и понятий. М., 2001. С. 507.


1. Варыгин А.Н. Преступность сотрудников органов внутренних дел и проблемы воздействия на нее: автореф. дис. … д-ра юрид. наук. Саратов, 2003.

2. Петрова Н.Р. Учебник как средство организации и управления: автореф. дис. … канд. пед. наук. М., 1995.

The article can have the references of theses of dissertation works, but not the exact dissertations, as they are manuscripts.


2.7. Units of measure, symbols

All the measures of physical units should be given according to International System of Units (SI). Units of measure are spaced from symbols and numbers to which they belong.

Graphs, diagrams, schemes, drawings, illustrations, placed publications must be made according to the requirements of state standards of Unified Design Documentation System. (UDDS)


3. Order of review and publication of scientific articles

The authors bring articles according to the rules for the authors, established by the editorial of the journal. The article must be signed by the author(s). The paper brought at the editorial is fixed by the data of reception and the author is informed about it by e-mail vestnik@tsu.tmb.ru

If the formal requirements are not fulfilled then the article is not received “according to formal features” and the author is informed about it. The editorial has the right to reject articles in case the author is unable or cannot follow the rules. The editorial does not discuss the content of the articles, the methods of writing and formalizing and does not reach the necessary scientific-methodic level.

All the articles are reviewed. After checking them to prevent plagiarism, the editorial sends the article to two reviewers, one of which is a member of the editorial board of the journal according to scientific direction. Both reviewers must have publications on the main theme of the article.

The reviewers during the month make conclusion about the possibility of the publishing of the article, the need of its reworking or refusal. The reviewer estimates the accordance of the article to the scientific profile of the journal, its relevance, innovation, theoretical and (or) practical significance, the conclusions, accordance to the established rules of registration.

The reviewers are not allowed to make copies of the papers for their own needs and give a part of the paper for reviewing to the other person without allowance of the editorial.

The copies of the reviews with the motivated conclusion about the article are presented to the author(s) by e-mail. Reviewing is held confidentially, has a closed character, the review is presented to the author of the paper without pointing the surname, post, place of work and sign of the reviewer.

In the case of positive conclusion of the reviewers the editor-in-chief of the journal defines the order of the publications, depending on themes of the issue of the journal, and also taking into consideration the period of receiving the paper by the editorial.

In case the paper is given back for reworking, the author may present article again with the covering letter – the answer to the reviewer about the changes made for second reviewing.

The papers being reviewed are not given back. The materials, which had negative review are not published and are not given back. The editorial does not hold the papers which are not received for the publication.

The original of the reviews during 5 years is kept in the editorial of the journal and are presented by the demands of the expert council of Higher Attestation Commission (HAC) of the Ministry of Education and Science.

The thematic plan of the journal is formed for four – five months. In the case of approval of the articles by the reviewers, the articles, send by the initiative of the authors are published in the order of receiving them and taking into account the themes of the issue. The editorial is not responsible for the time of the publication. The priority is given to the articles of the authors, who are the subscribers of the journal.

The articles of the editorial board members have priority rule for publication of one article per year are discussed at the editorial board session.

The articles devoted the most relevant problems of science and containing new information can be published out of turn by the decision of the editorial board.

The authors of the publication, received in publishing, have to conclude a treaty.

Besides, according to the Federal Law from 27.07.2006 № 152-ФЗ “About personal data” the authors agree to FSBEI HE “Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin” for working, including collection, systematization, accumulation, keeping, specification (renewal, change), use and abolishment of the personal data. This agreement is given by the author for uncertain period of time and may be stopped by sending the paper variant of letter.

One of the requirements of Higher Attestation Commission – including the publication to the system of Russian index of scientific citing that is connected with the replacement of the materials of the articles in free access on the Internet. Giving materials to the editorial of the journal “Tambov University Review”, the author agrees for replacement of his materials in free access on the Internet.


4. Proofs and reprints

The correction is not given to the author. The editorial office has the right to make the necessary change and reductions. After the publication the author can be given the reprint of his article.

5. Author’s rights

The publication of the article will mean appointment Copyright © to its author(s), however they can’t claim for the payment fee. The authors give to the Publishing House of the journal – The authors give to the Publishing House of the journal – Tambov University named after G.R. Derzhavin – the author’s rights on publications in printed edition and in Internet. But the authors can use the materials in their next publications considering that the reference will be made on the journal.

Full-size network versions of the issues of scientific journal “Tambov University Review. Series: Politics and Law” can be found in free access in Scientific Electronic Library www.elibrary.ru, annotations of the articles are presented on the site of the journal: http://vestnik.tsutmb.ru/eng/, http://vestnik.tsutmb.ru/rus/