The procedure for sending articles
Rules for reviewing manuscripts
“Tambov Medical Journal” is a scientific-practical journal that publishes articles on traumatology, orthopedics, public health and healthcare, on theory and methods of physical training, wellness and adaptive physical education.
Until 2022 the journal’s title was "Medicine and Physical Education: Science and Practice" (ISSN 2658-7688)
The journal is registered by the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technologies and Mass Communications (Roskomnadzor). Register entry of October 19, 2018 serial ПИ no. ФС77-74080
Frequency — 4 issues per year.
The language of publications — Russian, English, German, French, Chinese.
The journal is published in printed form. The territory of distribution of the journal: the Russian Federation and foreign countries.
The journal is published at the expense of the publisher. All publications in the journal are free of charge. All publications in electronic form are distributed free of charge.
The work submitted to the journal must be complete scientific research and contain new scientific results that have not been published anywhere before and have not been submitted for publication in other periodicals (scientific articles, scientific reviews, reviews, etc.).
In case of duplicate submission of articles, the editor refers to the flowcharts of the Committee on Publishing Ethics (COPE).
At all stages of working with manuscripts and for communicating with authors, editors and reviewers, editorial use e-mail, so authors should be careful when specifying their e-mail address and have to notify the editorial board of its change.
If there are several works of the same author in the editorial portfolio, only one work can be published in the current issue (at the choice of the editorial board), the second one — in the next issue, etc. In exceptional cases, the editorial board may decide to publish no more than two works by the same author.
The manuscript is sent via e-mail to the editorial board to Executive Editor Sergey A. Emelyanov Via this e-mail you can receive additional information on the submission and consideration of manuscripts.
To send your manuscript you need to prepare:
SURNAME, first name, and patronymic
Academic degree
Academic title
Place of work (full name of the organizations to which the author is assigned, departmental affiliation; postal address of the organization with indication of the city, country)
Postal service address (with an index for the delivery of journal numbers according to the subscription)
ORCID, E-mail of each author
Office phone number (with area code)
For postgraduates and doctoral students – the name of the specialty
It is also necessary to specify the author responsible for correspondence with the editorial board, and his e-mail address. A pdf-file of the published article is sent to the authors' email address free of charge.
The manuscript received by the editorial board is fixed by the date of receipt, the editorial board informs the author about it by e-mail.
The article without fulfilled formal requirements is not accepted for publication “due to formal defects”, and the author is informed about it. The editorial reserves the right to reject articles if the author is unable or unwilling to consider editorial suggestions.
The compliance of the received manuscript with the publication ethics of the journal is obligatory for the publication. All submitted manuscripts are checked by the “Antiplagiat” system. Plagiarism is not allowed. If the editorial identifies research misconduct, it acts following the COPE guidelines.
When preparing a manuscript, authors should follow the Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE).
You cannot send to the editorial works published or previously sent for publication in other periodicals.
When submitting a manuscript, authors are responsible for disclosing their financial and other conflicting interests that may affect their work.
If there are sponsors, authors should indicate their role in determining the structure of the study, collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data, and deciding to publish the results.
Informed consent
It is forbidden to publish any information that makes it possible to identify the patient (indicate his name, initials, numbers of medical records in photographs, when writing descriptions and pedigrees), except in cases where it is of great scientific value and the patient (his parents or guardians) has given informed written consent to this. Receiving consent should be reported in the published article.
Human and animal rights
If the article contains a description of human experiments, please indicate whether they met the ethical standards of the Committee on Human Experiments (part of the institution where the work was performed, or regional) or the Helsinki Declaration.
When describing experiments on animals, you should indicate whether the content and use of laboratory animals were in accordance with the rules adopted in the institution, the recommendations of the national research council, and national laws.
The recommended volume of the text of a scientific article is 6–15 journal pages, a short message – 3–5 journal pages.
Format of the manuscript text:
The title page of the article in Russian and English contains:
If you do not have an ORCID record, you must get it by registering on the site ORCID is a register of unique identifiers of scientists and at the same time an appropriate method that links research activities with these identifiers. This is one of the best ways to identify the scientist, especially in situations with a complete match of the authors' full names.
The abstract in Russian and English with a volume of 150-200 words should be structured: Introduction, Aims and Tasks, Materials and Methods, Results/Discussion, and Conclusions.
The abstract of the article is the main source of information in information systems and databases that index the journal.
Keywords are the characterization of the issues in the article (5–8 words (phrases)), define the subject area, and include other important concepts that will facilitate and expand the possibilities of finding the article by means of an information search engine.
The text of the article. The original article usually has the following composition: introduction, aims and objectives, materials and methods, results, discussion, conclusion. In large articles, the “Results” and “Discussion” sections can have subsections.
The “Introduction” section contains information about the relevance of the study issue, arguments about the need for research, and its aim.
The “Materials and Methods” section describes the originality and type of the study, its planning, control of systematic errors, the scale and duration of the study, the approach to the recruitment of study participants, the criteria for their inclusion and exclusion, which interventions were evaluated and with what were compared, which outcomes were measured and how, etc. References to generally accepted methods are given, and original methods are briefly described. All medications and chemicals used, dosages, and methods of administration are indicated.
The description of the statistical analysis procedure is an integral component of the “Materials and Methods” section. It is necessary to provide a complete list of all used statistical methods of analysis and criteria for testing hypotheses. The critical significance level “p” accepted in this study must be indicated. In each specific case, the actual value of the achieved significance level “p” for the statistical criterion used is indicated. It is necessary to define all the statistical terms, abbreviations, and symbolic symbols used. If the data analysis was performed using a statistical software package, then you must specify the name of this package, its version, and license number.
In the “Results” section in the text, tables, and illustrations, the results of the study are presented in a logical sequence. It is necessary to avoid duplication of the same results in the text of the article and in the graphic material (tables, diagrams).
In the “Discussion” section the authors should highlight new and most important aspects of the research, discuss the areas of possible application of the obtained results and their limitations. The original results are correlated with other studies in the same field. It is important to follow the results obtained for the purpose of the study, it is necessary to avoid unsubstantiated conclusions that do not fully follow from the obtained results. The discussion may include well-founded recommendations and a brief conclusion.
Tables are given in the text. The table name is aligned to the center of the page, and the table number is aligned to the right edge of the page. All figures in the table must correspond to those given in the text and must be processed statistically. Abbreviations of words in tables are not allowed.
Signatures and all text data must be sent in Russian and English!
Illustrations. Figures, graphs, diagrams, and photos are both in text and as separate files in one of the standard graphic vector or raster formats: SVG, EPS, TIFF, GIF, PNG, etc., and they need to be inserted as an object or as a metafile. Bitmaps should preferably be made with a resolution of 600 DPI, and should have a caption containing the illustration number. The captions to the graphs indicate the designations on the abscissa and ordinate axes and the units of measurement and provide explanations for each curve. The captions to the microphotographs indicate the method of coloring and magnification.
Figures should be numbered sequentially, in accordance with the order in which they are first mentioned in the text. The figures should not repeat the materials of the tables. It is not allowed to use images that are protected by copyright. It is not allowed to reuse images without specifying the source of the image.
The author is responsible for the design of the graphic materials available in the article (graphs, diagrams). They are not edited by the editorial. The authors are responsible for the absence of grammatical errors in the legend. In inscriptions on the coordinate axes and in symbols there should be no abbreviations of words other than authorized ones.
All illustrations should be referenced in the text.
Captions to drawings, notes, and symbols in the drawing must be sent in Russian and English!
Abbreviations. It is necessary to limit ourselves to the authorized abbreviations, avoiding new ones without sufficient reason. Abbreviations are deciphered when the terms are first used and remain unchanged throughout the text. Abbreviations and abbreviations in tables and diagrams are explained in the note.
References. Bibliographic references should be checked against the originals and given under the heading “References” after the main text of the article in the order of citation. In the text, links are numbered in square brackets: [1], [3-6], [8; 9]. Each link in the list starts with a new row (column). Authors should use at least 10 literary sources of the last 5 years, reference to their own works-no more than 25 % of the total number of sources, self-citation of the journal-no more than 25 % of the total number of references; foreign sources are desirable.
According to the requirements of such international citation systems as Web of Science and Scopus, the references should be submitted in Russian and English. The author(s) are responsible for the accuracy of the data provided in the list of references.
The list of references does not include unpublished works, textbooks, textbooks, dissertations, and normative documents.
Information about the authors. After the references, in the order determined by the joint decision of the authors, the full surname, first name, patronymic of all authors must be indicated; the position, full name of the organization – the place of work of each author in the nominative case, the contribution to the article (the concept and design of the study; collection and processing of the material; statistical data processing; writing the text; editing), corresponding author with postal address, e-mail, and phone number. The information is duplicated in English.
Acknowledgements. Information about the sources of funding, persons who have made a contribution to the work that is not sufficient for recognition of authorship (who do not accept responsibility for the content of the work, but have provided technical, financial, and intellectual assistance) should be listed (with their written consent) in the “Acknowledgements” section after the text of the article.
All materials submitted to the editorial are subject to a preliminary examination by the members of the editorial board and a double-blind review procedure.
In case of a positive decision, the editorial board of the journal determines two reviewers in accordance with the specialty of the submitted work.
Reviewers are recognized experts on the subject of peer-reviewed materials who have published on the subject of the reviewed article in the last 3 years.
The editorial of the journal registers and keeps reviews for at least 5 years. The editorial of “Tambov Medical Journal” provides manuscript reviews at the request of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation.
The article is sent to reviewers without names and coordinates of the authors, in the so-called "blind" version, which excludes subjective evaluation. Reviewers are notified that the manuscripts sent to them are the intellectual property of the authors and relate to information that is not subject to disclosure. Reviewers are not allowed to make copies for their own needs. Violation of confidentiality is possible only in the case of claims of unreliability or falsification of materials.
The review period is 3 weeks. This period is controlled by the editorial and can be extended at the request of the reviewer.
Based on the results of the review, the article can be accepted for publication, returned to the author for revision, or rejected.
The editorial board sends to the authors the copies of the reviews or a reasoned refusal without reviewers' names.
When receiving a negative review, the editorial board sends the author comments, questions from reviewers with a proposal to finalize the article or to refute the editorial board's opinion in a reasoned way (partially or completely).
If the article is returned to the authors for revision and correction, according to the reviewers' feedback, the article must be returned to the editorial office within 2 months in the form of a revised and corrected version.
The results of the review are discussed at the editorial board meetings, where the final decision on the publication of the work is made.
If the author and the reviewer have unsolvable contradictions regarding the manuscript, the editorial board has the right to send it to another reviewer. In conflict situations, the final decision on publication is made by the editor-in-chief.
Not allowed for publication:
The authors transfer to the editorial of the journal – Derzhavin Tambov State University – the right to publish in the printed edition and on the network resource on the Internet. At the same time, the authors have the right to use all the materials in their subsequent publications with a reference.
The full-text version of the published articles is in free access in the Scientific Electronic Library
Full information about the journal is available on the website
The journal provides direct open access to its content from the date of publication, based on the following principle: free open access to research results contributes to the global exchange of knowledge.
All content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author in accordance with the BOAI definition of open access.
All the materials of the journal are available under a Creative Commons “Attribution” 4.0 license.
Editorial address: 33 Internatsionalnaya St., Tambov 392000, Russian Federation
Articles acceptance: 93 Sovetskaya St., Tambov 392000, Russian Federation
Executive Editor of the Journal – Sergey A. Emelyanov
Phone: 8 (47541) 4-38-82