Tambov University Reports.
Series Natural and Technical Sciences




Journal “Tambov University Reports. Series Natural and Technical Sciences” is a scientific-theoretical journal, where articles on mathematics and its applications with new mathematical results and reviews highlighting modern condition of current problems of mathematics are published. Main aims of the journal are: operative publishing of new original mathematical results, that have theoretical and applied meaning; informing about the directions of investigation in different fields of mathematics, about modern mathematical problems; development assistance of applications of mathematical methods and results.

It is published since June, 1996.

The establisher, publisher, editorial of the journal is FSBEI of HE “Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin” (Tambov, Russian Federation).

The journal is registered by the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media (Roskomnadzor). The certificate of registration of mass media ПИ № ФС77-70572 of August 3, 2017.

ISSN 1810-0198.

The journal is a member of the partnership: CrossRef, “Committee on the Ethics of Scientific Publications” and the professional community “Association of science editors and publishers (ASEP)”.

Indexed in CrossRef. DOI: 10.20310/1810-0198.

4 issues come out in a year.

Edition is 1000 copies.

Journal is added in the catalogue of Stock company Agency “Rospechat”, subscription index 83372.

Distribution territory of the journal: Russian Federation and foreign countries. The journal is distributed through subscription, at conferences, exhibitions, in the editorial office and partner universities.

General instruction on formation and publishing the scientific journal is implemented by the editorial board with the editor-in-chief. Editor-in-chief of the journal – Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor, Director of Research Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics of Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin Evgeny Semenovich Zhukovskiy.

Themes of the journal. Journal publishes the articles dedicated to different directions and fields of mathematics, its application. The works of three main types are published:

•    reviewed scientific articles showing modern condition of investigations on some mathematical direction;

•    original scientific articles describing results of investigation of the specific mathematical problems and including absolute proofs of results received by the author;

•    short messages with the results of investigation of specific mathematical problems including accurate formulation without completed proofs.

The journal also publishes the proceedings of mathematical conferences organized by the university, reviews, personalia and informational materials about mathematical life of the university.

The authors of the journal are Russian and foreign scientists. Editorial accepts manuscripts in Russian. According to the decision of the editorial board it is possible to publish article in English. Manuscripts should be prepared on computer using publishing system TEX and template of the article (template of the article, short messages in Russian; template of the article, short messages in English).

All received articles by the editorial must be reviewed. The journal makes double blind peer-review of the received manuscripts. The reviewer gets the manuscript for reviewing without the author's surname. The author does not know the reviewer's surname. It is possible to get acquainted with the requirements to the arrangement of the materials in the sections “Rules of scientific articles sending, reviewing and publishing” and “Rules for authors”.  

Publications in journal are made on non-commercial basis. The editorial does not take payment from the authors for preparation, placement and printing of materials. 

The journal is for a wide range of specialists in mathematics and also for scientific workers and students who use mathematics methods in natural science, technics, economy and humanities.

The journal is included in the List of the reviewed scientific journals and issues, recommended by Higher Attestation Commission (HAC) – group of scientific specialties on the Nomenclature of HAC: 01.01.00 – mathematics.

Full-text network versions of the issues of scientific journal “Tambov University Reports. Series Natural and Technical Sciences”, abstracts and keywords for all scientific articles and reviews can be found in open access on Russian and English languages at platforms of Scientific Electronic Library and "CyberLeninka" and on the journal website http://journals.tsutmb.ru/series-natural-and-technical-about.html (in Russian), http://journals.tsutmb.ru/nature-eng.html (in English) in the section "Archive", 

The journal is included in the one of the biggest international bibliographic databases “Ulrich's Periodicals Directory” of American Publisher Bowker. It provides information about serial (periodical and continued) published issues (popular and academic journals) on all thematic directions of life's activity. The journal is also included in Zentralblatt MATH (“Central Journal on Mathematics”) – reviewing mathematical journal established by the Publisher “Springer” and electronic database “ZBMATH – The database Zentralblatt MATH”; in database of Russian index of scientific citation, in Reviewing journal and Databases of VINITI and is included in the International database of Scientific Literature SciLIT.


Legal address of the journal editorial: 33, Internatsionalnaya St., Tambov 392000

Location address of the journal editorial: 190g, Sovetskaya St., Tambov 392008

Telephone: 8 (4752) 72-34-34 add. 0440, 0442

http://journals.tsutmb.ru/series-natural-and-technical-about.html (In Russian)

http://journals.tsutmb.ru/series-natural-and-technical-about-eng.html (In English)

e-mail: vestnik1@tsu.tmb.ruilina@tsutmb.ru.


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