Tambov University Reports.
Series Natural and Technical Sciences


1. The order of articles’ direction

1.1. The authors give articles, prepared for the publication according to the Rules for authors, established by the editorial board of the journal "Tambov University Reports. SeriesNatural and Technical Sciences". The manuscript is sent via mail to the editorial board Zhukovskiy Evgeny Semenovich zhukovskys@mail.ru or to the editorial vestnik1@tsu.tmb.ru; ilina@tsutmb.ru. Via these e-mail addresses and editorial telephones 8 (4752) 72-34-34 add. 0440, 0442 you can get additional information about sending and reviewing the manuscripts

1.2.  At a separate piece of paper and as a separate file there is the information about the authors of the article (surname, name and patronymic in full), with marking their rank, scientific degree, post, place of work (full name of organization, to which the author belongs to, but not the abbreviation, post address of the organization with marking the city, country, e-mail address of the author or authors, ORCID), for post-graduates and doctor’s candidates – the name of the speciality, post address (with the index for delivery of the issues according to subscription); contact telephone numbers (with city code) and contact address of e-mail. It is necessary to mark the author who is responsible for corresponding with the editorial and address of his or her e-mail.

The information about the authors is presented in Russian and English.

1.3. The received manuscript in the editorial office is marked with the date of receiving and the editorial informs the author about this by e-mail vestnik1@tsu.tmb.ru, ilina@tsutmb.ru

1.4. The executive editor looks through the manuscript in accordance with the thematics of the journal and maintenance to the formal requirements. 

If the formal requirements for the materials of publication are not fulfilled, the article is not accepted by the editorial according to “formal requirements” and the author is informed about it. The editorial has the right to reject the articles in case the author cannot or does not want to follow the rules of the editorial.

The editorial does not discuss the content of scientific articles, the methods of writing and execution and does not bring up the articles to the adequate scientific-methodic level. The journal does not provide services requiring payment.

1.5. The maintenance to the publication ethics of the journal is obligatory for publishing in the journal. All the received manuscripts are checked in the system “Antiplagiat”. Plagiarism is not allowed. In case of multiple derivations the editorial will act in accordance with the rules of COPE.


2. The order of articles’ review

2.1. The editorial necessarily conducts double blind peer-review as the according to the standards of publication ethics. After checking for plagiarism the editorial sends the article to two reviewers - members of the editorial board of the journal in the appropriate scientific direction.

All received to the journal manuscripts on the appropriate subject for the purpose of their expert evaluation are reviewed. All reviewers are recognized experts on the subject of peer-reviewed materials and have publications on the subject of the reviewed article within the last 3 years.

2.2. The reviewers during the month make conclusion about the possibility of the publishing of the article, the need of its reworking or refusal. The reviewer estimates the accordance of the article to the scientific profile of the journal, its relevance, innovation, theoretical and (or) practical significance, the conclusions, accordance to the established rules of registration for the purpose of their expert evaluation.

The reviewers are not allowed to make copies of the manuscripts for their own needs and give a part of the manuscript for reviewing to the other person without allowance of the editorial.

2.3. The copies of the reviews with the motivated conclusion about the article are presented to the author(s) by e-mail. Reviewing is held confidentially, the review is presented to the author of the manuscript without pointing the surname, post, place of work and sign of the reviewer.

In case of positive decision of the reviewers, the editorial board of the journal defines the order of the publications, depending on themes of the issue of the journal, and also taking into consideration the period of receiving the manuscripts by the editorial.

In case the manuscript is given back for reworking, the author may present article again with the covering letter – the answer to the reviewer about the changes made for second reviewing. The date of receiving is the date of returning of the reworked article.

The materials, which had negative review are not published and are not given back, the author receives motivated refusal. The manuscripts being reviewed are not given back. The editorial does not hold the manuscripts which are not received for the publication. 

The original versions of reviews are kept for 5 years at the editorial

2.4. The editorial of the journal sends to the authors of received manuscripts copies of reviews or motivated refusal, the editorial must present copies of reviews to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation by the appropriate request.

2.5. In case of a conflict of interests between the parts involved in the review process, due to joint participation in financial, service, scientific or other activities, the author should explain all the possible nuances affecting someone's interests to the editor-in-chief. Personal interests should not take place when deciding on the submitted publication.

If the publication of the article has resulted in a violation of author's rights or generally accepted standards of scientific ethics, the editorial board has the right to withdraw the published article.


3. The order of articles’ publication

3.1. In case of approval by the reviewers, the articles, send by the initiative of the authors are published in the order of receiving them and taking into account the themes of the issue. The editorial is not responsible for the time of the publication. The priority is given to the articles of the authors, who are the subscribers of the journal.

You can subscribe to the journal in the editorial and also by mail (subscription index of the journal “Tambov University ReportsSeriesNatural and Technical Sciences” in the catalogue of Stock company Agency “Rospechat” – 83372).

The final decision about publication is taken by editorial board. After the editorial board makes decision about the acceptance of the article the editorial informs the author about the approximate time of publication and places information on the website of the journal in the section "News".

The articles of the members of the editorial board having the priority in publication in the journal of one article in a year are discussed at the editorial board session.

The works devoted to the most relevant problems of science and containing new information may be published out of turn, according to the decision of the editorial board.

3.2. After the publication the author gets the reprint of his article from the editorial.

The publication of the article means Copyright © for the author(s), but they cannot get the fee for it. The authors give the publishing house – FSBEI of HE "Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin" the permission for the use of the transferred materials in the journal in the following ways: publication, reproduction, distribution, bringing the work to the public by posting on the Internet, public display, as well as translation into foreign languages. The authors have the right to use all materials in their subsequent publications provided that it will be made a reference to the publication in the journal "Tambov University Reports. SeriesNatural and Technical Sciences".

3.3. The authors of the manuscript accepted to publish have to conclude a publishing agreement. The text of the publishing agreement can be found on the website of the journal in the section "Guide for authors".

Besides, according to the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 no. 152-ФЗ “About personal data” the authors agree to FSBEI of HE “Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin” for working, including collection, systematization, accumulation, keeping, specification (renewal, change), use and abolishment of the personal data. This agreement is given by the author for an uncertain period of time and may be stopped by sending the paper variant of letter.

One of the requirements of Higher Attestation Commission – including the publication to the system of Russian index of scientific citing that is connected with the replacement of the materials of the articles in open access on the Internet. Giving materials to the editorial of the journal “Tambov University Reports. SeriesNatural and Technical Sciences”, the author agrees for replacement of his materials in free access on the Internet.

3.4. Full-text network versions of the issues of scientific journal “Tambov University Reports. SeriesNatural and Technical Sciences”, abstracts and keywords for all scientific articles and reviews can be found in free access on Russian and English languages on the journal website (section "Archive"), on the website of Scientific Electronic Library and at platform of Scientific Electronic Library "CyberLeninka". 


These Rules of scientific articles sending,
reviewing and publishing in the journal "Tambov University Reports. SeriesNatural and Technical Sciences"
were discussed, confirmed and approved at the editorial board meeting
of April 16, 2018.