Tambov University Reports.
Series Natural and Technical Sciences


 1. Basic requirements

1.1. Journal “Tambov University Reports. Series Natural and Technical Sciences” is a scientific-theoretical journal, where articles on mathematics and its applications with new mathematical results and reviews highlighting modern condition of current problems of mathematics are published.

1.2. Main aims of the reviewing scientific journal are: operative publishing of new original mathematical results, that have theoretical and applied meaning; informing about the directions of investigation in different fields of mathematics, about modern mathematical problems; development assistance of applications of mathematical methods and results.

1.3.  It is published since 1996.

1.4. The journal is registered by the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media (Roskomnadzor). The certificate of registration of mass media is ПИ № ФС77-70572 of August 3, 2017. From 2017 4 issues come out in a year; length of the issue is 100-120 pp.; language of the publications - Russian, English.

1.5. ISSN 1810-0198.

1.6. The journal is a member of the partnership: CrossRef, “Committee on the Ethics of Scientific Publications” and the professional community “Association of science editors and publishers”.

Indexed in CrossRef. DOI: 10.20310/1810-0198.

1.7. The journal is published in printed form. The printed version is distributed through Stock company Agency "Rospechat" by subscription (subscription index of the journal 83372), at conferences, exhibitions, through the editorial office, partner universities. Territory of distribution: Russian Federation and foreign countries.

1.8. Full-text network versions of the issues of scientific journal “Tambov University Reports. Series Natural and Technical Sciences”, abstracts and keywords for all scientific articles and reviews can be found in open access on Russian and English languages at platforms of Scientific Electronic Library (www.elibrary.ru/title_about.asp?id=25725) and "CyberLeninka"(https://cyberleninka.ru/journal/n/vestnik-tambovskogo-universiteta-seriya-estestvennye-i-tehnicheskie-nauki) and on the journal website http://journals.tsutmb.ru/series-natural-and-technical-about.html (in Russian), http://journals.tsutmb.ru/series-natural-and-technical-about-eng.html (in English) in the section "Archive", 

1.9. The journal is published at the expense of publishers. All publications in the journal are free. All publications in electronic form are distributed free of charge.

1.10. The journal is included in the List of the reviewed scientific journals and issues, recommended by Higher Attestation Commission (HAC) to publish the main scientific results of dissertations for the degree of candidate of sciences, for the degree of doctor of sciences – group of scientific specialties on the Nomenclature of HAC: 01.01.00 – mathematics.

 1.11. The journal is included in the one of the biggest international bibliographic databases “Ulrich's Periodicals Directory” of American Publisher Bowker. It provides information about serial (periodical and continued) published issues (popular and academic journals) on all thematic directions of life's activity. The journal is also included in Zentralblatt MATH (“Central Journal on Mathematics”) – reviewing mathematical journal established by the Publisher “Springer” and electronic database “ZBMATH – The database Zentralblatt MATH”; in database of Russian index of scientific citation, in Reviewing journal and Databases of VINITI, indexed in ERIH PLUS (European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences), and is included in the International database of Scientific Literature SciLIT.

1.12. The work submitted to the journal should be a completed research and contain new scientific results that have not been published anywhere before and are not presented for publication in other publications.

1.13. In case of detection of signs of multiply submission of articles, the editor refers to the flow charts of the Committee on Publishing Ethics (COPE).

1.14. At all stages of work with manuscripts and for communication with authors, editors and reviewers, e-mail is used, so authors should be careful when specifying their e-mail address and promptly notify the editorial board about its change.

1.15. If there are several works of one author in the editorial office only one work can be published in the current issue (at the choice of the editorial board), the second – in the next issue etc. In exceptional cases the editorial board may decide to publish no more than two works of one author.

1.16. These Rules for authors come into effect from the moment of their publication on the Internet on the website of the journal. In case of changes to the Rules, such changes come into effect from the moment of publication of the new version of the Rules on the website.

2. The order of articles’ direction

2.1. The authors give articles, prepared for the publication according to the Rules for authors, established by the editorial board of the journal "Tambov University Reports. SeriesNatural and Technical Sciences". The manuscript is sent via mail to the editorial board Zhukovskiy Evgeny Semenovich zhukovskys@mail.ru or to the editorial vestnik1@tsu.tmb.ru; ilina@tsutmb.ru. Via these e-mail addresses and editorial telephones 8 (4752) 72-34-34 add. 0440, 0442 you can get additional information about sending and reviewing the manuscripts

2.2. The received manuscript in the editorial office is marked with the date of receiving and the editorial informs the author about this by e-mail

2.3. If the formal requirements for the materials of publication are not fulfilled, so the article is not received by the editorial according to “formal requirements” and the author is informed about it. The editorial has the right to reject the articles in case the author does not follow the rules of the editorial.

2.4. The maintenance to the publication ethics of the journal is obligatory for publishing in the journal. All the received manuscripts are checked in the system “Antiplagiat”. Plagiarism is not allowed. In case of multiple borrowings the editorial will act in accordance with the rules of COPE.


Preparation of the article to publication 

3. Basic requirements

3.1. The editorial board accepts manuscripts in Russian. By decision of the editorial board it is possible to publish the article in English. The article should be carefully verified. Pages of the manuscript, as well as tables, figures and figure captions should be numbered.

3.2. The editorial board does not require strict restrictions on the length of the article; the recommended length of a short message is 3-5 journal pages, articles – 6-15 journal pages, review article – 16-40 journal pages.

3.3. At a separate sheet of paper and as a separate file there is the information about the authors of the article (surname, name and patronymic in full), with marking their rank, scientific degree, post, place of work (full name of organization, to which the author belongs to, but not the abbreviation, post address of the organization with marking the city, country, e-mail address of the author or authors, ORCID), for post-graduates and doctor’s candidates – the name of the speciality, post address (with the index for delivery of the issues according to subscription); contacle telephone numbers (with city code) and contact address of e-mail. It is necessary to mark the author who is responsible for corresponding with the editorial and address of his or her e-mail.

The information about the authors is presented in Russian and English.


4. Structure of the article

4.1. The manuscript should be prepared on computer using publishing system TEX and template of the article (template of the articleshort messages in Russian; template of the articleshort messages in English).

4.2. Text of the article begins with the UDC index (on the left), followed by the TITLE of the article, the initials and surnames of the authors, the line below – the full name of the organization with its legal address in Russian (information about authors affiliation). The following is a brief abstract (150-200 words) and keywords (up to 15 words). The use of formulas in the abstract is undesirable. The abstract should not contain linksto the formulas and literature of the article. Information about financial support of the work (acknowledgements) is recommended to be indicated in the link on the first page of the article.

4.3. In the introduction it is necessary to reflect the relevance of the study, give references to the relevant literature. Bibliographic references in the articles are numbered in the order of their location in the text, in the review works – in alphabetical order.

4.4. The file of the manuscript written in Russian must also contain translation into English of the article TITLE, initials and surnames of the authors, information of author affiliation, abstract, keywords, information about the authors and references. Listed information in English is given after references.

The manuscript, prepared in English, should end with a translation into Russian of the TITLE of the article, initials and surnames of the authors, information about authors affiliation, abstract, keywords, information about the authors and references.

Bibliography references in the lists of references are arranged according to GOST Р 7.0.5-2008  “Bibliography reference. General requirements and rules of compiling” and are given in order of citation, for example [1, p. 25] or  [3–10].

The author is responsible for the accuracy of the presented data, citations and the right names of the books and other sources. 

The editorial board has the request to the author: if the article or monograph published in Russian you refer to has an English variant (for example, the journal is translated into English or monograph was translated from English), please, specify after the reference in Russia the reference in English with the same number.

The reference to the unpublished works  is not allowed.

The examples of arrangement of References:


  1. Борисович Ю.Г., Гельман Б.Д., Мышкис А.Д., Обуховский В.В. Введение в теорию многозначных отображений и дифференциальных включений. М.: Либроком, 2011. 226 с. 

  1. G´orniewicz L. Topological Fixed Point Theory of Multivalued Mappings. Berlin: Springer, 2006. 556 p. 

  1. Малашонок Г.И. Руководство по языку MATHPAR. Тамбов: Издательский дом ТГУ им. Г.Р. Державина, 2013. 

  1. Функциональный анализ / под общ. ред. С.Г. Крейна. М.: Наука, 1972. 544 с. 

Journal article: 

  1. Ланеев Е.Б., Муратов М.Н., Пономаренко Е.Ю. Об одной линейной обратной задаче потенциала в нечетно-периодической модели // Вестник Тамбовского университета. Серия Естественные и технические наукиТамбов, 2015. Т. 20. Вып5. С. 1249-1255. 

  1. Obukhovskii V., Kamenskii M., Kornev S., Liou Y.-COn asymptotics of solutions for a class of differential inclusions with a regular right-hand part // Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis. 2017. Vol. 18. № 5. P. 967-975. 

Proceedings of scientific conference: 

  1. Хворов С.А. Параллельный алгоритм обращения матрицы: результаты экспериментов // Компьютерная алгебра: материалы Междунарнаучконф. М., 2016. С. 63-65. 

  1. Tsykina S.V. Polynomial quantization on para-Hermitian symmetric spaces with pseudo-orthogonal group of translations // Idempotent and Tropical Mathematics and Problems of Mathematical Physics: International Workshop. Moscow, 2007. Vol. 2. P. 63-71. 

  1. Arutyunov A.V., Zhukovskiy S.E. Covering mappings and their applications // 2017 Constructive Nonsmooth Analysis and Related Topics (dedicated to the memory of V.F. Demyanov) (CNSA). Saint-Petersburg: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers2017. P. 15-19.  


  1. Андреев А.М., Можаров Г.П. Анализ основных параметров компьютерных систем методом спектральной теории графов // Наука и образование: междунарнаучинтернет-журн. М., 2011. № 10. С. 2-61. URL: http://www.technomag.edu.ru/doc/232774.html (дата обращения: 21.02.2018). 

  1. Math partner. URL: http://mathpar.cloud.unihub.ru (accessed: 16.10.2017) 

List of reference must include 10 and more sources, reference to the author’s own works should be not more than 25 % of the general amount of sources, reference to the journal - not more than 25 % of the general amount of sources; references must include links to modern perodicals, published for the last 5 years (not less than 50%), foreign references are preferred.

At the end of the article must be subscription “The article is published for the first time. Checked in the system antiplagiat. The uniqueness of the text is …%” – then date and author’s signature are placed.

The author (s) is responsible for the mistakes and inaccuracies of scientific nature, the translation of the abstract and keywords.


5. Features of the formula set

Formulas, theorems, consequences, remarks etc. are numbered separately.

It is necessary to simplify the set of formulas, simple fractional expressions, if possible, to write in one line, using a slash fraction, do not leave unnecessary multiplication signs in the formulas. Only those formulas that are referenced in the text are numbered. The numbered formulas are placed in separate lines, the formula number is placed at the right edge of the sheet, it is recommended through numbering.

 It is desirable to make a separate line in complex formulas including bulky fractions, summation signs, product, maximum etc. Instead of repeating the same blocks in the formulas it is desirable to use their abbreviations.

All used letters and abbreviations must be deciphered.


6. Illustrations

Illustrations should be submitted in one of the standard graphic vector or raster formats: SVG, EPS, TIFF, PNG, GIF etc. Bitmap images, preferably 600 DPI.

Graphics, pictures and photographs are installed in the text after the first link to them and they must be put in as an object or media file. It is allowed to place illustrations, tables and formulas on the entire width of the page.The name of the illustrations is given under them in the centre after the word Рис. with the serial number. The dot is not put after the subscription. The space between caption to the picture and the text is single feed pitch. 

Pictures should be clear, well executed (do not require redrawing).

The author is responsible for graphic materials (graphics, diagrams) arranging. They are not edited at layout of the journal. The author is responsible for absence of grammar mistackes in text in the legend. The signage at axes of coordinates and in legend shouldn’t contain the abbreviations except common.

The size of one line drawing – no more than A4, all inscriptions – font of the same size. It should be possible to reduce explanations to the picture, putting them in the signature. All the details of the picture in its decrease should be seen.

All illustrations should have links in the text.

The use of images that are protected by copyright is not allowed. Reuse of images without specifying the source of the image is not allowed.

7. Tables

The word Table with number is situated in the right side before the table. Next line contains the name of the table without dot at the end. The tables should be numbered. The main text should contain the references (table 1).

Tables should be used only for presenting the data that cannot be described in the text, which are placed near the paragraph where it is mentioned for the first time.  The words in tables should be written fully with considering of transfers. In table cell the dot is not allowed in the end of sentence. In decimals in Russian language the comma is put, but not the decimal point like in English language (for example: 5.62 %). The quantity of characters after the comma for all numbers should be the same.



Open access policy

1. The journal proposes open access to its content according to the following principle: free open access to the research results helps to increase global exchange of knowledge.

2. All articles of the journal in electronic format are available to users free of charge without limit.

3. All content of the journal is distributed in accordance with the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license (CC BY). The journal provides the right to read, save, copy, distribute, print, search and make links to the full texts of materials with the obligatory indication of their author(s) and the journal “Tambov University Reports. Series Natural and Technical Sciences”. The correct reference to a specific publication is placed at the end of each article of the journal in Russian and English.

The author has the right to archive (upload) the version of the article (PDF-file) placed on the journal's website and upload it to any open access repositories.

4. According to the decision of editorial board and publisher all content of the journal, accepted for press and/or published before January 1, 2017 is also distributed with the license CC BY 4.0.

5. If the authors of articles published earlier do not agree with the terms of licensing CC BY 4.0, we ask them to inform the editorial board via e-mail immediately.


Author’s rights and policy of archiving

1. Authors published in the journal agree with the following:

2. All content of the journal is distributed on license CC BY 4.0. According to CC BY 4.0 authors  save the right on their articles, but agree for all to download, reuse, reprint, change, distribute and/or change them if you give link to the authors. All the above mentioned does not need the author’s or publisher’s permission.

3. Authors save the right to make other agreements about unexlusive distribution of published work version (for example, its distribution in institutional repository, publication in the book, and translation to the other language) with link to its original publication in the journal.

4. According to the classification of SHERPA/RoMEO journal is one of so called “green” journals. Authors may archive pre-prints and post-prints of their works. Authors have the right to share their work in the Internet (for example, in institutional repository or on personal website).

5. The publication of the article means Copyright © for the author(s), but they cannot get the fee for it. The authors give the publishing house – FSBEI of HE “Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin” the permission for the use of the transferred materials in the journal in the following ways: publication, reproduction, distribution, bringing the work to the public by posting on the Internet, public display, as well as translation into foreign languages. The authors have the right to use all materials in their subsequent publications provided that it will be made a reference to the publication in the journal “Tambov University Reports. Series Natural and Technical Sciences”.


Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


Payment for the publication

1. The journal follows the policy of Open Access Journals, the access to the published articles is free for all (without registration).
2. The journal is published at the expense of publishers.
3. All publications in the journal are free (without charge for printing and preparation of the article).
4. The journal is subscription periodical scientific of Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin.
5. The authors cannot get the fee for articles published in the journal.
6. Post-graduate students do not pay for publications.
7. The editorial does not take payment from the authors for preparation, placement and prinitng of the materials. The editorial does not have correspondence with the authors in methods of scientific articles arrangement and writing and does not take it to the necessary scientific-methodological level. The journal does not provide services requiring payment.

Disclosure and Conflict of Interest

1. Unpublished materials disclosed in a submitted manuscript must not be used in own research without the express written consent of the author. Information or ideas obtained through peer review and connected with possible advantages must be kept confidential and not used for personal advantage.
2. All authors have to show financial or other clear or potential conflicts of interests which can be understood as influenced on the results of the work.
3. Reviewers should not consider manuscripts in which they have conflicts of interest resulting from competitive, collaborative, or other relationships or connections with any of the authors, companies, or other institutions connected to the received work.


Confidentiality position

1. Information about the authors including their names, affiliation, contacts, work, scientific degree, academic title, links to the authors’ profiles is placed in the article in the section “Information about the authors” in English and Russian.
2. Authors’ passport and location data sent to the editorial board of the journal are used only for publishing agreement, subscription, correspondence and are not sent to the others.
3. Reviewer’s names are not told to the authors or the others.


Plagiarism, multiple and redundant publication position 

1. Every article is checked to prevent illegal borrowings from the other works (plagiarism), multiple and redundant publication (including translation of the publication from foreign languages). For preventing plagiarism editorial board uses “Antiplagiat”.
2.  Article with illegal borrowings from the other works (plagiarism), features of multiple and redundant publication (including autoplagiarism) is unacceptable. This article is refused without peer-review.
3. Authors may send to the journal articles published on pre-prints server system, but not published earlier in other journals. This article is not multiple and redundant
4. If the article is published, but then it was noticed that it has illegal borrowings from the other works (plagiarism) or it is redundant, the editor refers to the flow charts of the Committee on Publishing Ethics (COPE) to withdraw the article.
5. The part of reused text (text from the other author’s work) in the manuscript to the submitted to the journal should not be more than 15 % from the all length of the article (without References). Repeated use of the text can be made only for including nessecary terms, formulation of basic principles and etc. so the reader can understand the article without additional resources. In this case repeated use of the text cannot be understood as autoplagiarism.
6. If the authors consider it necessary to acquaint the reader with the materials close to the subject of the article or remaining outside the scope of the article, they can provide a sufficiently complete references in which the interested reader can find these materials.


Legal address of the journal editorial: 33, Internatsionalnaya St., Tambov 392000

Location address of the journal editorial: 190g, Sovetskaya St., Tambov 392000

Telephone: 8 (4752) 72-34-34 add. 0440, 0442

http://journals.tsutmb.ru/neophilology-about.html (In Russian)

http://journals.tsutmb.ru/neophilology-eng.html (In English)

e-mail: vestnik1@tsu.tmb.ru; ilina@tsutmb.ru

These Rules for the authors of the articles submitted to the journal
“Tambov University Reports. Series: Natural and Technical Sciences”
were discussed, confirmed and approved at the editorial board meeting
of April 16, 2018.