Social-Economic Phenomena and Processes



1. The author sends an article to the editorial office in accordance with the "Rules for Authors" and the Regulation on the Order of Sending and Publishing Scientific Articles in the Journal “Social-Economic Phenomena and Processes”

2. When the author send the article (in person or by registered mail), the editorial board sends it for review to two reviewers, one of whom is a member of the editorial board of the journal in the relevant scientific direction.

3. Reviewers make an opinion within a month on the possibility of publishing the article, the need to finalize it or reject it. The reviewer assesses compliance of the article with the scientific profile of the journal, its relevance, novelty, theoretical and/or practical significance, availability of conclusions, compliance with the established rules of design.

Reviewers are prohibited from making copies of manuscripts for their own needs and from giving part of the manuscript for review to another person without the permission of the editorial board.

4. In case of a positive conclusion, the editor-in-chief of the journal determines the order of publications depending on the topic of the journal numbers, as well as taking into account the dates of receipt of the manuscript in the editorial office.

The editorial board does not commit itself to the timing of the publication.

5. In case the manuscript is returned for revision, the author can submit again an article with a cover letter - a response to the reviewer about the changes made to the re-review.

6. If the article is rejected, the author is sent a reasoned refusal.

7. The editor will email the author the results of the review. The review is conducted confidentially, is closed, the review is provided to the author of the manuscript without specifying the name, position, place of work and signature of the reviewer.

8. Reviewed manuscripts are not returned. Materials that have received negative review are not published or returned. The editorial board does not store manuscripts that are not accepted for printing.

9. The original reviews are stored in the editorial office of the journal for five years and are provided at the request of the relevant expert council of the State Supreme Qualifying Committee (VAK) of the Russian Federation.


on the sending and publication of scientific articles in the journal "Social-economic phenomena and processes"

This statute is based on the Regulation of the Journal "Social-economic Phenomena and Processes" and the Charter of the Editorial Board of the Journal.

The authors submit articles prepared for publication in accordance with the Rules for Authors established by the editorial board of the journal. The manuscript must be submitted in person or mailed by registered mail directly to the Editor or any member of the editorial board. The article must be signed by the author (s).

The abstract of the article and keywords in Russian and English (name of the author, title of the article, 200-250 words revealing the content of the article and the main results of the study, 3-5 keywords or phrases) are attached on a separate page.

The authors also submit an electronic version of the article, summary and keywords, information about the authors in the form of separate files (Ivanov-Article; Ivanov summary.doc; Ivanov data about the author.doc).

The manuscript received by the editorial office is fixed by the date of receipt, about which the editorial office informs the author by e-mail.

Articles are necessarily reviewed and submitted for publication by editorial board members or directly by the Journal Editor, who are personally responsible for their content, scientific value and novelty.

Plagiarism is not allowed. All presented manuscripts are checked in the Antiplagiate system.

The editorial board has the right to make the necessary revisions and abbreviations. After publication to the author, the editorial board provides an image of his article.

 Publication of the article would mean the appointment of Copyright © to its author (s), but they cannot claim a fee. The authors transfer copyright to publications in the print edition and on the network resource on the Internet to the Journal Publishing House - Derzhavin Tambov State University. At the same time, authors have the right to use all materials in their subsequent publications, if they provide reference to the publication in our journal.

The author (s) of the publication accepted for printing will conclude an author's contract.

Besides, according to the Federal law of 27.07.2006 No. 152-FL "About personal data" authors give the consent to Derzhavin Tambov state university on processing, including collecting, systematization, accumulation, storage, specification (updating, change), use and destruction of the provided personal data. This consent is given indefinitely by the author and may be withdrawn by written notice.

We remind the authors: one of the requirements of the State Supreme Qualifying Committee is the inclusion of the publication in the system of the Russian Index of Scientific Citation, which involves the posting of the provided materials of articles in public on the Internet. By sending the materials to the editorial office of the journal "Social-economic phenomena and processes", the author knowingly agrees to make his materials publicly available on the Internet.

Full-text network versions of issues of the scientific journal "Social-economic Phenomena and Processes" can be found freely in the Scientific Electronic Library, annotations of articles are presented on the website of the journal

Authors must be journal subscribers. You can subscribe to the journal at the agency "Rospechat" (subscription index 47193).

There is no charge for graduate students to publish manuscripts.