Current Issues of the State and Law
ISSN 2587-9340 (Print) ISSN 2782-3334 (Online)



The scientific-practical legal peer-reviewed journal “Current Issues of the State and Law” is registered by the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology, and Mass Media (Roskomnadzor). The certificate of registration of mass media ПИ №ФС77-69827 from May 18, 2017.

ISSN 2587-9340 (Print)   ISSN 2782-3334 (Online)

DOI: 10.20310/2587-9340.

4 issues come out in a year (March, June, September, December).

In addition to original articles reflecting the results of scientific research aimed at studying the law enforcement regularities in various fields. Scientific reviews, reviews, personalia, information materials about scientific and practical events are also accepted for publication.
If the article is prepared by a team of authors, it should include only those authors who have made a significant contribution to this research. Authors must comply with requirements of the scientific publications ethics (COPE) and guarantee the authenticity and correctness of the data presented.
Submitting the article suggests that:
– the study was not published previously in the other journal;
– is not considered to be published in the other journal;
– all coauthors agree to publish the article;
– the received consent not evident of the organization where the study was fulfilled.



All authors are asked to pay attention to the requirements for the articles design, since ignoring at least one of the above paragraphs gives editors the right to refuse publication of your article.
The required components of the conditions for inclusion in the scientific journal articles are:
– submission by the author of the article text and related documents set in strict accordance with the named requirements;
– signing a license agreement;
– consent registration to the personal data processing.
While preparing the manuscript the author should consider the profile and headings of the journal. The authenticity of the manuscript must be not less than 70 % when it is checked in the system “Antiplagiat”.
The Editorial Board reserves the right not to publish articles with unique text under 70 % originality, the rest 30% may include various borrowing:
The editorial board reserves the right not to publish articles with unique text under 70 % originality, the rest 30% may include various borrowing: links to scientific sources, regulatory legal acts, as well as the coincidence of terms and stable phrases adopted in this field of science, and also the names of publications, conferences, regulations, GOSTs, individuals and legal entities, etc., compact groups of statements and individual statements with appropriate footnotes to them.
Authors deliver the articles, prepared for publication in accordance with Rules for authors established by the editorial board of the journal, at the address: Office 209, 181 B, Sovetskaya St., Tambov, 392000, Derzhavin Tambov State University, Law and National Security Institute or via e-mail
The extent of the article is from 0,3 pr. sheet (13–40 thousand characters).
The article must be typed in the program Microsoft Word, in format A4, margins for 2 cm from both sides. The print Times New Roman. Print size 14. Full justification. Feed pitch is sesquilateral (1,5). Paragraph indention – 0,7. Shifts are on. All pages of the manuscript with applied tables, pictures, subscriptions to the pictures, works cited must be numbered. Typographic markings in the text of the article are allowed in italics and semi-bold.
In upper left corner of the page the UDC code, is placed which has to have detailed reflection of the article themes.
On the next line, you must specify specialty code according to the nomenclature of scientific specialties of the Higher Attestation Commission.
Next in center of the page the name of the article is written in bold type (the first letter is capital letter).
Below information about the author is provided: surname, first name, middle name, academic degree, academic title, honorary titles (if any), post, place of work (full name of the organization, address with postal code), email, contact phone numbers, ORCID.
The order of mentioning the authors depend on their contribution to the work performed or is indicated in alphabetical order if the authors’ contributions are equal.
The name of the organization (Russian/English) must match the name in the Charter.
Below the text of abstract in the Russian and English languages is written. 
The abstract (150-200 words) must include an introduction (problem statement), purpose and objectives of research (in the form of confirmation or refutation of scientific hypothesis), description of research methods and methodology, information on the main scientific results, the scope of results, conclusions about achievement of research goal (for example, Consider... Substantiate... Prove... Analyze... Develop... Conclude).
The author’s resume must be:
–informative nature (do not contain general words) and make it possible to establish the main content of the document, its relevance, purpose, objectives, significance for science and practice, methodology, etc.;
–substantial (reflect the main essence of article and research results);
–structured (follow the logic of describing the results in the article);
–format as an English version, which is a high-quality translation into English of the Russian-language author's resume;
–compact and, at the same time, forming a general idea of the research characteristics of the work.
Then the keywords are given in the English and Russian (no more than 10 keywords or phrases reflecting the specifics of topic, object, research results and and being the key to search the appropriate information). And then in a line the main text is placed.
Acknowledgements (information on sources of funding for scientific research, as well as expression of gratitude to people who contributed to the publication of article in the journal, but are not its co-authors, reviewers, editors).


The recommended structure of the article:

The article MUST NECESSARILY be structured, each section of the article MUST BE NAMED.
The mandatory introduction should reflect the problem statement in general type and its connection with researches in this sphere and publications with references on the used literature (all borrowing must be right formalized);
–methods to reproduce research results;
–results/discussion: the basic material of research is given with the basement of the received scientific results;
–in the conclusion – conclusions about the solution of scientific problem stated, scientific novelty, theoretical and practical meaning the research and also prospects of further scientific researches in this direction;
–references (necessary) should include 10 or more sources, with an author. Links on your own works - not more 10 % from general quantity of sources; references should contain references on the modern sources published for the last 2–3 years (about 50 %). The introduction into the text of article of references to scientific works previously published in the journals of the Derzhavin Tambov State University;
– References (article bibiliography list in Roman alphabet (the Latin alphabet) – full translit of the sources and their translation into English);
–Contribution of authors;
–Information about a conflict of interest or its absence.
At the end of the article should the note “Article is published for the first time. Article is checked by system antiplagiat. Uniqueness of text is ...%” – then the date and sign of the author(s).
The author(s) is responsible for the mistakes and inaccuracies of scientific and fact nature.


The graphics are made in graphic editor Corel Draw or in any application of MS Office in grouped form. The graphs, graphics and photos are added in the text after the first reference but there must be inserted as object and metafile, to have the ability to edit it. The name of the illustrations in Russian and English languages is given under them in center after the word Рис.with a serial number. After this the dot isn’t needed. The author is responsible for the article’s graphic materials (graphs, diagrams). During making process of journal they are not edited. All the pictures are published in black-and-white colors, full-color illustrations will be available only in the electronic version of the article. All illustrations should have references in the text.


Tables are located after the first mention of them in the text. The numbering of tables and figures is continuous according to the article. The word Table with number is situated in the right side before the table. The next line contains the name of the table in Russian and English languages without a dot in the end. The main text should contain the references (table 1). The words in tables should be written fully with considering of transfers. In table cell the dot isn’t allowed in the end of sentence.


The references to the literature ARE OBLIGATORY in every scientific article. It is necessary to point all cited words in the list.
Bibliography references in lists of literature are formed according to 7.0.5-2008 “Bibliography reference. General requirements and rules of composition”.
The author is responsible for accuracy of given data, references and names of books and other sources.
If the source has a DOI, its indication is required.

The text should be cited as follows: the number in the order in which the source is mentioned in the text of the article with the indication of pages is put in square brackets - [1, p. 34], (see for example: [2, p. 56]), (cited from: [6, p. 88]), in the case of references to several numbers - [1, p. 55; 2, p. 346; 3, p. 78]. If we mean a link to the work as a whole, then it is permissible not to indicate it in the text of the page. In the list of references for articles, the first and last pages in the journal or in the collection of articles must be given; for monographs, the total number of pages is indicated.

References to regulatory enactments (including laws issued by separate brochures, constitutions), archival documents, manuscripts, statistical reference books, publications from the Internet, newspapers, other sources that do not have authorship, to various explanations of the author, etc. are drawn up in the form of ordinary page footnotes and are not included in the list of sources. When making links to a newspaper, it is necessary to indicate the year, day and month of its publication.

The list of sources compiled according to the rules must have an English version, which is formatted as follows: the titles of books, articles to which the link is given are translated into English, and the names of journals, collections of articles, to the articles from which the link is given, are transliterated. If the journal has an official English-language name, it is indicated after the transliterated name through the “=” sign.
As an example of the references design, it is recommended to use the references in the journal articles available at: 

The examples of literature arrangement:

Book (total number of pages):
1. Радько Т.Н. Теория функций права. М.: Проспект, 2014. 243 с.
2. Горбунова О.Н., Грачева Е.Ю. и др. Финансовое право / отв. ред.: Е.Ю. Грачева, Г.П. Толстопятенко. М., 2016. 525 с.
3. Комментарий к Гражданскому процессуальному кодексу Российской Федерации (постатейный) / под ред. Г.А. Жилина. М.: ТК Велби, 2003. 425 с.
4. Derleder P., Knops K.O., Bamberger H.G. Handbuch zum deutschen und europaischen Bankenrecht. Berlin; Heidelberg; New York: Springer-Verlag, 2016.

Journal Article (pages of the article are required):
5. Радаева С.В. Соотношение и взаимосвязь юридической техники и юридической практики // Актуальные проблемы государства и права. 2017. Т. 1. № 1. С. 18-25.
6. Фадеев А.В., Литвинцев М.Г. Субъект коррупционного правонарушения // Вестник Омского университета. Серия: Право. 2015. № 3 (24). С. 197-202.
7. Thomas A. The rise of social cooperatives in Italy // Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations. 2017. Vol. 15. №3. P. 243-263.

8. Сенцов А.С. Эволюция уголовно-правового понятия должностного лица как субъекта преступления // Проблемы реализации уголовного и уголовно-процессуального законодательства на современном этапе: материалы Международной научно-практической конференции / отв. ред. В.Г. Глебов. Волгоград: Изд-во ИП Поликарпов И.Л., 2015. С. 196-203.
9. Sosunova I.А., Mamonova O.N. Social-ecological values as foundation of new quality of life // Europe and Beyond: Boundaries, Barriers and Belonging: collected papers European Sociological Association 14th Conference. Moscow: Russian Society of Sociologists; Federal Research Sociological Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2019. 328 p.

Normative Documents:
10. Гражданский кодекс Российской Федерации от 30.11.1994 № 51-ФЗ. Часть первая (действ. ред. с учетом измен. и доп.) // СЗ РФ. 1994. № 32. Ст. 3301.
11. Основы законодательства Российской Федерации о нотариате от 11.02.1993 № 4462-I // Закон. Приложение к газете «Известия». 1999. 3 марта.

Electronic resources:
12. Де ла Хуг К., Пюпенк Г. Суррогатное материнство как нарушение прав человека. URL: (дата обращения: 10.01.2017).
13. Dees G.J. The Meaning of “Social Entrepreneurship”. URL: 21125323-The-meaning-of-social-entrepreneurship-j-gregory-dees-original-draft-octo-ber-31-1998-reformatted-and-revised-may-30-2001.html (accessed: 20.08.2019).

14. Солдатов С.А. Общественные объединения в Российской Федерации: правовое и институционное исследование: автореф. дис. … д-ра юрид. наук. М., 1995. 46 с.

Attention! The information from unpublished sources must be marked with the words “unpublished material/documents”, the authors must get a written permission for using these materials.

Open access policy

All journal content is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Creative Commons License
The articles of this journal are available to everyone since the publication, that provides free open access to research results and contributes to global exchange of knowledge. The contents of the journal is available to users for free. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, and find full texts of the articles without the prior permission of the publisher and author.

Peer-review process

The journal conducts a double-blind peer-review of manuscripts received. The reviewer gets the manuscript without authors’ names. The author does not know the name of the reviewer.

Payment for the publication

The journal follows the Open Access Journals policy, the access for the published materials of the journal is free for everyone (no registration required).
The journal does not have any arcticle processing, submission and printing charges.
The editorial does not discuss with the authors the content of manuscripts, the principles of their writing and formatting manuscripts, and does not correct manuscripts so that they meet the journal standards.


These Rules for the authors of the articles submitted to the journal 
“Current Issues of the State and Law”
were discussed and approved at the editorial board meeting
of November 24, 2021.


Creative Commons License  This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.