Tambov University Review.
Series: Humanities
ISSN 1810-0201 (Print),     ISSN 2782-5825 (Online)


“Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities”.
Vol. 28, no. 6 for 2023
came out of the press on December 13, 2023
“Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities”. Vol. 28, no. 6 for 2023 is sent for the press on December 6, 2023.
Scientific articles are placed in the following headings:
on the direction 5.8.1. General Pedagogy, History of Pedagogy and Education: “Pedagogy of Higher Education”, Pedagogy of Secondary and Preschool Education”;
on the direction 5.8.2. Theory and Methods of Teaching and Education (by Fields and Levels of Education) (Foreign Languages) (pedagogical sciences)): “Theory and Methods of Foreign Language Teaching”, “Theory and Methods of Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language”;
on the direction 5.8.6. Recreational and Adaptive Physical Education: “Recreational and Adaptive Physical Education”;
on the direction 5.6.1. National History: “National History”;
on the direction 5.6.2. General History: “Foreign Countries’ History”.
Dear Colleagues!
Below there is the list of the authors, whose articles are planned
to be published in the journal “
Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities” in 2023,
according to the decisions of the Editorial Board of November 22, 2023
Vol. 28, no. 6
Rubric “Pedagogy of Higher Education
(5.8.1. General Pedagogy, History of Pedagogy and Education)
Chvanova M.S., Kiseleva I.A. Transformation of students’ professional value orientations in the context of Internet socialisation and the unstable future world of professions
Shesterina A.M. The potential of using network video formats in the humanities education system
Tushakova Z.R., Chizhikova E.S. Digitalization in the practical training of students of technical universities
Nam T.A., Popov D.G., Smirnov M.V. Media volunteering in vocational education in the context of the “Service-learning” methodology: expert opinion
Rubric “Pedagogy of Secondary and Preschool Education”
(5.8.1. General Pedagogy, History of Pedagogy and Education)
Danilova L.N., Khodyrev A.M. Editorial activity of K.D. Ushinsky
Rubric Theory and Methods of Foreign Language Teaching
(5.8.2. Theory and Methods of Teaching and Education (by Fields and Levels of Education) (Foreign Languages) (pedagogical sciences))
Evstigneev M.N. Twee neural network as a new tool for English language teacher
Cherkasova E.A. Didactic and methodical functions of chatbots in teaching foreign language grammar to non-linguistic students
Gavrilov M.V. Methodical model of teaching law students to legal drafting in a foreign language using artificial intelligence tools
Lobeeva P.I. The didactic potential of using chatbots in teaching and learning English phrasal verbs
Kondakova N.N., Zimina E.I. Development of linguocultural competence as an integral component of the foreign lan-guage teacher professional training process
Tokareva E.Yu. Application of the comparative method of teaching Spanish as a second foreign language based on English
Rubric “Theory and Methods of Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language”
(5.8.2. Theory and Methods of Teaching and Education (by Fields and Levels of Education) (Foreign Languages) (pedagogical sciences))
Shurupova O.S., Sushkova, N.A. Teaching Russian as a foreign language in the Republic of Equatorial Guinea: objectives and prerequisites
Rubric Recreational and Adaptive Physical Education”
(5.8.6. Recreational and Adaptive Physical Education)
Zobkov D.A. Method for determining the effectiveness of the training process of hockey players with specific anthropometric data
Rubric “National History
(5.6.1. National History)
Topilsky A.G. Modernization of the Russian education system in the first quarter of the 18th century as a factor in the book culture development
Zhitin R.M. Administrative modernization of a large estate at the micro level (based on the materials of the Novo-Pokrovsk estate of the Orlovs-Davydovs)
Zverkov E.A., Savitskiy N.M. Educational training of policemen of the Central Chernozem region in the early 1920s
Bugaev V.N. Activities of the NKVD−NKGB−MVD−MGB USSR bodies in ensuring public security in the territory of Western Belarus (1939−1953)
Rubric Foreign Countries’ History
(5.6.2. General History)
Shelyshey S.S. The role of the religious factor in imperial consolidation during the reign of Leopold I (1658–1705)
Solovyova V.A., Tcverianashvili I.A., Shutman D.V. Establishment and development history of “green” urban planning idea in Denmark in the second half of the 20th – beginning of the 21st century
“Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities”.
Vol. 28, no. 5 for 2023
came out of the press on November 13, 2023
“Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities”. Vol. 28, no. 5 for 2023 is sent for the press on October 27, 2023.
Scientific articles are placed in the following headings:
on the direction 5.8.1. General Pedagogy, History of Pedagogy and Education: “Pedagogy of Higher Education”, “Pedagogy of School and Preschool Education”, “Pedagogy of Additional Education”;
on the direction 5.8.2. Theory and Methods of Teaching and Education (by Fields and Levels of Education) (Foreign Languages) (pedagogical sciences)): “Theory and Methods of Foreign Language Teaching”;
on the direction 5.8.6. Recreational and Adaptive Physical Education: “Recreational and Adaptive Physical Education”;
on the direction 5.6.1. National History: “National History”;
on the direction 5.6.2. General History: “Foreign Countries’ History”.
Dear Colleagues!
Below there is the list of the authors, whose articles are planned
to be published in the journal “
Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities” in 2023,
according to the decisions of the Editorial Board of October 25, 2023
Vol. 28, no. 6
Rubric “Pedagogy of Higher Education
(5.8.1. General Pedagogy, History of Pedagogy and Education)
Kochukova O.N. Philosophical bases of divergent thinking
Rubric Recreational and Adaptive Physical Education”
(5.8.6. Recreational and Adaptive Physical Education)
Slavinsky N.V., Kuznetsova Z.V., Yatkin I.V. The study of the heart rate of student youth during physical education and at resting state
Rubric Foreign Countries’ History
(5.6.2. General History)
Skvortsov E.A. The work of Raffaele Cadorna within the Corps of Volunteers for Freedom in Italy (1944–1945)
Vol. 28, no. 5
Rubric “Pedagogy of Higher Education
(5.8.1. General Pedagogy, History of Pedagogy and Education)
Samokhvalov A.V., Solovjev D.S., Skvortsov A.A. Interactive simulators and their application in the process of training IT specialists on the Moodle learning management system
Rubric “Pedagogy of School and Preschool Education”
(5.8.1. General Pedagogy, History of Pedagogy and Education)
Abdalina L.V., Mou S. The phenomenon of “pedagogical support” in current pedagogical research
Rubric Theory and Methods of Foreign Language Teaching
(5.8.2. Theory and Methods of Teaching and Education (by Fields and Levels of Education) (Foreign Languages) (pedagogical sciences))
Aksenova I.N. Organizational and pedagogical conditions for teaching students types of foreign language communicative activity based on dictogloss
Gural S.K., Polyakov O.G., Aleksich E.V. Developmental and educational potential of a foreign language: linguistic and methodical heritage of R.P. Millrood (1948–2020)
Stepanova M.M., Lukyanova V.S. A sight translation contest as a tool to identify common student difficulties in translating economics texts
Rogova M.Y., Sorokina E.A. E-learning dictionary of business English idioms designing experience
Bryxina I.E. Teaching the grammatical side of foreign language speech to future social workers based on mental cards
Varushkina A.V., Potaluy V.V., Shirshikova E.A. The use of mind maps for teaching vocabulary and developing oral speech at a military university
Gavrilov M.V. Organizational and pedagogical conditions of training law students to legal drafting in a foreign language through artificial intelligence tools
Rubric Recreational and Adaptive Physical Education”
(5.8.6. Recreational and Adaptive Physical Education)
Begidov M.V., Begidova T.P., Bespalova V.V. The importance of adaptive sports for the social adaptation of persons with disabilities
Platonova Y.V., Korablev Y.Y. Creating a healthy lifestyle for students through recreational aerobics
Rubric “National History
(5.6.1. National History)
Mizis Y.A. Agricultural activity of palace peasants in the 17th century (on the materials of Verkhotsenskaya volost)
Kanishchev Vl.V. “And on the Crimean coast they finished their exodus”: the fate of fellow officers at the end of the “Great” Civil War
Ilyin A.Y., Kanishchev V.V. Microdemographic processes in the agrarian field: growth points and islands of stability. Tambov Region, late 20th – early 21st century
Rubric Foreign Countries’ History
(5.6.2. General History)
Penkov V.F., Romanov V.V. The problem of “settler colonialism” in the history of Palestine: modern interpretations
“Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities”.
Vol. 28, no. 4 for 2023 came out of the press on October 5, 2023
“Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities”. Vol. 28, no. 4 for 2023 is sent for the press on September 15, 2023.
Scientific articles are placed in the following headings: on the direction 5.8.1. General Pedagogy, History of Pedagogy and Education: “Pedagogy of Higher Education”; Pedagogy of School and Preschool Education”; on the direction 5.8.2. Theory and Methods of Teaching and Education (by Fields and Levels of Education) (Foreign Languages) (pedagogical sciences)): “Theory and Methods of Foreign Language Teaching”; on the direction 5.8.6. Recreational and Adaptive Physical Education: “Recreational and Adaptive Physical Education”; on the direction 5.6.1. National History: “National History”; on the direction 5.6.2. General History: “Foreign Countries’ History”.
Dear Colleagues!
Below there is the list of the authors, whose articles are planned
to be published in the journal “
Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities” in 2023,
according to the decisions of the Editorial Board of September 8, 2023
Vol. 28, no. 5
Rubric “Pedagogy of Higher Education” (5.8.1. General Pedagogy, History of Pedagogy and Education)
Chvanova M.S. Digital educational ecosystem’s functional abilities for promotion of master’s degree students’ research and innovative activities
Golushko T.K., Makarova L.N. Analytical understanding by university students of “individual information immunity” concept: pedagogical aspect
Grigorieva E.I., Sakharova M.V. Project technologies as a factor in the development of students’ creative potential
Rubric “Pedagogy of Additional Education” (5.8.1. General Pedagogy, History of Pedagogy and Education)
Sapozhnikova A.G. Building a model fundamentals of younger schoolchildren’s spiritual and moral education in the Transbaikal Orthodox Gymnasium.
Danova N.Y. Youth antisocial behavior prevention: socio-pedagogical activity
Rubric Theory and Methods of Foreign Language Teaching” (5.8.2. Theory and Methods of Teaching and Education (by Fields and Levels of Education) (Foreign Languages) (pedagogical sciences))
Motov S.V. The communicative aspect of the linguocognitive approach to foreign language teaching
Rubric “National History” (5.6.1. National History)
Gazieva A.A. On the issue of circular migrations in the city of Kizlyar in the socio-economic policy context of the Russian Empire on cordon sections of the Caucasian Cordon Line Left Wing in the first half of the 19th century
Salikhova L.B. Abolition of feudal-dependent relations in the East Caucasus
Rubric Foreign Countries’ History” (5.6.2. General History)
Inkin V.V. Memory formation about World War I through British veterans’ activities and the historical policy of Great Britain in the 1930s
Bobeshko A.V. Causes of Central-Eastern European and Baltic Countries Citizens Emigration to Great Britain (1990–2004)
Vol. 28, no. 4
Rubric “Pedagogy of Higher Education” (5.8.1. General Pedagogy, History of Pedagogy and Education)
Chvanova M.S., Kiseleva I.A., Anureva M.S. Research of professional and value orientations of youth in the conditions of Internet socialization
Skvortsov A.A., Molchanov A.A. Analysis of the publication activity of world researchers on the problem of forming a digital educational ecosystem for university students
Dolgushina M.Y., Dolgushina A.A. Classical sonata form: the context of modern music-pedagogy experience
Rubric “Pedagogy of School and Preschool Education” (5.8.1. General Pedagogy, History of Pedagogy and Education)
Zavarzin N.P. Possibilities of pedagogical support in the formation of teenagers’ readiness for military duty
Rubric Theory and Methods of Foreign Language Teaching” (5.8.2. Theory and Methods of Teaching and Education (by Fields and Levels of Education) (Foreign Languages) (pedagogical sciences))
Almazova N.I., Popova N.V., Shipunova O.D., Kuzmina A.V. Analysis of some “fashionable” cognitive strategies in pedagogy of higher education
Baydikova T.V., Makarova E.L. Selection and adaptation of teaching materials for content and language integrated learning
Stepanova M.M., Sbrodova O.A. Competences of specialized translation / interpreting trainers in the contemporary environment
Dronov I.S. Scientific and educational discourse in a process of a student foreign language education
Plokhikh E.E. The research of the surface and deep scientific articles structures by Russian-speaking authors based on the linguocultural approach
Aksenova I.N. Methodical model of teaching types of foreign language communicative activity to students based on dictogloss
Rubric Recreational and Adaptive Physical Education” (5.8.6. Recreational and Adaptive Physical Education)
Prikhodko V.N., Kovrigina T.R. Analysis of the reserves of the cardiovascular system of students with various diseases
Ivleva A.N. Features of planning physical education classes in preschool institutions for mentally challenged children with speech disorders
Rubric “National History” (5.6.1. National History)
Zarubina K.A. How railway communication in the second half of the 19th – early 20th centuries helped to spread anti-government literature to revolutionaries (on the example of Kursk province)
Reent Yu.A. Tambov zemstvo craft and education orphanage for juvenile delinquents: on the history of foundation and work
Kozhukhov N.A. Organization of escapes from detention facility in the Tambov governorate at the beginning of the 20th century
Petrishina I.D. Peasant cooperatives of the Tambov governorate in the first half of the 1920s
Rubric Foreign Countries’ History” (5.6.2. General History)
Skosyrev V.A. The concept of a “new march” in the official interpretation of the history of the Communist Party of China
Kuznetsov-Brusnikin D.A. Historicity of European Union foreign policy: historical and cultural conditions over national subjectivity
Ermakov A.A., Kornilov A.A., Ryzhov I.V. Transformation of the Security Policy of the State of Israel: new trends against the background of traditional priorities
Attention authors!
During the vacation period of editorial workers, members of editorial board and experts (reviewers),
articles are not accepted or reviewed (from June 30 to August 30, 2023).
Notification of acceptance for consideration/rejection of articles sent during this period will be sent to the author by editorial office after August 30.
From the same date, the review period will begin.
Articles that have not been published before and are not under consideration in other publications;
containing the results of an independent original research are accepted for consideration.
“Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities”. Vol. 28, no. 3 for 2023 came out of the press on July 11, 2023
The authors and subscribers can get the journal in the Incorporate Editorial of Scientific Journals
at address 190g Sovetskaya St., Tambov
“Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities”. Vol. 28, no. 3 for 2023 is sent for the press on July 11, 2023.
Scientific articles are placed in the following headings: on the direction 5.8.1. General Pedagogy, History of Pedagogy and Education: Pedagogy of School and Preschool Education”, “Pedagogy of Higher Education”, “Pedagogy of Additional Education”; on the direction 5.8.2. Theory and Methods of Teaching and Education (by Fields and Levels of Education) (Foreign Languages) (pedagogical sciences)): “Theory and Methods of Foreign Language Teaching”; on the direction 5.8.6. Recreational and Adaptive Physical Education: “Recreational and Adaptive Physical Education”; on the direction 5.6.1. National History: “National History”; on the direction 5.6.2. General History: “Foreign Countries’ History”, “Review”.
Dear Colleagues!
Below there is the list of the authors, whose articles are planned
to be published in the journal “
Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities” in 2023,
according to the decisions of the Editorial Board of June 19, 2023
Vol. 28, no. 4
Rubric “Pedagogy of School and Preschool Education” (5.8.1. General Pedagogy, History of Pedagogy and Education)
Gulov A.P. American tradition of intellectual competitions: contests and Olympiads
Rubric “National History” (5.6.1. National History)
Kozlov M.N., Boitsova E.E. Last fight of Alyosha Popovich
Dozmorov V.A. Everyday practices of pupils of the vocational and technical education system of Crimea in the 1940s – 1950s
Pushkarenko E.A. The German propaganda system in the occupied Soviet territory: structure, forms, methods, content and effectiveness of activities (on the example of the General District Belarus)
Vol. 28, no. 3
Rubric “Pedagogy of School and Preschool Education” (5.8.1. General Pedagogy, History of Pedagogy and Education)
Makarova L.N., Pyoryshkova S.S. Neuropsychological approach as a methodological basis for correctional and developmental work with preschoolers with speech difficulties
Pervova G.M. Library of children’s reading conceptual modeling by teachers
Rubric “Pedagogy of Higher Education” (5.8.1. General Pedagogy, History of Pedagogy and Education)
Kovin A.N. Internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation employees’ psychological readiness development to accomplish responsive and official tasks in special conditions
Rubric “Pedagogy of Additional Education” (5.8.1. General Pedagogy, History of Pedagogy and Education)
Volodarskaya E.B., Luksha S.L. Orphans’  conflictological competence development methods
Rubric Theory and Methods of Foreign Language Teaching” (5.8.2. Theory and Methods of Teaching and Education (by Fields and Levels of Education) (Foreign Languages) (pedagogical sciences))
Dolzhenkova M.I., Medvedev N.V., Hausmann-Ushkova N.V. Foreign language reading competence development via hypertexts
Temuryan C.T. Theoretical and methodical foundations for the interaction strategies development for linguodidactic training program students
Popov P.V. Trade and commercial occupations and duties of South Russian cannoneers in the 17th century (based on the Belgorod trait region fortresses materials)
Efimova E.A., Zakharov A.V. Development and implementation features of the regional budget in Soviet modernization conditions of the late 1920s – 1930s on the Lower Volga region example
Rubric Foreign Countries’ History” (5.6.2. General History)
Shevyakov S.V. “Kirsanov movement” of the Austro-Hungarian army Italian nationality captives during the World War I
Popova N.V. Review of: Foreign Language Teaching Based on Artificial Intelligence Technologies: joint monograph; of P.V. Sysoev, O.G. Polyakov, M.N. Evstigneev et al.; academ. ed. by P.V. Sysoev, Tambov, Publishing House “Derzhavinsky”, 2023, 132 p. (In Russ.) ISBN 978-5-00078-732-8
Dear Colleagues!
Below there is the list of the authors, whose articles are planned
to be published in the journal “
Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities” in 2023,
according to the decisions of the Editorial Board of May 19, 2023
Vol. 28, no. 3
Rubric “Pedagogy of Higher Education” (5.8.1. General Pedagogy, History of Pedagogy and Education)
Anpilogova T.Y. Historical and local studies activity of Lugansk region studentship development stages in the Soviet and post-Soviet periods
Rubric “Pedagogy of Additional Education” (5.8.1. General Pedagogy, History of Pedagogy and Education)
Gladkikh V.V., Pankova E.I. Integration of science and education as an effective means of preserving and strengthening spiritual and moral values
Kipreev S.N. Police against Halloween: countering threats to national security and protecting traditional culture
Rubric Recreational and Adaptive Physical Education” (5.8.6. Recreational and Adaptive Physical Education)
Kuznetsova Z.V., Fedosova L.P., Fedotova G.V., Belova V.A. Research on the use of yoga elements in physical education classes to improve health
Rubric “National History” (5.6.1. National History)
Safonov D.A. Peasant generation of the “revolutionary turning point”: beginning of its formation
Mironov V.V., Salnikov P.E. Czech-Slovak corps in the summer of 1918
“Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities”. Vol. 28, no. 2 for 2023 came out of the press on June 6, 2023
The authors and subscribers can get the journal in the Incorporate Editorial of Scientific Journals
at address 190g Sovetskaya St., Tambov
“Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities”. Vol. 28, no. 2 for 2023 is sent for the press on April 28, 2023.
Scientific articles are placed in the following headings: on the direction 5.8.1. General Pedagogy, History of Pedagogy and Education: “Pedagogy of Higher Education”, Pedagogy of School and Preschool Education”; on the direction 5.8.2. Theory and Methods of Teaching and Education (by Fields and Levels of Education) (Foreign Languages) (pedagogical sciences)): “Theory and Methods of Foreign Language Teaching”; on the direction 5.8.6. Recreational and Adaptive Physical Education: “Recreational and Adaptive Physical Education”; on the direction 5.6.1. National History: “National History”; on the direction 5.6.2. General History: “Foreign Countries’ History”.
Dear Colleagues!
Below there is the list of the authors, whose articles are planned
to be published in the journal “
Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities” in 2023,
according to the decisions of the Editorial Board of April 27, 2023
Vol. 28, no. 2
Rubric “Pedagogy of Higher Education” (5.8.1. General Pedagogy, History of Pedagogy and Education)
Uvarov E.A., Gorbunova A.V. Development of student’s social intelligence based on the development of emotional flexibility and empathy
Rubric Theory and Methods of Foreign Language Teaching” (5.8.2. Theory and Methods of Teaching and Education (by Fields and Levels of Education) (Foreign Languages) (pedagogical sciences)
Sysoyev P.V., Filatov, E.M. ChatGPT in students’ research work: to forbid or to teach?
Stepanova M.M., Troitsky D.I. Analysis of the topics of graduation qualifying works of students of translation specialties and their correlation with the needs of the labor market
Murunov S.S. Task system design for teaching a foreign language using information and communication technologies
Shevchenko M.A., Tavgiridze, L.A. Features of translating war film titles from English to Russian
Avramenko A.P., Akhmedova A.S., Bulanova E.R. Chatbot technology as a means of forming foreign language grammatical competence in self-study
Mikheeva N.N., Shulyndina E.V. Features of training written Internet communication in a non-linguistic university
Rubric Recreational and Adaptive Physical Education” (5.8.6. Recreational and Adaptive Physical Education)
Barasheva O.G. Dynamics of physical fitness of shooters with hearing impairment at the stage of initial training
Ivleva A.N. 3D fitness in adaptive physical culture as a method of correction of speech disorders in preschool children
Rubric “National History” (5.6.1. National History)
Andreev S.I., Andryunina, A.V. About the demographic situation in the Tambov region in the Middle Ages
Vyguzov A.A., Nikolashin V.P. Models and forms of agricultural production and economic transformations of the Russian countryside (16th – first third of the 20th century)
Petrykin N.N. Railways of Soviet Russia as an object of law enforcement activity during the Civil War
Bezgin V.B., Parakhin S.A. Participation of the Tambov governorate militia in the fight against peasant insurrection. 1918–1922
Feklistova I.V. Restructuring of the UNKVD work in the Kursk Region on the eve of German occupation
“Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities”. Vol. 28, no. 1 for 2023 came out of the press on March 21, 2023
The authors and subscribers can get the journal in the Incorporate Editorial of Scientific Journals
at address 190g Sovetskaya St., Tambov
Dear Colleagues!
Below there is the list of the authors, whose articles are planned
to be published in the journal “
Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities” in 2023,
according to the decisions of the Editorial Board of March 17, 2023
Vol. 28, no. 2
Rubric “Pedagogy of Higher Education” (5.8.1. General Pedagogy, History of Pedagogy and Education)
Kochukova O.N. Pedagogical possibilities of educational cooperation in the development of divergent thought of students
Prokhorov A.V. Professional test as a tool of career guidance work
Rubric “Pedagogy of School and Preschool Education” (5.8.1. General Pedagogy, History of Pedagogy and Education)
Batalov D.R. Model of bullying prevention among younger schoolchildren in educational environment of general education organization
Rubric Theory and Methods of Foreign Language Teaching” (5.8.2. Theory and Methods of Teaching and Education (by Fields and Levels of Education) (Foreign Languages) (pedagogical sciences)
Titova S.V. Teaching foreign language writing skills in the digital environment of the university
Popova N.V., Zinovieva O.V., Vdovina, E.K. Implementation of socially oriented educational goal in foreign language class at university
Dashkina A.I. The development of educational autonomy in the conditions of group work on the author’s electronic manual on a remote educational platform
Klochikhin V.V. Psychological and pedagogical conditions for the development of students’ collocational competence based on corpora
Rubric “National History” (5.6.1. National History)
Shuvaev D.A. Activity of a member of the Tambov Governorate Zemstvo Board A.D. Bryukhatov (1898–1904) in the context of the formation of civil society in Russia
Rubric Foreign Countries’ History” (5.6.2. General History)
Voronov V.P. Mass media influence in Dilma Rousseff’s impeachment
“Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities”. Vol. 28, no. 1 for 2023 is sent for the press on March 15, 2023.
Scientific articles are placed in the following headings: on the direction 5.8.1. General Pedagogy, History of Pedagogy and Education: “Pedagogy of Higher Education”, Pedagogy of School and Preschool Education”; on the direction 5.8.2. Theory and Methods of Teaching and Education (by Fields and Levels of Education) (Foreign Languages) (pedagogical sciences)): “Theory and Methods of Foreign Language Teaching”; on the direction 5.8.6. Recreational and Adaptive Physical Education: “Recreational and Adaptive Physical Education”; on the direction 5.6.1. National History: “National History”; on the direction 5.6.2. General History: “Foreign Countries’ History”.
Dear Colleagues!
Below there is the list of the authors, whose articles are planned
to be published in the journal “
Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities” in 2023,
according to the decisions of the Editorial Board of February 3, 2023
Vol. 28, no. 2
Rubric Theory and Methods of Foreign Language Teaching” (5.8.2. Theory and Methods of Teaching and Education (by Fields and Levels of Education) (Foreign Languages) (pedagogical sciences))
Belousov A.S., Medvedev N.V., Dolzhenkova M.I. A complex of problematic foreign language tasks aimed at professional orientation of students of secondary vocational education
Vol. 28, no. 1
Rubric “Pedagogy of Higher Education” (5.8.1. General Pedagogy, History of Pedagogy and Education)
Andryiashka M.V., Zelepukin R.V. Information and communication technologies in the educational process of Baranovichy State University and Derzhavin Tambov State University
Kaitov A.P. Theoretical aspects of the problem of educational motivation development among students of higher education in foreign studies
Rubric Theory and Methods of Foreign Language Teaching” (5.8.2. Theory and Methods of Teaching and Education (by Fields and Levels of Education) (Foreign Languages) (pedagogical sciences))
Dashkina A.I. Teamwork in the preparation of a foreign language description of an artistic image as a means of forming a connection between the linguistic and discursive components of foreign language communicative competence
Zamkovaya A.V. Didactic-methodic and psychological features of the use of video materials in teaching a foreign language
Leonova D.Y., Tikhonova E.V. The role and place of phonetics in the process of learning Chinese language
Vanyagina M.R. Comprehensive model of foreign-language teaching system in higher military school
Belousov A.S. The specifics of career-oriented teaching of a foreign language based on an integrated approach in the system of secondary vocational education
Dear Colleagues!
Below there is the list of the authors, whose articles are planned
to be published in the journal “
Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities” in 2023,
according to the decisions of the Editorial Board of January 20, 2023
Vol. 28, no. 1
Rubric “Pedagogy of Higher Education” (5.8.1. General Pedagogy, History of Pedagogy and Education)
Shcherbak A.S., Atavullaeva S.Z. Pedagogical grammar of the Russian language in onomastic and cognitive aspects
Rubric “Pedagogy of School and Preschool Education” (5.8.1. General Pedagogy, History of Pedagogy and Education)
Danilevich T.A. The specificity of tutor support for children with disabilities at social and cultural events
Mosina O.A., Danilyants E.I. Target guidelines for the formation of project activity of students in the conditions of specialized training
Rubric Theory and Methods of Foreign Language Teaching” (5.8.2. Theory and Methods of Teaching and Education (by Fields and Levels of Education) (Foreign Languages) (pedagogical sciences))
Sysoyev P.V., Filatov E.M. Chatbots in teaching a foreign language: advantages and controversial issues
Gevorgyan A.G., Skripnikova T.I. The use of information and communication technologies in teaching reading in English to students of an agrarian university
Rubric Recreational and Adaptive Physical Education” (5.8.6. Recreational and Adaptive Physical Education)
Begidova T.P., Ageeva N.V., Petrova, I.V. Adaptive physical culture in psychohymnastics for persons with intellectual disabilities
Pravdov M.A., Pravdov D.M., Nikiforov Y.B. Development of the ability to differentiate muscle efforts in actions with the ball in football in children with mild mental retardation
Rubric “National History” (5.6.1. National History)
Matorina I.V. Pre-revolutionary kindergartens and nurseries: from the history of the formation of preschool educational institutions in the Tambov Region
Gatilow E.E., Nikolashin V.P. Indicators of land conflict in the analysis of the peasant identity of the period of agrarian transformations of 1917–1920
Nikulin V.V. Save the revolution. Transition to a New Economic Policy as a crisis of Russian revolutionism. 1920–1921
Rubric Foreign Countries’ History” (5.6.2. General History)
Tereshchuk A.A. Problems of the foreign policy of the Holy See during the Pontificate of Gregory XVI (1831–1846)
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Tambov University Reviews. Series: Humanities

Index 83371

 Pedagogical Sciences

Historical Sciences

Included in the List of the reviewed scientific journals and issues, published in Russian Federation and recommended by Higher Attestation Commission (К1),

Indexed by RISC,

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Scientific Electronic Library “eLIBRARY.RU”

1200 rub.


Index 80303

 Philological Sciences


Included in the List of the reviewed scientific journals and issues, published in Russian Federation and recommended by Higher Attestation Commission (К2),

Indexed by RISC, DOAJ, Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory, EBSCO, ResearchBib, CrossRef (DOI), Scientific Electronic Library “eLIBRARY.RU”, Electronic Library “CyberLeninka”

  650 rub.

Russian Universities Reports. Mathematics

Index 83372


Mathematics and its applications

Included in the List of the reviewed scientific journals and issues, published in Russian Federation and recommended by Higher Attestation Commission (К1), Scopus,

Indexed in Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) on Web of Science platform, RSCI, Math-Net.Ru, VINITI RAS, Zentralblatt MATH, SciLIT, Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory, EBSCO, Scientific Electronic Library “eLIBRARY.RU”, Electronic Library “CyberLeninka”, CrossRef (DOI)

    500 rub.


Current Issues of the State and Law

Index 80661

 Law Sciences


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Indexed by the RSCI,

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Scientific Electronic Library “eLIBRARY.RU”,

Electronic Library “CyberLeninka”
  700 rub.
“Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities”. Vol. 27, no. 6 for 2022
came out of the press on December 26, 2022
The authors and subscribers can get the journal in the Incorporate Editorial of Scientific Journals
at address 190g Sovetskaya St., Tambov
“Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities” Vol. 27 no. 6 for 2022 is sent for the press on December 12, 2022.
Scientific articles are placed in the following headings: on the direction 5.6.1. National History: “National History”; on the direction 5.6.2. General History: “Foreign Countries’ History”; on the direction 5.6.5. Historiography, Source Studies, Historical Research Methods (Historical Sciences): “Historiography”; on the direction 5.8.1. General Pedagogy, History of Pedagogy and Education: “Pedagogy of Higher Education”, Pedagogy of Secondary and Preschool Education”; on the direction 5.8.2. Theory and Methods of Teaching and Education (by Fields and Levels of Education) (Foreign Languages) (pedagogical sciences)): “Theory and Methods of Foreign Language Teaching”; on the direction 5.8.6. Recreational and Adaptive Physical Education: “Recreational and Adaptive Physical Education”.
Dear Colleagues!
Below there is the list of the authors, whose articles are planned
to be published in the journal “
Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities” in 2022-2023,
according to the decisions of the Editorial Board of December 7, 2022
Vol. 28, no. 1
Rubric “National History” (5.6.1. National History)
Zhitin R.M., Topilsky A.G. Personal library as a historical source. On the problem of studying, analyzing, and cultural value of pre-revolutionary book collections
Vol. 27, no. 6
Rubric “Pedagogy of Higher Education” (5.8.1. General Pedagogy, History of Pedagogy and Education)
Moiseev P.S., Sysoyev P.V., Sorokin D.O. Vectors of the development of youth science in a classical university at the present stage
Rubric Recreational and Adaptive Physical Education” (5.8.6. Recreational and Adaptive Physical Education)
Begidova T.P., Budanova N.A. Formation of tolerance among rural youth to persons with disabilities based on Olympic values (on the example of the Special Olympics movement)
Gubskiy P.V. Features of the organization of recreational activities for preschoolers by means of football
Dear Colleagues!
Below there is the list of the authors, whose articles are planned
to be published in the journal “
Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities” in 2022,
according to the decisions of the Editorial Board of November 18, 2022
Vol. 27, no. 6
Rubric “National History” (5.6.1. National History)
Salikhova L.B. Trade and economic relations of the peoples of the Eastern Caucasus with the Russian government
Theodosius (Sergey Ivanovich Vasnev), mitropolit Tambovskiy i Rasskazovskiy. Russian Emperor Peter I the Great and Tambov Diocese
Mitrofanov V.V. The history of education in the Vilna Territory in the memorandum of S.F. Platonov
Shcherbakov S.V. The development of postal communication in the Tambov governorate in the second half of the 19th – early 20th century
Shcherbinin P.P. Mobilizations during the wars of Russia in the first half of the 20th century and mental disorders
Matorina I.V. Creation of a network of preschool educational institutions in Tambov governorate in the first decade of Soviet regime (1918–1928)
Zhitin R.M., Topilsky A.G. Landlord libraries in the provincial culture of the Central Black Earth Region (review of research interpretations and concepts)
Rubric Foreign Countries’ History” (5.6.2. General History)
Mironov V.V., Salnikov P.E. Czech-Slovak Corps and the Bolsheviks in the spring of 1918
Rubric “Historiography” (5.6.5. Historiography, Source Studies, Historical Research Methods (Historical Sciences))
Punevskiy Y.V. Modern Anglo-American Historiography of the Reign of Peter I
Rubric “Pedagogy of Higher Education” (5.8.1. General Pedagogy, History of Pedagogy and Education)
Golushko T.K. Information immunity as a key concept of information and psychological security of the individual
Boldyreva V.B., Burdinsky I.A. Features and principles of the development of electronic training manual
Rubric Pedagogy of Secondary and Preschool Education
Danilevich T.A. Problems of socio-cultural adaptation of children with health limitations to school and ways to solve them
Gutarin M.M. The essence and structure of patriotic ideas of junior schoolchildren
Rubric Theory and Methods of Foreign Language Teaching
Kolotayeva A.Y., Khalyapina L.P. Development of foreign language subject competence of a student of a technical university in the framework of the implementation of content and language integrated learning
Popova S.V., Karandeeva L.G. Development of the skills of foreign language writing in high school students on the basis of a personality-oriented approach
Rubric Recreational and Adaptive Physical Education”
Barasheva O.G. Comparative analysis of physical fitness of deaf and hard of hearing shooters at the initial stage of sports training
“Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities”. Vol. 27, no. 5 for 2022
came out of the press on November 11, 2022
The authors and subscribers can get the journal in the Incorporate Editorial of Scientific Journals
at address 190g Sovetskaya St., Tambov
“Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities” Vol. 27 no. 5 for 2022 is sent for the press on October 26, 2022.
Scientific articles are placed in the following headings: on the direction 5.8.1. General Pedagogy, History of Pedagogy and Education: “Educational Methodology”, Pedagogy of Preschool Education”, “Pedagogy of Additional Education”; on the direction 5.8.2. Theory and Methods of Teaching and Education (by Fields and Levels of Education) (Foreign Languages) (pedagogical sciences)): “Theory and Methods of Foreign Language Teaching”; on the direction 5.6.5. Историография, источниковедение, методы исторического исследования (исторические науки: “Historiography”; on the direction 5.6.1. National History: “National History”; on the direction 5.6.2. General History: “Foreign Countries’ History”.
Dear Colleagues!
Below there is the list of the authors, whose articles are planned
to be published in the journal “
Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities” in 2022,
according to the decisions of the Editorial Board of October 20, 2022
Vol. 27, no. 6
Rubric “National History” (5.6.1. National History)
Matorina I.V. Creation of a network of preschool educational institutions in Tambov governorate in the first decade of Soviet regime (1918–1928)
Vol. 27, no. 5
Rubric “Educational Methodology(5.8.1. General Pedagogy, History of Pedagogy and Education)
Medvedev N.V. Philosophical and methodological strategies for language learning: formalization and contextualization
Maksimova I.M. Topical issues of digitalization of the educational and legal space of the state
Rubric “Pedagogy of Preschool Education” (5.8.1. General Pedagogy, History of Pedagogy and Education)
Vorobyova A.A., Makarova L.N. Development of graphomotor skills in senior preschoolers: a neuropsychological aspect
Rubric “Pedagogy of Additional Education” (5.8.1. General Pedagogy, History of Pedagogy and Education)
Neyasova I.A., Gorshenina S.N., Serikova L.A., Shukshina T.I. Model of the development of productive experience in children of primary school age in additional education
Kuleshov A.A. Retrospective analysis of the system of socio-pedagogical prevention of criminal behavior of minors in Japan
Rubric “Theory and Methods of Foreign Language Teaching” (5.8.2. Theory and Methods of Teaching and Education (by Fields and Levels of Education) (Foreign Languages) (pedagogical sciences))
Shults O.E., Pervova G.M., Motov S.V. Teaching English on a linguocognitive basis: an extralinguistic aspect
Medvedev N.V., Pervova G.M., Evstigneev M.N. Monitoring and assessment of students’ foreign language proficiency: problems and solutions
Evstigneeva I.A., Shults O.E., Aleksich E.V. Foreign language teacher: modern requirements for the challenges of the time
Goncharova N.A., Medvedev A.V. The method of projects as a progressive method of teaching foreign language communication in the mainstream of modern education
Kretov D.V. Methodical model of teaching students of language specialties to a foreign language written speech utterance based on the method of mutual assessment
Dashkina A.I. Formation of foreign language written and speech competence of students of linguistic directions in the conditions of learning in cooperation
Dolzhenkova M.I., Bortnikova T.G. Teaching students a foreign language in a children's camp: psychological and pedagogical conditions
RubricHistoriography” (5.6.5. Историография, источниковедение, методы исторического исследования (исторические науки)
Drobotushenko E.V. Reflection of the Orthodox history of Eastern Transbaikal in the late 1920s – early 1930s in the documents of the State Archive of the Russian Federation and the problems of its study by sources
Ilyin A.Y. To the issue of the historiographic systematization (on the materials of dissertations on the history of the Tambov Governorate and region)
Rubric “National History” (5.6.1. National History)
Sokolova E.V. Development of a map of rural settlements of the Russian population of the Tara County in the 16th–19th centuries
Poznakhirev V.V. Monetary allowance of captured officers in Russia and Western countries in the 18th century
Viazinkin A.Y., Yakimov K.A. Peasant traditionalism during the era of the “revolutionary turning point”
Petrykin N.N. Overcoming the consequences of the breakdown of the law enforcement system of the Russian Empire in railway transport in the early years of Soviet Russia
Nikulin V.V. Intra-party crisis in the CPSU and problems of state administration in 1920–1921
Shcherbinin P.P. Peculiarities of pension coverage for disabled war veteran and their employment in Tambov Region in 40s and 50s of the 20th century
Rubric Foreign Countries’ History” (5.6.2. General History)
Alpyspaeva G.A., Sayahimova Sh.N. Anti-church campaign in the 1920s in Kazakhstan (on the materials of the archives of Kazakhstan)
Ivanova N.A. U.S. policy towards Israel in the context of the Israeli-Jordanian armed clashes (1954)
Chistalev M.S. Rethinking E. Said’s “Orientalism” in modern Western and Russian scientific discourse
“Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities”. Vol. 27, no. 4 for 2022
came out of the press on October 7, 2022
The authors and subscribers can get the journal in the Incorporate Editorial of Scientific Journals
at address 190g Sovetskaya St., Tambov
“Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities” Vol. 27 no. 4 for 2022 is sent for the press on September 16, 2022.
Scientific articles are placed in the following headings: on the direction 5.8.1. General Pedagogy, History of Pedagogy and Education: “Pedagogy of Higher School”; on the direction 5.8.2. Theory and Methods of Teaching and Education (by Fields and Levels of Education) (Foreign Languages) (pedagogical sciences)): “Theory and Methods of Foreign Language Teaching”; on the direction 13.00.04 Theory and methods of physical education, sports training, recreational and adaptive physical education (pedagogical sciences): “Theory and Methods of Physical Education”; on the direction 5.6.1. National History: “National History”; on the direction 5.6.2. General History: “Foreign Countries’ History”.
Dear Colleagues!
Below there is the list of the authors, whose articles are planned
to be published in the journal “
Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities” in 2022,
according to the decisions of the Editorial Board of
September 9, 2022
Vol. 27, no. 5
Rubric “National History” (5.6.1. National History)
Nikulin V.V. Intra-party crisis in the CPSU and problems of state administration in 1920–1921
Vol. 27, no. 4
Rubric “Pedagogy of Higher School” (5.8.1. General Pedagogy, History of Pedagogy and Education)
Makarova L.N., Kochukova O.N. Divergent thinking of students: categorical and conceptual analysis
Manger T.E., Dyukova S.V. Project activity as a mean of developing socio-cultural activity of youth
Litvak R.A., Oronova A.V. The historical aspect of the development of social and cultural activities as a means of youth socialization
Kuznetsova N.V. Specifics of the application of the socio-cultural approach in the process of developing individual’s information and legal competence
Rubric “Theory and Methods of Foreign Language Teaching” (5.8.2. Theory and Methods of Teaching and Education (by Fields and Levels of Education) (Foreign Languages) (pedagogical sciences))
Popova S.V., Salkhenova A.A. Development of professional foreign language communicative competence of students in the context of academic mobility
Aleksich E.V., Hausmann-Ushkova N.V., Pervova G.M. Distance learning of foreign languages: current state and ways of improvement in the context of increasing motivation and developing students' autonomy
Murunov S.S., Medvedev N.V., Shults O.E. Using Internet resources for problematization of teaching foreign languages
Motov S.V. Cognitive linguistics in foreign language teaching: problems and prospects (by the example of teaching English at a language university)
Rusinova N.V., Stepanova M.M. Interdisciplinary integration in teaching foreign languages and culture for Masters of Economics and Management
Zueva V.V. The use of famous paintings as means of cognitive visualization in teaching language
Goncharova N.A., Medvedev A.V. The importance of the implementation of project and research activities by students of secondary vocational education for the formation of intercultural communicative competence
Bortnikova T.G., Dolzhenkova M.I. Students skills development for conducting a productive intercultural communication
Iliina O.K. Coaching instruments in teaching general English
Konovalova O.V. Methodical aspects of the development of the ability to speak of students of the Faculty of Foreign Languages in a blended learning format
Kretov D.V. Psychological and pedagogical conditions for organizing the process of teaching students of linguistic specialties a foreign written speech statement based on the method of mutual assessment
Evstigneeva I.A., Evstigneev M.N., Klochikhin V.V. Ensuring students’ information security in the process of using the project method in foreign language teaching at the university
Rubric “Theory and Methods of Physical Education(13.00.04 – Theory and methods of physical education, sports training, recreational and adaptive physical education (pedagogical sciences)
Platonova Y.V., Korablev Y.Y, Development and improvement of students' physical qualities: methodological aspects
Rubric “National History” (5.6.1. National History)
Petrykin N.N. Appeals to God in the documents of the law enforcement system of Russia (from ancient times to 1917)
Sayapin A.V., Moiseyev N.B. Reconstruction of the boundary line of the dacha of village Rasskazovo with country-sides according to an archival source of 1811
Makhrachev G.S. The raw material problem as a major hindrance to development of cottage industry in Tambov Governorate from the second half of the 19th till the first third of the 20th century
Viazinkin A.Y., Yakimov K.A. Public moods of peasants and agrarian utopia in the works of Russian Neo-Narodniks
Pashin V.P. To the origins of the development and activities of the Soviet police (based on the materials of the Kursk Region)
Martyukova E.A. Soviet-Greek church relations as a factor of post-war stabilization in the world (1946–1953)
Medvedeva O.V. Funds of personal origin as an object of archival storage
Rubric Foreign Countries’ History” (5.6.2. General History)
Kuzmin Y.V. The role of the USA aviation industry in the development of general aviation
Attention authors!
During the vacation period of editorial workers, members of editorial board and experts (reviewers),
articles are not accepted or reviewed (from June 30 to August 30, 2022).
Notification of acceptance for consideration/rejection of articles sent during this period will be sent to the author by editorial office after August 30.
From the same date, the review period will begin.
Articles that have not been published before and are not under consideration in other publications;
containing the results of an independent original research are accepted for consideration.
“Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities”. Vol. 27, no. 3 for 2022
came out of the press on July 5, 2022
The authors and subscribers can get the journal in the Incorporate Editorial of Scientific Journals
at address 190g Sovetskaya St., Tambov
“Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities” Vol. 27 no. 3 for 2022 is sent for the press on June 20, 2022.
Scientific articles are placed in the following headings: on the direction 5.8.1. General Pedagogy, History of Pedagogy and Education: “Pedagogy of Higher School”, “Pedagogy of Secondary and Preschool Education”; on the direction 5.8.2. Theory and Methods of Teaching and Education (by Fields and Levels of Education) (Foreign Languages) (pedagogical sciences)): “Theory and Methods of Foreign Language Teaching”; on the direction 5.8.6. Recreational and Adaptive Physical Education: “Recreational and Adaptive Physical Education”; on the direction 13.00.04 Theory and methods of physical education, sports training, recreational and adaptive physical education (pedagogical sciences): “Theory and Methods of Physical Education”; on the direction 5.6.1. National History: “National History”; on the direction 5.6.2. General History: “Foreign Countries’ History”.
Dear Colleagues!
Below there is the list of the authors, whose articles are planned
to be published in the journal “
Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities” in 2022,
according to the decisions of the Editorial Board of
June 10, 2022
Vol. 27, no. 3
Rubric “Pedagogy of Higher School” (5.8.1. General Pedagogy, History of Pedagogy and Education)
Mikheev S.A. Pedagogical monitoring as a factor in the effectiveness of the discussion training of future engineers based on informatization tools
Rubric “Theory and Methods of Foreign Language Teaching” (5.8.2. Theory and Methods of Teaching and Education (by Fields and Levels of Education) (Foreign Languages) (pedagogical sciences))
Sorokin D.O. Structure of students’ intercultural competence
Khmarenko N.I. Stages of teaching students foreign language written speech based on cooperative learning and ICT
Kozlova M.S. Linguodidactic potential of online learning in modern education
Rubric “Theory and Methods of Physical Education
Pugachev I.Y., Korablev Y.Y., Paramonov A.V. Features of ensuring personal safety by means of physical training
Rubric Foreign Countries’ History” (5.6.2. General History)
Evloeva R.D. The Convention of 1818: preparation, conclusion, consequences
Iurlov A.R. Formation of memory places of the Rusyns population of Galicia and Bukovina about internment in the territory of Cisleitania in 1914–1939
Sozinova M.V. Transfer of culture at the turn of eras: possible directions of educational dynamics. Review of the book by O.E. Lebedev “Education at School: Dialectics of the Past and the Future”. St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg University of Humanities and Social Sciences Publ., 2022
Dear Colleagues!
Below there is the list of the authors, whose articles are planned
to be published in the journal “
Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities” in 2022,
according to the decisions of the Editorial Board of
May 13, 2022
Vol. 27, no. 3
Rubric “Pedagogy of Higher School” (5.8.1. General Pedagogy, History of Pedagogy and Education)
Yurieva M.N. Development of creative thinking of a student by means of staging activities at universities of culture and arts
Saveleva O.E. American National Standards for civics as a factor in education for civic engagement
Rubric “Pedagogy of Secondary and Preschool Education (5.8.1. General Pedagogy, History of Pedagogy and Education)
Manger T.E., Belova E.A. Experience in organizing the subject “Individual Project” in high school
Rubric “National History” (5.6.1. National History)
Anshin D.V. Stages of evolution of state regulation of the banking system in Russia from the 17th to the early 20th century
Mitrofanov V.V. On cooperation of S.F. Platonov with the journal “Historical Bulletin” (by correspondence with S.N. Shubinsky)
Lazarenko E.I. Newspaper clippings with information about the status of Russian war prisoners in 1918 as a historical source
Tkacheva G.A. Defense mass training of people from the Far East for defense of Motherland during Great Patriotic War (1941–1945)
“Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities”. Vol. 27, no. 2 for 2022
came out of the press on April 26, 2022
The authors and subscribers can get the journal in the Incorporate Editorial of Scientific Journals
at address 190g Sovetskaya St., Tambov
“Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities” Vol. 27 no. 2 for 2022 is sent for the press on April 18, 2022.
Scientific articles are placed in the following headings: on the direction 5.8.1. General Pedagogy, History of Pedagogy and Education: “Pedagogy of Higher School”; on the direction 5.8.2. Theory and Methods of Teaching and Education (by Fields and Levels of Education) (Foreign Languages): “Theory and Methods of Foreign Language Teaching in Higher School”, “Theory and Methods of Foreign Language Teaching in Secondary General School”; on the direction 5.8.6. Recreational and Adaptive Physical Education: “Recreational and Adaptive Physical Education”; on the direction 5.6.1. National History^ “National History”; on the direction 5.6.2. General History: “Foreign Countries’ History”.
Dear Colleagues!
Below there is the list of the authors, whose articles are planned
to be published in the journal “
Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities” in 2022,
according to the decisions of the Editorial Board of
April 4, 2022
Vol. 27, no. 3
Rubric “Pedagogy of Higher School” (5.8.1. General Pedagogy, History of Pedagogy and Education)
Kuznetsova N.V., Grigorieva E.I. Mental maps as an effective educational technology for the development of information and legal competence of a person
Rubric “Pedagogy of Secondary and Preschool Education (5.8.1. General Pedagogy, History of Pedagogy and Education)
Alisov E.A. Actualization of learning in the natural environment from the standpoint of environmental safety
Nikitin S.V. Socio-pedagogical adaptation as a problem of psychological and pedagogical science
Rubric “Recreational and Adaptive Physical Education” (5.8.6. Recreational and Adaptive Physical Education)
Baulina N.V., Begidova T.P. Adaptive physical education of junior school students with bronchial asthma
Khlystov P.A. The content of training sessions for goalball players of primary training groups in the transition period
Vol. 27, no. 2
Rubric “Pedagogy of Higher School” (5.8.1. General Pedagogy, History of Pedagogy and Education)
Boldina M.A., Deeva E.V. Organization of social counseling for families at risk
Rubric “Theory and Methods of Foreign Language Teaching in Higher School” (5.8.2. Theory and Methods of Teaching and Education (by Fields and Levels of Education) (Foreign Languages)
Gevorgyan A.G., Shustova I.N. Specificity of teaching students of non-linguistic specialities reading English
Makarowa E.L., Saenko E.S. Approaches to teaching agricultural university students a foreign language for professional communication
Rubric “Theory and Methods of Foreign Language Teaching in Secondary School” (5.8.2. Theory and Methods of Teaching and Education (by Fields and Levels of Education) (Foreign Languages)
Kalachnikova R.S. Types of foreign language video materials and the specifics of their influence on teaching English speaking
Rubric “Recreational and Adaptive Physical Education” (5.8.6. Recreational and Adaptive Physical Education)
Nopin S.V., Koryagina Y.V. Psychophysiological characteristics of the reaction time of highly qualified athletes with disabilities
Mukina E.Y. Influence of elements of rhythmic gymnastics on the development of coordination abilities of children with mental retardation
Rubric “National History” (5.6.1. National History)
Bartashev D.S. Dynastic legislation of Emperor Alexander III
Kamaeva E.V. Komsomol undertakings of the 1960s – 1970s in the memoirs of contemporaries and archival documents (based on the materials of the Republic of Tatarstan)
Volgin E.I. The problem of the departization of state power in the Russian Federation after 1993
Rubric Foreign Countries’ History” (5.6.2. General History)
Iurlov A.R. Social and demographic structure of the Talerhof internment camp (1914–1917)
Dear Colleagues!
Below there is the list of the authors, whose articles are planned
to be published in the journal “
Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities” in 2022,
according to the decisions of the Editorial Board of
March 18, 2022
Vol. 27, no. 3
Rubric “National History” (5.6.1. National History)
Rakhmanov P.S. Accounting and conscription of former officers of the Russian Imperial Army in the Red Army during the Civil War (based on the materials of the Tambov Governorate)
Vol. 27, no. 2
Rubric “Pedagogy of Higher School” (5.8.1. General Pedagogy, History of Pedagogy and Education)
Prokhorov A.V. Modern approaches to career guidance of school students
Usmanov V.V., Filippov A.N. Components of the pedagogical model of professional education of students
Kononov D.L. The role of the metropolitan bishop Juvenal (Tarasov) in the revival of the Kursk orthodox theological seminary
Rubric “Theory and Methods of Foreign Language Teaching in Higher School” (5.8.2. Theory and Methods of Teaching and Education (by Fields and Levels of Education) (Foreign Languages)
Malev A.V., Gusarova V.S. Illocutionary literacy as a reflection of pragmaticon of secondary linguistic personality of a foreign language teacher: discourse semantic and didactic aspects
Nikolaenko I.S., Pribytkova A.A., Pustovalova T.A. Teaching students a professional foreign language using digital technologies
Khmarenko N.I. Psychological and pedagogical conditions for teaching students writing skills based on cooperative learning and ICT
Mikheeva N.N., Guseva R.G. Specifics of foreign language specialist training: theoretical and practical aspects
Rubric “Theory and Methods of Foreign Language Teaching in Secondary School” (5.8.2. Theory and Methods of Teaching and Education (by Fields and Levels of Education) (Foreign Languages)
Belousov A.S. The model of content and language integrated learning as a mean of career guidance of secondary school students of the humanities classes
Rubric “National History” (5.6.1. National History)
Vidnichuk A.O. Women’s social circle and leisure in the first third of the 18th century according to forensic documents
“Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities”. Vol. 27, no. 1 for 2022
came out of the press on March 17
The authors and subscribers can get the journal in the Incorporate Editorial of Scientific Journals
at address 190g Sovetskaya St., Tambov
“Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities” Vol. 27 no. 1 for 2022 is sent for the press on February 25, 2022.
Scientific articles are placed in the following headings: on the direction 5.8.1. General Pedagogy, History of Pedagogy and Education: “Pedagogy of Higher School”, “Pedagogy of Preschool and School Education”; on the direction 5.8.2. Theory and Methods of Teaching and Education (by Fields and Levels of Education) (Foreign Languages): “Theory and Methods of Foreign Language Teaching in Higher School”, “Theory and Methods of Foreign Language Teaching in Secondary General School”; on the direction 5.8.6. Recreational and Adaptive Physical Education: “Theory and Methods of Physical Training Teaching”, “Recreational and Adaptive Physical Education”; on the direction 5.6.1. National History: “National History”; on the direction 5.6.2. General History: “Foreign Countries’ History”.
Dear Colleagues!
Below there is the list of the authors, whose articles are planned
to be published in the journal “
Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities” in 2022,
according to the decisions of the Editorial Board of
February 11, 2022
Vol. 27, no. 2
Rubric “Recreational and Adaptive Physical Education” (5.8.6. Recreational and Adaptive Physical Education)
Kondakov V.L., Sheplyakov A.S. Analysis of mobile applications to increase the level of physical activity of students
Khlystov P.A. Analysis of the functional-motor state of goalball players
Rubric “National History” (5.6.1. National History)
Zhitin R.M., Topilsky A.G. Activity of the Tambov Agricultural Society in the field of rationalization of agricultural production (1902–1914)
Rubric Foreign Countries’ History” (5.6.2. General History)
Malnach A.D. Latvian “active nationalists” and the Latvian Conservatory
Vol. 27, no. 1
Rubric “Pedagogy of Higher School” (5.8.1. General Pedagogy, History of Pedagogy and Education)
Garashkina N.V., Druzhinina A.A. Technology of teaching future bachelors of “Pedagogical Education” programme as an object of digital didactics
Konovalova O.V., Dorokhov R.S. Methodic aspects of the development of critical thinking of ESL students majoring in Pedagogical education
Rubric “Theory and Methods of Foreign Language Teaching in Secondary School” (5.8.2. Theory and Methods of Teaching and Education (by Fields and Levels of Education) (Foreign Languages)
Lyulyushin A.A., Stepashkina O.I. Teaching foreign language monologue speech of high school students in conditions of distance learning
Rubric “Recreational and Adaptive Physical Education” (5.8.6. Recreational and Adaptive Physical Education)
Begidova T.P., Mukina E.Y. PNF-therapy in complex rehabilitation of individuals with musculoskeletal system disorders
Selitrenikova T.A., Anosov V.A. Fundamentals of the use of recreational physical therapy with servicemen of the third health group
Barasheva O.G. Methods of evaluation of physical fitness of the young shooters with hearing impairment at the early stage of training
Rubric “National History” (5.6.1. National History)
Lazarenko E.I. The condition of Russian World War I prisoners of war in foreign camps (based on materials of personal origin)
Rakhmanov P.S. On the problem of employment of former officers of the Army of the Russian Empire in the RSFSR in 1918 – early 1920s (based on the materials of the Tambov province)
Isaev A.A. Problems of development of the system of training and retraining of agitation and propaganda personnel in the Far East of the USSR in the 1930s
Yakimov K.A. On the problem of anti-religious education of the youth in the Tambov region in 1937–1941
Ilyin A.Y. Some aspects of Tambov infrastructure development in the early 21st century
Rubric Foreign Countries’ History” (5.6.2. General History)
Iurlov A.R. The mythologization of Thalerhof: from commemoration to political myth
Mordzilovich A.A. The General and the Nuncio: the history of relationship between Erich Ludendorff and Eugenio Pacelli
Mikhailov I.V. The role of the United States in the transformation of the European security architecture
Dear Colleagues!
Below there is the list of the authors, whose articles are planned
to be published in the journal “
Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities” in 2022,
according to the decisions of the Editorial Board of
January 14, 2022
Vol. 27, no. 2
Rubric National History” 
Avrekh A.L. From the history of the Tambov Labor Faculty: an attempt at a “didactic revolution”
Rubric Foreign Countries’ History” 
Chistalev M.S. Patrium amnem: the image of the Nile in Roman art and literature in the late 1st century AD
Vol. 27, no. 1
Rubric “Pedagogy of Secondary and Preschool Education 
Karpova S.I., Savenkova T.D. Methodical support of the project activities of senior preschoolers in kindergarten
Nikitin S.V. Analysis of the concept of “theatrical activity” from the perspective of preschool education
Rubric “Theory and Methods of Foreign Language Teaching in Higher School” 
Bortnikova T.G., Dolzhenkova M.I. Student’s communication skills development in the process of working with polycode texts
Stepanova M.M., Kozuliaev A.V. Methodology of teaching audiovisual meme translation
Degtyarev A.V. Development of a noospheric worldview among students of non-linguistic universities in the process of foreign language teaching
Shevchenko M.A., Mitchell L.A., Gorobtsov E.V. Improving linguistic training in the military education system
Mitchell P.J., Andrakhanov A.A., Selivanov D.V. The Royal Air Force slang. Impact of World War II
Rubric “Theory and Methods of Foreign Language Teaching in Secondary School” 
Goncharova N.A., Melekhova N.V., Ulyanov S.S. The importance of primary foreign language education for the language training of general school students: the theoretical aspect of the research problem
Kalachnikova R.S. Problems of mastering speaking in English in 8th–9th grade students and ways to solve them
Rubric “Theory and Methods of Physical Training Teaching” 
Starov M.I., Romanina L.A., Baranovskiy A.E. Social and pedagogical conditions for the development of an athlete’s “self-belief” by a coach in situations of success and failure
Zhovan G.F., Kulikova I.V. Generalization of the experience of participants in the distance format of educational process of physical education disciplines
Korzun D.L., Kaliada V.A. Physical education as a basis for healthy and creative personal development of school and university students
Rubric Foreign Countries’ History” 
Mitrevska Y., Seltser D.G. “Environmental Agenda” in the latest political history of Republic of North Macedonia (1990s – 2020s)
For the attention of the lecturers and employees of the university!
The application for the privileged subscription for the journals, published in Derzhavin Tambov State University in 2022 is available.
You can subscribe in the incorporate editorial of scientific journals at the address: Tambov, Sovetskaya St., 190g


Journal’s title Information about the journal Price of the privileged yearlong subscription

Tambov University Reviews. Series: Humanities

Index 83371 

Pedagogical SciencesHistorical Sciences

Included in the List of the reviewed scientific journals and issues, published in Russian Federation and recommended by Higher Attestation Commission
Indexed by RISC, CrossRef (DOI), Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory, EBSCO, SciLit, Scientific Electronic Library “eLIBRARY.RU”, Electronic Library “CyberLeninka”
1050 rub.


Index 80303

Philological Sciences


Included in the List of the reviewed scientific journals and issues, published in Russian Federation and recommended by Higher Attestation Commission

Indexed by RISC, DOAJ, Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory, EBSCO, ResearchBib, CrossRef (DOI), Scientific Electronic Library “eLIBRARY.RU”, Electronic Library “CyberLeninka”
700 rub.

Russian Universities Reports. Mathematics

Index 83372

 Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Included in the List of the reviewed scientific journals and issues, published in Russian Federation and recommended by Higher Attestation Commission, Indexed in Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) on Web of Science platform, RSCI, Math-Net.Ru, VINITI RAS, Zentralblatt MATH, SciLIT, Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory, EBSCO, Scientific Electronic Library “eLIBRARY.RU”, Electronic Library “CyberLeninka”, CrossRef (DOI) 500 rub.

Current Issues of the State and Law

Index 80661

Law Sciences

Included in the List of the reviewed scientific journals and issues, published in Russian Federation and recommended by Higher Attestation Commission,

Indexed by the RSCI, CrossRef (DOI), Scientific Electronic Library “eLIBRARY.RU”, Electronic Library “CyberLeninka”

1100 rub.


“Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities”. Vol. 26, no. 195 for 2021
came out of the press on December 7, 2021
The authors and subscribers can get the journal in the Incorporate Editorial of Scientific Journals
at address 190g Sovetskaya St., Tambov
“Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities” Vol. 26, no. 195 for 2021 is sent for the press on November 24, 2021.
Scientific articles are placed in the following headings: on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences:“Pedagogy of Higher School”, “Theory and Methods of Foreign Language Teaching in Higher School”, “Theory and Methods of Foreign Language Teaching in Secondary General School”, “Theory and Methods of Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language”, “Issues of Social Pedagogy and Social Work”, “Theory and Methods of Physical Training Teaching”, “Theory and Methods of Social and Cultural Activity Organization”, “Pedagogy of Preschool Education”; on the direction 07.00.00 – “National history”, “Foreign Countries’ History”.
Dear Colleagues!
Below there is the list of the authors, whose articles are planned
to be published in the journal “
Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities” in 2021,
according to the decisions of the Editorial Board of
November 12, 2021
Vol. 27, no. 1
Rubric “Pedagogy of Higher School” 
Chvanova M.S., Kiselyova I.A. Pedagogical model of development of value orientations of students in the conditions of Internet socialization
Rubric National History” 
Lovtsov V.A. Career dynamics of the governors of the Russian Empire in 1906–1911
Oblitsov M.A., Zhitin R.M. Food appropriation in the Tambov Governorate in 1920 on the example of Borisogbesk County: comrade A.I. Penkov’s case
Vol. 26, no. 195
on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences
Chvanova M.S., Kiselyova I.A. Modeling of professional self-determination of future young scholars in the process of professional training in the universities of the science city
Klimenko I.S. Possibilities of interactive technologies in the development of professional competencies of Bachelor’s Degree students of 44.03.05 “Mathematics”, “Informatics” programmes
Prokhorov A.V., Pyadysheva T.G. Modern directions of marketing in the field of educational services
Motov S.V. Peculiarities of foreign language teaching on a linguocognitive basis in modern educational reality (by the example of negation in English)
Morozova A.L., Kostyukova T.A. Application of the CLIL approach in teaching ESP as part of the expansion of Russian education (MGIMO experience)
Ulyanov S.S. Using the technology of blended learning “flipped classroom” in foreign language teaching at the university
Danilin R.A. Case method in the students’ university foreign language education
Vanyagina M.R. Assessment of foreign language proficiency in higher military schools
Shevchenko M.A., Gorobtsov E.V., Mitchell L.A. Features of the development of teaching materials for the practical course of military translation in a civilian university
Goncharova N.A., Hausmann-Ushkova N.V. The history of the emergence and main trends in the development of the case-study method in Russian foreign language education: the theoretical aspect of the research problem
Sushkova N.A., Ravich L. Theory and practice in language immersion camps: common challenges and how to solve them
Lyulyushin A.A., Stepashkina O.I. Elective language CLIL courses as a means of vocational guidance for students at the upper stage of basic general education
Belousov A.S. Psychological and pedagogical conditions for the implementation of content and language integrated learning (CLIL) as a method of professional orientation of secondary school students of the humanities classes
Miloserdova E.M., Serebrennikova N.G. Development of communicative competence in language teaching of a future profession
Mitrofanov A.A., Popov O.I. The intracycle velocity fluctuations of the elite butterfly swimmers
Kitaevskaya T.Y., Perunovskaya I.N. Development of information competencies in the project activities of a designer student
Stefanovskaya N.A. Evolution of methods of studying reading as a sociocultural practice
On the direction 07.00.00 – Historical Sciences
Metropolitan of Tambov and Rasskazovo Theodosius (Vasnev). Holy Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky – “who tamed barbarism in the East, who brought down envy in the West”
Ryazanov S.M. Urban growth and city police in the Urals in the 60s – 80s of 19th century
Shuvaev D.A. Chairman of the Tambov governorate zemstvo council Y.V. Davydov (1909–1917)
Izotova S.V. National historiography about the All-Russian Constituent Assembly
Nikitina A.A. Problems of the formation and development of local self-government in Russian historiography
Zhukovskaya N.Y. The role of the “North Atlantic Triangle” in the development of Canadian foreign policy: on the question of interpretations of the concept
Romanov V.V. Dzheyms James Shotwell and National Board for Historical Service (1917–1918)
“Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities”. Vol. 26, no. 194 for 2021
came out of the press on October 27, 2021
The authors and subscribers can get the journal in the Incorporate Editorial of Scientific Journals
at address 190g Sovetskaya St., Tambov
“Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities” Vol. 26, no. 194 for 2021 is sent for the press on October 14, 2021.
Scientific articles are placed in the following headings: on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences: “Pedagogy of Higher School”, “Theory and methods of foreign language teaching”, “Theory and methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language”, “Theory and Methods of Social and Cultural Activity Organization”, “Pedagogy of Preschool Education”; on the direction 07.00.00 – “National history”, “Foreign Countries’ History”.
Dear Colleagues!
Below there is the list of the authors, whose articles are planned
to be published in the journal “
Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities” in 2021,
according to the decisions of the Editorial Board of
October 8, 2021
Vol. 26, no. 195
on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences
Pavlov I.I. The technology of military-patriotic education of military personnel of the National Guard troops during the development of moral values system in units
Nasyrova G.N. Frame technology in textbooks for reading
Tolmacheva E.G. Problems of the development of artistic consciousness in teaching the piano to students of the music and pedagogical faculties of the universities of art and culture
Makarova L.N., Smolyarchuk I.V., Isaeva S.N. Art activities as a means of emotional development of preschool students with disabilities in inclusive education
Efimova O.V., Shadrina L.G. Development of linguistic competence as a condition for the speech development of older preschool students
On the direction 07.00.00 – Historical Sciences
Smirnov I.V. Critical perception by the leaders of the populist party of the US Constitution (turn of the 19th–20th centuries)
Vol. 26, no. 194
on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences
Krasnikov R.V., Sarychev A.V., Arkhiptsev I.N. Current issues of improving tactical and special training in the contemporary context of practical training of employees of internal affairs authorities
Shtukarev N.A. Assessment of the development state of the anti-corruption culture of the future bachelor of law in the educational process of a law university
Gorobtsov E.V., Lopatin R.D., Mitchell P.J. Short videos on the “TikTok” platform as a means of developing sociocultural skills in English language learners
Motov S.V. Teaching English on a linguocognitive basis: a phraseological aspect
Zimina E.I., Gubanov D.A. The role of corpus analysis in the study of English loanwords and in teaching a second foreign language (on the example of French and Italian)
Nikolaenko I.S., Pribytkova A.A., Pustovalova T.A. Genesis of digital technologies in teaching students a foreign language in a blended learning environment
Potapova V.Y. Linguodidactic potential of the model of content and language integrated learning of students in a foreign language and specialty in a medical university
Danilin R.A. Principles of teaching foreign language intercultural interaction of students based on the case method
Sokolova G.E. Teaching the culture of speech to foreign students on the basis of texts about the aesthetics of the Russian language
Dolgushina M.Y., Dolgushina A.A. Development of motive as an incentive to success at the initial stage of learning music
on the direction 07.00.00 – Historical Sciences
Ivitskaya A.N. Graphic materials of history of the Chevalier Guard Regiment
Mironov V.V. The army and the collapse of the Habsburg Monarchy in 1918
“Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities”. Vol. 26, no. 193 for 2021
came out of the press on September 22, 2021
The authors and subscribers can get the journal in the Incorporate Editorial of Scientific Journals
at address 190g Sovetskaya St., Tambov
“Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities” Vol. 26, no. 193 for 2021 is sent for the press on September 16, 2021.
Scientific articles are placed in the following headings: on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences: “Theory and Methods of Foreign Language Teaching in Higher School”, “Theory and Methods of Foreign Language Teaching in Secondary General School”, “Theory and Methods of Russian Language Teaching”, “Issues of Social Pedagogy and Social Work”, “Theory and Methods of Social and Cultural Activity Organization”, “Pedagogy of Preschool and School Education”; on the direction 07.00.00 – “National history”, “Foreign Countries’ History”.
Dear Colleagues!
Below there is the list of the authors, whose articles are planned
to be published in the journal “
Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities” in 2021,
according to the decisions of the Editorial Board of
September 3, 2021
Vol. 26, no. 195
on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences
Boldina M.A., Deeva E.V. A program approach to the prevention of juvenile delinquency
Platonova Y.V., Knyazev M.V. Theoretical and practical aspects of the development of strength and strength endurance of the abdominal muscles among university female students
Dolzhenkova M.I., Bortnikova T.G. Problems of organizing digital leisure in foreign research practice
Vol. 26, no. 194
on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences
Kalachnikova R.S. Mastering speaking skills as a way to create a situation of success in English lessons
Shmelev B.A. Development of lexical speech skills of high school students based on educational computer games
Shevchenko M.A., Ryumin B.A., Tavdgiridze L.A., Belov D.N. Training of interpreters for International Army Games
Dyakova T.A., Kholodkova M.V., Zherebtsova Z.I. Educational longread as a way of organizing a digital educational Internet resource in Russian as a foreign language
Maryatch A.Y., Shipilkina T.A. Development of the professional culture of a music teacher among foreign students in the process of musical and instrumental training at a Russian pedagogical university
Kotlyakova T.A., Kareva O.V. Development of understanding of the nature world in the process of artistic and aesthetic activity of preschool students
on the direction 07.00.00 – Historical Sciences
Chubarov A.I. Formation and activity of labor squads in the Russian Empire during the First World War
Vol. 26, no. 193
on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences
Mitchell P.D., Lopatin R.D., Trusov E.V. Teaching Russian-English translation with computer games
Potapova E.N. Framework for designing bespoke corporate foreign language courses
Potapova V.Y. Selection of subject-specific content of teaching a foreign language for professional communication in a medical university in the framework of Content and Language Integrated Learning
Khmarenko N.I. Genesis, essence and structure of pedagogical technology “Cooperative learning”
Danilin R.A. Stages of teaching foreign language intercultural communication of students based on the case method
Morozova A.L., Kostyukova T.A., Pushkareva I.A., Morozova D.M. Development of language mediation of non-linguistic universities students in the course of learning a foreign language
Popova S.V., Karandeeva L.G., Ulyanov S.S. Development of socio-cultural competence among high school students in foreign language lessons through authentic feature films
Chernikova E.L. Model of teaching the stylistic aspect of foreign language communication in the process of secondary general education
Stepanova N.A. The essence of formative assessment and its role in the teaching of a foreign language
Garashkina N.V., Druzhinina A.A. Inclusion of university students in social projects on civil and patriotic education of children and youth
Grigorieva E.I., Maksimova L.N. Project as an effective technology for teaching students of creative specialties
on the direction 07.00.00 – Historical Sciences
Kanishchev Vl.V. “We retreated for a long time, silently...?” The Great Retreat of 1915 on the combat records of the units of the 7th Infantry Division of the 5th Army Corps
Klimonova A.N. Historical development of the state policy of Russia in the sphere of increasing the well-being of the population
Dear Colleagues!
Below there is the list of the authors, whose articles are planned
to be published in the journal “
Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities” in 2021,
according to the decisions of the Editorial Board of
June 25, 2021
Vol. 26, no. 194
on the direction 07.00.00 – Historical Sciences
Sysoev V.L. The study of the former state peasantry of the late 19th – early 20th centuries in Soviet and contemporary historiography
Rakhmanov P.S. Former employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Tambov Governorate after the February Revolution of 1917
Dyachkov V.L. The Revolution of 1917 and the Civil War in the Tambov region: state and research prospects. Part 2. On the immediate and long-term consequences of the peasant anti-state armed protest
Vol. 26, no. 193
on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences
Stepanova N.A. The essence of formative assessment and its role in the teaching of a foreign language
Vasileva A.V. Research of the goal system of an interactive form of education (on the example of teaching Russian as a foreign language in a Master’s Degree Programme)
on the direction 07.00.00 – Historical Sciences
Yakimov K.A. Social and demographic image of Jewish revolutionaries (based on materials from the All-Union Society of Political Prisoners and Exiled Settlers)
Dyachkov V.L. The Revolution of 1917 and the Civil War in the Tambov region: state and research prospects. Part 1. On the problems of conceptualization, methodology and methods of studying the history of the Civil War in the Tambov Governorate
Attention authors!
During the vacation period of editorial workers, members of editorial board and experts (reviewers),
articles are not accepted or reviewed (from July 5 to August 30, 2021).
Notification of acceptance for consideration/rejection of articles
sent during this period will be sent to the author by editorial office after August 30.
From the same date, the review period will begin.
Articles that have not been published before and are not under consideration in other publications;
containing the results of an independent original research are accepted for consideration.
“Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities”. Vol. 26, no. 192 for 2021
came out of the press 
The authors and subscribers can get the journal in the Incorporate Editorial of Scientific Journals
at address 190g Sovetskaya St., Tambov
“Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities” Vol. 26, no. 192 for 2021 is sent for the press on June 11, 2021.
Scientific articles are placed in the following headings: on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences: “Theory and methods of foreign language teaching”, “Theory and methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language”, “Theory and methods of physical training teaching”, “Pedagogy of higher school”, “Pedagogy of school education”; on the direction 07.00.00 – “National history”, “Pedagogy of school education”.
Dear Colleagues!
Below there is the list of the authors, whose articles are planned
to be published in the journal “
Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities” in 2021,
according to the decisions of the Editorial Board of
May 21, 2021
Vol. 26, no. 193
on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences
Kachanova A.A., Fabrizi V. Analysis and typology of phonetic errors in the vocal speech of Italian speaking students
on the direction 07.00.00 – Historical Sciences
Averin N.V. Participation of front-line soldiers in the pogroms of landlord estates in the Tambov Governorate in the first months of 1918
Vol. 26, no. 192
on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences
Mitchell P.D., Andrakhanov A.A., Trusov E.V. British Air Force slang. Influence of the First World War
Nikolaenko I.S., Pribytkova A.A., Pustovalova O.V. The use of project methods in foreign language teaching to students of linguistic programmes
Amerkhanova O.O. Features of the implementation of the CLIL-course “Foreign Language in the Professional Sphere” for students of non-linguistic programmes
Potapova E.N. Principles of designing bespoke corporate foreign language courses
Sedochenko S.V., Begidova T.P. Differentiation of rheological characteristics of former swimmers with musculoskeletal disorders
Kuzmenko M.V., Boldyreva V.B. Effectiveness of using subjects in the rhythmic gymnastics classroom in preschool educational institutions
on the direction 07.00.00 – Historical Sciences
Yakimov K.A. Soviet foreign policy in 1937–1941: youth perception of the Tambov Region
Dear Colleagues!
Below there is the list of the authors, whose articles are planned
to be published in the journal “
Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities” in 2021,
according to the decisions of the Editorial Board of
April 30, 2021
Vol. 26, no. 193
on the direction 07.00.00 – Historical Sciences
Nadirov R.A. Food crisis in Vienna in recent years World War I 1916–1918
Kozyakova N.S. The accession of the Second Republic of Austria to the UN after the end of World War II (1955)
Vol. 26, no. 192
on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences
Evdokimova M.G. Prospects for the evolution of a foreign language textbook for a non-linguistic university
Shmelev B.A. Linguodidactic potential of educational computer games
Stepanova N.A. The essence of formative assessment and its role in the foreign language teaching
Prokhorova M.E., Zimina E.I., Kondakova N.N. Variability of methods and techniques of foreign language teaching at early stage
Miloserdova E.M., Samorodova T.V. “Russian Club” as a method of linguocultural adaptation of foreign students in the language environment
Dyakova T.A., Deryabina S.A., Konchakova S.V. Specification of spelling literacy development among foreign children at the primary stage of Russian language education in a polyethnic educational environment
Sidlyar M.Y., Kovaleva O.A. Features of project-oriented and game-based student learning using the modeling environment SketchUp
on the direction 07.00.00 – Historical Sciences
Averin N.V. Provisions situation in the Tambov Governorate in the early 1918
Klimova O.G. Types of research texts in Russian historiography on the example of studying the history of entrepreneurship of pre-revolutionary Siberia
“Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities”. Vol. 26, no. 191 for 2021
came out of the press on April 23, 2021
The authors and subscribers can get the journal in the Incorporate Editorial of Scientific Journals
at address 190g Sovetskaya St., Tambov
“Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities” Vol. 26, no. 191 for 2021 is sent for the press on April 13, 2021.
Scientific articles are placed in the following headings: on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences: “Pedagogy of higher school”, “Theory and methods of foreign language teaching”, “Questions of social pedagogy and social work”, “Theory and methods of physical training teaching”, “Theory and methods of social and cultural activity organization”, “Pedagogy of preschool and school education”; on the direction 07.00.00 – “National history”, “Foreign countries’ history”.
Dear Colleagues!
Below there is the list of the authors, whose articles are planned
to be published in the journal “
Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities” in 2021,
according to the decisions of the Editorial Board of
March 26, 2021
Vol. 26, no. 193
on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences
Semenova E.A. General and speech development of preschool children as a basis for teaching initial reading
Vol. 26, no. 192
on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences
Sokolova G.E. Development of communication skills among foreign students on the basis of an interactive approach and training of interested communication
Paramonov A.V., Plotnikova T.V. Methods of teaching weapon training: adaptation to the professional activity conditions
Bukharova V.P., Spirina M.Y. The forgotten old in modern pedagogical practice
Agmanova A.E., Rubas A.A. Reading literacy: on the problem of measuring language ability
on the direction 07.00.00 – Historical Sciences
Gazieva A.A., Gasanov M.M. On the issues of influence of the Armenian and Georgian diasporas of Kizlyar on the economic, cultural and educational life of the city in the first half of the 19th century
Oblitsov M.A. Peculiarities of the socio-economic and political situation of non-rebel territories of Tambov Governorate in 1917–1921
Vol. 26, no. 191
on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences
Chvanova M.S., Kiselyova I.A., Anureva M.S. Experience in training students and Post-Graduate students of high technologies in science cities of Russia
Evstigneeva I.A., Poroshin V.V. Critical thinking development of linguistic university students in the process of teaching listening in English
Klochikhin V.V. Psychological features of the collocational competence development
Stepanova M.M., Lukyanova V.S. Developing translation competence in economics major students as a part of the foreign language course
Kapranchikova K.V., Zavgorodnyaya E.L., Saenko E.S. Problems of foreign language teaching for professional communication in an agrarian university and ways to solve them
Akopyanc I.A. Model of practical training in the university for future social sphere professionals
Kuzmenko M.V., Boldyreva V.B. Organizational and methodical features of classical aerobics and rhythmic gymnastics
Shankina S.V., Shankin Y.V. The concept of online learning in creative universities
on the direction 07.00.00 – Historical Sciences
Shutov R.N. Tambov viceroyalty – a new stage of the administrative and territorial structure of the Tambov region
Vasileva A.Y. On the issue of the British presence in Egypt: the business of “Thomas Cook and Son” in the assessment of contemporaries (the last third of the 19th century)
“Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities”. Vol. 26, no. 190 for 2021
came out of the press on March 23, 2021
The authors and subscribers can get the journal in the Incorporate Editorial of Scientific Journals
at address 190g Sovetskaya St., Tambov
Online version of “Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities”, vol. 26, no. 190 for 2021 is now available
in section “ISSUES” and on the eLibrary website (Russian Science Citation Index).
“Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities” Vol. 26, no. 190 for 2021 is sent for the press on March 5, 2021.
Scientific articles are placed in the following headings: on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences: “Pedagogy of higher school”, “Theory and methods of foreign language teaching”, “Theory and methods of teaching russian as a foreign language”, “Questions of social pedagogy and social work”, “Theory and methods of physical training teaching”, “Theory and methods of social and cultural activity organization”, “Pedagogy of preschool and school education”; on the direction 07.00.00 – “National history”, “Foreign countries’ history”.
Dear Colleagues!
Below there is the list of the authors, whose articles are planned
to be published in the journal “
Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities” in 2021,
according to the decisions of the Editorial Board of
February 26, 2021
Vol. 26, no. 193
on the direction 07.00.00 – Historical Sciences
Zhadan A.V. Historical and criminological analysis of official crime among the personnel of the NKVD in 1941–1945 (based on the materials of the Far Eastern region)
Vol. 26, no. 192
on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences
Bedina V.Y., Melekhova V.M., Pozdnyakova N.V. Development of communicative competence of high school students in the system of supplementary education
on the direction 07.00.00 – Historical Sciences
Denisova I.V., Lyu-Ku-Tan V.A. Director of the Belgorod Teachers Institute Dyakonov Petr Alexandrovich – teacher, historian and public figure of the Kursk, Tambov and Kharkov Governorates
Isaev A.A. Problems of development of the party education system in the Far East of the USSR in the 1930s
Vol. 26, no. 191
on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences
Nikiforova T.J., Maskalyanova S.A. Pedagogical prevention of drug addiction in the general education system: health-preserving aspect
Arzamastseva O.V., Tyurina L.A. Features of the development of a professional singing sound of pop-jazz performers in the process of teaching performance skills
Stepanova N.A. A model of formative assessment for foreign language teaching in a secondary school
on the direction 07.00.00 – Historical Sciences
Lyapin D.A., Roshchupkin A.Y. Bread stocks in the fortresses of the eastern section of the Belgorod line according to the inventory data of 1678
Vol. 26, no. 190
on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences
Evstigneev M.N., Evstigneeva I.A. Distance learning technologies in foreign language teaching
Kapranchikova K.V., Zavgorodnyaya E.L., Saenko E.S. Interdepartmental interaction in an agrarian university as a basis for the development of a professional foreign language course based on the model of content and language integrated learning
Fetisov A.M., Paramonov A.V. Methodic features of overcoming overtraining during physical education and sports in sports groups of the Institute of Law and National Security
Prokhorov A.V. Review of the monograph: Stromov V.Y., Sysoyev P.V., Zavyalov V.V. Development of Scholars’ Research in a Classical University: Experience of the Derzhavin Tambov State University. Tambov, Publishing House “Derzhavinsky”, 2021, 130 p. ISBN 978-5-00078-439-6
“Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities”. Vol. 25, no. 189 for 2020 came out of the press on February 1, 2021.
The authors and subscribers can get the journal in the Incorporate Editorial of Scientific Journals at address 190g Sovetskaya St., Tambov
Dear Colleagues!
Below there is the list of the authors, whose articles are planned
to be published in the journal “
Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities” in 2021,
according to the decisions of the Editorial Board of
January 29, 2021
Vol. 26, no. 195
On the direction 07.00.00 – Historical Sciences
Zhitin R.M., Topilsky A.G. Forestry of landlords of Tambov Governorate in the late 19th – early 20th century
Vol. 26, no. 192
on the direction 07.00.00 – Historical Sciences
Yan Meiwei. Amur Region as a territory of humanitarian cooperation
Vol. 26, no. 191
on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences
Ryzhkov A.N., Kosmin I.V., Kichaykina N.B. Questionnaire survey as a means of implementing a systematic approach in the study of problematic aspects of the theory and practice of athleticism on the example of kettlebell lifting
Manger T.E., Vasilieva Y.V. Statistical analysis of the dependence of the development level of patriotic feelings of adolescents on the structural components
Maryatch A.Y. Specificity of performance and intonation of clavier works of the Baroque era
Makarova L.N., Smolyarchuk I.V., Isaeva S.N. Pedagogical cooperation as a condition for the cognitive development of preschoolers with disabilities in inclusive education
Alisov E.A., Kalinchenko D.Y. Development of the ideas of primary school students about information security in the process of forming information culture
on the direction 07.00.00 – Historical Sciences
Averin N.V. Psychological atmosphere in Tambov in the first half of 1918 (based on the novella of B. Dalny “Romantic Story”)
Makhrachev G.S. Handicraft industry in Tambov Governorate: from military communism to NEP
Vol. 26, no. 190
on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences
Andreeva S.S. The problem of teaching communicative tactics in English-language professional discourse
Stepanova N.A. Some theoretical issues of assessment in modern stage of foreign language teaching development
Ezhova N.A. Vocal heritage of A.S. Dargomyzhsky in the aspect of the composer’s musical performance and pedagogical practice
on the direction 07.00.00 – Historical Sciences
Shutov R.N. Governor-general and ruler of the viceroyalty in the system of the administrative and territorial structure of the Russian Empire in 1775–1796
Lapay D.S. The Special Corps of Railway Troops’ command and control staff training in the Moscow Military Railway School (1932–1941)
Dronova N.V. On the political technology of Victorian England: the concept of “jingo” in the publishing practice of “Punch” magazine (1878–1879)
“Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities” Vol. 25, no. 189 for 2020 is sent for the press on December 28, 2020.
Scientific articles are placed in the following headings: on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences: “Pedagogy of higher school”, “Theory and methods of foreign language teaching”, “Theory and methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language”, “Questions of social pedagogy and social work”, “Theory and methods of physical education teaching”, “Theory and methods of social and cultural activity organization”, “Pedagogy of school education”; on the direction 07.00.00 – “National history”.
Dear Colleagues!
Below there is the list of the authors, whose articles are planned
to be published in the journal “
Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities” in 2020,
according to the decisions of the Editorial Board of
December 24, 2020
Vol. 26, no. 193
on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences
Ayvazyan O.O. Discussion as a mechanism for the development of students’ coherent oral Russian speech: theory and method
Vol. 26, no. 192
on the direction 07.00.00 – Historical Sciences
Allenov A.N., Levin O.Y. Activities of Bishop Porphyrius Uspensky as head of the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Jerusalem (1847–1853)
Zhitin R.M., Topilsky A.G., Patrina L.N. Tambov Governorate Library and the development of librarianship in Tambov in 1920–1937
Vol. 26, no. 191
on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences
Gabrielyan N.Z. Features of the development and rise of national pedagogical violin art from L. Auer to Y. Yankelevich
Pervova G.M., Semenova E.A. Theoretical foundations of teaching children to read
on the direction 07.00.00 – Historical Sciences
Krotova T.A. Correspondence of B.P. Mansurov with some figures of the Imperial Orthodox Palestinian Society in 1882–1885
Vol. 26, no. 190
on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences
Chvanova M.S., Kiseleva I.A., Anurieva M.S. Foreign experience of training specialists for high technologies
Glushchenko O.A. Development of compensatory and pragmatic competence in teaching foreign language to students of medical programmes
Garashkina N.V., Druzhinina A.A., Akopyanc I.A. Complex of educational technologies for the development of competence in the field of social-project activities of students
on the direction 07.00.00 – Historical Sciences
Lovtsov V.A. “Now they are in Tambov in real mourning”: the anti-Semitic campaign of 1909–1912 in the Tambov Governorate
Bakaryagin S.S. Ways of development of Soviet fine art in the context of the polemics of V.I. Lenin and A.A. Bogdanov
Vol. 25, no. 189
on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences
Stromov V.Y., Sysoyev P.V., Zavyalov V.V. Attracting talented youth to study in Post-Graduate Programme at a classical university
Danilin R.A. Pedagogical conditions for teaching foreign language intercultural interaction of students based on the case method
Dear Colleagues!
Below there is the list of the authors, whose articles are planned
to be published in the journal “
Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities” in 2020,
according to the decisions of the Editorial Board of
November 27, 2020
Vol. 26, no. 191
on the direction 07.00.00 – Historical Sciences
Khalidova O.B. The “Armenian Question” in the ethno-confessional policy of late imperial Russia: strategies, compromises and ways of resolution (review of the North Caucasus)
Vol. 26, no. 190
on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences
Sherekhova O.M. Organizational and pedagogical conditions for global citizenship education in the process of foreign language teaching of bachelors in humanities
Kholodkova M.V., Zherebtsova Z.I., Dyakova T.A. Implementation of game technologies in distance learning of Russian as a foreign language
Sarychev A.V., Demchenko N.V., Arkhiptsev I.N. The use of kettlebell lifting in the physical training of cadets and students in educational institutions of higher education of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
Manger T.E., Vasilieva Y.V. Study of the level of patriotic education of adolescents in a youth center
Pervova G.M., Semenova E.A. Phenomenon of self-learning to read in preschool age
on the direction 07.00.00 – Historical Sciences
Bijan A.N.B. Kurdish studies in Russia in the early 20th century
Mikulenok J.A. The financial position of students in the early Soviet period
Nadirov R.A. The influence of the First World War on the social and economic position of Vienna in 1914–1916
Vol. 25, no. 189
on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences
Kitaevskaya T.Y., Perunovskaya I.N. Dialogue interaction of university students in the classroom on computer technology
Novikova E.R., Polyakov O.G., Hausmann-Ushkova N.V. Legal discourse as a subject of study and teaching in the classroom in a foreign language specialty
Shostak E.V. A didactic model providing plurilingual training in multidisciplinary university
Ershova T.A. Pedagogical conditions of the development of language teachers’ professional communicative skills of written feedback
Kretov D.V. Linguodidactic functions of the peer review method in teaching students written speech utterance
Shmelev B.A. Psychological and pedagogical conditions for the development of lexical speech skills of school students on the basis of educational computer games
Zheleznyakova E.A. Teaching Turkic-speaking school students the morphemic structure of the word in the Russian language classes: ethno-cognitive approach
Starov M.I., Dorozhkina O.A., Glazkova T.N. Pedagogical forecasting of the image of the future family by student sports youth
Boldina M.A., Grushina D.V., Deeva E.V. Application of social counseling technology for low-income families within the framework of a social project
Mukina E.Y., Savelyev A.V. The structure and content of kinesitherapy for osteoarthritis of the knee joint
Stefanovskaya N.A. Reading support as a direction of sociocultural activity
Platonova Y.V., Paramonov A.V., Korablev Y.Y., Krasnoslobodtseva M.V. Theoretical and practical aspects of preventive work in the fight against drug addiction
Prokudin Y.P., Koroleva A.V. Innovation platforms at school: organization of activities
“Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities”. Vol. 25, no. 188 for 2020 came out of the press on November 24, 2020.
The authors and subscribers can get the journal in the Incorporate Editorial of Scientific Journals at address 190g Sovetskaya St., Tambov
Dear Colleagues!
Below there is the list of the authors, whose articles are planned
to be published in the journal “
Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities” in 2020,
according to the decisions of the Editorial Board of
October 20, 2020
Vol. 26, no. 190
on the direction 07.00.00 – Historical Sciences
Baranova E.V., Maslov V.N. Problems of post-war peasant migration in the acts on the arrival of resettlement echelons in the Kaliningrad Region
Vol. 25, no. 189
on the direction 07.00.00 – Historical Sciences
Safonov D.A. “Land and liberty” as the age-old dream of the Russian peasantry
Isaychikov V.F. Peasant revolts against the peasant revolution
Zhirov N.A. Development of the peasant farm and demoecological processes in the Orel Governorate in the second half of the 19th – early 20th centuries
Erin P.V. Community in rural self-government of the Russian village before and after 1917 (based on materials from the Tambov Governorate)
Razinkov M.E. Social and political activity of Voronezh Governorate peasants in 1917: cooperation with the authorities and geography of reduced conflicts
Posadskiy A.V. Goals and potential of study the rebel corps commanders of the Civil War
Nikulin V.V. Revolutionary tribunals in the anti-peasant terror system (1918–1921)
Dolgova A.V. The practice of terror by Soviet workers in the fight against banditry in the Osinsky District of the Perm Governorate during the Civil War
Yukhachev S.P., Nikolashin V.P. Economic reasons for the Antonov rebellion and land conflicts
Bezgin V.B. Rural communes and Soviet farms on the eve and during the peasant rebellion of 1920–1921
Podlesnov V.I. Ivan Matyukhin and his detachment in the Tambov rebellion
Kanishchev Vl.V. Officers of the Russian Imperial army as part of the confrontation sides of the Tambov rebellion of 1920–1921
Online version of “Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities”, vol. 25, no. 185 for 2020 is now available
in section “ISSUES” and on the eLibrary website (Russian Science Citation Index).
“Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities” Vol. 25, no. 188 for 2020 is sent for the press on October 8, 2020.
Scientific articles are placed in the following headings: on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences: “Pedagogy of higher school”, “Theory and methods of foreign language teaching”, “Theory and methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language”, “Questions of social pedagogy and social work”, “Theory and methods of physical education teaching”, “Theory and methods of social and cultural activity organization”; on the direction 07.00.00 – “National history”, “Foreign countries’ history”.
“Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities”. Vol. 25, no. 187 for 2020 came out of the press on October 5, 2020.
The authors and subscribers can get the journal in the Incorporate Editorial of Scientific Journals at address 190g Sovetskaya St., Tambov
Dear Colleagues!
Below there is the list of the authors, whose articles are planned
to be published in the journal “
Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities” in 2020,
according to the decisions of the Editorial Board of
September 25, 2020
Vol. 26, no. 191
on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences
Skudareva G.N. Theoretical and methodological foundations of continuous pedagogical education: pre-university component
Vol. 26, no. 190
on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences
Sokolova I.V. Dynamics of students’ physical development indicators in the course of Nordic walking classes
on the direction 07.00.00 – Historical Sciences
Kishchenkov M.S., Mikhaylov S.A., Tumakov D.V. Participation of representatives of the Yaroslavl regional elite A.I. Lisitsyn, E.B. Mizulina and D.A. Starodubtsev in the elections to the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation in 1993
Vol. 25, no. 189
on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences
Erina T.A., Motkina N.N. The use of multifunctional statistical criteria in the development of technological aspects of self-design of students’ educational and professional activities
Vol. 25, no. 188
on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences
Chvanova M.S., Kiselyova I.A. Historical and logical analysis of research on the development of professional value orientations of students in the context of Internet socialization
Medvedeva E.E. L. Wittgenstein’s dialogical method as a way to develop critical thinking
Koroleva A.V., Prokudin Y.P. Experience in creating technology for the teaching course “Psychology and Pedagogy”
Yuzbasheva E.G. Methodical model of development of grammar skills of students’ speech on the basis of realization of foreign-language Internet projects
Gavrilova A.V., Popova N.V. Modernization of the elective course content of the Master’s Degree programme for linguists “Teaching Methods in the Format of International Exams”
Kachanova A.A., Fabrizi V. Typology and causes of errors induced by cross-language interference in the sounding speech of Italian-speaking students
Boldina M.A., Deeva E.V., Shadsky O.G. Modern approaches to social and pedagogical support of disabled children and their families
Nikiforova T.J., Maskalyanova S.A., Dankovtsev O.A. On the issue of assessing the quality of social and psychological services in a neuropsychiatric institution conditions
Grigorieva E.I., Efremenko A.P., Gabdiyev M. Features of the development of project activity skills among students in the educational environment of the university
Chernikov I.A. Pedagogy of leisure as a direction in modern socio-cultural education and upbringing
Stefanovskaya N.A. A teenager as a reader: opportunities for pedagogical influence
Maryatch A.Y. Comparative analysis of the evolution of scientific and pedagogical knowledge in the field of education of the culture of piano performance and intonation
Makarova L.N., Novikov S.V., Bogomolov G.S., Ivannikov S.V. Interaction of the university with the armed forces in the field of military-patriotic education of youth: implementation experience
on the direction 07.00.00 – Historical Sciences
Strekalova N.V., Shcherbakov S.V. Employees of communications institutions of the Tambov Governorate in the second half of the 19th – early 20th centuries: number, staff, professional mobility
Sergunin V.A., archpriest. Reasons and conditions for the development of women community religious movement in the period of the great reforms of 19th century
Chubarov A.I., Shcherbinin P.P. Social charity of children during the First World War
Yakimov K.A. Transformation of public consciousness of Soviet youth in the conditions of mass political repressions of 1937–1938
Medvedeva O.V. The social prestige of the professions of a documentalist and archivist in Russia
Vasilkova V.A. Essential content of the détente concept: key elements of the superpowers’ approaches
Online version of “Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities”, vol. 25, no. 187 for 2020
 is now available in section “ISSUES” and on the eLibrary website (Russian Science Citation Index).


“Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities” Vol. 25, no. 187 for 2020 is sent for the press on September 2, 2020.
Scientific articles are placed in the following headings: on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences: “Pedagogy of higher school”, “Theory and methods of foreign language teaching”, “Questions of social pedagogy and social work”, “Pedagogy of preschool and school education”, “Theory and methods of social and cultural activity organization”; on the direction 07.00.00 – “National history”, “Foreign countries’ history”.
Dear Colleagues!
Below there is the list of the authors, whose articles are planned
to be published in the journal “
Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities” in 2020,
according to the decisions of the Editorial Board of August 28, 2020.
Vol. 25, no. 188
on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences
Glushchenko O.A. Professionally oriented foreign language teaching of dentist students on a bilingual basis using television discussion
on the direction 07.00.00 – Historical Sciences
Petrykin N.N. Gendarme railway police in the context of countering epidemics in the territory of the Kursk Governorate (1893–1914)
Vol. 25, no. 187
on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences
Prokhorov A.V. University as a subject of career guidance work with school students
Skudareva G.N. Social partnership at the stage of professional education of a teacher of social minded school
Dronov I.S. Types of institutional discourse in a foreign language teaching
Motov S.V. Лингвокогнитивные основы обучения отрицанию в английском языке
Glushchenko O.A. Professionally oriented foreign language teaching of dentist students on a bilingual basis using television discussion
Grigorieva E.I., Pankova E.I., Gabdiyev M. Self-development of youth in the social and cultural conditions of functioning student scientific society
Volkova A.V. Artistic image of a musical work as the main factor in the upbringing of a creative person in the process of development of performing skills of pianist students in children’s music school
Dolgushina M.Y. Musical local lore as a resource for patriotic education in the professional instrumental training class
on the direction 07.00.00 – Historical Sciences
Zhitin R.M. Piecework forms of hiring workers in the landowner’s household of the Tambov Governorate at the late 19th century
Volkov A.P., Lapay D.S. The use of pre-war period combat experience in the Red Army Railway Troops’ Officer Corps training (1937–1941)
Dear Colleagues!
Below there is the list of the authors, whose articles are planned
to be published in the journal “
Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities” in 2020,
according to the decisions of the Editorial Board of June 26, 2020.
Vol. 25, no. 187
on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences
Gushchina T.I., Makarova L.N., Kurin A.Y. Trends of pedagogical education – main directions of development of Pedagogical Institute
Chistyakova M.V., Shadrina L.G. Development of English language communicative skills in senior preschool children
Shankina S.V., Shushpanova E.Y., Putrashik I.I. Scientific and pedagogical approaches to teaching and upbringing children with disabilities by means of ballroom dance
on the direction 07.00.00 – Historical Sciences
Bukalova S.V., Shcherbinin P.P. “Owners of a mutilated affair”: establishment of a support system for military invalids in the Russian Empire during the First World War
Zlobin A.N. School polytechnization in the Central Black Earth Region in 1931–1933
Mukhamedov R.A., Filatov A.V. The system of national school education in the Ulyanovsk Region in 1946–1950
“Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities”. Vol. 25, no. 186 for 2020 came out of the press on Jule 17, 2020.
The authors and subscribers can get the journal in the Incorporate Editorial of Scientific Journals at address 190g Sovetskaya St., Tambov
Online version of “Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities”, vol. 25, no. 186 for 2020
 is now available in section “ISSUES” and on the eLibrary website (Russian Science Citation Index).
 “Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities”. Vol. 25, no. 185 for 2020 came out of the press on Jule 3, 2020.
The authors and subscribers can get the journal in the Incorporate Editorial of Scientific Journals at address 190g Sovetskaya St., Tambov
“Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities” Vol. 25, no. 186 for 2020 is sent for the press on May 28, 2020.
Scientific articles are placed in the following headings: on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences: “Theory and methods of foreign language teaching”, “Questions of social pedagogy and social work”, “Pedagogy of preschool and school education”, “Theory and methods of physical training teaching”, “Theory and methods of social and cultural activity organization”; on the direction 07.00.00 – “National history”.
Dear Colleagues!
Below there is the list of the authors, whose articles are planned
to be published in the journal “
Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities” in 2020,
according to the decisions of the Editorial Board of May 22, 2020.
Vol. 25, no. 188
on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences
Druzhinina A.A. Pedagogical design in teaching future bachelors of preschool education in the field of organization of artistic and aesthetic development of children
Kazantseva N.A., Kozyrev N.A., Kozyreva O.A. Theorization of the possibilities of managing the involvement quality of a person in the sports and educational environment of the sports school
on the direction 07.00.00 – Historical Sciences
Nazarova V.V. Provision of film-showing facilities and propaganda in the second half of the 1940s (on the materials of the Tambov Region)
Vol. 25, no. 187
on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences
Kulichenko R.M., Druzhinina A.A. Didactic outline of the formation of ability to develop project performance indicators as an element of the management culture of the future specialist in the field of social and pedagogical activity
Sylka S.I. System of prevention of deviant behavior of students in professional educational organizations using means of physical recreation
on the direction 07.00.00 – Historical Sciences
Petrykin N.N. Gendarme railway police: experience of mass transportation in the territory of the Kursk Governorate (1896–1914)
Nazarova V.V. Party leadership of the Soviet regional printing of the second half of the 1940s (on the example of “Tambovskaya Pravda”)
Truhina N.N., Kostenetskiy A.L. On practice of bishops consecration in Roman Gaul in the last third of the 5th century (ac-cording to the letters of Sidonius Apollinaris)
Vol. 25, no. 186
on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences
Zolotov P.Y. Psychological and pedagogical conditions for the development of pragmatic competence of students based on corpus technologies
Klochikhin V.V. Stages of students’ collocation competence development based on linguistic corpus
Кондакова Н.Н., Зимина Е.И., Прохорова М.Е. Дифференцированный подход к обучению английскому языку для специальных целей
Borozdina N.A. Stages of teaching students a second foreign language based on cognitive communicative approach
Malankhanova A.E. Teaching translation from Chinese to Russian by means of blog technology on the example of economic discourse
Tokmakova Y.V. Methodic model of teaching professional foreign language communication students of “Technology of production and processing of agricultural products” programme based on the model of content and language integrated learning
Baydikova T.V. Development of professional intercultural foreign language communicative competence of students of “Agricultural Engineering” programme in the conditions of content and language integrated learning
Akopyanc I.A., Kurin A.Y. Social activity of an adolescent as a factor of its social health
Savenkova T.D. Cooperative activity of preschoolers with peers and adults as a mean of positive socialization
Ivinsky D.V., Mukina E.Y. Control and accounting of student performance (bachelor’s degree students) in elective discipline “Volleyball”
Kolesnichenko N.A., Demets I.M., Simonov S.N. The relationship of anthropometric characteristics and motor abilities of adolescents
Shankina S.V., Shankin Y.V., Shushpanova E.Y. Scientific and methodic support of effective teaching and upbringing by means of choreography in preschool education institutions
on the direction 07.00.00 – Historical Sciences
Serezhnikova D.S. Iron household items with cutlers’ marks from excavations in Veliky Novgorod 13th – the first half of the 15th century
Shikunova I.A., Chubarov A.I., Shcherbinin P.P. Medical and social aspects of the social care system for orphans before and after 1917 (based on materials of the Tambov Governorate)
Fakurdinova A.G. Resolution of labor conflicts in pricing and conflict commissions in the early Soviet period
Reyent Y.A. The penal system and penal military units: crime and expiation of guilt during the Great Patriotic War
Online version of “Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities”, vol. 25, no. 185 for 2020
is now available in section “ISSUES” and on the eLibrary website (Russian Science Citation Index).
“Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities” Vol. 25, no. 185 for 2020 is sent for the press on March 27, 2020.
Scientific articles are placed in the following headings: on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences: “Pedagogy of higher school”, “Theory and methods of foreign language teaching”, “Theory and methods of foreign language teaching in agrarian university”, “Questions of social pedagogy and social work”, “Pedagogy of preschool and school education”, “Theory and methods of physical training teaching”, “Theory and methods of social and cultural activity organization”; on the direction 07.00.00 – “National history”, “Foreign countries’ history”.
Dear Colleagues!
Below there is the list of the authors, whose articles are planned
to be published in the journal “
Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities” in 2020,
according to the decisions of the Editorial Board of March 20, 2020.
Vol. 25, no. 188
on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences
Dolzhenkova M.I., Bortnikova T.G. Parameters of the development of social and cultural environment of the city (on the issue of social and cultural urbanism specifics)
Vol. 25, no. 187
on the direction 07.00.00 – Historical Sciences
Litovskiy A.N. Founders of the broadcloth empire
Vol. 25, no. 186
on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences
Bortnikova T.G., Dolzhenkova M.I. Ways of increasing motivation in the university foreign language teaching
Gazha A.K., Romanina L.A., Starov M.I. Peculiarities of the psychological and pedagogical activity of social sphere specialists with single mothers and single fathers
Makarova L.N., Pakhomov I.A. Essence and structure of the social experience of preschoolers
Sarychev A.V., Demchenko N.V., Arkhiptsev I.N. Use of kettlebell lifting equipment in the process of physical training of cadets and students of an educational institution of higher education of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
on the direction 07.00.00 – Historical Sciences
Makhrachev G.S. School museum as a mean of implementing the innovation project “Basic schools of the Russian Academy of Sciences”
Vol. 25, no. 185
on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences
Tkachev M.A., Lopatin R.D., Mitchell P.J. Military translation guide for the teaching of military linguists (on example of Portuguese language)
Popova N.V., Gavrilova A.V., Kuzmina A.V., Popova E.L. Psychological features of listening comprehension of English-language video materials by technical university students in flipped classroom mode
Aksenova I.N. Psychological and pedagogical conditions of collocational competence development of students based on the coplex task “Dictogloss”
Mikheyeva N.N., Guseva R.G. Development of social and cultural skills of students through the research project “Fashion” in the process of professional foreign language activity
Zolotov P.Y. Linguodidactic properties of corpus technologies
Kapranchikova K.V., Zavgorodnyaya E.L., Belyanskiy R.G. Teaching course development of a professional foreign language in an agrarian university based on the model of content and language integrated learning
Baydikova T.V. Pedagogical conditions for professional foreign language teaching to students of “Agricultural Engineering” programme based on the model of content and language integrated learning
Tokmakova Y.V. Development of professional foreign language communicative competency of students as a goal of foreign language teaching in an agrarian university
Dyboshina E.A., Shadrina L.G. Features of the dialogic speech development of senior preschoolers with mental retardation
Volkova A.V. The upbringing of the performance skills of the piano class students in contemporary conditions
on the direction 07.00.00 – Historical Sciences
Klimova O.G. Stages of historiographic development of the entrepreneurship history in Siberia in the second half of the 19yh – early 20th centuries
Fakurdinova A.G. Desertion control commissions as one of the types of quasijudicial bodies in the early Soviet period (on the example of the Tambov district commission to combat desertion)
Nazarova V.V. Regional printing of the second half of the 1940s as a mean of ideological bombardment of Soviet citizens (based on the materials of “Tambovskaya Pravda”)
“Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities”. Vol. 25, no. 184 for 2020 came out of the press on March 11, 2020.
Dear Colleagues!
Below there is the list of the authors, whose articles are planned
to be published in the journal “
Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities” in 2020,
according to the decisions of the Editorial Board of February 21, 2020.
Vol. 25, no. 186
on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences
Petrunina S.V., Kiryuhina I.A., Khabarova S.M. The initial stage of sports training of children with the musculoskeletal system disorders in adaptive swimming
Dvorianinova E.V., Lutkova I.N., Terexina O.V. The analysis of sports motor skills development among children with musculoskeletal system disorders by the means of adaptive swimming
on the direction 07.00.00 – Historical Sciences
Zhitin R.M. Estate libraries of Tambov Governorate in the second half of the 19th – early 20th century
Vol. 25, no. 185
on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences
Dronov I.S. Stages of teaching Master’s Degree Students written academic discourse with group blog using
Korablev Y.Y., Pugachev I.Y., Osmanov E.M., Dutov S.Y. The need to strengthen the physical fitness of the special operations military forces and the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Russian Federation
Ryzhkova I.Y. Visualization technology features in the formation of school students’ artistic competence
on the direction 07.00.00 – Historical Sciences
Kotov A.S. Sanitary condition and improvement of the city of Cherepovets in the 1920s
Alpyspaeva G.A. Fair trade in Akmola Region of the Steppe territory in the second half of the 19th – early 20th centuries



“Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities” Vol. 25, no. 184 for 2020 is sent for the press on February 14, 2020.
Scientific articles are placed in the following headings: on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences: “Pedagogy of higher school”, “Theory and methods of foreign language teaching”, “Questions of social pedagogy and social work”, “Theory and methods of physical training teaching”, “Theory and methods of social and cultural activity organization”; on the direction 07.00.00 – “National history”, “Foreign countries’ history”, Reviews”.
Dear Colleagues!
Below there is the list of the authors, whose articles are planned
to be published in the journal “
Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities” in 2020,
according to the decisions of the Editorial Board of January 20, 2020.

Vol. 25, no. 186
on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences
Sergeeva B.V. Professional self-development of a future primary education teacher in a digital educational environment
Vol. 25, no. 185
on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences
Chvanova M.S., Kiselyova I.A. Educational environment modeling based on new forms of Internet socialization for an open education system
Vol. 25, no. 184
on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences
Kotova N.A.Innovative educational university environment: essence and structural components analysis
Avramenko A.P. Individualization of the process of foreign language lexical competence formation based on microlearning
Mozharov M.V., Lopatin R.D. The terminology fund and features of the translation of the military Chinese sublanguage
Zolotov P.Y. Considering pragmatic competence as a structural component of foreign language communicative competence
Baydikova T.V. Subject content of foreign language teaching in the professional sphere of students of “Agricultural Engineering” programme based on content and language integrated learning
Popov A.P., Syutina V.I. Correction of motor coordination disorders in with the use of physical rehabilitation
Volkov V.G., Lutkov A.N., Rogov A.A. Formation of higher physical education in Penza Region
Lovtsova I.V., Burovkina L.A. Preservation of nonmaterial cultural heritage through the implementation of additional educational programs in the field of folk crafts and handicrafts
on the direction 07.00.00 – Historical Sciences
Kirpichnikov I.A. Clerk apparatus of the Grand Duchy of Ryazan
Frolov D.I. On the issue of legal status of spiritual Christians Molokans in the Russian Empire
Gravin A.A., Levin O.Y. Relations of B.P. Mansurov with the chiefs of the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Jerusalem (1859–1885)
 For the attention of the lecturers and employees of the university!
The application for the privileged subscription for the journals, published in Derzhavin Tambov State University in 2020 is available.
You can subscribe in the incorporate editorial of scientific journals at the address: Tambov, Sovetskaya St., 190g
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Journal’s title
Information about the journal
Price of the privileged yearlong subscription
Tambov University Reviews. Series: Humanities
(07.00.00 –  historical sciences and archeology, 
13.00.00 – pedagogical sciences)
Index 83371
Included in the List of the reviewed scientific journals and issues, published in Russian Federation and recommended by Higher Attestation Commission
Indexed by RISC, ERIH, CrossRef (DOI)
Included in databases: Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory, SciLit
1050 rub.
Russian Universities Reports. Mathematics
(01.01.00 – mathematics)
Index 83372
Included in the List of the reviewed scientific journals and issues, published in Russian Federation and recommended by Higher Attestation Commission
Indexed by RISC, VINITI, 
CrossRef (DOI)
Included in databases: Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory, zbMATH, SciLit
1050 rub.
(philological sciences, culturology)
Index 80303
Included in the List of the reviewed scientific journals and issues, published in Russian Federation and recommended by Higher Attestation Commission
Indexed by RISC, CrossRef (DOI)
700 rub.
Current Issues of the State and Law
(juridical sciences)
Index 80661
Indexed by RISC, CrossRef (DOI)
1100 rub.
Dear Colleagues!
Below there is the list of the authors, whose articles are planned
to be published in the journal “
Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities” in 2020,
according to the decisions of the Editorial Board of December 20, 2019.
Vol. 25, no. 185
on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences
Pakhomov I.A. Factors of preschoolers social experience formation
Vol. 25, no. 184
on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences
Garashkina N.V., Kulichenko R.M., Akopyanc I.A. Formation of conflict resolution skills as the basis of adolescent’s social health in the education system
on the direction 07.00.00 – Historical Sciences
Shikunova I.A., Shcherbinin P.P. Nurseries as a special form of social care in the Tambov Governorate in the early 20th century
Zhitin R.M. The organization of the Russian pilgrimage to the Holy Land (1858–1889)
Shuvalov V.I. Review of the V.V. Nefedov’s monograph “SED and Culture of the GDR. Moscow, Scientific and political book Publ., 2019, 559 p. ISBN 978-5-906594-32-7”
“Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities” Vol. 24, no. 183 for 2019 came out of the press on December 6, 2019.
The authors and subscribers can get the journal in the Incorporate Editorial of Scientific Journals at address 190g Sovetskaya St., Tambov
Dear Colleagues!
Below there is the list of the authors, whose articles are planned
to be published in the journal “
Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities” in 2020,
according to the decisions of the Editorial Board of November 22, 2019.
Vol. 25, no. 186
on the direction 07.00.00 – Historical Sciences
Avrekh A.L. Close cannot be preserved: crises of Tambov workers’ faculty
Vol. 25, no. 185
on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences
Dirivyankina O.V., Manzhos L.V. Pedagogical conditions for professional self-realization of a social worker
Vol. 25, no. 184
on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences
Dronov I.S. Methodical system of masters students written academic discourse education with group blog using
Starov M.I., Osmanov E.M. Structural and substantive characteristics of the system of spiritual and effective relations of students – future teachers of physical culture
on the direction 07.00.00 – Historical Sciences
Dyachkov I.V. Korean Peninsula nuclear problem in 2019: challenges for the region and for Russia
Dear Colleagues!
Below there is the list of the authors, whose articles are planned
to be published in the journal “
Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities” in 2020,
according to the decisions of the Editorial Board of November 21, 2019.
Vol. 25, no. 185
on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences
Mosina O.A., Matajjs M.I. On the implementation of recreational activities in the context of social work
 “Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities” Vol. 24, no. 182 for 2019 came out of the press on November 18, 2019.
The authors and subscribers can get the journal in the Incorporate Editorial of Scientific Journals at address 190g Sovetskaya St., Tambov
  “Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities” Vol. 24, no. 183 for 2019 is sent for the press on November 15, 2019.
Scientific articles are placed in the following headings: on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences: “Pedagogy of higher school”, “Theory and methods of foreign language teaching”, “Theory and methods of Russian language teaching”, “Questions of social pedagogy and social work”, “Theory and methods of physical training teaching”, “Pedagogy of preschool and school education”; on the direction 07.00.00 – “National history”, “Foreign countries’ history”.
 “Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities” Vol. 24, no. 182 for 2019 is sent for the press on October 29, 2019.
Scientific articles are placed in the following rubrics: on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences: “Pedagogy of higher school”, “Theory and methods of foreign language teaching”, “Questions of social pedagogy and social work”, “Theory and methods of physical training teaching”, “Theory and methods of social and cultural activity organization”, “Pedagogy of secondary school”; on the direction 07.00.00 – “National history”, “Foreign countries’ history”.
Dear Colleagues!
Below there is the list of the authors, whose articles are planned
to be published in the journal “
Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities” in 2019-2020,
according to the decisions of the Editorial Board of October 25, 2019.
Vol. 25, no. 184
on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences
Kitayevskaya T.Y., Perunovskaya I.N., Beskrovnaya O.V. Pedagogical activity student’s preparation in the context of didactic systems informatization
on the direction 07.00.00 – Historical Sciences
Akolzina M.K. History of private libraries of the Tambov Governorate in the research literature
Vol. 24, no. 183
on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences
Levchuk S.V., Dorozhkina O.A. Project activities: analysis of theoretical approaches in the context of psychological and pedagogical research
Elovskaya S.V., Karandeyeva L.G., Khausmann-Ushkova N.V. Formation of foreign language grammatical competence among high school students
Belov D.N., Selivanov D.V., Mitchell P.J. Translation features of the Chinese military slang
Tokmakova Y.V. Subject content of teaching English language to students of “Technology of production and processing of agricultural products” programme
Sokolova G.E. Peculiarities of teaching students foreigners the basics of oratory
Prokhorova O.G., Kulichenko R.M., Romanina L.A. Social and pedagogical aspects of the formation of student potential as a personnel reserve
Pakhomov I.A. Social experience of personality: an interdisciplinary categorical analysis
Savenkova T.D., Karpova S.I. Model of social intelligence development in senior preschoolers in the process of joint activity
Prokudin Y.P., Koroleva A.V., Kurbatova I.V., Ferman A.A. Innovative activities in modern school: realization experience
on the direction 07.00.00 – Historical Sciences
Ivitskaya A.N. Materials on the history of military temple construction in the funds of the Russian State Historical Archive
Shcherbinin P.P., Bukalova S.V., Chubarov A.I. Central Black Earth Region: the military class and its role in regional development
Vidnaia O.E. Michurinsk newspaper school (1934–1938). Pages of the journalistic education history
Zhirov N.A. Strategies for the demographic behavior of the rural population of the south of Central Russia in 1959–2010 at the district level
“Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities” Vol. 24, no. 181 for 2019 came out of the press on October 10, 2019.
The authors and subscribers can get the journal in the Incorporate Editorial of Scientific Journals at address 190g Sovetskaya St., Tambov
Dear Colleagues!
Below there is the list of the authors, whose articles are planned
to be published in the journal “
Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities” in 2019-2020,
according to the decisions of the Editorial Board of September 20, 2019.
Vol. 25, no. 184
on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences
Pokrovskaya D.M. To the issue of the formation of peacekeeping idea (on the example of the Suez Crisis of 1956)
Dyachkov I.V. Korean Peninsula nuclear problem in 2019: challenges for the region and for Russia
Vol. 24, no. 183
on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences
Luong Manh Ha. General characteristics of the professional training of the social work in Vietnam
Kalmykov D.A. Methodology implementation features for the development of coordination abilities on the basis of an integrated approach among children with mental retardation
Pavlinova I.A. On the formation of value attitude to the Russian language study at school
on the direction 07.00.00 – Historical Sciences
Litovskiy A.N. Social and historical look of the Rasskazovo palatial village of Tambov County during migration processes among the peasants in late 17th –early 18th century
Nikolashin V.P. Historiography of the issue of institutional and social dimension collectivization
Bugayev V.N. NKVD–MVD–MGB internal military forces of USSR on the territory of the Soviet Baltic in 1944–1953: institutional aspects of activity
Gravin A.A. B.P. Mansurov and the creation of the Russian Palestine (1857–1864)
Vol. 24, no. 182
on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences
Sharshov I.A., Koroleva A.V., Prokudin Y.P. Problematic aspects of personal and professional adaptation of university
Dronov I.S. Organizational and pedagogical conditions of master students teaching written academic discourse
Yuzbasheva E.G. Psychological and pedagogical conditions of formation of students’ grammatical skills of the speech on the basis of foreign-language Internet projects implementation
Garashkina N.V., Kulichenko R.M., Akopyanc I.A. Social health of the child’s personality as a result of educational activities
Starov M.I., Osmanov E.M. Determinants of development of professional and pedagogical competence of the future specialist of physical education and sports in conditions of university education
Dolzhenkova M.I., Prokhorova O.G. Determinants of development of professional and pedagogical competence of the future specialist of physical education and sports in conditions of university education
Kitayevskaya T.Y., Perunovskaya I.N. Methods of project design teaching to university students
Dolgushina M.Y. Outlook at the regional singing tradition: to the 100th anniversary of the oldest Russian National Mordasova Choir of Chernyanoye village, Tambov District, Tambov Region
Shankina S.V., Shankin Y.V., Shushpanova E.Y. Teaching methods in choreographic art to people of mature age
on the direction 07.00.00 – Historical Sciences
Zhitin R.M. Economic importance of park and garden zones of landowners’ estates of the Tambov Governorate in the second half of the 19th – early 20th century
Donik K.V. On the history of the title and surname inheritance of Counts Perovsky by Mikhail Mikhailovich Petrovo-Solovovo in 1907: legal norms and archival reconstruction of circumstances
Shcherbinin P.P., Chubarov A.I., Shcherbinina Y.V. Orphans during the Civil War: from homelessness to concentration camps
Shikunova I.A. Historiographical traditions in the study of “children of misfortune” in the context of orphanage in the Russian Empire and Soviet Russia in the first third of the 20th century
Allenov A.N. “Mansurov project” of the Russian Palestine (based on materials from a trip in 1857 to Holy Places)
Topilsky A.G. Peasant land tenure of Eastern Galicia in the second half of 19th – early 20th centuries
“Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities” Vol. 24, no. 181 for 2019 is sent for the press on September 4, 2019.
Scientific articles are placed in the following rubrics: on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences: “Pedagogy of higher school”, “Theory and methods of foreign language teaching”, “Questions of social pedagogy and social work”, “Pedagogy of preschool and primary education”, “Theory and methods of physical training teaching”, “Theory and methods of social and cultural activity organization”; on the direction 07.00.00 – “National history”, “Foreign countries’ history”.
Dear Colleagues!
Below there is the list of the authors, whose articles are planned
to be published in the journal “
Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities” in 2019,
according to the decisions of the Editorial Board of August 23, 2019.
Vol. 25, no. 185
on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences
Platonova Y.V., Sisoev A.N., Puzhayev V.V. Students personality professional and applied physical culture formation (on the example of librarianship specialists)
Vol. 24, no. 183
on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences
Syrova S.V., Selitrenikova T.A. On the issue of highly skilled athletes physiological adaptation
Logacheva N.V., Kozyrev N.A., Kozyreva O.A. Possibilities design and implementation of quality improvement of self-realization and individual cooperation in the sports and educational environment
on the direction 07.00.00 – Historical Sciences
Makhrachev G.S. Development of handicraft industry in the period of the new economic policy according to the governorate newspaper “Tambovskaya Pravda”
Vol. 24, no. 182
on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences
Akulina K.V., Tikhonova E.V. Characteristcs of borrowing in Chinese Language in the sphere of the digital economy
Chugunov A.N., Mitchell P.J. Translation features of the Portuguese military sublanguage
Fedotova E.A. Formation of the basis of information and analytical culture of specialized economic classes students
on the direction 07.00.00 – Historical Sciences
Zhukov D.S., Kanishchev V.V., Lyamin S.K. Approaches to fractal modeling of development processes of the South Russian frontier zone: new version of the model
Dubman E.L. Southeastern “frontier” of European Russia in the middle of the 17th –early of the 18th centuries
Bukanova R.G. The role of building fortified lines and new cities in the formation of southeastern borders of Russia in the 17th – 18th centuries
Glaziev V.N. Jurisdiction of the Russian Black Earth Region to Moscow prikazes in the 17th century
Lyapin D.A. On the record of peasants in service class people of South of Russia fortresses in the late of 16th century
Mizis Y.A. Military garrisons formation on the South of Russia in 17th century
Skobelkin O.V. The ranks of service class population in the cities and counties of the southern frontier of Russia in the year 7185
Brezgunova V.M. Cherkas number changes dynamics in the Voronezh Region in 1630–1680s
Papkov A.I. State and church interaction in the frontier conditions on the south of Russia in 16th – 17th centuries
Napolnikova P.K. Ethnic factor on the frontier territory
Vol. 24, no. 181
on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences
GushchinaT.I., Makarova L.N., Kurin A.Y. Model of continuing pedagogical education in the region: implementation experience and development prospects
Aksenova I.N. The role of collocations in the lexical speech skills formation
Yuzbasheva E.G. Content of teaching students of linguistic university grammar on the basis of Internet projects
Tokmakova Y.V. Psychological and pedagogical conditions for teaching foreign professional communication students of “Technology of production and processing of agricultural products” programme based on the model of content and language integrated learning
Baydikova T.V. Methodical model for teaching foreign professional communication students of “Agricultural Engineering” programme based on content and language integrated learning
Kolesnichenko D.A., Polunin Y.O. Features of interval training and their advantages in the development of physical strength, speed and agility in the teaching of an employee of internal affairs bodies
on the direction 07.00.00 – Historical Sciences
Nevzorov E.Y., Bukalova S.V., Simonov S.N. Soldiers’ children as a special social institution in the Russian Empire in the second half of the 19th century
Dear Colleagues!
Below there is the list of the authors, whose articles are planned
to be published in the journal “
Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities” in 2019,
according to the decisions of the Editorial Board of July 5, 2019.
Vol. 25, no. 185
on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences
Pavlinova I.A. Approaches to the study of the Russian as a native language in primary school
Vol. 24, no. 183
on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences
Platonova Y.V., Deryabina G.I., Knyazev M.V. Development features of moving abilities of 8–11 grade school students
Kuzmenko M.V., Boldyreva V.B., Keyno A.Y., Bogdanov M.Y. Elements usage of jazz gymnastics in the choreographic training of 12–14 years old “rhythmic” gymnasts
Pervova G.M., Gutarin M.M. Method of projects in contemporary primary school
Vol. 24, no. 182
on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences
Baranova N.Y. Needs in programs development on formation of value attitude towards parenting in modern society
Ershova O.V., Smirnov E.G. Sports and ballroom dancing competitive infrastructure analysis in the context of international organizations on sports and ballroom dancing
on the direction 07.00.00 – Historical Sciences
Muchamedov R.A., Khisamov M.I. Ulyanovsk urban motor-vehicle transport in 1986–1990
Vol. 24, no. 181
on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences
Nasyrova G.N. Reading skills development of Master’s Degree Students in “International Relations” programme (based on Mass Media articles)
Boldyreva V.B., Kuzmenko M.V., Keyno Y.A., Bogdanov M.Y. Physical qualities development of pre-school students in rhythmic gymnastics classes
on the direction 07.00.00 – Historical Sciences
Patrina L.N. Tambov public library as an element of provincial cultural environment
Zhitin R.M. Patrimonial archives of the Tambov landowners’ estates: the documentary heritage nationalization
Shcherbinin P.P., Shikunova I.A. “Are you defective or immoral?”. Problems of selection and socialization of “morally defective” children in the 20s of the 20th century in Soviet Russia: regional aspects
Isaichev S.A. Superstitions and folk rites in the Samara, Saratov and Penza Governorates
Garasimchuk A.N. Franz Joseph I as a monarch and politician (presented by the British newspaper “The Times”)
TopilskyA.G. The nature of the development of large land ownership in Galicia in 1848–1902
Dear Colleagues!
Below there is the list of the authors, whose articles are planned
to be published in the journal “
Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities” in 2019,
according to the decisions of the Editorial Board of June 28, 2019.
Vol. 24, no. 183
on the direction 07.00.00 – Historical Sciences
Buzanova N.A. The role of Tambov Governorate territorial chiefs in the political life of the country
Vol. 24, no. 182
on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences
Pervova G.M. School of self-education reading as a mean of training teacher for professional activities
on the direction 07.00.00 – Historical Sciences
Akolzina M.K. County towns merchants’ agricultural enterprise of Tambov Governorate in the 19th century
Vol. 24, no. 181
on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences
Dmitrieva A.V. Theoretical and methodological bases of children’s creative activity development
on the direction 07.00.00 – Historical Sciences
Zhitnov Е.A. Ideological and educational logistics in determining success of contemporary state educational policy, implemented in Republic of South Africa (RSA)
“Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities” Vol. 24, no. 180 for 2019 came out of the press on June 27, 2019.
The authors and subscribers can get the journal in the Incorporate Editorial of Scientific Journals at address 190g Sovetskaya St., Tambov
“Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities” Vol. 24, no. 180 for 2019 is sent for the press on June 10, 2019.
Scientific articles are placed in the following rubrics: on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences: “Pedagogy of higher school”, “Theory and methods of foreign language teaching”, “Theory and methods of Russian as a foreign language teaching”, “Pedagogy of preschool and primary education”; on the direction 07.00.00 – “National history”, “Foreign countries’ history”.
Dear Colleagues!
Below there is the list of the authors, whose articles are planned
to be published in the journal “
Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities” in 2019,
according to the decisions of the Editorial Board of June 7, 2019.
Vol. 24, no. 180
on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences
Stromov V.Y., Sysoyev P.V., Zavyalov V.V. Problems and potential for the development of youth entrepreneurship in a classical university
Dear Colleagues!
Below there is the list of the authors, whose articles are planned
to be published in the journal “
Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities” in 2019,
according to the decisions of the Editorial Board of May 28, 2019.
Vol. 24, no. 181
on the direction 07.00.00 – Historical Sciences
Dzhabbarov R.R. A.S. Shishkov on Peter the Great
Dear Colleagues!
Below there is the list of the authors, whose articles are planned
to be published in the journal “
Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities” in 2019,
according to the decisions of the Editorial Board of May 17, 2019.
Vol. 24, no. 180
on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences
Molokanova E.A. Factors of formation self-development abilities among university students
on the direction 07.00.00 – Historical Sciences
Khristenko D.N. Concept of “end of history” and its rethinking: F. Fukuyama’s views evolution
Dear Colleagues!
Below there is the list of the authors, whose articles are planned
to be published in the journal “
Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities” in 2019,
according to the decisions of the Editorial Board of May 8, 2019.
Vol. 24, no. 181
on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences
Voropaev M.V., Kuchkareva S.S. The issue of diagnostics of educational design efficiency of younger students’ communication
Terentyeva O.S., Deryabina G.I., Lerner V.L. Valeological support of the educational process in higher education institutions
Vol. 24, no. 180
on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences
Prokhorov A.V. Educational services promotion in line with the experiential marketing philosophy
Yuzbasheva E.G. Linguistic Internet projects in grammatical skills formation of linguistic university students
Aksenova I.N. Linguodidactic potential of the complex task “Dictogloss”
Syomich Y.I. Content of teaching written speech to students of “Journalism” programme
Dear Colleagues!
Below there is the list of the authors, whose articles are planned
to be published in the journal “
Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities” in 2019,
according to the decisions of the Editorial Board of April 25, 2019.
Vol. 24, no. 181
on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences
Zasyadko K.I., Tafintseva L.M., Maskalyanova S.A., Dankovtsev O.A. Social and pedagogical adaptation development of deaf students in vocational educational institutions of secondary vocational education
Vol. 24, no. 180
on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences
Kulikova E.V., Popova N.V. The concept of the versatile research skills development among students of a technical university in the process of foreign language teaching
Bryxina I.E. Lexical competence development of the future linguist students in multilingualism terms
Zherebtsova Zh.I., Pavlova V.V., Frolova I.I., Mizis I.Y. Linguodidactic fundamentals of intercultural competence development in teaching Russian as a non-native (on the example of the Republic of Dagestan)
Leksakova N.V. International tool “ECERS-R scale”: research of education quality comprehensive assessment of preschool education
on the direction 07.00.00 – Historical Sciences
Buyukli D.A. Historical memory preservation of the Russian Orthodox Church contribution to the victory in the Great Patriotic War
“Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities” Vol. 24, no. 179 for 2019 came out of the press on April 16, 2019.
The authors and subscribers can get the journal in the Incorporate Editorial of Scientific Journals at address 190g Sovetskaya St., Tambov
Dear Colleagues!
Below there is the list of the authors, whose articles are planned
to be published in the journal “
Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities” in 2019,
according to the decisions of the Editorial Board of April 8, 2019.
Vol. 24, no. 180
on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences
Motov S.V. Teaching English negation on linguocognitive basis: pragmatical aspect
Dronov I.S. Group blog as one of the modern Internet-technologies in foreign language teaching
on the direction 07.00.00 – Historical Sciences
Volkov M.S. Social, cultural and educational monastery activities of the Tambov Eparchy in the second half of 18th – 19th century
Nevzorov E.Y. Soldiers’ children as a successful project of the Russian army recruitment reserve formation in the first half of the 19th century
Dear Colleagues!
Below there is the list of the authors, whose articles are planned
to be published in the journal “
Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities” in 2019,
according to the decisions of the Editorial Board of March 18, 2019.
Vol. 24, no. 180
on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences
Zinovyeva E.M. Features of medical terminology teaching in Russian as a foreign language lessons
“Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities” Vol. 24, no. 179 for 2019 is sent for the press on March 6, 2019.
Scientific articles are placed in the following rubrics: on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences: “Pedagogy of higher school”, “Theory and methods of foreign language teaching”, “Questions of social pedagogy and social work”, “Theory and methods of social and cultural activity organization”; on the direction 07.00.00 – “National history”, “Foreign countries’ history”.
Dear Colleagues!
Below there is the list of the authors, whose articles are planned
to be published in the journal “
Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities” in 2019,
according to the decisions of the Editorial Board of February 18, 2019.
Vol. 24, no. 181
on the direction 07.00.00 – Historical Sciences
Akolzina M.K. Merchants’ daily life culture in provincial towns of Tambov Province in the first half of the 19th century
Vol. 24, no. 180
on the direction 07.00.00 – Historical Sciences
Theodosius (Vasnev), Metropolitan of Tambov and Rasskazovo. Administration of the Tambov Seminary in 1867–1884
Dear Colleagues!
Below there is the list of the authors, whose articles are planned
to be published in the journal “
Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities” in 2019,
according to the decisions of the Editorial Board of February 15, 2019.
Vol. 24, no. 179
on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences
Andrukh A.O. Principles of foreign language communicative competence control and assessment
Maksayev A.A. Content design of foreign language academic programmes for students at the musical universities
Klochikhin V.V. Development of collocational competence of students on the basis of electronic linguistic corpus
“Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities” Vol. 24, no. 178 for 2019 came out of the press on February 12, 2019.
The authors and subscribers can get the journal in the Incorporate Editorial of Scientific Journals at address 190g Sovetskaya St., Tambov
Dear Colleagues!
Below there is the list of the authors, whose articles are planned
to be published in the journal “
Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities” in 2019,
according to the decisions of the Editorial Board of January 30, 2019.
Vol. 24, no. 183
on the direction 07.00.00 – Historical Sciences
Theodosius (Vasnev), Metropolitan of Tambov and Rasskazovo. Historical experience: teaching at the Tambov Seminary in the 1870–1880s
Vol. 24, no. 182
on the direction 07.00.00 – Historical Sciences
Theodosius (Vasnev), Metropolitan of Tambov and Rasskazovo. Preparations for a transformations in the Tambov Seminary: charter of 1867 (historical aspects)
Vol. 24, no. 181
on the direction 07.00.00 – Historical Sciences
Theodosius (Vasnev), Metropolitan of Tambov and Rasskazovo. Arrangement of the Tambov Theological Seminary: Tambov Diocese in the 1860–1870s
Vol. 24, no. 180
on the direction 07.00.00 – Historical Sciences
Lisyunin V., Archpriest. Rebirth of Tambov Eparchy orthodox traditions in the ministration period of St. Luke (Voyno-Yasenetsky) (as exemplified in narrative materials)
Kanishchev V.V. Review on the monograph by A.N. Dolgikh “Will I Behold, My Friends, the People Unoppressed…”: Russian Nobility and the Peasant Issue in the 18th – First Quarter of 19th Century. Historiographic Essays: in 2 vols. Lipetsk, Lipetsk State Pedagogical P.P. Semenov-Tyan-Shansky University Publ., 2018, vol. 1, 354 p., vol. 2, 358 p.
Vol. 24, no. 179
on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences
Makarova L.N., Rozhkova S.V. Diagnostical tools to evaluate student’s creative thinking development
Kozyreva O.A. Quality of theoretization and culture formation of individual self-study in the continuous education system
Motov S.V. Teaching English grammar on linguocognitive basis
Mamleyeva A.F. Literary text features as means for individual’s moral qualities formation at the Foreign Language classes in a comprehensive university
Savelyev A.V. Compensatory-adaptive mechanism of cardiorespiratory system in athletes’ fatigue state
Dear Colleagues!
Below there is the list of the authors, whose articles are planned
to be published in the journal “
Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities” in 2019,
according to the decisions of the Editorial Board of January 15, 2019.
Vol. 24, no. 180
on the direction 07.00.00 – Historical Sciences
Dyachkov V.L. On conceptualization of 1917–1918 Russian city riots: modest proposals
Vol. 24, no. 179
on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences
Kharnikov M.V. The organizational and pedagogical conditions promoting effective legal education of the teenager in the educational organization
Sobyanin F.I., Nikiforov Y.B., Mikhel S.V. Time experience in sports (psychological and pedagogical aspect)
Bortnikova T.G., Dolzhenkova M.I. Effective intercultural communication skills development of university students
Gladkikh V.V., Gribkova G.I., Ulyanova E.V. Corporate volunteering as a promising direction of social and cultural partnership: peculiarities, advantages and development prospects
on the direction 07.00.00 – Historical Sciences
Kurbenkov V.A. Stages of government control development of seaports work in the Far East
Shcherbinin P.P. Protection of motherhood and infancy in the first decade of Soviet government in the Tambov Region (1918–1928)
Dear Colleagues!
Below there is the list of the authors, whose articles are planned
to be published in the journal “
Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities” in 2019,
according to the decisions of the Editorial Board of December 7, 2018.
Vol. 24, no. 178
on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences
Makarova L.N. Interaction of lecturers and students at university and outcome of educational activity
Dear Colleagues!
Below there is the list of the authors, whose articles are planned
to be published in the journal “
Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities” in 2019,
according to the decisions of the Editorial Board of December 2, 2018.
Vol. 24, no. 178
on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences
Pochechuyeva E.S., Zagaynov S.S., Mitchell P.J. Designing a computer application for the formation of passive vocabulary through text reading
Dear Colleagues!
Below there is the list of the authors, whose articles are planned
to be published in the journal “
Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities” in 2019,
according to the decisions of the Editorial Board of November 12, 2018.
Vol. 24, no. 178
on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences
Chvanova M.S., Kiseleva I.A. Trends of open education system development
Pervova G.M. From the history of pre-school children philological education: on the material of the famous book “From Two to Five”
Maslova M.V. Problems of auditive skills formation among pupils
Kolesnichenko D.A., Gordeyev D.V., Dodonkin B.O. Features of increase of physical endurance in system of special applied physical training of employees of Department of Internal Affairs
Dolzhenkova M.I., Bortnikova T.G. Successive approach implementation to the empirical research skills development of social and cultural activities specialist
Ulyanova E.V. Peculiarities of volunteer movement institutionalization in modern Russian society
on the direction 07.00.00 – Historical Sciences
Shcherbinina Y.V., Nevzorov E.Y. Demographic behavior and family life of military veterans in the Russian Empire in the 18th–19th centuries
Shcherbinin P.P. “Physically defective children” and their care in the first third of the 20th century: the regional aspect
Nefedov V.V. The influence of Soviet Union on the post-war culture development of Eastern Germany (1945–1949)
Lisyunin V., Archpriest. St. Luke the Confessor’s (Voyno-Yasenetsky) years of ministration in Tambov land in recorded documents and witnesses’ memories
Dear Colleagues!
Below there is the list of the authors, whose articles are planned
to be published in the journal “
Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities” in 2019,
according to the decisions of the Editorial Board of November 8, 2018.
Vol. 24, no. 179
on the direction 07.00.00 – Historical Sciences
Zaytseva O.M., Strekalova N.V. Tambov upper-class families in the late 19th – early 20th centuries: social and demographic aspect
Dear Colleagues!
Below there is the list of the authors, whose articles are planned
to be published in the journal “
Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities” in 2019,
according to the decisions of the Editorial Board of October 29, 2018.
Vol. 24, no. 178
on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences
Deryabina G.I., Lerner V.L., Filatkin A.S. Various types violations features of junior pupils coordinating abilities with hearing deprivation
Kuzmenko M.V., Boldyreva V.B., Lebedeva Y.N. Female students pulse response on individual steps of step-aerobics
Ryazanov A.A., Bogdanov M.Y. Volleyball players speed-strength abilities development
Starov M.I., Kulichenko R.M., Osmanov E.M. Protective strategy of coping in the former male and female athletes social rehabilitation process
Manger T.E., Vasileva Y.V., Shankina S.V. Special aspects of social education in additional education institutions
Karpova S.I., Savenkova T.D., Parkhimovich Z.V. The development in children of preschool age artistic abilities to create the image of a man in portrait painting
on the direction 07.00.00 – Historical Sciences
Strekalov D.V., Strekalova N.V. A birth rate problem in a provincial Russian city in the late 18th – early 20th century (basing on the materials of Tambov)
Dyachkov V.L. The whites, the reds, the greens of Russian Civil War: origins of high social aggression and its political spectrum. Part 2. Some results of marking social aggression


  For the attention of the lecturers and employees of the university!
The application for the privileged subscription for the journals, published in Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin in 2019 is available.
You can subscribe in the incorporate editorial of scientific journals at the address: Tambov, Sovetskaya St., 190g
(Ilyina Irina Valerievna)
Journal’s title
Information about the journal
Price of the privileged yearlong subscription
Tambov University Reviews. Series: Humanities
(07.00.00 –  historical sciences and archeology,
13.00.00 – pedagogical sciences)
Index 83371
Included in the List of the reviewed scientific journals and issues, published in Russian Federation and recommended by Higher Attestation Commission
Indexed by RISC, ERIH, CrossRef (DOI)
Included in databases: Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory, SciLit
1050 rub.
Tambov University Reports.
Series: Natural and Technical Sciences
(01.01.00 – mathematics)
Index 83372
Included in the List of the reviewed scientific journals and issues, published in Russian Federation and recommended by Higher Attestation Commission
Indexed by RISC, VINITI,
CrossRef (DOI)
Included in databases: Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory, zbMATH, SciLit
1050 rub.
(philological sciences, culturology)
Index 80303
Included in the List of the reviewed scientific journals and issues, published in Russian Federation and recommended by Higher Attestation Commission
Indexed by RISC, CrossRef (DOI)
700 rub.
Current Issues of the State and Law
(juridical sciences)
Index 80661
Indexed by RISC, CrossRef (DOI)
1100 rub.



 “Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities”  Volume 23, no. 177 for 2018 came out of the press on December 7, 2018.
The authors and subscribers can get the journal in the editorial at address 190g Sovetskaya St., Tambov
“Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities” Volume 23, no. 177 for 2018 is sent for the press on November 16, 2018.
The issue contains scientific articles in the following rubrics: on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences: “Theory and methods of foreign language teaching”, “Theory and methods of infomatics teaching”, “Theory and methods of social and cultural activity organization”, “Theory and methods of physical training teaching”, “Psychology of development”; on the direction 07.00.00 – Historical Sciences and Archeology: “National history”, “Foreign countries’ history”, “On the occasion of 100 anniversary of higher education at Tambov land”.
Dear Colleagues!
The list of the authors, whose articles are planned to be published in the journal “Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities”. 
Tambov, 2018, Vol. 23, no. 177 according to the decisions of the Editorial Board at the meeting of October 1, 2018 is presented below.
on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences
Zavyalov V.V. Selection features of the subject side of the content of English teaching to students of “Jurisprudence” programme
Syomich Y.I. Didactic properties and methodical functions of corpus technologies
Kitayevskaya T.Y., Tigrov V.P. Selection of a system of computer science teaching methods using a software package
Dolzhenkova M.I., Dorozhkina O.A., Romanina L.A., Prokhorova O.G. Theatre therapy technology in modern social rehabilitation
Shankina S.V., Shankin Y.V., Shankina E.Y. Organization of pedagogical practice in the universities of culture and arts
Yakovlev V.V., Selitrenikova T.A., Starov M.I. Problematic aspects of first year cadets adaptation to study at the military university
Maslyukov A.V., Smirnov A.G. Improvement of the speed and strength qualities development level in the students’ team of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University in hand-to-hand combat
Konovalov A.Y., Osmanov E.M., Dutov S.Y. Adaptive physical education in the system of inclusive intermediate vocational education in the Tambov Region
Lerner V.L., Deryabina G.I., Terenteva O.S., Poletaeva K.A. Effectiveness methods evaluation of physical rehabilitation with the use of modern standing frame “Irigo” for men from 55 to 60 years after suffering a stroke
Balakireva E.I. Discovering and supporting gifted students in conditions of university educational environment
on the direction 07.00.00 – Historical Sciences and Archeology
Baranova V.V. Railway impact on professional classification of population and town infrastructure
Ryadnykh A.Y. Role of the political and cultural educational centres in the peasant masses unification on the territory of Kursk province in 1920–1927s: peculiarities and first results
Dear Colleagues!
The list of the authors, whose articles are planned to be published in the journal “Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities”. 
Tambov, 2018, Vol. 23, no. 177 according to the decisions of the Editorial Board at the meeting of October 1, 2018 is presented below.
on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences
Motov S.V. Linguocognitive foundations of teaching negation in English: lexical aspect
Sakovets S.A., Kudryashova S.V., Kalinina M.G. Aspects of teaching translation in the field of professional communication (on the material of legal texts in German and Spanish)
Kharnikov M.V. Formation of teenagers’ legal culture: essence and impact factors
Pankova E.I. Theatrical discussion forms in the activities of student scientific societies
Bogdanov M.Y., Ryazanov A.A., Alferov O.M. Development of coordination abilities of young men involved in basketball at the stage of initial training
Kuzmenko M.V., Boldyreva V.B. Development of psychomotor skills of teenagers using breakdance
on the direction 07.00.00 – Historical Sciences and Archeology
Ikonnikov S.A. Material support for poor clergy, widows and orphans in the second half of the 19th – early 20th century (based on the materials of the Central Black Earth eparchies)
Dyachkov I.V. UN sanctions against the DPRK: an assessment of efficiency
Borisov B.V. Library workers of Russia and Tambov Region

“Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities”  Volume 23, no. 176 for 2018 came out of the press on December 6, 2018.
The authors and subscribers can get the journal in the editorial at address 190g Sovetskaya St., Tambov
“Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities” Volume 23, no. 176 for 2018 is sent for the press on October 18, 2018.
The issue contains scientific articles in the following rubrics: on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences: “Pedagogy of higher school”, “Questions of social pedagogy and social work”, “Theory and methods of foreign language teaching”, “Theory and methods of infomatics teaching”, “Theory and methods of social and cultural activity organization”, “Theory and methods of physical training teaching” ; on the direction 07.00.00 – Historical Sciences and Archeology: “National history”, “Foreign countries’ history”.
Dear Colleagues!
The list of the authors, whose articles are planned to be published in the journal “Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities”. 
Tambov, 2018, Vol. 23, no. 176 according to the decisions of the Editorial Board at the meeting of September 17, 2018 is presented below. 
on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences
Morozova N.A., Kulichenko R.M., Penkov V.F., Kurin A.Y. Academic literacy in the advanced system training of a competent specialist
Smirnova P.V., Serebrennikova Y.A. Professional training of future school teachers for managing younger schoolchildren’s research and project activity]
Prokhorova O.G., Akopyants I.A., Tigrov V.P. The social success formation of orphaned children and children left without parental care by means of additional education
Myasnikov I.R., Starobina E.M., Karasaeva L.A. An integrated approach to the organization of accessible educational environment for people with disabilities
Elovskaya S.V. The use of interactive educational technologies in teaching a foreign language
Kapranchikova K.V. Features of the selection of the subject content of teaching a foreign language in the agrarian university
Syomich Y.I. A methodological model of teaching students written speech on the basis of case technologies
Shankina S.V., Dorozhkina O.A., Romanina L.A. Organization of individually-oriented teaching preschool-age children in the field of choreographic art
Korablev Y.Y., Pugachev I.Y., Osmanov E.M., Dutov S.Y. Integration of activity clusters of the navy specialists for the unification of their physical training programs
Konovalov A.Y. Organizational and pedagogical conditions of motor activity of people with disabilities receiving vocational education in conditions of inclusive education
Poydunov A.A., Nikiforov Y.B., Tvoronovich A.V. To the question of primary selection in the boxing
on the direction 07.00.00 – Historical Sciences and Archeology
Kucher K., Shcherbinin P.P., Shcherbinina Y.V. The Orthodox church and the care of orphans in the 19th – early 20th century (on the materials of the Tambov Eparchy)
Kilin A.P. “The distortion of class policy stemmed from the impurity of tax bureaucracy with extraneous people”: organising a campaign for clearing of tax services
Knyazkina T.A. Activities of mobile medical units at the Far North-East of the USSR in 1920–1930
Dear Colleagues!
The list of the authors, whose articles are planned to be published in the journal “Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities”. 
Tambov, 2018, Vol. 23, no. 176 according to the decisions of the Editorial Board at the meeting of September 3, 2018 is presented below.
on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences
Chvanova M.S., Kitayevskaya T.Y., Kiseleva I.A. Modernization of the open education system under the influence of Internet influential factors on society
Zubets V.V. Legal electronic libraries – sources of quality information on the Internet
Botkova V.K., Grigorieva E.I. Innovative forms of social and cultural activity, which contribute to the formation of career strategies of youth
Manger T.E., Vasileva Y.V. Methodological bases of model construction of patriotic feelings formation among adolescents through folk art
Platonova Y.V., Syrova S.V., Syutina V.I. Peculiarities of morpho-functional development of foreign female students studying at the Medical Institute of Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin
Smyslov A.P., Selitrenikova T.A., Starov M.I. Theoretical prerequisites of the development of physical education methods for teenagers with cardiovascular pathology
on the direction 07.00.00 – Historical Sciences and Archeology
Zhitin R.M. Models of economic development of Central Black Earth Region estates in the late 19th – early 20th century
Nikolaeva A.N. Joseph Galloway: the way from a patriot to a loyalist
Airapetov A.G. On the causes of the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Empire

Dear Colleagues!
The list of the authors, whose articles are planned to be published in the journal “Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities”. 
Tambov, 2018, Vol. 23, no. 176 according to the decisions of the Editorial Board at the meeting of August 10, 2018 is presented below.
on the direction 07.00.00 – Historical Sciences and Archeology
Zhigulskiy A.V. The attitude of the population of the Tambov Region to the activities of the CPSU(b) in the second half of the 1930s (based on letters and diaries)


“Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities”  Volume 23, no. 175 for 2018 came out of the press on October 19, 2018.
The authors and subscribers can get the journal in the editorial at address 190g Sovetskaya St., Tambov
“Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities” Volume 23, no. 175 for 2018 is sent for the press on September 10, 2018.
The issue contains scientific articles in the following rubrics: on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences: “Professional’s competence”, “Questions of social pedagogy and social work”, “Theory and methods of foreign language teaching”, “Theory and methods of physical training teaching”, “Theory and methods of social and cultural activity organization”; on the direction 07.00.00 – Historical Sciences and Archeology: “National history”, “Foreign countries’ history”, “Modern society and problems of globalization”, “Review”


Dear Colleagues!
The list of the authors, whose articles are planned to be published in the journal “Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities”.
Tambov, 2018, Vol. 23, no. 175 according to the decisions of the Editorial Board at the meeting of August 22, 2018 is presented below.
on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences
Voronova A.V. Specifics of the dictionary of educational science popular texts
Dronov I.S. Academic discourse teaching in case of foreign language teaching of students in linguistics specialization
Syomich Y.I. Psychological and pedagogical conditions for teaching students writing skills based on language corpora
Shpagin S.V., Osmanov E.M., Manyakov R.R. Functional characteristics of elderly women in relation to their age and medical condition
on the direction 07.00.00 – Historical Sciences and Archeology
Ayrapetov A.G. Review on the monograph: Protasova O.L. Democratic Socialism Figures in the Context of Russian Society Political Culture of the First Quarter of the 20th Century. Tambov, FSBEI of HE “TSTU” Publ., 2017, 272 p.
Zhitin R.M. Social and economic aspects of the large landlord economy development of Tambov Governorate in the late 19th century
Chereshneva M.S. The events in 1950 in East Pakistan and Vallabhbhai Patel

Dear Colleagues!
The list of the authors, whose articles are planned to be published in the journal “Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities”.
Tambov, 2018, Vol. 23, no. 175 according to the decisions of the Editorial Board at the meeting of August 10, 2018 is presented below.
on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences
Al-Hasani Mustafa Hayder Husseyn. The problem of physical activity decline among schoolchildren worldwide and the search of ways for its solution
Babakhova E.S. Pedagogical features of development of social and cultural activity of students by sports tourism means
Baranova N.Y., Kurilovich N.V. The formation of value attitude to parenthood of high school students by means of social education in secondary school
Bortnikova T.G. Intercultural communicative competence as the necessity for foreign language teaching of bachelor students
Ganshina G.V., Babaeva E.V., Zavarina S.Y., Muraveva Z.V. Research work as the condition of successful vocational training of master’s degree students
Grigorieva E.I. Designing as a basis for forming professional competences of students of “Social and Cultural Activity” specialty
Kalmykov D.A., Deryabina G.I., Terenteva O.S., Lerner V.L. Accounting the hierarchy of using means of coordination abilities types formation as a necessary condition for improving the process of their development
Kuzmenko M.V., Boldyreva V.B. Organizational and methodological features of the basic aerobics and Zumba
Motov S.V. Linguocognitive foundations of foreign language teaching
Pankova E.I. Organizational and methodical features of the activity of student scientific societies, oriented to personal self-development of youth
Pervova G.M. Technology of multilevel text comprehension as a form of philological teacher’s training
Kharnikov M.V. The essence and structure of the teenager’s legal culture as a result of social education and legal education
on the direction 07.00.00 – Historical Sciences and Archeology
Akhmedova D.U., Gadzhieva K.V. The impact of Caucasian war on internal migration of the population of Dagestan
Garasimchuk A.N. The reaction of the liberal circles of England at the formation of Austria-Hungary in the coverage of the newspaper “The Morning Post” (1867)
Golovashina O.V. Historical memory in religious movements: Russian researchers’ view
Dyachkov V.L. The whites, the reds, the greens of Russian Civil War: origins of high social aggression and its political spectrum. Part I. The methodology and the research methods
Naletova D.V. The formation of the institutional system of the international organization of la francophonie
Pechatnov V.V. Leonardo Bruni, Erasmus of Rotterdam and Jean Calvin on active life 


“Tambov University Review. Series Humanities”  Volume 23, no. 174 for 2018 came out of the press on July 16, 2018.
The authors and subscribers can get the journal in the editorial at address 190g Sovetskaya St., Tambov
“Tambov University Review. Series Humanities” Volume 23, no. 174 for 2018 is sent for the press on June 20, 2018.
The issue contains scientific articles in the following rubrics: on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences: “Pedagogy of higher school”, “Questions of social pedagogy and social work”, “Theory and methods of foreign language teaching”, “Theory and methods of physical training teaching”, “Pedagogy of preschool education”, “Theory and methods of social and cultural activity organization”, “Problems of youth's socialization in the modern world”; on the direction 07.00.00 – Historical Sciences and Archeology: “National history”, “Foreign countries’ history”
Dear Colleagues!
The list of the authors, whose articles are planned to be published in the journal “Tambov University Review. Series Humanities”. 
Tambov, 2018, Vol. 23, no. 174 according to the decisions of the Editorial Board at the meeting of May 16, 2018 is presented below.  
on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences
Beskrovnaya O.V., Ivannikov S.V., Novikov S.V. Patriotic education of youth in the social organization “Dynamo”: history and modernity
Gushchina T.I., Makarova L.N., Kurin A.Y. Network educational class as a form of senior pupils professional orientation
Konovalov A.Y., Konovalov Y.N., Osmanov E.M. Adaptive physical education development in the system of inclusive professional education
Kochenkov V.B., Shestakov M.M., Chastikhin A.A. The content of experimental methods of physical training of military conscription different somatic types
Melezhik O.V. Basic approaches of domestic and foreign scientists to the definition of “communicative culture” notion
Negin V.V. Social partnership as current form of realization of anti-extremism preventation in the youth sphere
Poydunov A.A. Evaluation of young kickboxers’ ability to endure physical pain
Prokhorov A.V., Zhmyreva N.A. University reputation role in competitive environment
Solntsev M.N. Technological potential of social and cultural activity in the prevention of destructive behavioral strategies among teenagers
Tikhonova E.V., Belov D.N., Shevchenko M.A. Teaching foreign language professional discourse to non-language faculties’ academic staff
Ulyanova E.V. Models of public sector and non-governmental organizations collaboration in the sphere of voluntary activity: social and cultural analysis
on the direction 07.00.00 – Historical Sciences and Archeology
Volkov M.S. Social structure of Tambov eparchy monasteries in the late 18th – 19th centuries
Golovashina O.V., Linchenko A.A., Anikin D.A. Culture memory dynamics as a research subject: approaches and solutions
Zhigulskiy A.V. The state-society interaction through the famine of 1932–1933 (the Tambov Region case)
Makhrachev G.S. Formation of basic vocational education in the Tambov Governorate in the second half of 19th – the early 20th century
Tikhonov Y.N. Soviet-Afghanian negotiations about the pasture convention in the context of the “Great Game” in Central Asia on the eve of the Second World War (1935–1939)
Shepelev D.V., Shepeleva D.V. Peculiarities of development and legal regulation of activity of state-owned enterprises in Russia in 17th–21st centuries
Dear Colleagues!
The list of the authors, whose articles are planned to be published in the journal “Tambov University Review. Series Humanities”. 
Tambov, 2018, Vol. 23, no. 174 according to the decisions of the Editorial Board at the meeting of April 27, 2018 is presented below.  
on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences
Boussaha A., Gillard M.V. Historical preconditions of the development and formation of sports conflictology
Druzhinina A.A. Mentorship technology in training social sphere specialists
Zaporozhtsev E.V., Selitrenikova T.A. Physiological aspects of physical education classes with first graders who have cardiovascular system disease
Karpova S.I., Savenkova T.D., Parkhimovich Z.V. Model of development of emotional intelligence and social competence in children of senior preschool age in collective visible activity
Kozodayev P.I. Formation of episodic thinking skills among students – future directors of amateur theatres
Levchuk S.V. Structural and functional model of social and pedagogical support of families raising children with positive HIV status
Sorokina E.V. Peculiarities of variable program on the course “Creative abilities development” for master`s degree students
Stromov V.Y., Sysoyev P.V., Zavyalov V.V. Development of student mentoring in the research and educational sphere in a classical university
Sharshov I.A., Kuzyakina A.S. The essence of systemic and logical thinking in the conditions of subject oriented teaching
on the direction 07.00.00 – Historical Sciences and Archeology
Lisyunin V., protoierey. Participation of Tambov clergy in parliamentary election and State Duma activity of 1–4 convocations (1906–1917)
Chereshneva L.A. Constitutions of Jawaharlal Nehru and Liaquat Ali Khan: correlation of political strategy and state and legal realia of independent India and Pakistan (1947–1956)

“Tambov University Review. Series Humanities”  Volume 23, no. 173 for 2018 came out of the press on May 22, 2018.
The authors and subscribers can get the journal in the editorial at address 190g Sovetskaya St., Tambov
“Tambov University Review. Series Humanities” Volume 23, no. 173 for 2018 is sent for the press on April 20, 2018.
The issue contains scientific articles in the following rubrics: on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences: “Pedagogy of higher school”, “Theory and methods of foreign language teaching”, “Theory and methods of physical training teaching”, “Theory and methods of infomatics teaching”,  “Psychology of development”, “Pedagogy of preschool and primary education”, “Theory and methods of social and cultural activity organization”; on the direction 07.00.00 – Historical Sciences and Archeology: “National history”
 Dear Colleagues!
The list of the authors, whose articles are planned to be published in the journal “Tambov University Review. Series Humanities”. 
Tambov, 2017, Vol. 23, no. 173 according to the decisions of the Editorial Board at the meeting of April 2, 2018 is presented below. 
on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences
Makarova L.N., Golushko T.K. Methodical competence of higher educational institution lecturer: problem issues
Pervova G.M. Issue of a teacher’s reading culture
Popova N.V., Kogan M.S., Vdovina E.K. Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) as actualization methodology of interdisciplinary links in technical university
Malyshev G.I., Kiselevich Y.E., Mitchell P.J. Difficulties in learning the phonetics of the Chinese language: basic mistakes and ways of correcting them
Solomatina A.G. Teaching a foreign language for professional purposes course on the basis of the model of content and language integrated learning in an agricultural institution
Ivinskiy D.V. Peculiarities of educational activities organization at the special (correctional) educational institutions of the 8 type and prospective directions of its development
Kadyashkin D.A., Chastikhin A.A. On the impact of physical training on the development of the professionally important qualities of the aircrew
Kolesnichenko D.A., Ivannikov S.V. Methods of “arm lever inside” drill training as a component of police officers physical training
Zubets V.V. The road to the truth is better than “a field guide to lies”
Prokudin Y.P., Milenko E.A. Formation of universal learning activities of younger schoolchildren as a pedagogical problem
Sergeeva V.P., Grigoryeva E.I., Gribkova G.I., Sergeeva I.S. Current aspects of professional staff training for creative leisure industry
Dear Colleagues!
The list of the authors, whose articles are planned to be published in the journal “Tambov University Review. Series Humanities”. 
Tambov, 2018, Vol. 23, no. 173 according to the decisions of the Editorial Board at the meeting of March 19, 2018 is presented below.  
on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences
Sobyanin F.I., Peresvetov N.N., Klimenko T.I., Makashev Sh.A., Rakhmetzhanov A.S. Some peculiarities of Kazakh national sports development on the example of West Kazakhstan Region
Syrova S.V., Platonova Y.V. Physical recreation of women students with the aid of artistic gymnastics
Al-Dzhuburi S.S.S. On correlation between football and war: social and historical view
Anureva M.S. Modern system of education in the field of information security in the Russian Federation
Kuzmina I.A., Karpova S.I. Artistic and aesthetic activity as the condition of emotional welfare of children of the fifth year of life
Sazonova V.A., Chebotarev S.A. Innovativeness of Anatoliy Vasiliev’s directing pursuits
on the direction 07.00.00 – Historical Sciences and Archeology
Fomin V.V. The meaning of the term “fryagi” in the Tale of Past Years
Tarasov O.Y. Reflection of the processes of resettlement in the Upper Amur Region in “mirror of oikonymy”: historical and cultural overview
Volkov M.S. Orthodox monasteries of Tambov Region in the 18th century
Semyaninov V.P. On some peculiarities of civilization types (on the issue “Russia and the West”)
Simonovich O.O. Development of small towns in Russia as a factor of new architectural and spatial solutions formation of the late 19th – early 20th century
Kurbenkov V.A. Vladivostok maritime port and Russian maritime shipping position at the Far East in the period from 1905 to 1914
Dear Colleagues!
The list of the authors, whose articles are planned to be published in the journal “Tambov University Review. Series Humanities”. 
Tambov, 2018, Vol. 23, no. 173 according to the decisions of the Editorial Board at the meeting of November 3, 2017 is presented below.  
on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences
Merzlyakova D.R. Test control functions contributing to conservation and strengthening of students’ psychological health

“Tambov University Review. Series Humanities”  Volume 23, no. 172 for 2018 came out of the press on March 27, 2018.
The authors and subscribers can get the journal in the editorial at address 190g Sovetskaya St., Tambov
“Tambov University Review. Series Humanities” Volume 23, no. 172 for 2018 is sent for the press on March 6, 2018.
The issue contains scientific articles in the following rubrics: on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences: “Pedagogy of higher school”, “Questions of social pedagogy and social work”, “Theory and methods of foreign language teaching”, “Theory and methods of physical training teaching”, “Pedagogy of elementary school”, “Theory and methods of social and cultural activity organization”, “Problems of youth’s socialization in modern world”; on the direction 07.00.00 – Historical Sciences and Archeology: “National history”, “Foreign countries’ history”
Dear Colleagues!
The list of the authors, whose articles are planned to be published in the journal “Tambov University Review. Series Humanities”. 
Tambov, 2017, Vol. 23, no. 172 according to the decisions of the Editorial Board at the meeting of February 20, 2018 is presented below. 
on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences
Baklanova T.I., Kiseleva O.I., Medved E.I. On the project of continuity of the educational system, further training and personnel development for ethnocultural activity in educational organizations and cultural establishments
Belyaev A.A. Objectives, structure and subject of a methodological planning
Lovtsova I.V. Problems of the formation of educational material and forms of its translation in textbooks, teaching aids in the field of fine arts
Belyakova N.V., Chebotarev S.A. Eastern culture traditions in development of experimentative directing technologies of the Russian theatre
Titova S.V., Danilina E.K. Experimental implementation of organization mobile technology model of formative and summative assessment of students’ writing skills in a nonlinguistic university
Savinykh L.E. Socialization of children with disabilities of various nosological groups by means of physical culture and sports
on the direction 07.00.00 – Historical Sciences and Archeology
Makhrachev G.S. The functioning of zemstvos towards the non-agricultural work of peasants of the Tambov Governorate during the end of 19th – the beginning of the 20th century
Dear Colleagues!
The list of the authors, whose articles are planned to be published in the journal “Tambov University Review. Series Humanities”. 
Tambov, 2018, Vol. 23, no. 172 according to the decisions of the Editorial Board at the meeting of January 23, 2018 is presented below. 
on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences
Bortnikova T.G. Communicative competence development of students within the course “Business English”
Vasileva Y.V. Peculiarities of patriotism education among teenagers
Druzhinina A.A. Preparation of future specialists in the social sphere for the organization of interdepartmental interaction as an important direction for solving the problems of the population
Tashakova M.Kh., Osmanov E.M. The possibilities of using mathematical statistics methods in the development of technologies for selection promising volleyball players
Uvarov E.A. Building a life perspective as an alternative to the state of hopelessness
Milenko E.A. Objectivation of pedagogical conditions of the organization of younger schoolchildren learning collaboration
Mitrofanov D.V. Students’ intellectual culture: diagnostics of development level
on the direction 07.00.00 – Historical Sciences and Archeology
Dzhabbarov R.R. The representatives of public thought about monarchical power in 18th century: S.N. Glinka about Peter the Great
archpriest Viktor Lisyunin Conservative orthodox clergy as public-social power at the beginning of 20th century (basing on the materials of Tambov eparchy)
hegumen Pimen (I.A. Semiletov) The demographic composition of the Tambov monasteries in the second half of 19th – early 20th centuries
Strekalov D.V., Strekalova N.V. Structure and typology of а provincial urban family at the end of the 18th – the first half of the 19th century (on materials of Tambov)
Kulkova O.S. Some aspects of British intervention in the internal politics of sub-Saharan African countries in the 1960–1980s in modern foreign historiography
Zhirova N.S. The establishment of “Gadar” Party Hindustan Centre (1923–1928)


“Tambov University Review. Series Humanities” Volume 23, no. 171 for 2018 came out of the press on February 26, 2018.
The authors and subscribers can get the journal in the editorial at address 190g Sovetskaya St., Tambov
“Tambov University Review. Series Humanities” Volume 23, no. 171 for 2018 is sent for the press on December 5, 2017.
The issue contains scientific articles in the following rubrics: on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences: «Pedagogy of higher school», «Questions of social pedagogy and social work», «Experience of organization of modern education», «Theory and methods of sociocultural activity organization», «Theory and methods of physical training teaching», «Informational support of education», «Pedagogical theory»; on the direction 07.00.00 – Historical Sciences and Archeology: «National history», «Foreign countries’ history».
 Dear Colleagues!
The list of the authors, whose articles are planned to be published in the journal “Tambov University Review. Series Humanities”.
Tambov, 2017, Vol. 23, no. 171 
according to the decisions of the Editorial Board at the meeting from 17 November, 2017 is presented below. 
on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences
Makarova L.N. Professional suitability of higher educational institution lecturer
Sukhova E.I., Karpova S.I. Development of child perfection in the domestic education system
Shpagin S.V. Substantiation of the method of complex-combined health-improving physical training exercises with elderly age women
Pyatakhin A.M., Pavlov V.I., Ulyanov M.F., Kalmykov S.A. On the issue of implementation of passing the norms of the complex “Ready for Labour and Defense”
Zaguzova S.A., Zaguzov D.O. The application of the methods of various techniques of development of high-speed endurance of athletes
Vasileva Y.V. Theoretical approaches to the problem of patriotic feelings education in teenagers
on the direction 07.00.00 – Historical Sciences and Archeology
Myakisheva E.A. Peculiarities of social-demographic indices and professional composition of Tambov, Voronezh and Ryazan provinces in the middle of 19th century
Archpriest Viktor Lisyunin. Clergy and Russian society liberalization at the end of 19th – the beginning of 20th century
Dear Colleagues!
The list of the authors, whose articles are planned to be published in the journal “Tambov University Review. Series Humanities”.
Tambov, 2018, Vol. 23, no. 171 according to the decisions of the Editorial Board at the meeting from 3 November, 2017 is presented below.  
on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences
Gushchina T.I., Kurin A.Y., Pozdnyakova N.V. The prospects of improvement of preschool education teachers preparation basing on the example of creation of educational complex “kindergarten – school – university” at Pedagogical Institute of Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin
Deeva E.V., Boldina M.A. The diagnostics of formedness of independent living skills among orphan-children and children left without parental care as social work technology
Keyno A.Y., Rodimkin D.A. The ways of increasing the efficiency of multi-year preparation of polyathlonist’s higher sport skills
Konovalov A.Y., Konovalov Y.N., Osmanov E.M., Manyakov R.R. Regional system of inclusive professional education of the disabled and people with health disabilities
Anureva M.S. Research basis of comparative analysis of specialists’ preparation programs in information security in different countries
Karopa G.N. Traditions, innovations and new trends in the pedagogical theory and scientific school of academician I.F. Kharlamov
Filippov A.N. Scientific and teaching activity of Saint Innocent of Penza
on the direction 07.00.00 – Historical Sciences and Archeology
Moskovkin V.M., Sadovski M.V. About the contribution of the former director of Belgorod and Voronezh Teachers’ Institutes A.K. Dimitriu (1857–1925) in the Byzantine studies
Zaytseva O.M., Strekalova N.V. The woman of merchant class of Tambov at the end of 19th – the beginning of the 20th century: marks to a social portrait
Mizis Y.A. Construction of hydrosystem on the river Tsna with the prisoners of war in Tambov camps in 1944–1953
Medvedev N.V. Hermeneutic understanding of human being’s historicity
Zhukovskaya N.Y. “Middle powers” as an element of the modern world system: on the theoretical understanding of the concept

 For the attention of the lecturers and employees of the university!
The application for privileged subscription for the journals, published in Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin in 2018 is available.
(Order no. 14 of 16.01.2018)
You can subscribe for them in the editorials of the journals: Tambov, Sovetskaya St., 190g
Journal’s title
Privileged subscription
Tambov University Reviews. Series: Humanities
(07.00.00 –  historical sciences and archeology, 
13.00.00 – pedagogical sciences)
Index 83371
Included in the List of the reviewed scientific journals and issues, published in Russian Federation and recommended by Higher Attestation Commission
Included in database of RISC, ERIH
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1050 rub.
Tambov University Reports. Series: Natural and Technical Sciences
 (01.01.00 – mathematics)
Index 83372
Included in the List of the reviewed scientific journals and issues, published in Russian Federation and recommended by Higher Attestation Commission
Included in database of RISC, VINITI
Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory, ZBMATH
1050 rub.
Tambov University Reviews. Series: Social Sciences
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Index 80301
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700 rub.
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Index 80303
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700 rub.

The journal "Tambov University Review. Series Humanities” is included in the one of the biggest international bibliographic databases "Ulrich's Periodicals Directory" of American Publisher Bowker. It provides information about serial (periodical and continued) published issues (popular and academic journals) on all thematic directions of life's activity.


"Tambov University Review. Series Humanities” came out of the press. Volume 22, issue 6 (170) for 2017
The authors and subscribers can get the journal in the editorial at address 190g Sovetskaya St., Tambov
“Tambov University Review. Series Humanities” Volume 22, issue 6 (170) for 2017 is sent for the press of September 30, 2017.
The issue contains scientific articles in the following rubrics: “The issues of scientific-research activity organization among students of higher educational institution”, “Pedagogy of higher school”, “Questions of social pedagogy and social work”, “Theory and methods of sociocultural activity organization”, “Psychology of development”, “Theory and methods of foreign language teaching”, “Theory and methods of Russian language teaching”, “Theory and methods of physical training teaching”, “National history”, “Modern society and problems of globalization”, “On the occasion of 100 anniversary of higher education at Tambov land”.
Dear Colleagues!
The list of the authors, whose articles are planned to be published in the journal “Tambov University Review. Series Humanities”. Tambov, 2017, V. 22, issue 6 (170) according to the decisions of the Editorial Board at the meeting from 24 September, 2017 is presented below.
Stromov V.Y., Sysoyev P.V., Zavyalov V.V. Modern trends in the activities of the university students’ scientific society: the experience of Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin
Dear Colleagues!
The list of the authors, whose articles are planned to be published in the journal “Tambov University Review. Series Humanities”. Tambov, 2017, V. 22, issue 6 (170) according to the decisions of the Editorial Board at the meeting from 8 August, 2017 is presented below.
Sharshov I.A., Makarova L.N., Borzykh I.N. Students’ self-government in the context of professional education
of students: forms of organization and estimation criteria
Klenikova S.A., Musatova M.A., Antropova E.A. Methodological foundations of the organization of the scientific research seminar as one of their key forms of the scientific research work of the masters
Nikolskaya T.M. The use of principles of semiotics analysis to study the paintings in the university (basing on the example of E. Munch’s work)
Uvarov E.A. Positive life space through finding new integration by personality
Chugunov A.N., Mitchell P.J. Idiomatic expressions in Portuguese: features of translation and use
Maslova M.V. Listening poetic speech on Russian lessons in the 5th grade
Kozadaev M.G. Controls of the level of cadets’ physical fitness
Boldyreva V.B., Keyno A.Y., Gritskov P.M. The development of coordination abilities of mentally retarded children 9–11 years old by means of physical education
Strekalov D.V., Strekalova N.V. The heads of Tambov families at the end of the 18th – in the first half of the 19th century: social and demographic aspect
Zhitin R.M., Topilskiy A.G. Administrative officers of the patrimonial offices of the Tambov estates in the late 19th century
Streltsov I.E. The costs of the Russian Empire in the organization of naval intelligence on the eve of the First World War (1907–1914)
Khasanshin G.R. Limitation of Sharia court authority as a measure for integration of outlanders of Volga-Ural region in the Russian legal space (in the journals of Special Meetings in Muslim affairs of 1914)
Dear Colleagues!
The list of the authors, whose articles are planned to be published in the journal “Tambov University Review. Series Humanities”. Tambov, 2017, V. 22, issue 6 (170) according to the decisions of the Editorial Board at the meeting from 24 September, 2017 is presented below.
Chvanova M.S., Anureva M.S., Kiseleva I.A. New forms of student youth socialization in the Internet space
Shadskiy O.G. Private and public social work in the 20s of 19th century in the USA: struggle of ideologies
Druzhinina A.A. The formation of innovation competence of future social sphere specialist
Dolzhenkova M.I. Leisure traditions of Tambov clubs of 19th – the beginning of 20th century
Kolesov I.V. The formation of teenagers’ social activity by means of club activity: modeling of the process
Zinoveva T.S., Yureva M.N. Technology of technical training of the athlete-dancer in ensemble performance formation
Karopa G.N. System differentiation as a pattern and principle of education
Zaguzova S.A., Kuznetsov A.S. The development of power capability of schoolchildren in 10–11 form during powerlifting practice
Kucher K., Shcherbinin P.P. Features of care of children-orphans in the Tambov province in the 19th – early 20th centuries through the prism of public and private charitable activities
SerguninV.A., Archpriest. Nunneries and monasticism as a part of the social history of Russia of the imperial period (Historiographical analysis of the studies of the 18th–21st centuries)
Lisyunin V. Archpriest. Orthodox clergy at the right wing of social and political life at the end of 19th – the beginning of 20th centuries
Naletova D.V. Theoretical foundations of ideology research of International Organization of Francophonie
Avrekh A.L. “…the faculty find that it is necessary to leave for Tambov with a full complement…”. About Moscow origin of Tambov agrarian faculty (1918)
Dear Colleagues!
The list of the authors, whose articles are planned to be published in the journal “Tambov University Review. Series Humanities”. Tambov, 2017, V. 22, issue 6 (170) according to the decisions of the Editorial Board at the meeting from 2 June, 2017 is presented below.
Amerkhanova O.O. Pedagogical conditions for teaching post-graduate students a foreign language scientific discourse using a tandem-method  

Tambov University Review. Series Humanities” came out of the press. Volume 22, issue 5 (169) for 2017
The authors and subscribers can get the journal in the editorial at address 190g Sovetskaya St., Tambov
“Tambov University Review. Series Humanities” Volume 22, issue 5 (169) for 2017 is sent for the press of September 20, 2017.
The issue contains scientific articles in the following rubrics: “The issues of scientific-research activity organization among students of higher educational institution”, “Pedagogy of higher school”, “Questions of social pedagogy and social work”, “Theory and methods of sociocultural activity organization”, “Theory and methods of foreign language teaching”, “Theory and methods of physical training teaching”, “History of pedagogical education”, “National history”, “Foreign countries history”, “Reviews”
Dear Colleagues!
The list of the authors, whose articles are planned to be published in the journal “Tambov University Review. Series Humanities”. Tambov, 2017, V. 22, issue 5 (169) according to the decisions of the Editorial Board is presented below.
on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences
Stromov V.Y., Sysoyev P.V. Main vectors of organization of students’ scientific and research activity at Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin
Khoroshavina G.D., Gutsul E.S. Aesthetic education of future teachers in higher educational institution
Chvanova M.S., Anureva M.S., Kiseleva I.A. The influence of the Internet on the socialization of youth
Druzhinina A.A, Preparation of future bachelors of social work for realization of mediation technologies in the solution of problems of a modern dysfunctional family
Novikov S.V., Makarova L.N. Monitoring of social networks as a means of transformation of teenagers’ education methods
Grebennikova K.A., Kurilovich N.V., Kurin A.Y. Socio-legal work problems with youth in the conditions of community organization
Anikina A.P., Karpova S.I. The formation of skills to picture a human in drawing among over-fives
Dolzhenkova M.I., Apazhikhova N.V. Experience in organizing summer recreation for teenagers in European and North American camps
Pindus V.Y., Grigoreva E.I. The peculiarities of sense of justice of military men at the call in the conditions of socio-cultural activity
Paveleva T.Y. The implementation of the educational technology “flipped classroom” on the platform “YourStudy”
Sorokina L.L. Organization of students’ independent work in the conditions of creative-technological approach realization
Shumskaya S.A. Educational potential of the author’s course for guide-interpreters organized in Moodle
Yakovlev V.V., Selitrenikova T.A. Methodical aspects of first year cadets’ adaptation in military university
Platonova Y.V., Syutina V.I., Belov M.S. The estimation of flexibility of health improvement aerobics doers as a criterion of training process efficiency
Uvarov E.A., Belaid Modjahed, Yakhyavi Said The content of the physical education programs in schools of Europe and Russia
Pikiner E.V., Yureva M.N. Historical aspects of program-methodological support formation of ballet-artists’ preparation in dance schools
on the direction 07.00.00 – Historical Sciences and Archeology
Petrikov K.A. Rhetoric of patriotism in the “Proceedings” of the Free Economic Society in 1765–1796: economic aspect
Topilskiy A.G. The activity of I.N. Guszalewicz in the Imperial Council (1867–1870)
Antonova L.V., Dronova N.V. “Ensuring warm hospitality”: activities for guests of the Сolonial and Indian exhibition of 1886 in London in the context of the Imperial propaganda priorities
Kanishchev V.V. New history books about Central Black Earth

 “Tambov University Review. Series Humanities” came out of the press. Volume 22, issue 4 (168) for 2017
The authors and subscribers can get the journal in the editorial at address 190g Sovetskaya St., Tambov
“Tambov University Review. Series Humanities” Volume 22, issue 4 (168) for 2017 is sent for the press of June 20, 2017.
The issue contains scientific articles in the following rubrics: “Questions of social pedagogy and social work”, “Theory and methods of sociocultural activity organization”, “Pedagogy of secondary school”, “Theory and methods of foreign language teaching”, “Theory and methods of Russian language teaching”, “Theory and methods of physical training teaching”, National history”
Dear Colleagues!
The list of the authors, whose articles are planned to be published in the journal “Tambov University Review. Series Humanities”. Tambov, 2017, V. 22, issue 4 (168) according to the decisions of the Editorial Board is presented below.
on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences
Kurilovich N.V. The formation of readiness of gerontovolunteers to realization of voluntary activity
Kurilovich N.V., Baranova N.Y. Priority directions of work with senior pupils in a comprehensive school with the purpose of formation of the valuable relation to parenting by means of social education
Karpova S.I., Lubchenco O.A. Modeling of the process of socio-pedagogical support of preschool and younger school age children with disabilities of development of in conditions of learning standards
Apazhikhova N.V., Dolzhenkova M.I. Social and cultural projection as one of the leading directions in the sphere of additional education
Negin V.V., Grigoreva E.I. The role of social-cultural activity in the process of youth extremism prevention
Starobinets-Doglyad E.V. Creative self-realization of youth: social-cultural approach
Botkova V.K. The model of career strategies of youth formation in the conditions of students’ self-government
Kurakina E.S., Alisov E.A. Tutor monitoring program of personal self-esteem of senior high school students
Savchenko E.V. Historical perspective of the notion of m-Learning: development of learner-centred education concept
Pavlinova I.A. Work with dictionaries as sources of speech culture of junior high school students
Mironova T.A.,. Arseenko E.A, Sobyanin F.I., Samolyuk O.I. Peculiarities of new kinds of sport appearance
Zaguzova S.A., Koneva I.S. Special preparation of ice skaters in preparatory period of training
Boldyreva V.B., Keyno A.Y. Model-targeted approach to sport preparation building in games-based kinds of sport
Smyslov A.P., Selitrenikova T.A. Medical aspect of physical education of cadets with cardiovascular system pathology
Popov A.P., Syutina V.I., Platonova Y.V. Vertical stability reconstruction in the process of patients’ rehabilitation with dyscirculatory encephalopathy
Kalmykov S.A., Pyatakhin A.M. The peculiarities of student’s flexibility development in the process of physical training
on the direction 07.00.00 – Historical Scinces and Archeology
Kunavin K.S. The analysis of informal factors of career dynamics of State Council representatives of the Russian Empire in the second half of XIX century
Sviridov I.S. The awakening of Great Russian peasantry’s consciousness at the beginning of XX century
Ryadnykh A.Y. Soviet awareness-building work in Kursk province in 1921–1926: the peculiarities and first results
Yarmolich F.K. Leningrader in the political space of 1950s – the beginning of 1960s

“Tambov University Review. Series Humanities” came out of the press. Volume 22, issue 3 (167) for 2017
The authors and subscribers can get the journal in the editorial at address 190g Sovetskaya St., Tambov
 “Tambov University Review. Series Humanities” Volume 22, issue 3 (167) for 2017 is sent for the press of April 10, 2017.
The issue contains scientific articles in the following rubrics: “Pedagogy of higher school”, “Theory and methods of foreign language teaching”, “Questions of social pedagogy and social work”, “Theory and methods of physical training teaching”, “Theory and methods of sociocultural activity organization”, “National history”
 Dear Colleagues!
The list of the authors, whose articles are planned to be published in the journal “Tambov University Review. Series Humanities”. Tambov, 2017, V. 22, issue 3 (167) according to the decisions of the Editorial Board is presented below.
on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences
Gushchina T.I., Kurin A.Y., Pozdnyakova N.V. The correspondence of basic educational program of bachelor’s preparation on profile “Primary Education” to professional standard of a teacher: analysis of principles and content
Makarova L.N. Projection of individual style development technology of pedagogical activity of higher educational institution lecturer
Khoroshavina G.D., Stymkovskiy V.I. Organizational conditions of multilevel professional education in technical higher educational institution for individuals with health disabilities
Kurakina E.S., Alisov E.A. Opportunities for social services use in the conditions of information and communication educational environment
Titova S.V., Samoylenko O.Y. Structure of higher educational institution lecturer’s information and communication competence
Shevchenko M.A., Mitchell P.J., Zagainov S.S. The competence approach in teaching foreign military discourse
Solomatina A.G. The basic problems of foreign language teaching of agrarian institutes of higher education and ways of their decision by means of podcasts
Pogulyaev F.V. Methodical functions of video-podcasts in foreign language teaching
Popov A.N. The content-technological support for the process of forming the information competence of a social worker in the university
Kozadaev M.G., Selitrenikova T.A. Motivational aspects of professional-applied physical training of cadets
Pyatakhin A.M., Kalmykov S.A., Pavlov V.I., Pavlova N.N. The peculiarities of resistance exercises at training devices
Botkova V.K., Grigoreva E.I. The essence and specifics of career self-determination of students’ youth
Belyaev R.V. The model of formation of information culture of students of military higher education institutions by means of socio-cultural activities
on the direction 07.00.00 – Historical Sciences and Archeology
Uraeva I.V. Impact controls on the development of the network of libraries of the Tambov province in the early years of Soviet power
Myakisheva E.A. The population changes of districts of the South of Central Russia in 1830–1850
Buzanova N.A. Territorial (zemsky) district chiefs as an object of control (basing on the example of Tambov province)

“Tambov University Review. Series Humanities” came out of the press. Volume 22, issue 2 (166) for 2017
The authors and subscribers can get the journal in the editorial at address 190g Sovetskaya St., Tambov
Tambov University Review. Series Humanities” Volume 22, issue 2 (166) for 2017 is sent for the press of February 10, 2017.
The issue contains scientific articles in the following rubrics: “Theory and methods of Russian language teaching”, “Theory and methods of foreign language teaching”, “Theory and methods of physical training teaching”, “Professional's competence”, “National History”.
Dear Colleagues!
The list of the authors, whose articles are planned to be published in the journal Tambov University Review. Series Humanities. Tambov, 2017, V. 22, issue 2 (166) according to the decisions of the Editorial Board is presented below
on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences
Pervova G.M., Maslova M.V., Pavlinova I.A. Current approaches to the study of the Russian language in school
Bushmanov A.А., Mitchell P.J. The Jamaican variant of English language in the post-Creole continuum
Pavelieva T.Y. The process modeling of writing skills development by means of the educational Internet-blog
Popov A.P., Syutina V.I. Vertical stability restoration at motive-coordinating disorder
Ivinskiy D.V. Methodic recommendations on organization and carrying out sports-oriented classes on ping-pong for bachelor program students
Fateh Zereg, Zhiyyar M.V., Ryazanov A.A. The methods of coordination abilities improvement of football players of 14–15 years old of modern dance means
Kuzmenko M.V., Fakhrieva I.A., Boldyreva V.B. The methods of choreography preparation of gymnasts with the use
Kopytova N.E., Makarova L.N. Professional Standards and their role at projection of basic educational programs of Teachers’ preparation
Lovtsova I.V. The actualization of professional competences of teachers at children’s art schools as part of the creation of educational and methodical complex of the curriculum in the field of fine arts
Medvedeva O.V. Professional records management education: the historical aspect
on the direction 07.00.00 – Historical Sciences and Archeology
Napolnikova P.K. On the issue of Mordovia belyak
Ibneyeva G.V., Mukhamadeev A.I. Educational policy of Catherine II in the practice of the Imperial journeys
Sviridov I.S. Propagation of sectarianism in the Great Russian village on the cusp of XIX–XX centuries
Shilova R.R. Assistance to refugees in Ufa province during the World War I
Uraeva I.V. The work of public library organizations to improve the skills of library staff in the 1920s
Panov D.A. The organization and conditions of coastal (handicraft) fishery on Murman in 1920–1924
“Tambov University Review. Series Humanities” came out of the press. Volume 22, issue 1 (165) for 2017
The authors and subscribers can get the journal in the editorial at address 190g Sovetskaya St., Tambov
Tambov University Review. Series Humanities” Volume 22, issue 1 (165) for 2017 is sent for the press of December 15, 2016.
The issue contains scientific articles in the following rubrics: “Questions of social pedagogy and social work”, “The issues of professional education”, “Theory and methods of foreign language teaching”, “Theory and methods of physical training teaching”, “Informational supporrt of education”, “Theory and methods of mathematic teaching”, “The questions of student' independent work organization”, “National History”, “Foreign countries' history”, “On the occasion of 100 aniversary of higher education at Tambov land”, “Reviews”.
Dear Colleagues!
The list of the authors, whose articles are planned to be published in the journal Tambov University Review. Series Humanities. Tambov, 2017, V. 22, issue 1 (165) according to the decisions of the Editorial Board is presented below
on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences
Boldina M.A., Deeva E.V. Approaches to Career Guidance in educational institutions
Potapova E.N. Goals and objectives of learning foreign languages in terms of corporate teaching programs
Plaskina M.V. Psychological and pedagogical conditions of teaching secondary school students written interaction in a group blog
Pugachev I.Y., Korablev Y.Y., Osmanov E.M. Priority orientations of didactic principles of education use in higher school of pedagogy of physical training
Popov A.N. Model of high school social worker’s information competence formation of computer technology means
Terekhova L.A. The interaction of stochastic elements with number content-methodological line of school course of Mathematics
Mamugina V.P. Fantasy figure in creative independent work of students-architects
on the direction 07.00.00 – Historical Sciences and Archeology
Buzanova N.A. Main requirements to shire reeve’s post on a counter-reform of Alexander III
Uraeva I.V. Organization of the library service for readers of the Tambov province in the early years of Soviet power
Kosenkov A.N. The political repressions of 1918–1953 of the Tambov social elite: character and structure
Sviridov V.V. To the history of communicative social theory establishment and determination of its role in contemporary Russian law research
Kornilov Y.V. Chiliarch at the courts of the Achemenid and Alexander the Great
Zhou Tianhe. Relationship of Chinese entrepreneurs of Uzbek expat and Russian population in Amur oblast
Vezuina M.-A. Romanian-Russian political and diplomatic relations after the end of the “cold war”: from ambivalence to tension
Avrekh A.L. Teaching staff of “Tambov State University”: statistical portrait
Archpriest Viktor Lisyunin. Monograph review: Penkov V.F. I was born on Tuesday. Tambov: LLC “Tsifra”, 2015. 148 p. 

For the attention of the lecturers and employees of the university!
The applications for privileged subscription for the journals, published in Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin in 2017 is available.
You can subscribe for them in the editorials of the journals
(Order no. 615 of 8.11.2016)


Название журнала
Льготная подписка
Вестник Тамбовского университета.
Серия Гуманитарные науки
(исторические науки, педагогические науки)
Индекс 83371
входит в Перечень ВАК
1050 руб.
Вестник Тамбовского университета.
Серия Естественные и техническиенауки
(физико-математические науки, биологические науки, медицинские науки)
Индекс 83372
входит в Перечень ВАК
1950 руб.
Вестник Тамбовского университета.
Серия Общественные науки 
(философские науки, социологические науки, психологические науки)
Индекс 80301
700 руб.
Неофилология (Вестник Тамбовского университета. Серия Филологические науки и культурология)
(филологические науки, культурология)
Индекс 80303
700 руб.


“Tambov University Review. Series Humanities” came out of the press. Volume 21, issue 12 (164) for 2016
The authors and subscribers can get the journal in the editorial at address 190g Sovetskaya St., Tambov
Tambov University Review. Series Humanities” Volume 21, issue 12 (164) for 2016 is sent for the press of October 10, 2016.
The issue contains scientific articles in the following rubrics: “Informational support of education”, “Methods of sociocultural activity organization”, “The issues of professional education”, “Theory and methods of foreign language teaching”, “Theory and methods of physical training teaching”, “Theory and methods of physical teaching”, “Theory and methods of history teaching”, “National History”, “Modeling of historical processes”, “The issues of scientific journals' improvement of quality”.
Dear Colleagues!
The list of the authors, whose articles are planned to be published in the journal Tambov University Review. Series Humanities. Tambov, 2016, V. 21, issue 12 (164) according to the decisions of the Editorial Board is presented below
on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences
Chvanova M.S., Khramova M.V., Sletkov I.A., Kiseleva I.A., Molchanov A.A., Kotova N.A. The research of the Internet on socials needs of users
Belova E.A. Technology of electronic educational resources’ use with elements of autodidactics in the process of personality’s self-development of students of professional educational organization
Borodina O.V. Project activity as a means of students’ creativity development (for example, the project “All together for healthy lifestyles”)
Lovtsova I.V. The preservation of Russian folk crafts as one of the factors in the development of art education (Irkutsk region)
Sharshov I.A., Borzykh I.N. Pedagogical conditions of efficiency increase and professional education of students while students’ union organization
Amerkhanova O.O. Stages of teaching post-graduate students research writing discourse using the tandem-method
Vozdvizhenskiy V.V., Mitchell P.J. The problem of translating English-language military terminology (the example of the series “The Pacific”)
Potapova E.N. Goals and objectives of learning foreign languages in terms of corporate teaching programs
Cherkasov R.V. Various aspects of effective formation of physical activity of future teachers of technology
Korogodina I.V., Tsukanov B.D. Synthesis of fundamental nature and the professionalization of physical education as a necessary condition of training the specialist in the field of information communications
Kotenev V.A., Kuzmin A.V., Stametov V.V. Content and methodological aspects of transmission to linear system of teaching the subject “History” in the context of accepting new educational-methodic complex on native history (Tambov region experience)
on the direction 07.00.00 – Historical Sciences and Archeology
Myakisheva E.A. The changes in population and class composition of population of provinces and counties of the South of Central Russia in 1810–1830s
Nemashkalov P.G. The clergy’s position in public schools in North Caucasus in XIX century
Dyachkov V.L. Migration in Russia/USSR, 1860–1930s as a part of social-natural population control system: methods and basic research results
Moseev V.I., Cherenkov V.E. Military training of young people in the volunteer associations (1927–1941)
Dyachkov V.L., Lyamin S.K. Social-demographic phenomenon of the first 100 years of Kotovsk population being of Tambov region
Zhukov D.S., Kanishchev V.V., Lyamin S.K. Ecofractal-2: modeling the interaction between nature and society of agricultural regions by means of fractal geometry (second half of XIX century)
Zubets V.V., Ilyina I.V. About the quality of network information
Kovaleva T.A., Ilyina I.V. How to write an abstract for scientific article
Ilyina I.V. How to format reference list in English – References

“Tambov University Review. Series Humanities” came out of the press. Volume 21, issue 11 (163) for 2016
The authors and subscribers can get the journal in the editorial at address 190g Sovetskaya St., Tambov
Tambov University Review. Series Humanities” Volume 21, issue 11 (163) for 2016 is sent for the press of September 10, 2016.
The issue contains scientific articles in the following rubrics: “History of pedagogy and education”, “Professional's competence”, “Theory and methods of physical training teaching”, “Theory and methods of foreign language teaching”, “Methods of sociocultural activity organization”, “National History”, “Foreign countries' history”, “Chronicle”.
Dear Colleagues!
The list of the authors, whose articles are planned to be published in the journal Tambov University Review. Series Humanities. Tambov, 2016, V. 21, issue 11 (163) according to the decisions of the Editorial Board is presented below
on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences
Okatov A.V. Sociological concept of F. Tönnies as theoretical basis of institutionalization and functioning of modern voluntary associations’ study
Makarova L.N. Individuality and typology of a lecturer of higher educational institution: interactability
Pugachev I.Y., Korablev Y.Y., Osmanov E.M. Tendency of organizational-manage role’s component intensification in the activity of military specialists on physical training
Pudovkina O.S., Keyno A.Y. Dynamics of morphological indices and special preparedness of young skiers
Zagainov S.S., Mitchell P.J. The history of the development of military phrase books as a small literary genre
Amerkhanova O.O. Features of foreign language teaching in graduate school based on the tandem-method
Potapova E.N. Characteristics of corporate language courses
Kharlamenko I.V. Using wiki-technologies as a tool for creating collaborative glossary of special terms by science students
Dolzhenkova M.I. The essence and specifics of the phenomenon of clubbing in the modern leisure culture
Bortnikova T.G. The problems of foreign students’ cultural adaptation in polycultural sphere of Russian institutes of higher education (basing on the material of Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin foreign students’ interrogation)
Guskova S.V., Levina V.N. Cultural values’ studying methods and behavioral priorities of students’ youth, formed under influence of convergent mass media
on the direction 07.00.00 – Historical Sciences and Archeology
Akhmedova D.U. The change in the demographic structure of Dagestan population in the late XIX – early XX centuries under the influence of migration processes
Bagdasaryan A.O. The population’s protection from chemical weapon during the World War I
Semyaninov V.P., Semyaninov P.V. About the factors of state’s organizing role of in Russian conditions
Pronina T.S. Historical and comparative analysis of the later Soviet period’s religiosity in the context of revival of religion in the post-Soviet Russia: basing on the example of the Tambov and Sverdlovsk regions
Antonova L.V. “New England in South African clothes” – Cape colony and Natal at Colonial and Indian Exhibition in London in 1886
Zhukovskaya N.Y. Canada and the International Labour Organization: the question of changing the foreign status of dominion at the Paris Peace Conference of 1919
Khannanova G.A. Foreign policy Federal of Republic of Germany at the modern stage: revision of the paradigm
Dyachkov I.V. Changes in DPRK: plain revolution
Dyachkov V.L., Kanishchev V.V., Mizis Y.A. Conference “Social history of World War II”

“Tambov University Review. Series Humanities” came out of the press. Volume 21, issue 10 (162) for 2016
The authors and subscribers can get the journal in the editorial at address 190g Sovetskaya St., Tambov
Tambov University Review. Series Humanities” Volume 21, issue 10 (162) for 2016 is sent for the press of July 20, 2016.
The issue contains scientific articles in the following rubrics: “Professional's competence”, “Theory and methods of physical training education”, “Theory and methods of foreign language teaching”, “Pedagogy  of institutions of secondary vocational education”, “ Questions of social pedadgogy and social work”, “National History”, “Foreign countries' history”, “Reviews”.
Dear Colleagues!
The list of the authors, whose articles are planned to be published in the journal Tambov University Review. Series Humanities. Tambov, 2016, V. 21, issue 10 (162) according to the descision of the Editorial Board is presented below
on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences
Makarova L.N., Gushchina T.I. Mechanisms of teacher professional advancement system formation
Mitrofanov D.V. Special aspects of students’ intellectual culture
Kurin A.Yu., Popov A.N. Pedagogical conditions of formation of information competencies social worker by means of computer technologies
Platonova Y.V., Syutina V.I. The organization of healthy aerobics basing on research of psychomotor measure of students
Chernyaev V.V., Dushchenko S.A. Physical training of young karateka for sports battles (“Limited contact” discipline)
Amerkhanova O.O. Teaching writing discourse in the goals of foreign language teaching
in post-graduate programs
Plaskina M.V. Using a group blog in teaching foreign writing interaction
Shatalov O.A. Organization of educational work in college as a priority problem
of secondary vocational education (regional aspect)
Boldina M.A. Health-saving technologies in the activity of a specialist of social work
as a basis for public health problem decision
Garashkina N.V., Druzhinina A.A. Innovative technology to ensure social health
on the direction 07.00.00 – Historical Sciences and Archeology
Akhmedova D.U. Migration of peoples of Dagestan in the Ottoman Empire in the second half of XIX – early XX centuries
Nemashkalov P.G. Monachism in the first monasteries of North Caucasus before the middle
of XIX century
Ilyin A.Y. Public transport in the provincial (regional) centers of Russia in XIX–XX centuries: the formation and development (on materials of Penza, Ryazan, Tambov)
Dyachkov I.V. “Comfort women” issue and relations between South Korea and Japan: historical and political aspects
Zverev V.V. The monograph review: Ilyin A.Y. Urbanization and municipal economy:
development of utility infrastructure in provincial centers of Russia (XVIII–XX centuries). Tambov: Publ. house PE Chesnokov A.V., 2016. 228 p.

“Tambov University Review. Series Humanities” came out of the press. Volume 21, issue 9 (161) for 2016
The authors and subscribers can get the journal in the editorial at address 190g Sovetskaya St., Tambov
Tambov University Review. Series Humanities” Volume 21, issue 9 (161) for 2016 is sent for the press of June 20, 2016.
The issue contains scientific articles in the following rubrics: “Theory and methods of  teaching on the upper stage of general secondary education”, “Theory and methods of Russian language teaching”, “Theory and methods of foreign language teaching”, “Theory and methods of physical training education”, “Methods of sociocultural activity organization”, “Social history of Russia”.
Dear Colleagues!
The list of the authors, whose articles are planned to be published in the journal Tambov University Review. Series Humanities. Tambov, 2016, V. 21, issue 9 (161) according to the descision of the Editorial Board is presented below
on the direction 13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences
T.E. Manger, I.G. Andreeva The main approaches to the profile training in secondary general education in the system of continuous education on the example of University classes
G.M.Pervova, M.V. Maslova The Russian language as an instrument of Russia's positive image formation
T.G. Bortnikova Problems of Internet use in business English teaching
I.E. Bryksina Improvement of social and cultural preparation of linguists-students in the process of foreign language teaching
A.E. Malankhanova Methodical system of students training of economic discourse translation from the Chinese language to Russian on the basis of modern information and communication technologies
N.V. Protasova Senior forms students’ cognitive activity development in English textual activity
S.D. Antonyuk, I.V. Kozhevnikova The innovative program innovation “Sambo in school” within the framework of subject “Physical Education” in the conditions of federal state educational standard realization
M.V. Budarin, A.Y. Keyno The peculiarities of carrying out swimming training among children with mental retardation of 11–12 years old
T.S. Zinoveva, M.N. Yureva Method of technical training of the athlete-dancer in ensemble performance of ballroom dancing
I.V. Kolesov Potential of club activity in the formation of social activity of teenagers
on the direction 07.00.00 – Historical Sciences and Archeology
K.B. Kudlanov The Kursk province means of communication in the first quarter of XIX century
N.V. Strekalova Socio-spatial differentiation of the population of the Russian provincial town at the end of XIX – the beginning of XX century: sources, methods, research problems (on materials of the provincial centers of the Central Chernozem region)
A.G. Topilskiy “Mikhail Kachkovskiy Society’s” activity in the second half of XIX – the beginning of XX century
P.P. Shcherbinin The revolutionary upheavals in the Russian province through the prism of the public initiative
Y.V. Shcherbinina Lectures as agitation form of political-educational work of museums of Tambov province in 1920–1941s
A.V. KhmelevskoyFeatures of clothes and ideas of fashion in socialist society of “thaw period” (1953–1964)
M.S. Golubitskiy The improvement of the retirement policy of the Soviet State in 1980s

The issue 7-8 (159-160) for 2016 came out of the press
The issue contains scientific articles in the following rubrics “Questions of higher education modernization”, “Theory and methods of foreign language teaching”, “Theory and methods of physical training education”, “Methods of sociocultural activity organization”, “Questions on social pedagogy and social work”, “Social history of Russia”.

The issue 5-6 (157-158) for 2016 came out of the press
The issue contains scientific articles in the following rubrics: “Practice of higher education modernization”, “Theory and methods of foreign language teaching”, “Engineer pedagogy” “Theory and methods of physical training education”, “Methods of sociocultural activity organization”, “Psychology of development”, “Problems of youth’s socialization in modern world”, “Pedagogy of secodary school”, “History”.

The issue 3-4 (155-156) for 2016 came out of the press
The issue contains scientific articles in the following rubrics: “Practice of higher education modernization”, “Pedagogy of higher school”, “Pedagogy of secondary school”, “Problems of youth’s socialization in modern world”, “Theory and methods of sociocultural activity organization”, “Social history of Russia”.

The issue 2 (154) for 2016 came out of the press
The issue contains scientific articles in the following rubrics: “Pedagogy of higher school”, “Experience of organization of modern education”, “Social history of Russia”, “Personalia”.

The issue 1 (153) for 2016 came out of the press
The issue contains scientific articles in the following rubrics: “Pedagogy of higher school”, “Experience of organization of modern education”, “Social history of Russia”, “Link of time: history of societies and civilizations”.