Tambov University Review.
Series: Humanities
ISSN 1810-0201 (Print),     ISSN 2782-5825 (Online)


Underarticle cited literature in Roman alphabet entitled as REFERENCES, is made in the order identical to the Russian variant with analogous numeration. References are placed after cited literature with Cyrillic alphabet.

References must be arranged in accordance with the following rules:

  1. The authors (transliteration), the title of the article in transliterated variant [translation of the article title into English in square brackets], the title of the Russian-language source (transliteration) [translation into English – paraphrase (can be omitted for the journals), dataout with indication in English.
  2. The signs “//” and “–” are not allowed to use for division of structural elements of bibliographical description.

 Requirements and rules for References design

-      to provide a description of a journal only in transliterated variant (without translation) in References is not allowed;

-      while making the description of publishing without authors (collections, collective monographs) it is allowed to write one or maximum two editors of the publication instead of authors;

-      the unpublished documents can have the shortest title with pointing in brackets (unpublished), if they have authorship (to register the author’s reference) or just “Unpublished Source” or “Unpublished Report” and etc., if the authorship lacks in the document;

-      as Russian-language sources are difficult to identify for foreign specialists, it is necessary to highlight the original title of the source in italics, as in many foreign standards;

-      if the described publication has doi, it should be pointed out in the description in References;

-      it is not advisable to make voluntary shortenings in the citations of the sources titles. It often leads to the loss of connection, as the title may not be identified;

-      all main publishing particulars as to date and place of publication (in the description of the journals: denoting volumes, numbers, pages; in books description: place of publication – city, denoting publishing (except for own non-translated name of the publishing, it is transliterated)) must be presented in English;

-      in the description of Russian-language course books, study guides, the type of publication should not be pointed out;

-      in dataout of these publications, in citations (articles, books) it is necessary to point the amount of pages of the publication: the range of pages in publication is pointed as “pp.” before pages; the amount of pages in full publication (book) is pointed as “p” after pointing the amount of pages;

-      the translation of the title of the article or source is given in square brackets;

-      one publication is described in cited literature only once, despite the amount it was cited in the literature;

-      if the book in cited literature (in every variant – basic or in References) is described fully, then the full volume of publication should be marked in the description, despite the pages cited in the text; the exception are the cases when certain chapters from book in this variant, in cited literature the description of the chapter is given with pointing the pages “from-to”;

-      for transliteration it is necessary to use systems of automatic transmission of Cyrillic alphabet in Roman alphabet; do not transliterate by hand;

-      for journals published in Russian and English the reference is given to the English version of the journal.

Rules of transliteration

At the website http://www.translit.ru/ you can use the transliteration program of the Russian text in Latin alphabet for free. You can get the full image of all letter accordance if you choose the variant of the system Board of Geographic Names (BGN).

The examples of references for different types of publications

The description of the article from the journal:

Sysoyev P.V., Merzlyakov K.A. Ispol'zovanie metoda retsenzirovaniya v obuchenii pis'mennoy rechi obuchayushchikhsya na osnove blog-tekhnologii [Methods of Teaching Writing Skills to Students of International Relations Using Peer Review]. Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta. Seriya 19: Lingvistika i mezhkul'turnaya kommunikatsiyaThe Bulletin of Moscow University. Series 19: Linguistics and Cross-Cultural Communication, 2017, no. 1, pp. 36-47. (In Russian).

The description of the article from electronic journal:

Swaminathan V., Lepkoswka-White E., Rao B.P. Browsers or buyers in cyberspace? An investigation of electronic factors influencing electronic exchange. Journal of Computer – Mediated Communication, 1999, vol. 5, no. 2. (In Russian). Available at: http://www.ascusc.org/jcmc/vol5/issue2/ (accessed 28 April 2011).

The description of the article with DOI:

Amerkhanova O.O. Pedagogicheskie usloviya obucheniya aspirantov pis'mennomu nauchnomu diskursu na osnove tandem-metoda [Pedagogical conditions for teaching post-graduate students a written scientific discourse using a tandem-method]. Vestnik Tambovskogo universiteta. Seriya Gumanitarnye nauki – Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities, 2017, vol. 22, no. 6 (170), pp. 123-130. DOI: 10.20310/1810-0201-2017-22-6(170)-123-130. (In Russian).

The description of the article from the continued edition (collected works):

Taylor R. The integration of effort in theory and practice by private and public family agencies. Official Proceedings of the Annual Meeting: Proceedings of the National Conference of Social Work. New York, 1927, pp. 246-252.

The description of conference materials:

Kiknadze V.G. Razvedka Baltiiskogo flota v 1914–1917 gg.: osobennosti razvitiya i funktsionirovaniya [Intelligence service of the Baltic Fleet in 1914–1917: features of development and functioning]. Materialy Vserossiiskoi nauchnoi konferentsii k 100-letiyu nachala Pervoi mirovoi voiny «Baltiiskii flot nakanune i v gody Pervoi mirovoi voiny» [Proceedings of All-Russian Scientific Conference on the 100th Anniversary of the First World War “The Baltic Fleet on the Eve of and During the First World War”]. Kaliningrad, 2013, no. 21, pp. 43-49. (In Russian).

The full description of conference with transliterated and translated title of the article is given here. The basic part (except for the authors) includes: the title of the conference in the original language (in transliteration, if it does not have its English name) in italics. In square brackets the translation of the conference title into English is given. The dataout (the place of the conference, the place of publication, denotation of pages) must be presented in English.

The description of book (monograph, collection):

Nenashev M.F. Poslednee pravitel’stvo SSSR [Last Government of the USSR]. Moscow, Krom Publ., 1993, 221 p. (In Russian).

Ot katastrofy k vozrozhdeniju: prichiny i posledstvija razrushenija SSSR [From Disaster to Rebirth: the Causes and Consequences of the Destruction of the Soviet Union]. Moscow, HSE Publ., 1999, 381 p. (In Russian).

Nachtigal R. Die Entstehung eines staatlichen Gesundheitswesens in Russland 1890–1918 vor dem Hintergrund der Seuchenproblematik. In: Eisfeld A., Hausmann G., Neutatz D. (eds.). Hungersnöte in Russland und in der Sowjetunion 1891–1947. Essen, 2017, pp. 297-329. (In German).

The description of the Internet source:

APA Style. Available at: http://www.apastyle.org/apa-style-help.aspх (accessed 05.02.2011).

Pravila Tsitirovaniya Istochnikov [Rules for the Citing of Sources]. (In Russian). Available at: http://www.scribd.com/doc/1034528/ (accessed 7.02.2011).

The description of the dissertation or autoabstract of dissertation:

Maksaev A.A. Metodika razvitiya sotsiokul'turnykh i rechevykh umeniy uchashchikhsya v protsesse realizatsii mezhdunarodnykh obrazovatel'nykh yazykovykh proektov (angliyskiy yazyk, profil'nykh uroven'): avtoref. dis. ... kand. ped. nauk [Methods of Sociocultural and Speaking Skills Development in the Process of Realization of International Educational Linguistic Projects (English, Specialized Level). Cand. ped. sci. diss. abstr.]. Moscow, Sholokhov Moscow State University for the Humanities, 2015. (In Russian).

The description of the archive document:

Gosudarstvennyy arkhiv Tambovskoy oblasti [The State Archive of Tambov Region], fund 16, list 13, archival unit 14. (In Russian).


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