Tambov University Review.
Series Social Sciences


“Tambov University Review. Series Social Sciences” Volume 4, no. 14 for 2018 came out of the press on November 7, 2018.
The authors and subscribers can get the journal in the editorial at address 190g Sovetskaya St., Tambov.
“Tambov University Review. Series Social Sciences” Volume 4, no. 14 for 2018 is sent for the press on September 12, 2018.
The issue contains scientific articles in the following rubrics: “Philosophy: general problems”, “Modern problems of social communication”, “The word to the young”.
Dear Colleagues!
The list of the authors, whose articles are planned to be published in the journal “Tambov University Review. Series Social Sciences” Tambov, 2018. Volume 4, issue 14 according to the decisions of the Editorial Board
at the meeting from 30 August, 2018 is presented below.
N.V. Medvedev, A.A. Borodulia
Philosophy in the information society
E.E. Medvedeva
Intercultural understanding: hermeneutic approach
T.S. Pronina
Russian religious identity and religions competition
V.A. Lushchikov, M.V. Terskikh
Video blogging genre, thematical and linguistic properties
A.V. Butusov
Political character of the information warfare in sports
S.S. Filatova
Educational services event promotion with special events


Dear Colleagues!
The list of the authors, whose articles are planned to be published in the journal “Tambov University Review. Series Social Sciences” Tambov, 2018. Volume 4, issue 14 according to the decisions of the Editorial Board
at the meeting from 22 May, 2018 is presented below.
L.N. Koshetarova, O.B. Krut, A.Y. Losinskaya
Information society ideationality
A.M. Shesterina, A.S. Gladkikh
Color on television as a factor of media perception
T.G. Pyadysheva, E.A. Charykova
Features of functioning of PR-service state agencies (on example of department a press-services of city administration of Uvarovo of the Tambov Region)
A.V. Prokhorov
The essence of the concept of experiental marketing in the field of goods and services


“Tambov University Review. Series Social Sciences” Volume 4, no. 13 for 2018 came out of the press on July 13, 2018.
The authors and subscribers can get the journal in the editorial at address 190g Sovetskaya St., Tambov
“Tambov University Review. Series Social Sciences” Volume 4, no. 13 for 2018 is sent for the press on March 26, 2018.
The issue contains scientific articles in the following rubrics: “Social and cultural problems of the modern world”, “Philosophy and sociology of education”, “Modern problems of social communication”, “The word to the young”.


Dear Colleagues!
The list of the authors, whose articles are planned to be published in the journal “Tambov University Review. Series Social Sciences” Tambov, 2018. Volume 4, issue 13 according to the decisions of the Editorial Board
at the meeting from 27 February, 2018 is presented below.


Belinskaya D.V. Social portrait of childfree
Butusov A.V. Social networks as a mean of political confrontation and information warfare
Saad Aldin A., Pronina L.A. Al-Assad National Library – Syrian national bibliographic agency
Shcherbakova A.A. National research university as an essential element of the higher education system
Pyadysheva T.G., Slogotskiy D.A. Development of special event conception of planning and holding


 Dear Colleagues!
The list of the authors, whose articles are planned to be published in the journal “Tambov University Review. Series Social Sciences” Tambov, 2018. Volume 4, issue 13 according to the decisions of the Editorial Board
at the meeting from 6 March, 2018 is presented below.
Lushchikov V.A., Terskikh M.V. Video blogging as a mean of social communication
Merkushina E.A. Stereotype in the content of regional online media
Mishushin A.S. Specific peculiarities of work of football club press office
Prokhorov A.V. Children’s university as an instrument of early career guidance
Shesterina A.M. The cultural environment and regional television: the problems of forming a single informational space
For the attention of the lecturers and employees of the university!
The application for privileged subscription for the journals, published in Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin in 2018 is available.
(Order no. 14 of 16.01.2018)
You can subscribe for them in the editorials of the journals: Tambov, Sovetskaya St., 190g
Journal’s title
Privileged subscription
Tambov University Reviews. Series: Humanities
(07.00.00 –  historical sciences and archeology, 
13.00.00 – pedagogical sciences)
Index 83371
Included in the List of the reviewed scientific journals and issues, published in Russian Federation and recommended by Higher Attestation Commission
Included in database of RISC, ERIH
Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory
1050 rub.
Tambov University Reports. Series: Natural and Technical Sciences
 (01.01.00 – mathematics)
Index 83372
Included in the List of the reviewed scientific journals and issues, published in Russian Federation and recommended by Higher Attestation Commission
Included in database of RISC, VINITI
Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory, ZBMATH
1050 rub.
Tambov University Reviews. Series: Social Sciences
(philosophical sciences, sociological sciences, psychological sciences)
Index 80301
Included in database of RISC
700 rub.
(philological sciences)
Index 80303
Included in database of RISC
700 rub.


The journal “Tambov University Review. Series Social Sciences” came out of the press. Volume 3, issue 4 (12) for 2017
The authors and subscribers can get the journal in the editorial at address 190g Sovetskaya St., Tambov
The journal “Tambov University Review. Series Social Sciences”. Volume 3, issue 4 (12) for 2017 is sent for the press of 10 December 2017.
The issue contains scientific articles in the following rubrics: “Questions of theory and methodology”, “Philosophy and sociology of education”, “Socio-cultural problems of the modern world”, “The word to the young”
 Dear Colleagues!
The list of the authors, whose articles are planned to be published in the journal “Tambov University Review. Series Social Sciences” Tambov, 2017. Volume 3, issue 4 (12) according to the decisions of the Editorial Board at the meeting from 8 November, 2017 is presented below.
Demidova I.A. Theory of the legal culture of modern society in the context of interdisciplinary research
Prokhorov A.V. University model as a value basis for its positioning
Miloserdova O.Y. Education and quality of education in the context of social and cultural approach
Zhmyreva N.A. University brand in the context of learning services delivery effectiveness improvement
Koshetarova L.N., Krikunova E.A. Features of promotion of full-metric artistic films by means of social and cultural activity
Butusov A.V. Political PR-technologies in information warfare
Dear Colleagues!
The list of the authors, whose articles are planned to be published in the journal “Tambov University Review. Series Social Sciences” Tambov, 2017. Volume 3, issue 4 (12) according to the decisions of the Editorial Board at the meeting from 26 October, 2017 is presented below.
Penkov V.F., Nikonenko S.A. The trends of civil society development in Russia: retrospective analysis
Shcherbakova A.A. On the issue of basic sides of globalization influence on higher education (basing on author’s sociological research)
Pronina L.A. Historical memory preservation about the disappeared village settlements of Tambov province
Okatov A.V., Solovev D.A. Negotiations as a form of business communication
Pyadysheva T.G. Methods of influence on public opinion
Saenko A.V. The image of Poland in the Soviet press during the perestroika period: the experience of content-analysis basing on materials of the newspaper “Kaliningradskaya Pravda”

The journal “Tambov University Review. Series Social Sciences” came out of the press. Volume 3, issue 3 (11) for 2017
The authors and subscribers can get the journal in the editorial at address 190g Sovetskaya St., Tambov
The journal “Tambov University Review. Series Social Sciences”. Volume 3, issue 3 (11) for 2017 is sent for the press of 20 June 2017.
The issue contains scientific articles in the following rubrics: “Modern Russian society”, “Socio-cultural problems of the modern world”, “Applied researches”, “The word young”
 Dear Colleagues!
The list of the authors, whose articles are planned to be published in the journal “Tambov University Review. Series Social Sciences” is presented below according to the decisions of the Editorial Board. Tambov, 2017. Volume 3, issue 3 (11)
Lukashchuk V.I., Zotov V.V. Innovative bureaucracy as a mechanism for managing the modern system of higher education
Samokhin K.V. “Such diverse modernization!”: typologies of modernization development
in contemporary Russian investigations
Poroshina K.V. The contradictions of mass and national values in culture of civil society
of modern Russia
Podgornyy B.B. Regional stock markets: comparative analysis
Mayakova A.V. Social and cultural features of information society
Okatov A.V., Solovev D.A. Notion and types of corporate culture
Podgornaya Y.B. Investment culture of population in social-economic space of region
Sapronov A.V., Steshchenko O.Y. Social-cultural determinants of economic planning and behavior
Volokhova N.V., Loktionova Y.E. Medical publicism in Russia at the end of XIX – the beginning of XX century: ethical-axiological component
Komarova A.N. Social-cultural factors of social health formation
Kilimova L.V., Belkina V.A. Regional market of medical services: sociological analysis
Imamgalieva L.A. The role of business culture in social-working conflict management
Klimova E.A. Business culture as a method of organization management
Gracheva A.A. Success as a key element of business culture
Sorokoletova A.O. Fashion as a factor of consumer behavior of youth  

The journal “Tambov University Review. Series Social Sciences” came out of the press. Volume 3, issue 2 (10) for 2017
The authors and subscribers can get the journal in the editorial at address 190g Sovetskaya St., Tambov
The journal “Tambov University Review. Series Social Sciences”. Volume 3, issue 2 (10) for 2017 is sent for the press of 10 April 2017.
The issue contains scientific articles in the following rubrics: “Questions of theory and methodology”, “Philosophy and sociology of education”, “Philosophy: general problems”, “The word young”, “Review”
Dear Colleagues!
The list of the authors, whose articles are planned to be published in the journal “Tambov University Review. Series Social Sciences” is presented below according to the decisions of the Editorial Board. Tambov, 2017. Volume 3, issue 2 (10)
Pronina L.A. Libraries today: modernization, optimization or transformation?
Grimov O.A. The knowledge in social-network space: problems of intellectual property
Aseeva I.A., Makukhina A.A. The problem of science and education integration in the conditions of modern cluster economics of Kursk province
Zotov V.V. Competences and professionally important qualities: the correlation of notions and the field of applicability in education, professional environment and state service
Antsiferova I.V., Furman E.N. Formational of innovative personality of state and municipal public servants in the system of higher education
Miloserdova O.Y. The interrelation of education and culture in modern society
Bespartochnyy B.D., Cherkashin M.D. Education in the system of culture creation
Konovalova E.I., Abramov A.P. Education as an object of consumption
Chefranova S.V. Bachelor at the modern labor-market
Drobzhev M.I. War, social revolutions and national problem
Imamgalieva L.A. Sociological analysis of stress influence on students’ behavior
Klimova E.A. Business culture and effectiveness of management
Ovsyannikova O.A. Tattoo through the prism of semiotics
Prokhorov A.V. Book Review: Prokhorov N., Sidorin D. Reputation Management in the Internet. Moscow: “University “Synergy” Publ., 2017   

The journal “Tambov University Review. Series Social Sciences” came out of the press. Volume 3, issue 1 (9) for 2017
The authors and subscribers can get the journal in the editorial at address 190g Sovetskaya St., Tambov
The journal“Tambov University Review. Series Social Sciences”. Volume 3, issue 1 (9) for 2017 is sent for the press of 10 February 2017.
The issue contains scientific articles in the following rubrics: “Dedication”, “Heritage”, “Modern Russian society”, “Socio-cultural problems of the modern world”, “Personality and its interactions”.
 Dear Colleagues!
The list of the authors, whose articles are planned to be published in the journal “Tambov University Review. Series Social Sciences” is presented below according to the decisions of the Editorial Board. Tambov, 2017. Volume 3, issue 1 (9)
Nalyotova I.V. The establishment and development of sociological education in Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin
Borisov B.V. Formation of teacher corpus of Tambov State Institute of Culture in 1967–1994
Penkov V.F. Institutes of civil society and mass media in the process of political values formation
Tumanova A.S. The system of the relationship between public authorities and voluntary associations in the Russian Empire, the RSFSR and the USSR: comparative analysis of models
Sigalov K.E. Imperative foundations of legal consciousness
Rozenberg N.V. Resource potential of family as a factor of successful social mobility
Okatov A.V. Problem of social solidarity in classical sociology
Uvarov E.A. The influence of sense of life purpose on building time perspective by contemporary youth  

 For the attention of the lecturers and employees of the university!
The applications for privileged subscription for the journals, published in Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin in 2017 is available.
You can subscribe for them in the editorials of the journals
(Order no. 615 of 8.11.2016)
Название журнала
Льготная подписка
Вестник Тамбовского университета.
Серия Гуманитарные науки
(исторические науки, педагогические науки)
Индекс 83371
входит в Перечень ВАК
1050 руб.
Вестник Тамбовского университета.
Серия Естественные и технические науки
 (физико-математические науки, биологические науки, медицинские науки)
Индекс 83372
входит в Перечень ВАК
1950 руб.
Вестник Тамбовского университета.
Серия Общественные науки (философские науки, социологические науки, психологические науки)
Индекс 80301
700 руб.
Неофилология (Вестник Тамбовского университета. Серия Филологические науки и культурология)
(филологические науки, культурология)
Индекс 80303
700 руб.


The journal “Tambov University Review. Series Social Sciences” came out of the press. Volume 2, issue 4 (8) for 2016
The journal“Tambov University Review. Series Social Sciences”. Volume 2, issue 4 (8) for 2016 is sent for the press of 10 December 2016.
The issue contains scientific articles in the following rubrics: “Questions of theory and methodology”, “Modern Russian society”, “Philosophy and sociology of education”, “Philosophy: general problems”, “Heritage”.

Dear Colleagues!
The list of the authors, whose articles are planned to be published in the journal Tambov University Review. Series Social Sciences. Tambov, 2016, V. 2, issue 4 (8) according to the decisions of the Editorial Board is presented below
Archpriest Igor Grudanov. The role of persuasion and faith in cognitive activity
Rozenberg N.V., Rudakova I.A. The role of mass media in the formation of conformist orientations of the modern society
Piterova A.Y. Tendencies and dynamics of Russian market of PR-services’ development
Shchanina E.V. Analysis of the level of interpersonal trust of elderly people in the modern Russian reality
Medvedev N.V., Semenova E.M. Analytical revolution in the philosophy of education
Kapezina T.T. Trends in the development Russian higher education
Prokhorov A.V. Values of academic culture of the USA
Teterina E.A. V.O. Klyuchevsky about the formation of boyar class of Kievan Rus.
Grudinina E.V. Philosophical aspects of word semantics “shade” in the context of novel by M.A. Bulgakov “The Master and Margarita”
Archpriest Vladimir Sergunin. The history of foundation and becoming of Tambov Ascension nunnery in the Synodical period

Dear Colleagues!
The list of the authors, whose articles are planned to be published in the journal Tambov University Review. Series Social Sciences. Tambov, 2016, V. 2, issue 3 (7) according to the decisions of the Editorial Board is presented below
Medvedev N.V., Medvedeva E.E. About how to philosophize properly: L. Wittgenstein’s method
Nalyotova I.V. The globalization theory as the theory of the modern society’s transformation
Saveleva O.O. Social management and “soft power” in advertising impact
Yakovleva E.L. Reflection of the modern form of identity: electronic nomadism
Sayapin V.O. Intersubjectivity of public conscience in network society
Androsova L.A., Khramkina A.V. The influence of Internet advertising on the representatives of different age groups
Zhelnina E.V. Russia-2050: the country image according to the results of sociology research
Miloserdova O.Y. Problem field of events of general secondary education quality’s evaluation
Semenova E.B. “Brain drain” as a process of social mobility: causes and social consequences
Tatarintseva Y.O. Culture of consumption as social category

Dear Colleagues!
The list of the authors, whose articles are planned to be published in the journal Tambov University Review. Series Social Sciences. Tambov, 2016, V. 2, issue 2 (6) according to the descision of the Editorial Board is presented below
Okatov A.V. Theories of collective behavior of G. Le Bon and G. Tarde in the context
of a modern civil society
Fedorov A.I. Culturological ideas of Vs. N. Ivanov: laws “constitutive” and “inventive”
Zhelnina E.V., Rostova A.V. Historical-sociological analysis of problems of innovative openness of the population (late XIX – mid XX century)
Zadonskaya I.A. The role of youth policy in the formation of value orientations of modern youth
Yakovleva E.L. Absurd in glamorous social practices
Pronina T.S. Religious practices in the structure of religious identity in contemporary Russia
Gordienko O.Y. Modern business and mass media interinfluence
Shcherbakova A.A. Modern science functioning within the framework of academic capitalism
Dolgova E.M. Administrative culture in the conditions of information society
Nikonov V.A. Social-legal aspects of entrepreneurship development in Russia

The issue 1 (5) for 2016 came out of the press
The issue contains scientific articles in the following rubrics: “Modern Russian society”, “Socio-cultural problems of the modern world”, “Questions of theory and methodology”, “Applied researches”, “Scientific foreign countries”, “Heritage”.