Psychological-Pedagogical Journal "Gaudeamus"
ISSN 1810-231X (print) ISSN 3034-1752 (online)


Media “Psychological-Pedagogical Journal “Gaudeamus” is registered in Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media (ROSKOMNADZOR). Register entry of July 26, 2019 serial ПИ no. ФС77-76399.

About the Journal

Manuscript preparation for publication

The procedure for reviewing manuscripts


Author rights

Open Access Statement


About the Journal

Founder of the journal is FSBEI HE “Derzhavin Tambov State University” (Russia). The journal is also registered in the International Center ISSN in Paris (ISSN 1810-231X (print), ISSN 3034-1752 (online)) that provides information about it in the corresponding international abstract editions.

Issued since 2002, periodicity: 4 times a year.

The journal publishes original scientific articles on pedagogy and psychology for a deep and detailed study of current issues of academic science and specific proposals to improve the scientific potential of the country. The journal is for researchers and practitioners in the field of theory and methodology of professional education, developmental psychology, and social psychology, as well as for a wide range of readers interested in the problems of the development of education and psychology in modern society.

The editorial conducts a “double blind” peer review to evaluate all received articles. All reviewers are acknowledged experts on the profile of the reviewed materials. Reviews are kept in the publishing house and editorial office for 5 years. The editorial board sends copies of the reviews to the authors of the articles, as well as if requested, to the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation.

The full-text version of the published articles can be found in the free access in the Scientific Electronic Library  (

The journal is a participant of partnership: CrossRef, “Committee on Ethics of Scientific Publications” and professional community “Association of Scientific Editors and Publishers (ASEP)”. The journal is included in the largest international bibliographic database of the American Publishing House Bowker “Ulrich 's Periodicals Directory”.


Manuscript preparation for publication

The set of documents is sent via e-mail to the editorial board to Executive Editor Marina V. Loskutova or directly to the editorial office at the address: 206 ofc, 6 Sovetskaya St., Tambov.

The compliance of the received manuscript with the publication ethics of the journal is obligatory for the publication. All submitted manuscripts are checked by the “Antiplagiat” system. Plagiarism is not allowed. If the editorial identifies research misconduct, it acts following the COPE guidelines.

The editorial board of the journal does not consider manuscripts submitted to other journals at the same time, as well as works that have already been published. If this fact is discovered, the editorial board of the journal will be forced to retract such publications.

When submitting a manuscript, authors are responsible for disclosing their financial and other conflicting interests that may affect their work.

All citations are correct, and the sources for the tables and figures are indicated (otherwise it is assumed that the tables and figures were created by the author).

The author guarantees that all co-authors agree with the publication in the journal.

The article without fulfilled formal requirements is not accepted for publication “due to formal defects”, and the author is informed about it. The editorial reserves the right to reject articles if the author is unable or unwilling to consider editorial suggestions.


Structure of the article

In the upper-left corner, put the UDC code (check in the scientific library).

In the center, the title of the article is printed in bold (capital letters), below the usual font – the last name of the author(s), first name and patronymic (in full), the line below – the full name of the organization. The text of the annotation in Russian is placed below the line. Then the keywords are given. Next, the main text of the article is placed.

Main sections of the article:

  • introduction, where it is necessary to reflect the results in this area of research and the goals of the work aimed at achieving new knowledge;
  • main part, which, depending on the type of work, may include certain sections (materials and methods of research, results, and discussion, etc., or others similar to them);
  • conclusion, which should indicate, as far as possible, new results and their theoretical or practical significance;
  • references;
  • acknowledgements and references to grant numbers.

At the end of the article should be the inscription “the article is published for the first time”.

“Checked by the anti-plagiarism system”, “Text uniqueness ... %” – the date and signature of the author(s).

Errors and inaccuracies of scientific and factual nature, the translation of the abstract is the responsibility of the article's author (s).



The abstract should contain 200–250 words.

The structure of abstract:

  1. Task – the goals of scientific research, for which the work was written;
  2. Model – methodology and scientific approaches;
  3. Conclusions – what are the main results of scientific work;
  4. The scope of the study (the possibility of using the results) – the direction of further research;
  5. Practical application – the significance of the results of the work in practice;
  6. Social impact (if applicable) – impact on society (policy);
  7. Originality (value) – what your work brings to the field of knowledge, what is its value.

Citation is not allowed in the abstract. All abbreviations must be deciphered. If the article is in Russian, the abstract must be in both Russian and English. The English version of the abstract does not have to comply fully with the abstract in Russian.

After the abstract, there must be at least 10 keywords, which may consist of individual words and phrases. Keywords are formed without a dot at the end of the list since citation systems with a dot do not recognize them.


Article text

The average volume of articles is 10–12 pages. The article should be structured in the IMRAD (Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion) format:

  • Introduction;
  • Theory;
  • Data and Methods;
  • Methods or Model;
  • Results;
  • Conclusions or Discussion and Implication.

The manuscript should be typed on a computer in the Microsoft Word program with a line spacing of 1.5 lines, on one side of a sheet of A4 paper with margins: 3 cm – on the left side, 2 cm – on the right side, top and bottom (no more than 30 lines on one page and 60 characters per line together with word intervals). The font is Times New Roman, font size – 14 pt. Paragraph indent – 0.7. You must use good quality printers. All pages of the manuscript with tables and figures should be numbered (the pages of the manuscript include tables, figures, figure captions, and references).

The article must be signed by the author(s).

Information about the authors (on a separate sheet and in a separate file) should contain: the full name of the authors, the title of the author(s), academic degree, position, place of work, postal address (with postal code), phone number and email address.


Translation of the article’s text parts in English

The following information should be in English:

–   full name of the author;

–   title of the article;

–   abstract;

–   keywords.


Features of the set of signs, numbers, formulae

You should simplify the set of formulas as much as possible, write simple fractional expressions in one line, using the slash fraction, and do not leave extra multiplication signs in the formulas. It is advisable to number only those formulas that are referenced.

Latin letters in mathematical formulas are typed in italics. Numerals, numbers and fractions, mathematical symbols such as sin, Im, Re, lim, log, max, exp, zero, Greek letters, chemical symbols are typed in straight normal font.

Mathematical signs of actions and relations are separated from adjacent symbols.

A clear distinction should be made between uppercase and lowercase letters. Clearly distinguish O (letter) and 0 (zero), 1 (unit) and I (Roman one or letter).



Drawings, graphs, diagrams should be made in any of the MS Office applications in a grouped form or on a canvas. The size of a single line drawing – no more than A4 format, all inscriptions – in font of the same size. You should reduce the explanations in the figure as much as possible, translating them into captions. All the details of the figure should be distinguished when it is zoomed out.

The figure should be clear, well executed (not requiring redrawing), and should be provided in a format that allows them to be edited and configured without additional reference to the authors. All graphic materials must be black and white, full-color figures are not accepted! It is not allowed to describe the figure in the text using color (for example, “red color on the graph indicates...”, etc.).

The author is responsible for the design of the graphic materials available in the article (graphs, diagrams). They are not edited by the editorial. The authors are responsible for the absence of grammatical errors in the legend. In the inscriptions on the coordinate axes and symbols, there should be no abbreviations of words other than common ones (for example, meter – m).

Photos should have a contrasting image and be printed on matte paper with an image size of at least 90 x 120 mm and not more than 210 x 297 mm.

All figures are numbered in a single sequential numbering and are provided with short and accurate captions. All figures should be referenced in the text.



Tables should only be used to represent data that cannot be described in the text. Tables are usually printed in one column and, in exceptional cases, in two columns. The words in the tables must be written in full, and the hyphenation must be correctly placed. In a table cell, do not put a period at the end of the sentence. Scanned tables are not accepted.


Bibliographic lists of cited literature

In the list of references, bibliographic descriptions are given in order of priority of cited sources (only cited sources are included). The indication of all cited works is mandatory. References are given in square brackets. For example, [1] – for one work; [3; 5; 7–10] – for several works.

Page-by-page and endnotes to the literature are not allowed!

The author is responsible for the accuracy of the information given in his article, quotations and the correctness of the names of books and other references. After proofreading the printed text of the article and checking all the citations, the author writes on the last page with his hand: “The article is proofread. Quotes are checked [Date. Signature]”.

Reference to unpublished works or submitted to the press is not allowed.

The list of references is given at the end of the article and should contain at least 15 sources (including foreign ones – at least 30 %), in literature reviews – no more than 50. Other issues are discussed with the editor individually. Self-citation – no more than 15 %. Textbooks in the list of references are not allowed. Links to primary sources only.

Bibliographic references in the lists of references are made in accordance with GOST R 7.0.5-2008 “Bibliographic reference. General requirements and rules of compilation”.


The procedure for reviewing manuscripts

  1. The editorial assigns received manuscript with a registration number, fixes the date of receipt. Manuscripts with violation of the Rules for Authors, as well as in the case of refusal to provide permits, are not considered.

Submission of previously published articles to the editorial is not allowed.

  1. After receipt of the article from the author (in person or by registered mail), the editorial sends it for review to two reviewers, one of whom is a member of the editorial board of the journal in the relevant scientific direction.
  2. A member of the editorial board makes an opinion on the possibility of publishing an article within a month.
  3. In case of a positive conclusion, the editor-in-chief of the journal determines the order of publications depending on the subject of the journal issues.

The editorial board does not assume any obligations on the terms of publication. The editorial board reserves the right to edit and shorten the published materials.

  1. The editorial informs the author of the review results via e-mail. If the article is rejected, the editorial sent to the author the reasoned conclusion of the reviewer.

After a positive review of the article if there are any additional questions, please contact the Executive Editor of the editorial board of the journal Marina V. Loskutova, tel. (4752) 71-22-01 ext. 4043, e-mail:



The Journal is distributed by subscription, applications of higher educational institutions, scientific institutions and private persons.

The Editorial Board does not charge the authors for the preparation, download and printing of materials. No fast-track publication of articles is offered. 


Author rights

The authors transfer to the editorial of the journal – Derzhavin Tambov State University – the right to publish in the printed edition and on the network resource on the Internet. At the same time, the authors have the right to use all the materials in their subsequent publications with a reference.

The full-text version of the published articles is in free access in the Scientific Electronic Library

Full information about the journal is available on the website


Open Access Statement

The journal provides direct open access to its content from the date of publication, based on the following principle: free open access to research results contributes to the global exchange of knowledge.

All content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author in accordance with the BOAI definition of open access.

All the materials of the journal are available under a Creative Commons “Attribution” 4.0 license.


Editorial address: 33 Internatsionalnaya St., Tambov 392000, Tambov Region

Editorial phone number: 8 (4752) 71-22-01 ext. 4043.
