Publications and copyrights: each article published in the journal must contain references, an indication of the available financial support for the research; it must not contain plagiarism or deliberately fictitious data; it must not repeat the results previously published in other sources.
Authors' responsibility:
- authors are required to participate in the review process of their articles;
- the publication must include all authors who have taken a significant part in the published research;
- the publication must indicate that all the data in the publication is real and correct;
- all authors are required to provide corrections and errors revision, if necessary.
Reviewers' responsibility: reviews must be objective. Reviewers avoid conflicts of interest in connection with the reviewed research, authors, and/or sponsors of the research. Reviewers are obliged to indicate to the authors' relevant publications that are not marked in the publication. The principle of confidentiality should be maintained for all peer-reviewed articles and materials.
Editorial responsibility: the editorial board and the editor-in-chief have the right and responsibility to accept or refuse to publish articles and/or other materials in the journal. The editorial board and the editor-in-chief avoid conflicts of interest when accepting/refusing to publish articles. The editorial board and the editor-in-chief take all measures to publish and publish corrections and refutations in case of errors. The editorial board and the editor-in-chief undertake to maintain the anonymity of the reviewers. The editorial board and the editor-in-chief make fair and impartial decisions, independent of commercial interests, and ensure a fair and appropriate review process. The editorial board and the editor-in-chief approve an editorial policy that encourages maximum transparency and full, honest reporting. The editorial board and the editor-in-chief protect the integrity of the published records, issuing corrections and rejections if necessary, and prosecuting suspects of research or publishing misconduct. The editorial board and the editor-in-chief undertake to prevent unethical misconduct of reviewers and members of the editorial board. The editorial board and the editor-in-chief critically evaluate the ethical standards of research on humans and animals. The editorial board and the editor-in-chief, as well as reviewers and authors, are adequately informed about what is expected of them.
Publication ethics: the editorial board and the editor-in-chief monitor and apply the abovementioned aspects of publishing ethics, and prevent commercial interests from interfering with intellectual property rights and ethical standards.
The editorial board and the editor-in-chief conduct a policy regarding the regulation of editorial conflicts of interest, in accordance with international conventions and practices, in particular the Code of Ethics of Publications COPE (Committee On Publication Ethics).