Peer-reviewed scientific and theoretical journal "Neophilology" is included in the List of peer-reviewed scientific publications, in which should publish principal scientific researches of dissertations for academic degree of candidate of science, doctor of science on philological sciences and culturology.
Registered by the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology, and Mass Media (Roskomnadzor). The mass media registration certificate is
ПИ no. ФС 77-70137 of June 16, 2017.
DOI 10.20310/2587-6953
Publication frequency is 4 issues a year (March, June, September, December).
The information of the published articles is regularly given to the system of Russian Science Citation Index.
Distributed by subscription. Subscription index
80303 in the catalog of LLC “Ural-Press”.
Types of publication
Each issue presents a variety of headings, most of which focus on modern problems of linguistics, literary criticism and cultural studies.
The main headings of the journal are:
Russian language. Languages of the peoples of Russia (philological sciences)
Languages of peoples of foreign countries (Germanic languages) (philological sciences)
Russian literature and literature of the peoples of the Russian Federation (philological sciences)
Media communications and journalism (philological sciences)
Interlingual and intercultural communication (philological sciences, cultural studies)
Theory and history of culture (culturology)
Preference is given to scientific articles containing new results of theoretical and applied research within the presented headings of the journal. The editorial office welcomes scientific reviews that analyze modern Russian and foreign publications, which allow assessing the state of the problem under consideration. Scientific reviews are published.
Document delivery
The authors give articles, prepared for the publication according to the Rules for the authors, established by the editorial board of the journal. The manuscript must be sent to Incorporate Editorial of Scientific Journals via e-mail or to the editor-in-chief A.S. Shcherbak via e-mail
Editorials telephone: +7(4752)-72-34-34 add. 0440
Main text formatting requirements
The extent of the article is from 0,5 press sheet to 1,0 press sheet (20–40 thousand characters with spaces).
1) The article must be typed in the program Microsoft Word, in format A4, margins for 2 cm from both sides. The print Times New Roman. Print size 14. Full justification. Feed pitch is sesquilateral (1,5). Paragraph indention – 0,7. Shifts are on. All pages of the manuscript with applied tables, pictures, subscriptions to the pictures, works cited must be numbered. Typographic markings in the text of the article are allowed in italics and semi-bold.
2) PDF-version of the article with the signatures of all authors is obligatory.
3) At a separate file there is the information about the authors of the article (Name, Patronymic, SURNAME in full), with marking their rank, scientific degree, post, place of work (full name of organization, to which the author belongs to, but not the abbreviation, post address of the organization, e-mail address of the author(s), ORCID of each author); contact telephone numbers (with city code) and contact e-mail.
For post-graduates and doctor’s candidates – the name of the speciality, post address (with the index for delivery of the issues according to subscription). Post-graduates, doctor’s candidates, competitors have the right to submit a recommendation of the scientific supervisor.
The information about the authors is presented in Russian and English languages.
While giving the article in a language other than Russian, it is necessary to make sure that vector typefaces were used for foreign text, converted in the format of pdf/A while placing the journal in the system of an obliged electronic copy of Russian Central Institute of Bibliography and Russian State Library.
Structure of the article
Then in the center the Title of the article is printed in bold type (capital letter of only the first), it should be accurate and concise (not more than 107 characters with spaces), considering that the triad: title, keywords, abstract represent a single structure, the terms in which should not duplicate each other.
Lower with normal font – First and Middle names (at first! full), SURNAME of the author(s).
The line lower – full name of the organization with its legal address in Russian and English (the data of affiliation – author affiliation). It is important to indicate official full English name of organization(s).
ORCID, E-mail of each author.
ORCID is a register of unique identifiers of scientists and at the same time an appropriate method of linking research activities with these identifiers. To date, this is the only way to uniquely identify the identity of the scientist, especially in situations with full coincidence of the authors names.
Below the text of abstract in the Russian and English languages is written.
Abstract (150-200 words) in accordance with GOST 7.9-95 “Informative abstract and indicative abstract” MUST BE STRUCTURED and include the subject, relevance and purpose of the study; method or methodology of work; results; scope of the results of the work; conclusions (for example, Purpose of the study... Justified..., proven..., analyzed..., formed... Conclusion drawn...).
Then keywords are given in Russian and English (5–6 keywords or phrases that reflect the topic of the work and serve as a key when searching for relevant information).
Acknowledgements and references to the grants numbers. Information on sources of funding, persons who have contributed to the work, insufficient for recognition of authorship (not taking responsibility for the content of the work, but have provided technical, financial, intellectual assistance), should be listed (with their written consent) in the section “Acknowledgements” after the text of the article.
And then in a line the main text is placed.
MANDATORY structure of a scientific article:
introduction: state the problem in general and its link with the researches in this sphere and publication with obligatory references to the used literature (also, all borrowings in the article must be formalized appropriately);
state the task: set goals and methods of research of the considered topic;
rresults: presentation of the main study material with the rationale for the obtained scientific results;
conclusion: scientific novelty, theoretical and practical meaning of the research and also the prospects of further scientific development in this direction;
Cited literature (obligatory). Links to the author’s own works not more than 10 % of the general amount of sources. Cited literature must include 10 and more sources, references must include links to modern perodicals, published for the last 5 years (not less than 50 %);
References (prearcticle bibliography list in Roman alphabet (Latin alphabet) – full transliteration of the sources and their translation into English);
contribution of co-authors. At the end of the manuscript authors should include a note where to specify the actual contribution of each co-author to the work performed. The order of indication of co-authors is agreed by them independently. It is given in Russian and English languages.
At the end of the article must be subscription “The article is published for the first time. Checked in the system antiplagiat. The uniqueness of the text is …%” – then date and author’s signature are placed.
The author(s) is responsible for the mistakes and inaccuracies of scientific nature, the translation of the abstract and keywords.
The pictures are accomplished in graphics editor Corel Draw and in the application MS Office in grouped form. Graphics, pictures and photographs are installed in the text after the first reference to them and they must be put in as an object or media file. Font size in captions should not be less than 9. The name of the illustrations is given under them in the center after the word Fig. with the serial number. The full stop is not put after the subscription. The author is responsible for graphic materials arranging. They are not edited at lead out of the journal. All pictures are published in black and white range, full-colored illustrations will be available only in the electronic version of the article. Tables and charts can be created in WinWord and Excel (be sure to attach the source file in the format .xls). All illustrations must have references in the text.
The word Table with serial number is placed on the right corner before the table. The next line has the name of the table without a full stop in the end. Basically, there must be references in the text on them (table 1). The words in the tables must be written in full with shifts. There must be no empty graphs. There are no full stops in the table cell at the end of the sentence.
Article bibliographic lists of the cited literature
The references to the literature are OBLIGATORY in every scientific article. It is necessary to point all cited works in the list.
Bibliography references in cited literature are arranged according to GOST Р 7.0.5-2008 “Bibliography reference. General requirements and rules of compiling” and are given in order of citation, for example [1, p. 25], or [3; 4], or [5–12].
Automatic footnotes (per page or final) are not allowed!
The author is responsible for the accuracy of the presented data, citations and names of the books and other sources. After reading the printed text and checking of all author’s citations the author writes: The article proofread. The citations are checked. [Date. Signature.]
Cited literature does not include unpublished works, textbooks, manuals, dissertations, normative legal acts, archival materials, statistical collections, Internet resources containing data banks of course work, non-scientific and popular scientific sources (Wikipedia), abstracts, etc. Notes and explanations of the author(s), which are in the form of subscript bibliographic references. Examples in the text of the article are given in italics without quotes. The names of the sources of examples, the names of the authors of the examples (with initials) are enclosed in parentheses, the pages are not indicated.
The editorial board has the request to the author: if the article or monograph published in Russian you refer to has an English variant (for example, the journal is translated into English or monograph was translated from English), please, specify after the reference in Russian the reference in English with the same number.
It is necessary to watch the right punctuation. Do not forget about full stops at the end of the bibliography lines. Do not put a dash between bibliography lines. If the pages are pointed, after C. full stop and space. If the title is in English we write P., in German – S. Surnames and authors’ initials are given in italics.
The examples of Cited literature:
Book (total amount of pages):
- Галяшина Е.И. Судебная лингвистическая экспертиза. М.: Изд-во МГУ, 2021. 424 с.
- Vervaet R. English Loanwords in the Chinese Lexicon. Ghent: Ghent University. Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, 2017. 128 р.
Journal article (point the pages of the placed article):
Digests, proceedings:
- Джулиани Р. Булгаков и герои «Мастера и Маргариты» в зеркале меланхолии // Роман М. Булгакова «Мастер и Маргарита»: диалог с современностью / сост. и отв. ред. О.В. Богданова. СПб.: Изд-во РХГА, 2020. С. 137-151.
- Алимарданова Д.Р. О функциях междометий в контексте перевода // Инновационное развитие: потенциал науки и современного образования: сб. ст. 2 Междунар. науч.-практ. конф. Пенза, 2018. С. 219-225.
Electronic resources:
It is not recommended to use the Internet sources, as some kind of literature can be placed on the web-site temporary. If it is necessary to use electronic resources it is better to give references according to the rules of arrangement of bibliography form of scientific articles.
Archive documents:
- ГАТО (Государственный архив Тамбовской области). Ф. 1. Оп. 19. Ед. хр. 8.
Please note, that links on archival documents will be marked as a bottom note (its text is placed at the bottom of the page).
If dictionaries have general shortenings they can be used in the text, in the bibliography the shortening and its interpretation are pointed: [ЭССЯ] – Этимологический словарь славянских языков. Праславянский лексический фонд / под ред. О.Н. Трубачева. М., 1974. Вып. 1.
If special volumes are used, point which: Даль В. Толковый словарь живого великорусского языка: в 4 т. М.: Рус. яз., 1989. Т. 1. 160 с.
Reference to a concrete article in a dictionary : Федорова Л.Г. Цитата // Литературная энциклопедия терминов и понятий. М., 2016. С. 507.
- Щербак А.С. Когнитивные основы региональной ономастики: автореф. дис. … д-ра филол. наук. Тамбов, 2008.
- Хрынина Е.Н. Лингвокультурная специфика концепта «успех/Erfolg»: автореф. дис. ... канд. филол. наук. Ставрополь, 2018.
The article can have references to autoabstacts of dissertations, but not to the dissertations, as they are manuscripts.
Open access policy
The scientific-theoretical journal “Neophilology” supports the concept of Open Access, proposed by the Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI). The journal's articles are available to everyone from the moment of publication, which provides free open access to research results and contributes to the increase of global knowledge exchange. All contents of the journal are available to users free of charge. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, link to full-text articles, search using web search engine, enter them as data to software or use for other legal purposes in the absence of financial, legal and technical conflicts, without the prior permission of the publisher and author. At the same time, users have the right to use the materials in their publications, provided that a reference is made to the publication in the journal.
The journal provides open access to their content in the Scientific Electronic Library
CyberLeninka”, database EBSCO and on the web-site of the journal in Russian and English (section “
Peer-review process
The journal conducts double-blind review of the manuscripts. The reviewer gets the manuscript without the surnames of the authors. The author does not know the surname of the reviewers. Manuscripts are not returned.
The reviewers are members of the editorial board of the journal, as well as highly qualified scientists and specialists in the relevant field of science of Derzhavin Tambov State University and other universities and organizations in Russia.
Review of articles is carried out in accordance with the principles of Ethics of scientific publications accepted by the journal. The reviewer writes a review in a free form, but always indicates compliance with the problems of the journal, the importance and relevance of the discussed problem, the theoretical and practical significance, the novelty of the author’s approach to the topic, the acceptability of scientific style and design. The review period is 30–60 days, but can be changed during the editorial process. The editorial board introduces the reviews of all authors of manuscripts. Reviewers give their consent to post review text in eLibrary.
Payment for the publication
The journal follows the Open Access Journals policy, the access to the published articles is free for all (no registration required).
The editorial does not take payment from the authors for preparation, placement and prinitng of the materials. The editorial does not have to discuss with the authors methods of scientific articles arrangement and writing and does not take it to the necessary scientific and methodological level. The journal does not provide services requiring payment.
The editorial board does not publish articles on request on a commercial basis and does not assume obligations on the terms of publication specified by the author.
Derivation and plagiarism
Editorial board of the journal considering the articles check the materials with the help of the system “
Antiplagiat”. In case of finding many borrowings the editorial acts according to the rules of
COPE and ethics of the journal.
Providing articles in the journal means:
a) the manuscript has not been published before;
b) the manuscript is not considered in the other journal;
c) all co-authors agree with the publication of the article;
d) the received agreement – not evident or evident of the organization in which the research was carried out.
If the publication of the article has resulted in the violation of author’s rights or generally accepted standards of scientific ethics, the editorial board has the right to withdraw the published article.
Licensing and Depositing
The journal provides the right to read, save, copy, distribute, print, search and make links to the full texts of materials with the obligatory indication of their author(s) and the journal “Neophilology”. The correct reference to a specific publication is placed at the end of each article of the journal in Russian and English.
The author has the right to archive (upload) the version of the article (PDF-file) placed on the journal’s web-site and upload it to any open access repositories.
The process of revoking (retracting) articles
1. Purpose of revocation (retraction) of the article
1.1. Without limitation of publication, correction of published information and alerting readers to articles containing serious flaws or erroneous data that cannot be trusted.
1.2. Warning readers about duplicate articles, plagiarism, concealment of important conflicts of interest that may affect the interpretation of data or recommendations on their use.
2. The reason for the withdrawal (retraction) of the article is the confirmation by the editors of the journal of the fact that the article contains extreme violations of scientific and publication ethics.
2.1. Falsification of data, when a large part of the article contains inaccurate information – the result of a conscious violation or bona fide misconceptions as a result of the calculation, experimental errors, typos.
2.2. Multiple publications, that is, authors have published the same data or article in several journals without proper justification, permission or cross-references.
2.3. Plagiarism, when most of the article contains the results of previously published studies of other authors, or when borrowing is not properly designed.
3. The order of revocation (retraction) of the article
3.1. The editorial board retracts the article on the official request of the author/team of authors of the article, who explained the reason for his decision, as well as on the decision of the editorial board on the basis of their own expertise or information received by the editorial board.
3.3. If the editorial board decides to retract the article on the basis of violations listed in par. 2, the author (corresponding author in the case of collective authorship) shall be notified with the justification of the reasons for the retraction.
3.4. The decision to retract the article is made taking into account the answer of the author (authors) of the article, justifying their position on this issue. If the author(s) within 10 working days do not respond to the request of the editorial board, the editorial board has the right to retract the article without his (their) consent. The authors may not agree with the position of the editorial board, but this does not negate the right to conduct a retraction procedure.
3.5. The decision to withdraw the article is made with the Protocol. Copies of the Protocol are sent to the author (corresponding author in case of collective authorship), to the Council on Ethics of Scientific Publications of ASEP, to the scientific electronic library eLIBRARY.RU, scientific electronic library “Cyberleninka”.
3.6. Information about the article is published in all versions of the journal (printed and/or electronic) with the reason, basis, and date of retraction. Retracted articles are identified as such in all electronic sources (on the journal’s web-site and in bibliographic databases marked WITHDRAWN/RETRACTED); withdrawn articles and references are excluded from citation indexes and do not participate in the calculation of indicators.
3.7. Along with the decision on the retraction of the article the editorial may make a decision on the imposition of a ban on the acceptance for publication of articles by the author of the retracted article for a certain period.
These Rules for the authors of the articles
submitted for publication in the journal “Neophilology”
were discussed and approved at the editorial board meeting
of February 24, 2022.