Derzhavin Forum
ISSN 2542-2340 (Print)


The scientific journal “Derzhavin Forum” is registered by the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology, and Mass Media (Roskomnadzor), the mass media registration certificate ПИ № ФС77-68840 of February 28, 2017.
ISSN 2542-2340.
Publication frequency: 4 issues per year (quarterly).

General requirements for scientific papers
While preparing the manuscript, the author should focus on the scope and headings of the journal. The manuscript check in software “Antiplagiat” should reveal that the originality of the text is at least 70%.

The prerequisite for publishing the article in the journal is compliance with the publication ethics of the journal.

Authors submit articles prepared for publication in accordance with the Rules for the authors established by the editorial board of the journal, by e-mail or in person at the following address: office 313, 33 Internatsionalnaya St., Tambov 392000, Students and Scholars’ Research Department, Students’ Scientific Council, Irina N. Zykova (Sertakova),

Editorial Office telephone number: +7(4752)72-34-34 add. 8032.

The article length (including Abstract and References) is 10–12 pages.

The articles should be in .doc or .docx format. Illustrations (figures, tables, graphs, diagrams, etc.) are additionally provided in separate files attached to the author's electronic folder. All illustrations are only published in black and white (full-color illustrations will only be available in the electronic version of the article).

Structure and formatting of the text of the article
UDC (number in Universal Decimal Classification) is presented at the beginning of the article.
Article title (lowercase, not uppercase) in Russian and English.
Surname, name, patronymic of the author(s) in full
Abstract (50–60 words) in Russian and English.
Keywords (5–6) in Russian and English.
The essential structure of the text of the original article:
INTRODUCTION: statement of the problem in general terms and its connection with the research in this specific field and publications with references to the used literature (also all borrowings in the article must be correctly formatted); aim of the research;

MATERIALS AND METHODS: information about the object and the procedure of conducted research is given;

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: specific author's research results with justification of the obtained scientific results are provided.

CONCLUSION: theoretical or practical value of the research of the study, as well as the prospects of further research and development in this direction.
References (in Russian)
References (in English)
Acknowledgements and references to grant numbers.
Word processor: Microsoft Word. Portrait orientation. The text should be typed in Times New Roman or Symbol (for symbols, formulae) font, font size – 14 point, spacing –1,5, margins (all) – 2 cm, paragraph indention – 0,7 cm. Alignment – justified. Hyphenation mode – automatic
Page numbering is prohibited.
If any additional fonts are used in the text of the article, these fonts must be provided to the editorial in authorʼs electronic folder.
Section and page breaks, columns, the use of expanded or condensed spacing are not allowed.
Text written in hard-to-read fonts, graphs, diagrams, photos are inserted in the article in the form of the figure with the resolution of at least 600 dpi.
The full stops are not required: at the end of the titles, in the titles of tables and figures; in decimals (comma is used in this case).
French quotation marks should be used.
Tables. The word Table with serial number is situated in the right side before the table. Next line contains the title of the table without full stop at the end (the title is given in Russian and English). The tables should be numbered. The main text should contain the references to them (table 1).
Graphs, pictures and photographs should be inserted in the text after the first reference, besides, they must be inserted as an object or a metafile. Additionally, every picture, photograph, graph etc. should be provided to the editorial as a separate file in the format .jpg, .tif, .cdr. The title of the illustrations is given under them in center after the word Fig. with a serial number (in Russian and English). The full stop after the title is not required. Between the title of the figure and the text there is 1 space. Graphics should be suitable for black and white version.
Characters, numbers, formulae. Simple inline and one-line formulae can be typed without use of special programs – by symbols (the use of special symbols from the Symbol font is allowed). Complex and multi-line formulae should be typed fully in Formula Editor of Microsoft Word. Mixing symbols from word processors with symbols from Formula Editor is not allowed.
Only the formulae with references in text are numbered. All used letter designation and abbreviations should be deciphered. Latin letters in mathematical formulae are typed in italics. Mathematical symbols of operations and relations are separated from adjacent symbols.
The centuries should be written as Roman numerals (VIII–IX, XXI).

Rules for the References list
References to the used sources are given after the quotation in square brackets with the serial number of the source and the page, for example [1, p. 25].
The reference list is placed after the text of the article, it is numbered (starting with number one) and titled as “References”.
The sources are placed in the list in the order of reference or citation in the text of the article (not in the alphabetical order!).
It is allowed to state only one source with one number.
The publication is described only once, regardless of how many times it is mentioned in the text of the article.

Citation requirements

1. Multiple citations of one author (authors) are not allowed. Self citation should not exceed 10 %.
2. It is recommended to use of foreign scientific sources on the research topic.
3. Citation of the scientific literature published for the last 3 years, posted on eLibrary.RU (with DOI and EDN) is recommended.
4. It is not allowed to refer to non-scientific and popular-scientific sources (encyclopedias, dictionaries, textbooks, manuals) in original articles.
5. Legal normative documents, statistical materials and materials without mentioning authors' surnames are not included in the references, if necessary, are mentioned in the text of the article or are put in the footnote.
6. It is not allowed to quote and borrow from Internet resources that contain databases of course works, essays, and links to unpublished works. As theses being manuscripts, references to them can be presented only with the written permission of the author to use the thesis. Not all theses available on the Internet have been defensed, and theses with 100 % plagiarism have been posted on the Internet, and these facts should also be taken into account. Therefore, it is possible to cite on only the author's abstract of theses which are legal documents and printed in a typographical way.
7. Any borrowings that appear in the text of the manuscript must be accompanied by the reference to the source of information.

Examples of References (ГОСТ Р 7.0.5-2008): can be viewed at the journal’s website in the section “Archive”.

In total the author sends three documents.

1. The article (according to the structure: UDC, title of the article, authors, abstract, keywords, text of the article, references) (file “Surname-article”).

2. Information about the author (file “Surname-information about the author”) according to the form:

  • surname, name, patronymic (in full);
  • name of the organisation (in full) as it is written in official documents (the university charter);
  • institute (as a part of the university), faculty for students;
  • field of the study or specialty for master’s degree students;
  • department for post-graduate students;
  • personal e-mail address;
  • contact telephone number (required only for communication of the editorial with the author).

The editorial does not send the authors’ copies by mail. The authors are sent the reprints of their articles by e-mail. Upon the request of the author, the certificate of the article acceptance for publication can be given.

3. Original Consent to the processing of personal data (form "Surname-consent-2024"). In the case of co-authorship, each of the authors fills in by hand, signs a separate Consent and sends it to the editor by mail or brings it personally.
In the case of not satisfying any requirements the editorial reserves the right not to accept these articles.

The peer review process
The journal conducts double-blind peer review of submitted manuscripts. The manuscript is given to the reviewer without the names of the authors. The author does not know the name of the reviewer.
Manuscripts are not returned.

Fee for publication
Publication in the journal is free for all authors.
The editorial do not charge authors for preparing, reviewing, placing on open access and printing materials, as well as for the content of the site and inclusion in electronic databases.

Licensing and Depositing

Publication of materials in the journal is carried out in accordance with the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license (CC-BY). This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.

The journal provides the right to read, save, copy, distribute, print, search and make links to the full texts of materials with the obligatory indication of their author(s) and the journal “Derzhavin Forum”.
The author has the right to archive (upload) the version of the article (PDF-file) placed on the journal’s website and upload it to any open access repositories.


These Rules for the Authors are discussed,
clarified and approved at a meeting of the editorial board
November 23, 2023


Creative Commons License

  This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License



ISSN 2542-2340