Derzhavin Forum
ISSN 2542-2340 (Print)





“Derzhavin Forum” Volume 8, no. 2 for 2023 is sent for the press on June 20, 2024.

The issue contains scientific articles in the following rubrics: “Pedagogy”, “Law”, “Historical sciences”, “Philosophy”, “Philology”, “Documentation, archival science”, “Art history and cultural studies”, “Psychology”, “Medical sciences”, “Economics and Management”.



Dear Colleagues!

Down below is a list of authors whose articles are planned to be published in the journal
“Derzhavin forum” Volume 8, № 2 for 2024 by the decision of the editorial board
of May 24, 2023



Zolotov P.Yu. Potential of applying artificial intelligence technologies for teaching English language pragmatics
Mamonova E.A. The study of English humor as a linguistic and socio-cultural phenomenon
Mitusov A.V. Process of teachingforeign language listening to primary schoolchildren
Pustovalova M.S. Development of sociocultural and intercultural competences in teaching linguistics students a second foreign language (French) on the basis of the first foreign language (English)
Samodurov D.G. Methods of teaching writing in a foreign language to primary schoolchildren using multimedia technologies
Pchelintsev I.A., Sudorgin D.V. ). Involvement of minors in terrorist activities
Chernykh Ya.P., Popova O.V. Prospects for lifting the moratorium on the death penalty in Russian Federation
Zhitin R.M., Topilsky A.G. Agricultural machinery and implements in the economy of a large landowning farms in Russia at the end of the 19th – early 20th century
Zykova I.N., Sertakova E.V. The problem of the responsibility of the man of art
Kortunova A.V. Development of emotionality and emotiveness in the formation of intercultural competence
Prokhorov A.V., Timonina Zh.N. About the importance of a personal brand for a “media person”
Sukhova L.V. Ways to translate the colorative vocabulary in the names of cosmetics from English into Russian
Titov M.R. The literary context of A.N. Varlamov’s novel “My Soul Pavel”
Medvedeva O.V., Panova T.S. Storage of electronic archival documents: a legal aspect
Shadura M.A. Library and career guidance: an analysis of experience
Sertakova E.V. Design in local history: meaning and approaches
Lutovina Yu.S., Nikitina L.E. Socio-psychological characteristics of the attitude of psychology students to artificial intelligence
Lyukshina M.A., Komaritsyna K.O. Socio-psychological features of students’ regional identity
Malysheva E.A., Rakhmanova D.A., Zorina M.V., Uryashyeva V.A. Socio-psychological representations of students about the present and the future as a factor of satisfaction with their lives
Segeda A.S. Transient ischemic attack as a predictor of ischemic stroke development
Volkova Yu.S., Chernikova A.V. The impact of initiative budgeting on changing of budget policy priorities using the exam-ple of the Saratov region
Grebennikova V.K. Geographical determinants in the economy of the Tambov region
Popova A.A., Smirnov A.V. Problems and prospects for the development of the banking system in the modern Russian economy
Selezneva D.S. The concept of food security: changes and trends in its development




“Derzhavin Forum” Volume 8, no. 1 for 2024 came out of the press on April 9, 2024.

 The journal can be found in the editorial office at Office 313, 33 Internatsionalnaya St., Tambov (Administration Building of Derzhavin Tambov State University)



“Derzhavin Forum” Volume 8, no. 1 for 2023 is sent for the press on March 5, 2024.

The issue contains scientific articles in the following rubrics: “Pedagogy”, “Law”, “Historical sciences”, “Philosophy”, “Philology”, “Psychology”, “Chemical sciences”, “Geosciences and environmental sciences”, “Economics and Management”.



Dear Colleagues!

Down below is a list of authors whose articles are planned to be published in the journal
“Derzhavin forum” Volume 8, № 2 for 2024 by the decision of the editorial board
of March 1, 2024



Kuznetsova I.A. Studying the possibilities of forming the pragmatic competence of a multicultural linguistic personality based on integrated foreign language teaching (on the example of English and French languages)
Arkhipova A.A. Theoretical and legal basis of the attorney-client privilege
Koinova A.P. On the issue of the legal personality of artificial intelligence in cross-border copyright relations
Koniakhin D.A. Administrative contract: prospects for developing in Russian Federation
Lattegan K.O. Issuance of several exclusive licenses as a mechanism of exclusive right com-mercialization
Zhitin R.M., Topilsky A.G. Some labor features of hired agricultural workers in the estates of the Central Chernozem region in the late 19th – early 20th century
Kareva D.V. Ethical aspects of screenwriting
Sertakova E.V. Utilitarianism theories and their reflection in the field of design
Golybina I.S. Comparative analysis of consonantism in English and Chinese
Zavrazhina A.D. Phonostylistic means of organizing artistic space (based on the material of English and Russian literature)
Lopoukhov D.P. Comparison of the mentality of the British and the French by the comparative analysis of idioms related to animals
Ionova A.A., Khvatova M.V. The dynamics of the emotional state in women during weight loss
Gorlov D.A., Lomakina I.A. Formation of a superhydrophobic coating on carbon steel for corrosion protection
Elatomtseva A.I., Ignatkova E.O. Methodology for the formation of project skills of school students within the framework of the Urban Ecostation project
Dudova A.R. Data Science in economic processes
Tkacheva M.N., Fenin C.V. The problem of measuring the uneven territorial distribution of entrepreneurial activity in the modern Russian economy



“Derzhavin Forum” Volume 7, no. 4 for 2023 came out of the press on December 7, 2023.

The journal can be found in the editorial office at Office 313, 33 Internatsionalnaya St., Tambov (Administration Building of Derzhavin Tambov State University)



Derzhavin Forum” Volume 7, no. 4 for 2023 is sent for the press on November 27, 2023.

The issue contains scientific articles in the following rubrics: “Pedagogy”, “Law”, “Historical sciences”, “Philology”, “Documentation, archival science”, “Mathematics”, “Medical sciences”, “Economics and Management”.




Dear Colleagues!
Down below is a list of authors whose articles are planned to be published in the journal “Derzhavin forum” Volume 7, № 4 for 2023 by the decision of the editorial board
of Novemver 23, 2023


Gavrilov M.V. Motivation of law students to draw up legal documents in a foreign language through artificial intelligence technologies
Lopoukhov D.P. Effective foreign language teaching features in terms of increasing the motivation of students
Palagina O.V. Spiritual and moral education of children in the preschool education system
Samokhvalova O.A. Quiz as a form of generalization lesson on history
Galina Yu.S. Legal basis for interaction between the Russian Orthodox Church and the state during the Soviet period
Gorlatykh O.Yu. Features of the implementation of the right to elect and be elected by indigenous peoples of the Russian Federation
Grebenkina A.A. Criminal liability for non-execution of judicial acts: Russian doctrine and foreign experience
Kitsinenko A.B. The problem of defining the concept of “interaction between the state and business”
Levashov A.A. Participation of banks and other credit organizations in enforcement proceedings
Popova O.V., Chernykh Ya.P. On the issue of identifying signs of illegal land transactions based on accounting data
Sitdikov D.O. Administrative and legal regulation of arms turnover in Russia
Burmistrov N.S. The Greek emigrants’ activity in Italy of the XIV–XV centuries
Salnikov P.E. The role of German Empire in the revolt of the Czech-Slovak Corps
Golybina I.S. Comparative analysis of vocalisms in English and Chinese
Kortunova A.V. Studying the linguistic expression of the concepts “smile”/ “laughter” in English and Russian as an aspect of intercultural education
Kuznetsova I.A. Ways of reflecting the national identity of Irish life at the verbal-semantic level of the Irish English language
Pustovalova M.S. Comparative analysis of the cultural characteristics of France and United Kingdom in the formation of sociocultural competence in students in French language classes
Ilyasova A.A. The Pythagorean problem and its application
Tatarintseva P.A. Application of Pascal and Papp theorems in solving problems of elementary geometry
Segeda A.S., Sazonova A.D. Self-harming behavior of adolescents: features of formation and danger of the trend
Grebennikova V.K., Selezneva D.S. Identification of features in the XIX Century’s Industrial Revolution of the leading countries
Grishina V.V. The role of the Bank of Russia in the context of digitalization
Chernikova A.V. Changing the taxation system of Russia in the context of digitalization



“Derzhavin Forum” Volume 7, no. 3 for 2023 came out of the press on October 5, 2023.

The journal can be found in the editorial office at Office 313, 33 Internatsionalnaya St., Tambov (Administration Building of Derzhavin Tambov State University)



“Derzhavin Forum” Volume 7, no. 3 for 2023 is sent for the press on September 29, 2023.

The issue contains scientific articles in the following rubrics: “Pedagogy”, “Law”, “Historical sciences”, “Philology”, “Philosophy”, “Documentation, archival science”, “Mathematics”, “Medical sciences”, “Economics and Management”.



Dear Colleagues!
Down below is a list of authors whose articles are planned to be published in the journal “Derzhavin forum” Volume 7, № 3 for 2023 by the decision of the editorial board
of September 28, 2023


Lopoukhov D.P. Teaching students French as a second foreign language after English through the use of cartoons with subtitles
Samokhvalova O.A. Script of the lesson dedicated to the Memorial Day of Alexander Nevsk
Titov A.V. Political and legal characteristics of diaspora lobbying: concept, history of development and current state
Salnikov P.E. Czecho-Slovak Corps between two revolutions
Golybina I.S. Comparative analysis of Chinese and English idioms about work and their role in the students’ multicultural education of foreign philology
Sertakova E.V. Ethical values in contemporary design
Filonov V.R. Anthropology of violence in the context of video game aesthetics
Medvedeva O.V. Application of digital technologies in library services
Uraeva I.V., Nebolsina M.V. Documenting the creation of business partnerships, co-partnerships and companies
Belousov E.A., Belousova O.V., Karasev M.M., Kiseleva V.A. Nitrofuran derivatives on the local pharmaceutical market
Volkova A.S., Dudova A.R., Fenin C.V. The hidden meaning of the “invisible hand” in the writings of Adam Smith




Dear Colleagues!
Down below is a list of authors whose articles are planned to be published in the journal “Derzhavin forum” Volume 7, № 3 for 2023 by the decision of the editorial board
of September 26, 2023


Strekalova Y.E. On the problem of state accreditation of regional sports federations




Dear Colleagues!
Down below is a list of authors whose articles are planned to be published in the journal “Derzhavin forum” Volume 7, № 3 for 2023 by the decision of the editorial board
of June 26, 2023


Sviryaeva A.A. Emigrant image and nomadic motives in the novel by E.M. Remarque “Arc of Triumph”
Andreeva P.V., Filippova O.V. Using the Python programming environment to calculate and simulate physical processes
Bakhareva A.A., Filippova O.V. Methods’ application of mathematical physics for solving applied problems of school mathematics




Dear Colleagues!
Down below is a list of authors whose articles are planned to be published in the journal “Derzhavin forum” Volume 7, № 3 for 2023 by the decision of the editorial board
of June 23, 2023


Sitdikov D.O. Legal regulation problems of ensuring public safety in the context of “smart city” technologies development




“Derzhavin Forum” Volume 7, no. 2 for 2023 came out of the press on June 7, 2023.
The authors can get the journal in the editorial office of the Department of Research Activities of Students and Training of Scientific Personnel at address Office 506, 181I Sovetskaya St., Tambov 
“Derzhavin Forum” Volume 7, no. 2 for 2023 is sent for the press on May 19, 2023.
The issue contains scientific articles in the following rubrics: “Pedagogy and Psychology”, “Law”, “Historical sciences”, “Philology”, “Philosophy”, “Art history and cultural studies”, “Medical sciences”.
Dear Colleagues!
Down below is a list of authors whose articles are planned to be published in the journal “Derzhavin forum” Volume 7, № 2 for 2023 by the decision of the editorial board
of May 12, 2023
Belousov A.S. Stages of development of the subject and language content of a modular course aimed at professional orientation of students of secondary vocational education in an integrated approach
Doronina O.V. Professional burnout syndrome among editors and proofreaders: factors of formation
Romanovsky S.A. Opportunities and models for the formation of a culture
of independent work of boarding college students
Samokhvalova O.A. Guidance paper of an extracurricular lesson dedicated to the Battles
of Rzhev
Filatov E.M. Language interference issues and ways to overcome them when learning English
Bannikov D.P. Borrowing foreign experience in combating corruption on the example of the Republic of Korea: features of the South Korean system, prospects for adaptation in the Russian Federation
Kuznetsov A.A. On the issue of the legal delimitation of the competences
of public authorities and local self-government bodies
Naskovets V.M. The problem of determining the legal nature of invalid contract
Strekalova Y.E. On the issue of state regulation seals delimitation in the field of physical education and sports
Zhitin R.M., Topilsky A.G. Distilling as a factor of modernization of large-landlords economy
in pre-revolutionary Russia
Leonov D.A. The Battle of Kharkov and the Tikhoretsk Operation in the memoirs
of Anton Ivanovich Denikin
Salnikov P.E. Czech national liberation movement in Russia 1914–1917. Political aspect
Golybina I.S. Attitude of school and university students’ towards the use of artificial intelligence chatbots in education
Grebennikova V.K., Selezneva D.S. Economic vocabulary on the pages
of T. Dreiser’s novel “The Financier”
Sidorova A.A. Comparative and translational analysis of phraseological units of English
and French languages, denoting friendship
Shishov A.V. War in the worldview of a Westerner of the 20th century (based on the novel “Slaughterhouse Five, or the Children’s Crusade” by K. Vonnegut)
Sertakova E.V. Planning of a small architectural form as an art object of the urban environment on the example of fountain
Pavlov B.V., Sokolova A.I., Segeda A.S., Sazonova A.D. The phenomenon of glycated hemoglobin of coronavirus infection in type 2 diabetes mellitus
“Derzhavin Forum” Volume 7, no. 1 for 2023 came out of the press on March 24, 2023.
The authors can get the journal in the editorial office of the Department of Research Activities of Students and Training of Scientific Personnel at address Office 506, 181I Sovetskaya St., Tambov 
“Derzhavin Forum” Volume 7, no. 1 for 2023 is sent for the press on March 21, 2023.
The issue contains scientific articles in the following rubrics: “Pedagogy”, “Law”, “Historical sciences”, “Philosophy”, “Art history and cultural studies”, “Medical sciences”, “Economics and management”.
Dear Colleagues!
Down below is a list of authors whose articles are planned to be published in the journal “Derzhavin forum” Volume 7, № 1 for 2023 by the decision of the editorial board
of March 20, 2023
Belousov A.S. Methodic approaches to vocational guidance teaching of a foreign language to students of secondary vocational education
Samokhvalova O.A. The scenario of the lesson dedicated to the 180th anniversary of the birth of M.D. Skobelev
Sorokin D.O. Attitude of school and university students’ towards the use of artificial intelligence chatbots in education
Brosalina A.A., Boris O.A. Extremist threats on social networks: features and legal aspects of countering Extremist threats on social networks: features and legal aspects of countering
Zhitneva A.M. Prospects for the development of the activities of public supervisory commissions as subjects of public control
Koinova A.P. Administrative and legal regulation of public property
Masyakina P.A. General characteristics and features of the contract of the author’s order
Naskovets V.M. To the question of the problem of defining the concept of “invalid contract” as a transaction
Sitdikov D.O. Health protection of convicts
Yarkina A.I. “Soft law” as a guarantee of the protection of the budgetary and financial element of the sovereignty of the Russian Federation from external threats
Andryunina A.V. On the question of the settlement of the Tambov Region and the adjacent territories of the Upper Don by the Slavs in the first half of the first millennium CE
Zhitin R.M., Topilsky A.G. Sugar industry in the structure of economic interests of large landowners of European Russia (late 19th – early 20th century)
Salnikov P.E. Czech druzhina in Russia
Remnev G.V. Social exclusion in the information society
Sonina V.V. The phenomenon of technique in the philosophy of M. Heidegger
Sertakova E.V. Architectural cultural heritage of the Russian province and modern design
Karasev M.M., Belousov E.A., Belousova O.V., Zakirova L.R., Shentseva E.A., Kiseleva V.A. Determining the availability of external dosage forms used to treat atopic dermatitis
Kuznetsov A.A. The current state and promising trends in the development of state property management
Musaeva D.N., Fenin C.V. The influence of non-economic factors on the development of entrepreneurship in modern Russia
Dear Colleagues!
Down below is a list of authors whose articles are planned to be published in the journal “Derzhavin forum” Volume 7, № 1 for 2023 by the decision of the editorial board
of January 17, 2023
Filatov E.M. Features of interference in linguistics and factors influencing its performance
“Derzhavin Forum” Volume 6, no. 4 for 2022 came out of the press on December 14, 2022.
The authors can get the journal in the editorial at address Office 113, 33 Internatsionalnaya St., Tambov (Administration Building of Derzhavin Tambov State University)


“Derzhavin Forum” Volume 6, no. 4 for 2022 is sent for the press on December 5, 2022.
The issue contains scientific articles in the following rubrics: “Pedagogy and Psychology”, “Law”, “Historical and political sciences”, “Philosophy”, “Philology”, “Documentation, archival science”, “Medical sciences”, “Economics and management”.
Dear Colleagues!
Down below is a list of authors whose articles are planned to be published in the journal “Derzhavin forum” Volume 6, № 4 for 2022 by the decision of the editorial board
of November 22, 2022.
Svetlana V. Kartashova, Elective course “Fundamentals of discrete mathematics” for secondary school students
Artem A. Kuznetsov, On the issue of modern methods of teaching history at school
Irina A. Kuznetsova, Foreign professional slang teaching at linguistic and non-linguistic universities using case method and web technologies
Valeria A. Nokhrina, Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in primary
and secondary school children and methods of teaching them a foreign language
Olga A. Samokhvalova, Social networks as a means of teaching local studies at school
Anastasiya A. Sidorova, Strategies of determining and overcoming lexical interference in the study of foreign languages at a language university
Kristina A. Umanskaya, The problem of compliance with the principle of transparency in the administration of justice in digital format
Vyacheslav N. Larin, History of Indo-European studies: proto-language and proto-people
Pavel E. Salnikov, Creation of Czech druzhina
Anzhelika A. Trubnikova, George W. Bush’s “hard power” policy towards of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
Nikita A. Kozhemyakin, Philosophical statement of the problem of consciousness in the teachings of S.L. Frank
Ekaterina V. Sertakova, Irina N. Sertakova, Design philosophy
Anna D. Zavrazhina, Foreign-language neologisms in modern Russian (exemplified by anglicisms)
Mariya V. Koneva, Advantages and disadvantages of the transition to digital forms of identity documents
Olga V. Medvedeva, Diana S. Loskutova, The role of reference-books in the unification of documents
Mikhail M. Karasev, Tatyana S. Shevchenko, Olga V. Belousova, Mikhail Y. Palchikov, Evgeniy A. Belousov Analysis of the range of medicines used for the treatment of fatty hepatosis
Igor S. Ivanov, The specifics of rebranding in small, medium and large businesses



“Derzhavin Forum” Volume 6, no. 3 for 2022 came out of the press on October 11, 2022.
The authors can get the journal in the editorial at address Office 113, 33 Internatsionalnaya St., Tambov (Administration Building of Derzhavin Tambov State University)
“Derzhavin Forum” Volume 6, no. 3 for 2022 is sent for the press on September 29, 2022.
The issue contains scientific articles in the following rubrics: “Pedagogy and Psychology”, “Law”, “Historical sciences”, “Philosophy”, “Computer science and informatics”, “Geosciences and environmental sciences”, “Economics and management”, “Review”.
Dear Colleagues!
Down below is a list of authors whose articles are planned to be published in the journal “Derzhavin forum” Volume 6, № 3 for 2022 by the decision of the editorial board
of September 27, 2022.
Maksim M. Gutarin, Neuropedagogy as a new direction in higher education institutions
Denis. V. Kretov, Determination of the psychological and pedagogical conditions for teaching students a foreign language written speech statement based on innovative teaching methods
Danila O. Sorokin, Features of the selection of the content of teaching students academic writing at different stages
Angelina M. Zhitneva, Protection of the rights of compatriots abroad as one of the main directions of state policy in the Russian Federation
Polina A. Masyakina, Guarantee of protection of labor rights of women in Russia
Arina A. Narenkova, Comparative legal analysis of anti-corruption measures in the civil service in Russia and abroad
Kristina A. Umanskaya, The problem of defining the concept of “electronic litigation”
Artem A. Kuznetsov, The evolution of municipal government in Russia: from the middle of the 19th to the present day
Pavel E. Salnikov, Czechs during the First World War
Olga A. Samokhvalova, Method of independent genealogical research of the family in the 19th century
Ekaterina S. Kiseleva, Philosophy for children and modern educational technologies
Polina A. Konovalova, Existential conceptualization of suicide: A. Camus
Valentina V. Sonina, The concept of Dasein as the basis of the anthropological interpretation of time in the philosophy of M. Heidegger
Anastasiya A. Vorobyeva, Data Analysis using Web Scraping Python
Andrey V. Kakushkin, Technogenic hazards. Radiation and chemical accidents
Elena V. Veys, Kseniya S. Dyachkova, The problem of imposing additional services and products by financial institutions in the context of digital transformation
Elena V. Veys, Polina G. Starikova, Changes in the mechanism of consumer protection
Andrey V. Prokhorov, Book Review Prokhorov N., Sidorin D. “50 Mistakes that Will Kill Your Startup”, 2nd Edition. Moscow, University “Synergy” Publ., 2021


Attention authors!

During the editorial, editorial board members and experts (reviewers) holidays articles are not reviewed (from June, 30 to August, 31, 2022). Notice of acceptance / rejection of articles submitted during this period, the editors will send to the author after August, 31. From this date begins the countdown of the review period.



“Derzhavin Forum” Volume 6, no. 2 for 2022 came out of the press on June 20, 2022.

The authors can get the journal in the editorial at address Office 113, 33 Internatsionalnaya St., Tambov (Administration Building of Derzhavin Tambov State University)



“Derzhavin Forum” Volume 6, no. 2 for 2022 is sent for the press on June 10, 2022.

The issue contains scientific articles in the following rubrics: “Pedagogy and Psychology”, “Law”, “Historical and political sciences”, “Documentation, archival science”, “Philology”, “Medical sciences”, “Economics and management”.



Dear Colleagues!

Down below is a list of authors whose articles are planned to be published in the journal “Derzhavin forum” Volume 6, № 2 for 2022 by the decision of the editorial board

of May 18, 2022.



Artur S. Belousov, Competence of a secondary school teacher in the field of foreign language teaching based on content and language integrated learning (CLIL)

Maksim M. Gutarin, The place of patriotic ideas in the structure of the worldview of elementary school students

Svetlana N. Isaeva, Ekaterina D. Safonova, Anastasiya M. Shamenkova, Peculiarities of the relationship in dyads of a normal-hearing mother – child with severe hearing impairment and a normal-hearing father – child with severe hearing impairment

Elena V. Kondrashkina, Peculiarities of creative self-development of teenagers with disabilities by means of theater art

Sergey S. Murunov, The use of blended learning as a means of increasing the comprehension of lexical material

Darya V. Pokalyukhina, Video materials in teaching listening at English lessons

Danila O. Sorokin, Sociological methods of control of the development of intercultural competence of students


Aleksey D. Annenkov, Kirill D. Gorbunov, Differentiation of administrative and criminal responsibility for offenses related to environmental pollution

Pavel S. Gusev, Sentencing for a crime, committed in complicity

Angelina M. Zhitneva, The Geneva Conventions as the legal basis of international humanitarian law

Irina I. Ledenyova, Transformation of Russian administrative legislation in the context of the spread of coronavirus infection COVID-19

Valentina V. Sonina, Death penalty as a type of criminal punishment: the history of its appearance and development in Russia


Artem A. Kuznetsov, On the problems of creating effective municipal authorities in Russia

Olga A. Samokhvalova, Merchant dynasties of Morshansk of Tambov Governorate in the 19th century


Ekaterina A. Kondratyeva, History of the design of graphic elements on official documents until the beginning of the 20th century

Yuliya A. Krechetova, Ideographic document in the context of digitalization


Anna V. Lyakutina, The manifestation of political correctness in current media discourse


Olga V. Belousova, Ekaterina P. Petukhova, Mikhail M. Karasev, Evgeny A. Belousov, Study of medical and social status of a patient suffering from allergic rhinitis


Nataliya M. Isaykina, Alina A. Zakharova, Anastasiya N. Shmakova, Organization of the Bank of Russia’s work with complaints from consumers of financial services

Maksim A. Skvortsov, Factors affecting the economic security of the company




“Derzhavin Forum” Volume 6, no. 1 for 2022 came out of the press on April 6, 2022.

The authors can get the journal in the editorial at address Office 113, 33 Internatsionalnaya St., Tambov (Administration Building of Derzhavin Tambov State University)


“Derzhavin Forum” Volume 6, no. 1 for 2022 is sent for the press on March 21, 2022.

The issue contains scientific articles in the following rubrics: “Pedagogy”, “Law”, “Art history and cultural studies”, “Philology”, “Mathematics”, “Medical sciences”, “Philosophy”, “Sociology”, “Economics and management”.


Dear Colleagues!
Down below is a list of authors whose articles are planned to be published in the journal “Derzhavin forum” Volume 6, 1 for 2022 by the decision of the editorial board
of March 2, 2022.
Maksim M. Gutarin, Methods of students’ project skills development in the educational process of primary school
Anna K. Derkach, & Marina S. Pustovalova, Peculiarities of studying phraseological expressions about money in Russian, French and English
Maksim I. Ivchenko, Content and language integrated learning in the natural sciences setting
Irina A. Kuznetsova, Linguistic corpora in teaching english and french slang
Viktor V. Poroshin, The use of authentic texts for the development of critical thinking of students of non-linguistic fields of study
Polina A. Masyakina, On the issue of the peculiarities of the legal regulation of the labor of underage athletes
Egor S. Reuk, Gender discrimination in Russian legislation: modern view and statement of the problem
Ekaterina A, Gorskikh, Infographics as an effective training tool
Marina I. Dolzhenkova, Design innovations in the sphere of socio-cultural urban studies: foreign experience
Svetlana V. Lugovnina, & Marina N. Yureva, Dance as a phenomenon of modern youth dance subculture
Tatyana M. Nikolskaya, On the issue of the “Russian style” in the cathedral architecture of the 19th century
Mikhail V. Nikolskiy, The image of the Mother of God in modern iconography on the example of Tambov iconography
Darya N. Pleshivtseva, The personal brand of an executive as a company communication channel
Elizaveta A. Semenova, The impact of new media’s educational content on the regional audience (on the example of Tambov online platforms)
Mariya V. Khudyakova, Family and family values in the novel “Educated: a memoir” by T. Westover
Ulyana I. Savicheva, The concept of FAMILY in Rachel Joyce’s short stories
Anastasiya S. Lanina, Solving discrete optimization problems
Evgeniy A. Belousov, Olga V. Belousova, & Mikhail M. Karasev, Analysis of the range of anthelmintic drugs for veterinary use
Kirill V. Kartashev, The specificity of the philosophical doctrine of V.S. Solovyov about all-unity
Natella V. Manushina, Typical motives for the work activity of Russian students
Kirill V. Fenin, The socio-psychological phenomenon of the genesis of capitalism in E. Fromm’s monograph “Escape from Freedom”
Ilya V. Yakushin, Ensuring economic security of the region in the digital economy ecosystem


“Derzhavin Forum” Volume 5, no. 20 for 2021 came out of the press on December 16, 2021.
The authors can get the journal in the editorial at address Office 113, 33 Internatsionalnaya St., Tambov (Administration Building of Derzhavin Tambov State University)

“Derzhavin Forum” Volume 5, no. 20 for 2021 is sent for the press on December 6, 2021.
The issue contains scientific articles in the following rubrics: “Juridical Sciences”, “Historical sciences”, “Philological Sciences”, “Pedagogical Sciences”, “Documentation”, “Culture and Art”, “Geographic Sciences”, “Economic Sciences”, “Review”.


Dear Colleagues!
Down below is a list of authors whose articles are planned to be published in the journal “Derzhavin forum” Volume 5, № 20 for 2021 by the decision of the editorial board
of November 25, 2021.

Arina A. Narenkova Comparative legal analysis of the “mobile voter” institution and the institution of absentee ballots
Valeriya D. Bushneva, Dina R. Nagimova, Polina P. Gubanova Analysis of modern relations between the European Union and the People’s Republic of China using mind maps
Veronika O. Pronina, Ekaterina S. Khodyreva The Socialist-Revolutionary Party and the Antonov Rebellion of 1920–1921
Antonina A. Solovyova, Inna A. Shushpannikova Contemporary foreign literature at school: methodical aspect (on the example of linguistic and literary analysis of the novel by E.-E. Schmitt “Oscar and the Lady in Pink”)
Roman A. Danilin, Darya A. Rechnova Foreign language case development technology
Aleksey V. Reshetov Technology of building the course program of content and language integrated learning
Mariya V. Mostyayeva Documents accompanying the process of liquidation of joint stock companies
Tatiana S. Panova Development of electronic archives in Russia
Kirill A. Kuzmin, Daria V. Vlasova, Alexandra I. Tranina Morphometric characteristics of the relief of the Savala river basin on the territory of the Tambov region
Mariya A. Chernova Territorial features of the use of river runoff by water users of the Tambov region in rural areas
Olga V. Belousova, Mikhail M. Karasev, Evgeniy A. Belousov Marketing analysis of the range of homeopathic medicines for veterinary use
Alina V. Alpatskaya, Olesya A. Zimina V.V. Mayakovsky’s play “The Bathhouse” on the stage of the Tambov Youth Theater


Dear Colleagues!
Down below is a list of authors whose articles are planned to be published in the journal “Derzhavin forum” Volume 5, № 20 for 2021 by the decision of the editorial board
of November 18, 2021.

Oleg E. Zhukov, Aleksandr A. Tyatev Some problems of legal regulation of a car sharing agreement in modern-day Russia
Sergey V. Shcherbakov County and private telephone networks of the Tambov governorate at the beginning of the 20th century
Elena N. Bubnova Relevant concept of “Freiheit” in modern German newspaper journalism
Olga M. Kopyryulina Russian-French poetic links in the first third of 20th century
Yana V. Makhracheva The image of an emigrant in a collection of stories by B.A. Lazarevskiy “Sin of Paris”
Anastasiya A. Sidorova The teaching of French and English idioms containing meteonyms via corpora
Ekaterina S. Khodyreva Adapting non-historical games for history lessons
Olga V. Medvedeva, Svetlana Y. Zharikova Digital technologies in state archives
Nataliya N. Lavrinova, Sergey A. Chebotarev The influence of women’s education in Russia in the 18th-19th centuries on the development of culture
Tatyana V. Nikishkina Definition of the coordination abilities concept, its essence and structure



“Derzhavin Forum” Volume 5, no. 19 for 2021 came out of the press on October 14, 2021.
The authors can get the journal in the editorial at address Office 113, 33 Internatsionalnaya St., Tambov (Administration Building of Derzhavin Tambov State University)
“Derzhavin Forum” Volume 5, no. 19 for 2021 is sent for the press on September 20, 2021.
The issue contains scientific articles in the following rubrics: “Juridical Sciences”, “Philological Sciences”, “Pedagogical Sciences”, “Documentation”, “Culture and Art”, “Physical and Mathematical Sciences”, “Biological Sciences”, “Geographic Sciences”, “Medical Sciences”.
Dear Colleagues!
Down below is a list of authors whose articles are planned to be published in the journal “Derzhavin forum” Volume 5, № 19 for 2021 by the decision of the editorial board
of September 14, 2021.
Kanshina А.А. The essence and modern trends in the commodity policy of a furniture enterprise
Skvortsov М.А. Assessment of risks to the economic security of an enterprise in conditions of turbulence
Murdalov A.A. Features of migration in the North Caucasus after the October Revolution of 1917
Khodyreva E.S. Orphanages of the Tambov Region during the Great Patriotic War
Таханова А.К., Ахметбек Г., Акбаркан Д. Семантическая характеристика и особенности глаголов направления в современном китайском языке
Tsvetkova M.A. Woman and the spiritual-moral atmosphere of Russian society (based on the novel by D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak “The Privalov Fortune”)
Gutarin M.M. Project activity of primary school students in extracurricular work on local history
Мурунов С.С. Список по теме и мультимедийный черновик в обучении иностранным языкам (в условиях ФГОС ВО 3++)
Petkova E.V. Contemporary cultural policy of France towards Russia
Dear Colleagues!
Down below is a list of authors whose articles are planned to be published in the journal “Derzhavin forum” Volume 5, № 19 for 2021 by the decision of the editorial board
September 7, 2021.
Oblitsov M.A., Soloviev I.V. Reflection of China’s Economic Transformation in the Ming Period in Da Ming Lu Legislation
Eremina Е.V. Language expression of SEA and SHIP concepts by J. Barnes “History of the world in 10½ chapters”
Kapustina A.A., Dubovitskaya E.Y. Methods of recreating the character’s speech portrait in translation (based on the material of modern English literature)
Кусайын А.А., Жылкыбекулы Б. Художественные особенности поговорок в китайском и казахском языках
Mudretsova V.O., Kuksova N.A. Analysis of environmental terms in the English-language media
Nesterova A.E. Mythological allusions in the images of G. Martin’s characters (series of novels “A Song of Ice and Fire”)
Solovyeva A.A. Linguistic factors that reduce the effectiveness of communication of a literary work’s characters (based on “The ideal body of Piglet” by D. Dontsova)
Tyurnikova D.V. Structure and typology of English compound nouns denoting plants
Danilin R.A. Approaches to teaching students foreign language intercultural interaction based on the case method
Rechnova D.A. Ways to develop compensatory strategies in english lessons
Ivchenko M.I. The main elements of public transit reform
Chernova M.A. Assessment of surface runoff resources in the western part of the Tambov Region during the recession of the spring flood
During the editorial, editorial board members and experts (reviewers) holidays articles are not reviewed (from July, 5 to August, 30, 2021). Notice of acceptance / rejection of articles submitted during this period, the editors will send to the author after August, 30. From this date begins the countdown of the review period.
“Derzhavin Forum” Volume 5, no. 17 for 2021 came out of the press on June 9, 2021.
The authors can get the journal in the editorial at address Office 113, 33 Internatsionalnaya St., Tambov (Administration Building of Derzhavin Tambov State University)
“Derzhavin Forum” Volume 5, no. 18 for 2021 is sent for the press on June 2, 2021.
The issue contains scientific articles in the following rubrics: “Juridical Sciences”, “Philological Sciences”, “Pedagogical Sciences”, “Documentation”, “Culture and Art”, “Physical and Mathematical Sciences”, “Biological Sciences”, “Geographic Sciences”, “Medical Sciences”.
Dear Colleagues!
Down below is a list of authors whose articles are planned to be published in the journal “Derzhavin forum” Volume 5, № 18 for 2021 by the decision of the editorial board
May 17, 2021.
Gavrilova G.V. Features of participation of small and medium-sized businesses in procurement for state needs
Ivanov M.V. On the issue of defining the concept of international cargo transportation
Narenkova A.A. Problems of official interpretation in the activities of the superior courts of the Russian Federation
Zhutova S.Y. A flight as a symbol of dream in E.V. Boroda’s novel “The Younger Exuperies”
Korolev S.V. English binomials as a means of representation of evaluation
Hudaibergenova M.D. Oblivion and bereavement poetics in “The Buried Giant” by K. Ishiguro
Belousov A.S. Content and language integrated learning of foreign languages as a mean of professional orientation of high school students
Potapova E.N. Profession-oriented language courses in terms of corporate learning programmes
Zatsepina A.V., Bryuzgina D.A. Implementation of training technologies in modern practice of social and cultural activities
Lyubushkina N.V. Design of visual and graphic components of the information and communication space of a preschool educational institution
Savinkina A.I. Features of the slasher genre in American horror films of the late 1970s – early 1980s
Anikeyeva V.S. Features of the production of enzymes by the bacterium Bacillus subtillis
Semenova A.V. The characteristic of snow cover in the south of Tambov Region
Chizhikov Y.G. Occupational burnout syndrome in doctors and nurses
Dear Colleagues!
Down below is a list of authors whose articles are planned to be published in the journal “Derzhavin forum” Volume 5, № 18 for 2021 by the decision of the editorial board
of April 6
, 2021.
Zhabina O.M. Execution of civil contracts
Pashinina A.I. Development of the institute of judge’s dissenting opinion in modern Russian law
Elmanova E.S. Secondary trademark nomination
Kozubova A.E. Lexical means of representation of the German national character in the novel “Measuring the World” by D. Kehlmann
Bernatsky P.N. Application of Desargues’ theorem for constructions on a plane in a school geometry course
Gutarin M.М. The meaning of victory in the Great Patriotic War: what is history and why study it?
Golutvina M.V. Identity documents: types and legal framework
Medvedeva О.V., Tkachenko М.S. Problems of technical equipment of archives
Plaksina S.A., Sytnik A.N., Apazhikhova N.V. Management technologies of social and cultural sphere
Agapov P.V. Information system for multivariate analysis of educational activities of an educational organization using BigData technologies
“Derzhavin Forum” Volume 5, no. 17 for 2021 came out of the press on April 7, 2021.
The authors can get the journal in the editorial at address Office 113, 33 Internatsionalnaya St., Tambov (Administration Building of Derzhavin Tambov State University)
“Derzhavin Forum” Volume 5, no. 17 for 2021 is sent for the press on March 26, 2021.
The issue contains scientific articles in the following rubrics: “Juridical Sciences”, “Political Sciences”, “Philological Sciences”, “Pedagogical Sciences”, “Psychological Sciences”, “Culture and Art”, “Chemical Sciences”, “Biological Sciences”, “Economic Sciences”.
Dear Colleagues!
Down below is a list of authors whose articles are planned to be published in the journal “Derzhavin forum” Volume 5, № 17 for 2021 by the decision of the editorial board
of March 24
, 2021.
Borunova K.A. Development of conciliation (alternative) procedures for the settlement of disputes
Kargaltsev A.V. Current problems arising in the protection of property rights of the owner
Matyukova O.S. Responsibility of parents (legal representatives) for the acts of minor children
Protasov M.G. On the issue of the use of digital technologies in the control of procurement activities
Breyeva O.N., Ismagilova M.I. Analysis of the imperialist policy of the Japanese Empire on the Korean Peninsula
Tuchkov D.A. The role of the Syrian crisis in Russian-American relations during the presidency of Barack Obama (2009–2017)
Furs L.A., Kharitonov N.A. Physiological metaphor of taste modality in the aspect of translation
Dmitriyeva V.D. Development of solving word problems skills
Klochikhin V.V. Collocational competence: definition and component structure
Kuznetsov S.Y. Factors developing school students’ moral values
Tyurnikova D.V. Use of psychotechnical games in the process of foreign language teaching
Yambayeva E.Y., Tenyushev B.I. Development of personal readiness of employees of correctional institutions to work with convicts on a humanistic basis
Klimkina T.A., Sertakova I.N. Development of small territories culture: the controversial nature of the issue and strategies
Maksimova A.A. Development of spatial thinking in the study of paper plastic
Bryksina V.A. Selection of additional additives to increase the shelf life of phenol formaldehyde resins for thermal insulation materials
Dear Colleagues!
Down below is a list of authors whose articles are planned to be published in the journal “Derzhavin forum” Volume 5, № 17 for 2021 by the decision of the editorial board
of March
2, 2021.
Ananeva L.A. The problem of the generations in the Eugen Ruge’s novel “In Times of Fading Light”
Zhutova S.Y., Kuleshova V.I. The reading circle of modern literature for children and teenagers: teacher materials
Pen Tszyaotszyao, Tsen Intsze. Metaphorical images in translations from Chinese to Russian
Storozheva N.V. Features of translation of terminology in the field of computer games
Ebadi Kurabaslu Sima. Comparative analysis of synonymic chains with the meaning “love” in Russian and Persian languages
Lyashov P.A. Design as a tool for the development of the social and economic sphere of society
Kozin D.I., Patronova E.V. Synthesis of acrylic dispersions, their application and analysis of the composition of paints and varnishes obtained on their basis
Baranova A.A. About salmonellosis in reptiles: aspects of veterinary sciences, medicine and terrariumistics
Karandeeva S.A. On the feeding of the sand lizard, Lacerta Agilis Linnaeus, 1758 (Reptilia, Sauria, Lacertidae), in the Tambov Region conditions
Ovchinnikova N.A. Assessment of the ecological status of the ponds in the vicinity of Svishchevka Village (Tambov Region, Kirsanovsky District) on the level of fluctuating asymmetry in three fish species
Karpov D.M. Message in marketing: concept, development process, communication channels
“Derzhavin Forum” Volume 4, no. 16 for 2020 came out of the press on February 9, 2021.
The authors can get the journal in the editorial at address Office 113, 33 Internatsionalnaya St., Tambov (Administration Building of Derzhavin Tambov State University)
“Derzhavin Forum” Volume 4, no. 16 for 2020 is sent for the press on December 18, 2020.
The issue contains scientific articles in the following rubrics: “Juridical Sciences”, “Historical Sciences and Religious Studies”, “Philological Sciences”, “Journalism”, “Pedagogical Sciences”, “Documentation”, “Culture and Art”, “Chemical Sciences”, “Biological Sciences”, “Geographic Sciences”, “Economic Sciences”, “Medical Sciences”.
Dear Colleagues!
Down below is a list of authors whose articles are planned to be published in the journal “Derzhavin forum” Volume 4, № 16 for 2020
by the decision of the editorial board of November 19, 2020.
Brosalina A.A. Some legal aspects of digitalization of public administration (on the example of the provision of public services)
Kharin V.V. New technologies in the work of lawyers: problematic aspects and prospects of use
Oblitsov M.A. Influence of the natural factor on the development of the peasant farms of the north and southern territories of the Tambov Governorate in the late 19th – early 20th centuries
Makhracheva I.V., Makhrachev G.S. The concept of “road” as the basis of the plot and transformation of heroes in the story “Kornet” by B.A. Lazarevsky and the story “Captain’s Widow”
Nesterova A.E. “A Song of Ice and Fire” by G. Martin and its interpretation by the Russian-speaking audience (on the example of the “” network resource)
Chuksina E.A. Verbal representation of emotional concepts and the ways of its translation in the works of English fiction literature
Semenova Е.А. The work of online publications on interactivity: the impact of the target audience on new urban media (on the example of Tambov mass media)
Kretov D.V. Information and communication competence of a foreign language teacher organizing the training of students in a foreign language written utterance based on the peer review method
Gutarin M.M. Project activities of primary school students in mathematics lessons
Zharikova S.Y. Legal base of the internal electronic document circulation of the state archive
Medvedeva O.V., Avetisyan A.A. Documentation of regulatory activities: history and current state
Paramonova L.S., Lavrinova N.N. The uniqueness of the cinema as an institution of culture and leisure
Bazeany Gasheen Ibrahim Taeb Atmospheric corrosion of the carbonaceous steel and cast iron in southern Mosul in Iraq
Semenova A.V., Kuzmin K.A., Pechagina D.S. Analysis of the dynamics of the main characteristics of snow cover in the eastern part of the Tambov Region
Glushkova Y.O., Vasina A.V. Career guidance of school students for the creative industry
Pavlushkina V.A. The effectiveness of treatment methods for dental hyperesthesia after professional teeth bleaching by means of personal hygiene
Dear Colleagues!
Down below is a list of authors whose articles are planned to be published in the journal “Derzhavin forum” Volume 4, № 16 for 2020
by the decision of the editorial board of October 27, 2020.
Khovanova S.V. The minimum wage in the Russian Federation as one of the main state guarantees for the labour remuneration of workers
Razinkova T.V. Non-traditional religious cults and sects in Russia before 1917
Danilin R.A. Psychological conditions for teaching foreign language intercultural interaction of students based on the case method
Savinkina A.I., Nikolskaya T.M. Development features of aesthetic qualities of children and adolescents (on the example of youth theatre)
Boldyreva O.A. Influence of acidity and electrical conductivity of nutrient solutions on the assimilation of macronutrients for cucumber and tomato varieties
Rodionova L.D., Bryksina V.A. The use of hydrophobic and superhydrophobic coatings for corrosion protection
Podolsky A.V. To the reptile fauna of the Michurinsky District of the Tambov Region
Khudoborodov S.M. Investment operations of the Russian banking sector: theory and practice
Aravina E.A. Features of anemias in newborns and premature babies
“Derzhavin Forum” Volume 4, no. 15 for 2020 is sent for the press on September 25, 2020.
The issue contains scientific articles in the following rubrics: “Juridical Sciences”, “Philosophy Sciences”, “Religious Studies”, “Historical Sciences”, “Philological Sciences”, “Pedagogical Sciences”, “Documentation”, “Culture and Art”, “Ecology”, “Biological Sciences”, “Medical Sciences”.
Dear Colleagues!
Down below is a list of authors whose articles are planned to be published in the journal “Derzhavin forum” Volume 4, № 15 for 2020
by the decision of the editorial board of September 15, 2020.
Vagapov Y.M. Coordination by the prosecution authorities of the corruption prevention
Lyulina K.V. Features of the inheritance contract in the Russian Federation
Kopylov V.O. Place and role of moral values in the personality development in anthropology of P.L. Lavrov
Razinkova T.V. Secret societies, mystical teachings and totalitarian sects: concepts and main differences
Khalilov O.U. Iran-Saudi relations: history and modernity
Dzyuba M.S. “Onomastic fashion” and Tambov ergonyms
Pen Tszyaotszyao, Tsen Intsze Metaphors in poetical translations from Chinese to Russian language
Poroshin V.V. The development of students’ critical thinking in learning of writing a film review in English
Reshetov A.V. Use of online dramatization in the development of foreign language speech skills of students
Tokmakova Y.V., Baydikova T.V. Developing an integrated course of a professional foreign language for agrarian university students
Pavlinova I.A. Technologies for the development of a value attitude towards the study of the Russian language
Pavlov B.V., Shell V.V., Shulcheva A.S., Zatsepina A.A., Denisov A.S. Theoretical substantiation and development of a method for studying the negative impact of social networks and computer games on a person
Segeda A.S. Cognitive impairment in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus
Dear Colleagues!
Down below is a list of authors whose articles are planned to be published in the journal “Derzhavin forum” Volume 4, № 15 for 2020
by the decision of the editorial board of September 8, 2020.
Besperstova A.A. Court order on the alimony recovery as an executive document
Iskhakova A.R. Affect as a legal and psychological phenomenon
Polozkova A.S. Human trafficking – modern world problem
Ionkina M.I. Characteristic of norm and its inconstancy
Sapozhnikova M.M. Descriptive translation of economic terms as an effective tool for solving translation difficulties
Solovyeva A.A. On some reasons for the failure of speech communication (based on the text of fiction work)
Kalachnikova R.S. Special aspects of English speaking teaching in 8 and 9 forms
Mostyaeva M.V. Documentation support of the process of formation and development of joint stock companies in Russia
Klimkina T.A. Cultural and symbolic resources of the region in social and cultural design and tourism practice
Soloveva V.A., Tsverianashvili I.A. Energy policy of Denmark at the late 20th – early of 21st century
Lobasok E.A. Assessment of the ecological status of the rivers Voronezh and Matyra (Lipetsk and Tambov Regions) on the level of fluctuating asymmetry of the river perch (Perca fluviatilis)
Vlasov V.P., Ivanov Y.S., Chudakov A.V. Malignant neoplasms of the respiratory system
Kurdyumova S.S. Early ventricular repolarization syndrome as an adaptation to physical activity in athletes
Ognerubova M.N. New technologies in the treatment of superficial caries
Trishin M.V. Laser application in endodontics

During the editorial, editorial board members and experts (reviewers) holidays articles are not reviewed (from July, 6 to August, 24, 2020). Notice of acceptance / rejection of articles submitted during this period, the editors will send to the author after August, 24. From this date begins the countdown of the review period.
“Derzhavin Forum” Volume 4, no. 14 for 2020 came out of the press on Jule 6, 2020.
The authors can get the journal in the editorial at address Office 113, 33 Internatsionalnaya St., Tambov (Administration Building of Derzhavin Tambov State University)
“Derzhavin Forum” Volume 4, no. 14 for 2020 is sent for the press on April 15, 2020.
Due to the remote working of the Incorporate Editorial of Scientific Journals, reprints of articles will be sent to the authors by e-mail. The full-text online version of issue no. 14 is freely available on the platform of the Scientific Electronic Library (eLibrary) and on the journal’s website in Russian and English.
The journal is included in database of the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI).



Dear Colleagues!
Down below is a list of authors whose articles are planned to be published in the journal
“Derzhavin forum” Volume 4, № 14 for 2020 by the decision of the editorial board of April 7, 2020.
Bulgakova N.S. On the features of concluding agreements on the protection and promotion of investment in the Russian Federation
Gokun Y.S., Gulina S.N. On the issue of reducing the age of juvenile's criminal responsibility
Dushkov E.S. Actual problems of a life-long maintenance contract with a dependent: a comparative analysis of the legislation of the CIS countries
Karpov D.M. Quality of state and municipal governance: a new approach to defining the concept
Oblitsov M.A. Peasant’s crafts in the northern districts of Tambov province in the 80s of the XIX century
Dronov I.S. Sports discourse in institutional type of discourse
Golova N.V. Development of identity and guideline for design studio
Besperstova A.A. Measures of financial support for inbound tourism in the Russian Federation
Panova T.S. Electronic archives in Russia: review of legal acts
Zolotova V.M. The composition of the oral cavity microflora in young smokers
Medvedev D.S. Evolution of endodontic obturation systems as an indicator of scientific and technical progress in dentistry
Dear Colleagues!
Down below is a list of authors whose articles are planned to be published in the journal
“Derzhavin forum” Volume 4, № 14 for 2020 by the decision of the editorial board of March 24, 2020.
Brosalina A.A. Legal basis for development of the “smart city”: federal and regional aspects
Drokova E.M. Existence of art as a justification for existence
Kozhemyakin N.A. The problem of alienation in computer virtual reality
Kravchenko K.A. The problem of an ethical subject in M. Foucault’s philosophy
Popov A.S. The problem of socio-historical progress in the historiosophical constructions of N.I. Kareev
Badikyan A.A. “Legends and tales of Armenia” by Hovhannes Tumanyan: typological features, national identity, content depth
Manaka Y.V., Makhrachev G.S. Historical realia of the novella “Captain’s Widow” by B.A. Lazarevsky: spatiotemporal specificity
Nemtinova A.B. The role of tropes in revealing the meaning of the concepts of “victim” and “victimhood” (based on the plays by A.N. Ostrovsky “Without a Dowry”, “Late Love”, “The Last Victim”
Nesterova A.E. Reflection of ancient history and geography in the series of novels by G. Martin “A Song of Ice and Fire”
Ovchinnikova M.I. Cognitive dominants of forming the conceptual system of the deviant language personality in artistic discourse (based on M. Haddon’s novel “The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time”)
Tchukanova E.A. Home and Its Opposite in “The War and Peace” by L.N. Tolstoy
Semenova Е.А. Data visualization as a way of presenting information of urban media (on the example of Tambov media)
Strygina O.A. Realization of copyright in new media: legal and ethical aspects
Baydikova T.V., Tokmakova Y.V. Motivation of agricultural university students to take part in teaching a professional foreign language on the basis of integrated subject-language teaching
Belousov A.S. Methodology of error correction using internet technologies in teaching foreign languages
Zolotov P.Y. Pragmatic markers as a structural component of the formation of foreign language pragmatic competence of students
Boldyreva O.A., Rodionova L.D. Assessment of the sorption capacity of glauconite from the Bondarsky deposit in the Tambov region


“Derzhavin Forum” Volume 4, no. 13 for 2020 came out of the press on March 17, 2020.
The authors can get the journal in the editorial at address Office 113, 33 Internatsionalnaya St., Tambov (Administration Building of Derzhavin Tambov State University)
“Derzhavin Forum” Volume 4, no. 13 for 2020 is sent for the press on March 12, 2020.
The issue contains scientific articles in the following rubrics: “Juridical Sciences”, “Philosophy Sciences”, “Sociological Sciences”, “Historical Sciences”, “Philological Sciences”, “Pedagogical Sciences”, “Design”, “Tourism”, “Technical Sciences”, “Chemical Sciences”, “Ecology and Nature Management”, “Medical Sciences”.
Dear Colleagues!
Down below is a list of authors whose articles are planned to be published in the journal 
“Derzhavin forum” Volume 4, № 13 for 2020 by the decision of the editorial board
March 3, 2020.
Brosalina A.A. Arms trafficking in the Russian Federation: current status
and prospects of legal regulation
Fedoseeva O.O. Definite features of claim disputes on recovery of losses from public authorities
Sherysheva M.N. The issue of international terrorism in developed countries
Shcherbakov S.V. The tradition of P. Feyerabend
Blytova M.A. Methods of sociological research of a modern rural school
Durancheva O.N. Theory and methodology for studying the quality of school education
Khudyakova M.V. The problem of searching for the meaning of life and its loss in the novels of M. Gorky “Foma Gordeyev” and J. London “Martin Eden”
Golova N.V. The formation of the visual image of the company (current trends in graphic design)
Postnikova N.A. Development of a corporate identity design concept for a higher education institution taking into account the economic component
Kartashev K.V. Features of museum tourism development in the Tambov region
Vorobyova A.A. The complete learning process of artificial neural networks
Rogozina A.A. Assessment of the milk quality of Tambov manufacturers by the amount of dry skim milk residue
Dyakov A.A., Rodionova L.D. Analysis of the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources Usage in the Tambov region
Novikov A.V. Identification areas of edge depressurization tooth fillings
Dear Colleagues!
Down below is a list of authors whose articles are planned to be published in the journal 
“Derzhavin forum” Volume 4, № 13 for 2020 by the decision of the editorial board
February 11, 2019.
Bayguzov I.M. The main aspects of administrative and legal regulation of activities in gambling zones in the Russian Federation
Besperstova A.A. The emergence of alimony obligations in Russia
Gavrelyuk О.V. Legal basis of budget accounting in the Russian Federation
Vorobyeva E.M. Internal legislative regulation and administrative control of the process of emigration of the Russo-Ukrainian population of Austria-Hungary in the second half of the XIX – early XX centuries
Makhrachev G.S., Oblitsov M.A. Technologies of handicraft production in the Tambov Governorate in the post-reform period
Suvorova Y.E. The policy of the soviet government on the elimination of illiteracy and its reflection in the social poster (1917–1920s)
Dronov I.S. Master’s degree students’ motivation in a written academic discourse education
Pavlinova I.A. Pedagogical conditions of formation value relations of primary school children to learn Russian
Bessonova E.V. Fatty acid composition study of butter from Tambov manufacturers
Boldyreva O.A. Assessment of the quality of tomatoes in the Tambov region for a number of most important agrochemical indicators
Nikolaeva О.V. Assessment of air pollution with carbon monoxide in Tambov



“Derzhavin Forum” Volume 3, no. 12 for 2019 came out of the press on December 23, 2019.
The authors can get the journal in the editorial at address Office 113, 33 Internatsionalnaya St., Tambov (Administration Building of Derzhavin Tambov State University)
 “Derzhavin Forum” Volume 3, no. 12 for 2019 is sent for the press on November 28, 2019.
The issue contains scientific articles in the following rubrics: “Juridical Sciences”, “Economic Sciences”, “Philosophy Sciences”, “Sociological Sciences”, “Historical Sciences”, “Philological Sciences”, “Pedagogical Sciences”, “Psychological Sciences”, “Culture and Art”, “Social Work”, “Physical and Mathematical Sciences”, “Chemical Sciences”, “Medical Sciences”, “Ecology and Nature Management”.


Dear Colleagues!
Down below is a list of authors whose articles are planned to be published in the journal 
“Derzhavin forum” Volume 3, № 12 for 2019 by the decision of the editorial board
November 12, 2019.
Besperstova A.A. Alimony recovery by order of writ proceedings
Khudoborodov S.M. National industry development as a potential source of economic growth stimulation in Russia
Goverdovskaya M.A. University media space on the example of Derzhavin Tambov State University
Shcherbakov S.V. Heinrich Rickert on individualizing and generalizing research methods in historical science
Manaka Y.V. Image and symbolic system of the novella “Captain’s Widow” and the story “Soul of a Woman” by B.A. Lazarevsky: development methods and transformation forms
Bazhenova A.S., Chechet A.A., Teslenko P.O. Cognitive training of lonely elderly people: development and evaluation of efficiency
Afanasyeva E.I. Design features of sociological research support site
Paramonova L.S. Theater festival “Vivat, Theater!”: history and development potential
Lyubeznov V.V. Effectiveness analysis of the tooth tissues preparation by a laser in comparison with the classical method and its analogues
Nevstruev K.A. Assessment of the “fatigue” of nickel-titanium tools in the work process
Pavlov B.V., Sokolova A.I., Shell V.V. Theoretical justification and development of a method for increasing blood glucose levels in hypoglycemic coma in patients with diabetes mellitus
Semenova A.V. Dynamics of the hydrological regime of the river Karian near Znamenka District Center during the spring flood


Dear Colleagues!
Down below is a list of authors whose articles are planned to be published in the journal 
“Derzhavin forum” Volume 3, № 12 for 2019 by the decision of the editorial board
October 22, 2019.
Kokorev V.G., Ivanisheva A.P. On the issue of administrative prejudice for commission of an offence under article 158.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Minor larceny committed by a person subjected to administrative punishment”
Lazareva T.V. Stage of initiation of criminal case in Soviet and modern-day Russia: comparative legal analysis
Polozkova A.S. Liability for slander in Russia
Nosikova Y.V. Aesthetic representations of the Jena school: rethinking of the comedy genre in the works of the Schlegel brothers
Oblitsov M.A., Makhrachev G.S. Experience of identifying the remnants of the disappeared settlements in the course of field expeditions (on the example of Bondarskiy district)
Gutarin M.M. Patriotic education as one of the leading areas of primary education
Dronov I.S. Didactic potential of the group blog in teaching written academic discourse
Zaytseva I.S. Modeling on a reflected surface as a unique mean of developing imagination of preschoolers with mental retardation
Kalachnikova R.S. Practical ways to use films in English classes
Karaseva N.Y. Problems of the initial reading skill formation and current social situation of young child development
Maslenikov I.N. Study of the local dynamics of the optoelectronic oscillator model
Khromova T.A. Mathematical method of the system of decision support for process management in housing and communal services
Rodionova L.D. Extraction degree assessment of nonane and decane from aqueous emulsions with glauconite from the Bondarsky deposit in the Tambov Region
Derzhavin ForumVolume 3, no. 11 for 2019 came out of the press on September 20, 2019.
The authors can get the journal in the editorial at address Office 113, 33 Internatsionalnaya St., Tambov (Administration Building of Derzhavin Tambov State University)
“Derzhavin Forum” Volume 3, no. 11 for 2019 is sent for the press on August 29, 2019.
The issue contains scientific articles in the following rubrics: “Juridical Sciences”, “Advertising and Public Relations”, “Philosophy Sciences”, “Sociological Sciences”, “Historical Sciences”, “Philological Sciences”, “Culture and Art”, “Documentation”, “Physical and Mathematical Sciences”, “Chemical Sciences”, “Medical Sciences”.
Dear Colleagues!
Down below is a list of authors whose articles are planned to be published in the journal 
“Derzhavin forum” Volume 3, № 11 for 2019 by the decision of the editorial board
August 29, 2019.
Zakharkevich Y.S. Use of social networks in the activities of state authorities
Kalinina Y.D. Regional university in the light of concept of university education development
Leonov V.E. Contemporary self-education in the system of continuing education
Filippenko V.A. Aspects of globalization: youth opinion
Vorobyeva E.M. Role of the state wine monopoly and private monopolistic associations in the life of the Russian Empire in the beginning of 20th century
Demyanova A.Y. Translation methods of English and Russian ethnonyms (based on fictional prose)
Manaenkova A.A. Paroemia as meme in the aspect of English–Russian translation
Savinkina A.I. Dialogue of cultures through cinematograph
Anatoleva T.A. Documenting of population accounting in Russia: history and modern state
Zharikova S.Y. Manuals of letter writing in the history of records management
Derzhavin ForumVolume 3, no. 10 for 2019 came out of the press on Jule 2, 2019.
The authors can get the journal in the editorial at address Office 113, 33 Internatsionalnaya St., Tambov (Administration Building of Derzhavin Tambov State University). Tel. number: (4752)-72-34-34 extension 0158
“Derzhavin Forum” Volume 3, no. 10 for 2019 is sent for the press on May 20, 2019.
The issue contains scientific articles in the following rubrics: “Juridical Sciences”, “Philosophy Sciences”, “Sociological Sciences”, “Philological Sciences”, “Pedagogical Sciences”, “Psychological Sciences”, “Historical Sciences”, “Library and Archival Science”, “Physico-Mathematical Sciences”, “Chemical Sciences”, “Geographic Sciences”.
Dear Colleagues!
Down below is a list of authors whose articles are planned to be published in the journal 
“Derzhavin forum”  Volume 3, № 10 for 2019 by the decision of the editorial board
of May
14, 2019.
Brosalina A.A. Administrative justice: main features and perspectives of its development in Russia
Kokorev V.G., Gorbachyova A.Y. Elements of crimes distinction provided for by part 1 article 148 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and paragraph “b” part 1 article 213 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation
Strukov D.R. Mediation as a way to resolve sports disputes
Churilov Е.O. On crimes prevention measures caused by mental burnout syndrome in the field of medical activity
Kurokhtina S.R. “The man watching”: figure transformation of the seeing subject
Goverdovskaya M.A. Social media as a phenomenon of modern society
Oganisyan N.G. Metaphoric conceptualization of the time in poetry (based on English and Russian)
Boyko M.V., Leontyeva D.A. English communicative effectiveness as a marker of using a foreign language by students of “Management” programmes
Solomakho T.B. Elective course “Different methods of solving equations and inequations” for 11th grade students
Savinkov S.N. Moral reliability research of specialist’s personality in psychology
Lovtsov V.A. “Yelatma’s history” in the context of Tambov governor N.P. Muratov policy on educational institutions
Mordzilovich A.A. The Second World War through the eyes of the German Catholics
Rakhmanov P.S. Problem of Workers’ and Peasants’ Red Army command personnel social and economic status in 1920s and methods of solving it
Bogevolnova X.G. Environmental education for public libraries users
Buryachenko I.P. The program complex for working with interval numbers
Gruzdev A.A. The program complex for working with permutations
Khromova T.A. Nonlinear mathematical model of wing body
Dear Colleagues!
Down below is a list of authors whose articles are planned to be published in the journal 
“Derzhavin forum” Volume 3, № 10 for 2019 by the decision of the editorial board
of April
25, 2019.
Grigorieva Y.Y. “Information reform” as a part of the civil and arbitration procedures development of the Russian Federation
Reys Т.I. Dialect and colloquial vocabulary in the novel by N.E. Virta “Evening Bell”
Khudaybergenova M.D. Dystopian features in novels by T. Tolstaya “The Slynx” and K. Ishiguro “Never Let Me Go”
Khudyakova M.V. The novel by J. London “Martin Eden” in the mirror of contemporary national literature studies
Chuksina Е.А. The study of emotional concepts of JOY, ANGER, FEAR
Syomich Y.I. Project method development in foreign language teaching
Shcherbakov S.V. Soviet industry’s factors of development in the late 1940s – 1950s on the materials of Tambov Region
Zalivina M.P. The use of impedance to study the behavior of the amorphous alloy АМАГ-200 (AMAG-200) in acidic chloride environments
Peshkov R.A. Chemical oxygen consumption by solutions of some organic acids and its reduction of sorption purification on glauconite
Vishnyakova E.D. Morphometric characteristics of the Karachan River basin


Derzhavin ForumVolume 3, no. 9 for 2019 came out of the press on March 19, 2019.
The authors can get the journal in the editorial at address Office 113, 33 Internatsionalnaya St., Tambov (Administration Building of Derzhavin Tambov State University)
“Derzhavin Forum” Volume 3, no. 9 for 2019 is sent for the press on February 20, 2019.
The issue contains scientific articles in the following rubrics: “Juridical Sciences”, “Economic Sciences”, “Philological Sciences”, “Pedagogical Sciences”, “Historical Sciences”, “Psychological Sciences”, “Chemical Sciences”, “Ecology”, “Library and Archival Science”, “Documentation”, “Architecture And Construction”.
Dear Colleagues!
Down below is a list of authors whose articles are planned to be published in the journal 
“Derzhavin forum” Volume 3, № 9 for 2019 by the decision of the editorial board of February 15.
Gasanova D.P. Concept and legal nature of legal views: general theoretical aspect
Khudoborodov S.M. Russian state policy improvement directions in the sphere of small and medium business
Alekseeva D.V. Ways of creation English compound nouns denoting plants
Gudin D.S. The plant code of the novel “Laurus” by E.G. Vodolazkin
Kopyryulina O.M. “The Song of the Dog” by S.A. Yesenin: specific aspects of verse translation into French language
Novikova E.R. Vocationally-orientated English language teaching of the future bachelors of law
Podstovnyagina I.V. About the concept of permanent revision of lexical units by means of graphic organizers at the English lessons
Lovtsov V.A.Socio-anthropological portrait of the governors P.A. Stolypin reforms era
Sarkisyan E.V. Tambov state military detachment’s of mobile home guard in the Crimean War 1853–1856
Zhernovnikov D.N. Protection of steel from atmospheric corrosion by volatile corrosion inhibitor IFHAN-114
Kuryato N.A. Protection of brass from atmospheric corrosion by volatile corrosion inhibitor IFHAN-114
Shatalina J.E., Tretyakova A.A. Study of the management process of industrial waste enterprises of machine-building profile
Gorelova A.A. Classification of the protocol as a special kind of document
Dear Colleagues!
Down below is a list of authors whose articles are planned to be published in the journal 
“Derzhavin forum” Volume 3, № 9 for 2019 by the decision of the editorial board of February1.
Goryacheva K.Y. Artistic functions of “inserted constructions” in the novel by B. Schlink “Homecoming”
Garasimchuk A.N. Political activity of G. Szapáry office in Hungary on the pages of “The Times” (1880–1892)
Makhrachev G.S. Government measures of stimulate the handcraft industry in the second half of the 19th – the early of the 20th century (based on the example of Tambov Governorate)
Uizhanina A.V. Prognostic validity of psychophysiological assessment methods of department of internal affairs officials mental condition
Semenova A.V., Valyayeva A.M. Environmental education in Sweden and Finland: can we do that?
Nikolaeva A.N. Library in the historical culture space
Mukhortov P.A. Analysis of the thermofluctuational constants of Zhurkov’s generalized equation wooden elements of composite section
Sevostyanova A.V. Periphery of a large city as an actual research object



Derzhavin Forum” no. 8 for 2018 came out of the press on December 19, 2018.
The authors can get the journal in the editorial at address Office 113, 33 Internatsionalnaya St., Tambov (Administration Building of Derzhavin Tambov State University)
“Derzhavin Forum” no. 8 for 2018 is sent for the press on December 12, 2018.
The issue contains scientific articles in the following rubrics: “Juridical Sciences”, “Economic Sciences”, “Management”, “Philosophy Sciences”, “Philological Sciences”, “Pedagogical Sciences”, “Historical Sciences”, “Biological Sciences”, “Medical Sciences”, “Library and Archival Science”, “Culture and Art”, “Tourism”.
Dear Colleagues!
Down below is a list of authors whose articles are planned to be published in the journal
“Derzhavin forum” № 8 for 2018 by the decision of the editorial board of November 10.
Volkova E.A. Young army movement as a factor of countering internal and external threats to the Russian Federation security
Muskatina I.V. Prevention of child abuse in the family in the Tambov Region
Tetushkina M.E. Violation of the right to work of imprisonment persons paying the penalty in the Tambov Region
Shubin M.Y. State registration of ownership in a transaction with a liquidated seller
Medvedeva O.A., Fedorova K.V. Analysis of Russia water resources contamination in static data
Chestnykh Y.S. Small businesses lending problems in the Russian Federation in conditions of the economic crisis
Samarina A.G. Advertising slogans translation features (based on material English and Russian languages)
Kalachnikova R.S. Kalachnikova R.S. The use of films and cartoons to teach English speaking
Lovtsov V.A. Revolutionary terrorism of 1905–1907 in the Russian Empire through the eyes of governors: I.F. Koshko, P.G. Kurlov, N.P. Muratov
Lavrova K.V. The biological value of the cold sauces nutrient materials for the human body
Shamanskaуa E.А. Culturology aspects of floristry in jeweller's art
Kuzmin K.A., Pechagina D.S., Chernova M.A. Problems of development ecological tourism on special protected natural areas (SPNA) of Russia and solution approaches
Dear Colleagues!
Down below is a list of authors whose articles are planned to be published in the journal
“Derzhavin forum” № 8 for 2018 by the decision of the editorial board of October 26.
Kuznetsova I.S. The institute of government real estate title registration: Russian and foreign experience
Selezneva E.N. Some problems of the preliminary contract and its security functions, as well as guarantees and risks of the making a transaction
Semenyuk E.A. Drawing test in the diagnosis system of professional burnout
Gavrilina A.O. P. Winch's theory of practices as a modern concept of social action
Kulakova C.S. Post-structuralism philosophy on interconnection of language and culture (M. Foucault, J. Derrida)
Abramenkova L.E. The hero of the D. Rubina's novel “Unrelated Entrances” as a type of the “superfluous man”
Khudyakova M.V. Poetics of the seascape in the novel by Jack London “Martin Eden”
Makhrachev G.S. Sheepskin craft development in the Tambov province in the second half of the 19th – the early of the 20th centuries
Oblitsov M.A. Cities of Central Black Earth Region in the late 19th – the early 20th century: features of the socio-professional structure
Eskova M.A., Ustinskaya Y.V. Mathematical modelling of lactic acid biosynthesis by a strain Bacillus coagulans B-10468
Schetinina E.G. Censorship in libraries of Russia: historical aspect


Derzhavin Forum” no. 7 for 2018 came out of the press on October 24, 2018.
The authors can get the journal in the editorial at address Office 113, 33 Internatsionalnaya St., Tambov (Administration Building of Derzhavin Tambov State University)
 “Derzhavin Forum” no. 7 for 2018 is sent for the press on September 27, 2018.
The issue contains scientific articles in the following rubrics: “Juridical Sciences”, “Economic Sciences”, “Management”, “Philosophical Sciences”, “Philological Sciences”, “Historical Sciences”, “Chemical Sciences”, “Medical Sciences”, “Library and Archival Science”, “Documentation”, “Culture and Art”, “Personalia”.
Dear Colleagues!
Down below is a list of authors whose articles are planned to be published in the journal
“Derzhavin forum” 7 for 2018 by the decision of the editorial board of August 10.
Kuzmina V.S. Problems and prospects of natural environment improvement in the Tambov region
Popova A.V. Werner Zombart on the introduction as a factor of development of capitalism
Semeniuk E.A. The role of soft-skills and hard-skills in modern trends of HR-management
Drokova E.M. The death fear problem and its overcoming
Vorobyeva E.M.Readers preferences of Tambov social groups in the late 19th – the early 20th centuries as an indicator of modernization of society
Lovtsov V.A.Social and political views of the governors P. A. Stolypin era on the memoirs of N. P. Muratov and I. F. Koshko
Shcherbakov S.V. Internal problems of the Byzantium through the prism of Anna Komnenos views
Frolova Y.Y. The history of the diploma as a document of education
Strukova N.S. Personal libraries of Derzhavin Tambov State University academic staff
Bityukov A.V. Closing of diastema with composite materials
Goydin D.A. Pattern lasers at a wavelength of 532 and 577 nm in the treatment of proliferative diabetic retinopathy
Lyubeznov V.V. Analysis of modern methods of diagnosis premature occlusive teeth contacts and dentition
Nevstruev K.A. The problem of diagnostics of longitudinal and transverse fractures of teeth roots
Shulgina I.V. Medical workers competence in the formation of a healthy lifestyle
Mirgorodets A.A. Doctors-writers of Tambov. Yakov Iosifovich Farber
Dear Colleagues!
Down below is a list of authors whose articles are planned to be published in the journal
“Derzhavin forum” 7 for 2018 by the decision of the editorial board of July 24.
Tkachev M.A. Similarities and differences between Portuguese and English verb forms
Popov M.E. “Russian Berlin”: to the question of the formation of the socio-cultural phenomenon in the first half of the 1920s
Pakhomova O.V., Kalinina E.Y., Kalinin A.A. The investigation of the dependence of galvanic coatings quality upon the composition of electrolyte baths and the condition of the basic metal surface
Kobzeva D.G. Virtual colonoscopy as a screening method for colorectal cancer
Potalet I.A. Digital smile design: optimising aesthetics, while preserving the tooth structure
Lyosina I.I. The opposition “good and evil” in Japanese animation through the prism of Shinto and Catholicism



“Derzhavin Forum” no. 6 for 2018 came out of the press on June 4, 2018.
The authors can get the journal in the editorial at address Office 326, 33 Internatsionalnaya St., Tambov (Administration Building of Derzhavin Tambov State University)
 “Derzhavin Forum” no. 6 for 2018 is sent for the press on May 11, 2018.
The issue contains scientific articles in the following rubrics: “Juridical Sciences”, “Economic Sciences”, “Philosophical Sciences”, “Philological Sciences”, “Historical Sciences”, “Physico-Mathematical Sciences”, “Chemical Sciences”, “Medical Sciences”, “Geographical Sciences”, “Advertising and Public Relations”
Dear Colleagues!
Down below is a list of authors whose articles are planned to be published in the journal
“Derzhavin forum” 6 for 2018 by the decision of the editorial board of April 5.
Maslikov D.M. The concept of error in civil proceedings
Sineleva A.A. New scheme of taxation for foreign internet site
Khudoborodov S.M. To the question of contemporary state of the financial market in the Russian Federation
Oke A. What does it mean “Be Yourself” in the philosophical tradition
Ponomarenko N.A. The problem is total loneliness in the novel of S. Faulks “A Week in December”
Nemtsov D.O. Konrad Adenauer as foreign policy operator
Popov M.E. “Russian Berlin”: to the question of the formation of the socio-cultural phenomenon in the first half of the 1920s
Novikov I.Y. Leader’ task
Novikov N.Y. Analytical functions of dual variable
Kulaeva I.V. A Study of the influence of hydrogen sulphide on steel St3 in the operating environment of oil production
Popova O.V. Corrosion resistance alloys series AMAG in acidic media
Cheremisina I.V. Protection of metals against atmospheric corrosion by vapor-phase inhibitors
Zavyalov V.V. Models of teaching students of non-linguistic majors a foreign language for the professional purposes
Zhmyreva N.A. A customer loyalty programs in the integrated promotion of the university brand
Dear Colleagues!
Down below is a list of authors whose articles are planned to be published in the journal
“Derzhavin forum” 6 for 2018 by the decision of the editorial board of March 19.
Matyukova O.S. To the problem of production on cases on administrative offenses in the sphere of environmental protection and natural resources management
Meshkova E.V. State control and supervision in the field of health care
Khvan K.S. Legitimate interest
Korneeva N.S. Neuromarketing: how it works?
Butyrskaya N.Y. The influence of z. Freud's psychoanalysis on the philosophical concepts of personality
Makhrachev G.S. Development of weaving trade in Tambov province in the second half of the 19th – the early of the 20th centuries
Zhirnov M.N. Conditions of existence and uniqueness of the solution of the Cauchy problem for one differential equation with delay
Breev Y.S., Mashkin G.A. Syndrome of emotional burnout (occupational burnout)
Kuzmin K.A., Vishnyakova E.D., Chernova M.A. Characteristic of longitudinal profiles of the riverbeds in the basin of the Savala river

Derzhavin Forum” no. 5 for 2018 came out of the press on March 15, 2018.
The authors can get the journal in the editorial at address Office 326, 33 Internatsionalnaya St., Tambov (Administration Building of Derzhavin Tambov State University)
“Derzhavin Forum” no. 5 for 2018 is sent for the press on February 16, 2018.
The issue contains scientific articles in the following rubrics: “Juridical Sciences”, “Philosophical Sciences”, “Philological Sciences”, “Pedagogical Sciences”, “Social Work”, “Historical Sciences”, “Documentation”, “Social and cultural activities”, “Political Science”.
Dear Colleagues!
Down below is a list of authors whose articles are planned to be published in the journal Derzhavin forum № 5 for 2018 by the decision of the editorial board of January 26.
Juridical Sciences
Romanova E.A. Some problems of protection of individual rights from the point of view of administrative legal proceedings
Stupnikova A.I. Problems of state control and supervision in the sphere of education
Khovanova S.V. Administrative commissions in municipalities: problems of legal regulation and organization of activities
Philosophical Sciences
Abramenkova L.E. Images of the creators in the tragedy I.W. Goethe “Faust” and the novel by M.A. Bulgakov “The Master and Margarita”
Gudin D.S. Peculiarities of mythological space in the novel “Laurus” by E.G. Vodolazkin
Trunkova Y.E. The motif of travel in the structure of the picaresque story (“The story of Frol Skobeev”, “The life of Lazarillo de Tormes and of his fortunes and adversities”)
Pedagogical Sciences
Golubeva O.K. Lexical-semantic interference in the French language teaching with English as the first foreign language
Historical Sciences
Starchikova I.S. Englishmen in tambov governorate in the xix century
ParamonovaM.G. Normative requirements to electronic document management systems
Political science (World politics)
Mishin I.O. Kosovo crisis in outlook of the american neoconservators
Social Work
Vorobinskaya A.V. Implementation of the social project "och. umelye ruchki" (“very skilled hands”) with elderly people
Social and cultural activities
Chudina G.V. Technology of planning activities municipal cultural institutions
Dear Colleagues!
Down below is a list of authors whose articles are planned to be published in the journal Derzhavin forum № 5 for 2018 by the decision of the editorial board of January 15.
Juridical Sciences
Zhdanova N.R. Self-defense of rights and freedoms in administrative legal arrangement
Philosophical Sciences
Kurokhtina S.R. “Metaphor of the eye”: vision as a philosophical problem
Pedagogical Sciences
Frolova S.S. The use of information technologies in the English language teaching
Shpagin S.V. Socio-demographic preconditions and medical-biological bases for the development of the method of complex-combined lessons of the health-improving physical culture with elderly women
Historical Sciences
Oblitsov M.A. Civil war in Russia: the socio-economic causes of the defeat of the white movement
Popov M.E. The activity of I.I. Betskoy in the sphere of Russian education in 1762–1775
Bondarenko A.V. Formalization of the results of business meetings and negotiations
Dmitrieva V.A. Documentation of class belonging in Russia
Neverova A.S. Documents made out during holding the meetings

“Derzhavin Forum” no. 4 for 2017 came out of the press.
The authors can get the journal in the editorial at address Office 326, 33 Internatsionalnaya St., Tambov (Administration Building of Derzhavin Tambov State University)
“Derzhavin Forum” no. 4 for 2017 is sent for the press on December 5, 2017.
The issue contains scientific articles in the following rubrics: “Library and Archival Science”, “Journalism”, “Historical Sciences”, “Mass Communications”, “Pedagogical Sciences”, “Social Work”, “Social and Cultural Activities”, “Sociological Sciences”, “Management”, “Physico-Mathematical Sciences”, “Philological Sciences”, “Economic Sciences”, “Juridical Sciences”.
Dear Colleagues!
The list of the authors, whose articles are planned to be published in the journal “Derzhavin Forum” no. 4 for 2017 according to the decisions of the Editorial Board of October 30, 2017 is presented below.
Churakov D.A. Online archives projects
Popov M.E. Organization of educational process in Medieval West-European universities (13–15 centuries)
Butusov A.V. Specifics of information warfare on the Internet
Finaeva E.A. On internet-resources usage in learning the English language
Zolotoverkhov A.A. Regarding the solution of one linear differential equations with delay
Androsov V.V. Development of foreign economic relations in Tambov province
Volkov I.A. Regulatory issues of economic relations in the conditions of sanction policy

Dear Colleagues!
The list of the authors, whose articles are planned to be published in the journal “Derzhavin Forum” no. 4 for 2017 according to the decisions of the Editorial Board of October 19, 2017 is presented below.
Ivanova A.V. Literary preferences of modern teenagers
Biryukova V.V. Expansion of gender-oriented magazines: causes and prerequisites
Novikova E.R. Specifics of teaching forensic linguistics to international lawyers
Benoeva T.V. Projecting specifics of the social adaptation of migrants program in the Center of social services for the population
Komyagina А.А., Avdonina S.V. Formation and development of social and cultural activities
Ryaskina V.Y. On the question of management of youth organizations
Barkhotkina L.A. The essence of the process of McDonaldization of modern society: the sociological aspect
Semenyuk E.A. Professional burnout as one of the main problems in the personnel management system
Sidorenko A.A. Information support of management decisions making process
Serova I.D. One functional space, convenient for investigation of singular differential equations
Trunkova Y.E. Peculiarities of artistic description of social and cultural reality in picaresque literature
Fedorova K.V. Accounting statement: appointment and application
Gasanova D.P. The role and importance of the acts of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation in the formation of legal policy of Russia
Kiselev A.S. The problem of optimal public management model in the conditions of e-government idea development in the Russian Federation

Dear Colleagues!
The list of the authors, whose articles are planned to be published in the journal “Derzhavin Forum” no. 4 for 2017 according to the decisions of the Editorial Board of June 2, 2017 is presented below.
Amerkhanova O.O. Post-graduate students’ motivation to participate in teaching scientific written discourse using the tandem-method

“Derzhavin Forum” no. 3 for 2017 came out of the press.
The authors can get the journal in the editorial at address Office 326, 33 Internatsionalnaya St., Tambov (Administration Building of Derzhavin Tambov State University)
 “Derzhavin Forum” no. 3 for 2017 is sent for the press on September 25, 2017.
The issue contains scientific articles in the following rubrics: “Editors’ Column”, “Culture and Art”, “Medical Sciences”, “Pedagogical Sciences”, “Sociological Sciences”, “Philological Sciences”, “Economic Sciences”, “Juridical Sciences”.
Dear Colleagues!
The list of the authors, whose articles are planned to be published in the journal “Derzhavin Forum” no. 3 for 2017 according to the decisions of the Editorial Board is presented below.
Stromov V.Y., Zavyalov V.V. Role of the university students’ scientific journal in the formation of a university-wide student scientific environment: based on the periodical “Derzhavin Forum”
Kozycheva D.N. The phenomenon of the knight ideal
Konovaltseva A.I. Fashion designer Elsa Schiaparelli – opponent of Coco Chanel’s style
Metlina V.V. Taste associations of color
Bolshakova N.Y. Abortion for non-medical indications: provocative factors
Uvarova S.I. Human papilloma virus in the aspect of social health
Dronov I.S. Foreign language teaching based on using blog technologies
Zavyalov V.V. Theoretical aspects of development of universitywide students’ scientific society
Lazutkina A.A. The effect of elements of rhythmic gymnastics on the development of coordination abilities of children with mental retardation
Pogulyaev F.V. Development of lexical skills of the speech of students of the non-linguistic education programs using video-podcasts
Goverdovskaya M.A. Sociological analysis of the perception of a town in province (basing on the example of Michurinsk)
Zakharova M.A. Interpretive potential of the German composites with a zoonym
Khudaybergenova M.D. About Hailsham boarding school, its students, and the ways of worldview formation (K. Ishiguro’s novel “Never Let Me Go”)
Andreev D.A. Sanctions as an impulse for the development of Russian Federation economy. Import substitution of foreign products
Lyubimova Y.K. National payment system “Mir”
Osipova S.V. Modern business analysis: tasks, opportunities and instruments
Fedorova K.V. Overview of changes and innovations in accounting, tax accounting, and reporting
Dorosheva A.V. Law-Making mistakes in article 116 “The Beatings” of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation
Istomina Y.S. Public control of compliance with the rights and freedoms of persons in corrective institutions
Stupnikova A.I., Khovanova S.V. Development of the Russian prosecutor’s office: history and continuity
Shebunova E.D. Legal status of non-profit organizations, functioning as foreign agents 

“Derzhavin Forum” no. 2 for 2017 came out of the press.
The authors can get the journal in the editorial at address Office 326, 33 Internatsionalnaya St., Tambov (Administration Building of Derzhavin Tambov State University)
“Derzhavin Forum” no. 2 for 2017 is sent for the press on May 12, 2017.
The issue contains scientific articles in the following rubrics: “Library and Archival Science”, “Biological Sciences”, “Culture and Art”, “Pedagogical Sciences”, “Social Work”, “Sociological Sciences”, “Physico-Mathematical Sciences”, “Philological Sciences”, “Philosophical Sciences”, “Chemical Sciences”, “Economic Sciences”, “Juridical Sciences”.
Dear Colleagues!
The list of the authors, whose articles are planned to be published in the journal “Derzhavin Forum” no. 2 for 2017 according to the decisions of the Editorial Board is presented below.
Novozhilova A.S. Professional training of archivists
Khlyntseva Y.S. The prestige of librarian profession in Tambov region: problems and solutions
Vasilchenko T.V. Ecology of anthophilous beetles of Balashov surroundings of Saratov region
Milova V.A. The resources of some species of medicinal plants of Balashov Prikhopyor district
Nastatukha D.S. Paleoglaciation landscapes and invertebrates of ecological group of hortobionts
Nikolskaya A.M. The heritage and uniqueness of provincial modern (basing on the example of Tambov)
Sushkova E.S. Musical in modern culture
Dudin A.A. Linguo-didactic characteristics of the communicative-ethnographic approach to learning a foreign language and culture
Kuleshova V.A. The use of computer technologies in teaching the Russian language in primary school
Borodina M.S. The essence of social consultation projection of needy families in social service
Semenova N.M. Internationalization of education in the conditions of globalization
Glazkov S.A. Symbolic algorithms of some types of differential equations’ solution
Gudin D.S. Female characters in spy novels of B. Akunin and J. le Carré (“The Turkish Gambit”, “The Little Drummer Girl”)
Tarasyuk M.Y. Metaphor as a way of cognition in philosophical works (basing on the concept “love”)
Kurokhtina S.R. The collision of two ontologies of events: A. Badiou and G. Deleuze
Popova A.N. Estimation of recovery efficiency of cations Mg2+ by natural sorbent of Tambov deposit
Kamyshova A.A. Estimation of protective efficacy basing on synthetic engine oil in 0,5 М NaCl at different pH solution
Omutkov M.S. Sorption of heavy metal cations from flowing nitrate solutions using glauconite concentrate of Bondarsky deposit of Tambov region
Lyubimov I.S. The problem of transnationalization in modern world economy
Sorokin Y.V. Scoring system of borrower’s estimation
Blagova G.A. The responsibility for deliberate denouncement according to Russian criminal law
Zavyalov V.V. The state policy of the Russian Federation in the sphere of ensuring safety of personality in the context of countering suicide
Istomina Y.S. State control in the sphere of observance and protection of rights of persons being in correctional institutions 

“Derzhavin Forum” no. 1 for 2017 came out of the press.
The authors can get the journal in the editorial at address Office 326, 33 Internatsionalnaya St., Tambov (Administration Building of Derzhavin Tambov State University)
“Derzhavin Forum” no. 1 for 2017 is sent for the press on March 6, 2017.
The issue contains scientific articles in the following rubrics: “Journalism”, “Informatics”, “Medical Sciences”, “Pedagogical Sciences”, “Social Work”, “Sociology”, “Tourism”, “Management”, “Physics”, “Philological Sciences”, “Philosophical Sciences”, “Economic Sciences”, “Juridical Sciences”.
Dear Colleagues!
The list of the authors, whose articles are planned to be published in the journal “Derzhavin Forum” no. 1 for 2017 according to the decisions of the Editorial Board is presented below.
Merkushina E.A. Audience of the regional media network: globalization or localization?
Sabirzyanov M.M. Development of electronic course on Informatics for philologists
Bolshakova N.Yu. Postpartum depression as a factor of reproduction
Zenkina O.V. Influence of diabetes mellitus type 2 on the development of myocardial infarction
Safoshina Z.M. Main components of foreign language communicative competence
Tishkovа I.I. The dependence of the level of patriotism among modern youth from education
Epikhina P.V. Social prevention of psychoactive substances use as a technology of social work with teenagers
Ivanova V.N. The role of higher education in the formation of socio-professional structure of Russian society
Shevtsova M.A. Social and recreational opportunities of equestrian tourism in the Tambov region
Mandrichenko A.D. Analysis of approaches of effectiveness evaluation of public administration
Semeniuk E.A. Personnel risks in the management of human resources
Zanina A.P. The redistribution of electric charge in ionic crystals in terms of the integrated thermoelectric effects
Ivanova A.S. Linguistic means of conceptual integration expression of the verbal and visual components of demotivator
Melikhova D.I. Interpretive potential of lexical category “Pets” as a basis of evaluation meaning (in English and Russian languages)
Egorova T.V. The problem of the tradition: H.-G. Gadamer and P. Ricoeur
Klimonova A.N. Directions and problems of improving social welfare in Russia
Lapshin N.V. The essential characteristics and structure of the falsified “composition” in the Russian economy
Gasanova D.P. Decisions of the European court of human rights and acts of the higher courts of the Russian Federation: comparative legal analysis of legal nature and the significance in the Russian legal system
Kiselev A.S. Basic concepts and categories of electronic government