Derzhavin Forum
ISSN 2542-2340 (Print)



The list of references in the Roman alphabet, entitled as References, is compiled in an order that is completely identical to the Russian-language version with similar numbering. References is placed after the list of references in Cyrillic (List of sources).
References must be formatted according to the following rules:

1. Authors (transliteration), article title in transliteration [translation of the article title into English in square brackets], title of the Russian-language source (transliteration) [translation of the title of the source into English = paraphrase (for journals, it is not necessary to do this)], output data with symbols in English.
2. It is forbidden to use the signs “//” and “–” to separate the structural elements of the bibliographic description.

Requirements and rules for References preparation

  • to present in the References the description of the journal only in a transliterated version (without translation) is unacceptable;
  • when describing publications without authors (collections of scientific articles, conference proceedings, collective monographs), it is allowed to write one, maximum two editors of the publication instead of authors;
  • since Russian-language sources are difficult for foreign experts to identify, it is necessary to highlight the original name of the source in italics in the descriptions, as in most foreign standards;
  • if the described publication has doi and EDN, then they must be indicated in the description;
  • it is undesirable to make arbitrary abbreviations of source names in links. This often results in the loss of the link, as the name may not be identified;
  • all main publishing information (in the descriptions of the journal: designation of volume, number, pages; in descriptions of books: place of publication - city, designation of the publishing house (except for the publisher’s own non-translatable name, it is transliterated)) must be presented in English;
  • in the output data of publications in references (articles, books), the number of pages of the publication must be indicated: the range of pages in the publication is indicated by “pp.” before pages; the number of pages in the complete edition (book) indicated as “p.” after specifying the number of pages;
  • the translation of the title of the article or source is taken in square brackets;
  • one publication is described in the list of references once, regardless of how many times the source was mentioned in the text of the publication;
  • if the book in the list of references (in any version - main or in References) is described in full, then the description should indicate the full volume of the publication, regardless of which pages of the publication were cited in the text; the exception is when individual chapters from a book are used; in this case, the list of references gives a description of the chapter, indicating the pages “from-to”;
  • for transliteration, it is necessary to use systems for automatically translating Cyrillic into the Roman alphabet; do not transliterate manually;
  • for journals published in Russian and English, a link is given to the English version of the journal.

Transliteration rules

On the site you can use the program for transliterating Russian text into Latin for free. To do this, by choosing a variant of the British Standards Institution (BSI) system, we get an image of all letter correspondences.

Examples of links to different types of publications

Description of the article from the journal (with DOI, EDN):

  1. Sidorova A.A. (2021). The teaching of French and English idioms containing meteonyms via corpora. Derzhavinskii forum = Derzhavin Forum, vol. 5, no. 20, pp. 97-103. (In Russ.)
  2. Popova N.V., Almazova N.I., Evtushenko T.G., Zinoveva O.V. (2020). Experience of intra-university cooperation in the process of creating professionally-oriented foreign language textbooks. Vysshee obrazovanie v Rossii = Higher Education in Russia, vol. 29, no. 7, pp. 32-42. (In Russ.),
  3. Sysoyev P. (2022). Developing English for specific purposes course using a learner-centered approach: a Russian experience. The Internet TESL Journal, vol. 6, no. 3,
    pp. 1-8.

Description of conference proceedings (with EDN):

  1. Kostrikina T.A. (2022). Features of the editor’s work with the media text in the regional media. In: Posnova M.V. (ed.). Sbornik statei 5 Mezhdunarodnoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentsii «Molodezhnaya nauka kak faktor i resurs innovatsionnogo razvitiya» [Proceedings of the 5th International Scientific and Practical Conference “Youth Science as a Factor and Resource of Innovative Development”]. Petrozavodsk, pp. 57-64. (In Russ.)

Description of the book (monograph, collection of scientific works) (with DOI or EDN):

  1. Kolesnikov A.A. (2018). Proforientatsionnoe obuchenie inostrannym yazykam v shkole i vuze: ot teorii k tekhnologii [Vocation-Focused Foreign Languages Teaching in High School and University: from Theory to Technology]. Ryazan, Ryazan State University named for S. Yesenin Publ., 400 p. (In Russ.)
  2. Graves K. (2021). Teachers as Course Developers. New York, Cambridge University Press,
    222 p.
  3. Tsyganova N.A., Savchenko D.V. (2020). Emotsional’noe vygoranie u rabotnikov s razlichnym professional’nym stazhem [Emotional burnout among employees with different professional experience]. In: Akutina S.P. (academ. ed.). Sbornik nauchnykh statei molodykh uchenykh, posvyashchennyi Dnyu rossiiskoi nauki «Zazhgi svoyu zvezdu» [Proceddings of Scientific Articles by Young Scientists Dedicated to the Day of Russian Science “Light your Star”]. Moscow, Pero Publ., pp. 36-38. (In Russ.)

Description of the dissertation abstract:

  1. Sidorkina M.S. (2021). Usloviya deistvitel’nosti dogovora v prave Rossiiskoi Federatsii i Soedinennykh Shtatov Ameriki: sravnitel’no-pravovoi analiz: avtoref. dis. … kand. yurid. nauk [Conditions of Validity of the Contract in the Law of the Russian Federation and the United States of America: Comparative Legal Analysis. PhD (Law) diss. abstr.]. Ekaterinburg, 32 p. (In Russ.) Available at:


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ISSN 2542-2340