Rules for submitting manuscripts to the journal
1. General provisions
1.1. The journal is published at the expense of publishers. All publications in the journal are free. All publications in electronic form are distributed free of charge.
1.2. The work submitted to the journal should be a completed research and contain new scientific results that have not been published anywhere before and are not presented for publication in other publications.
1.3. In case of detection of signs of multiply submission of articles, the editor refers to the flow charts of the Committee on Publishing Ethics (COPE).
1.4. At all stages of work with manuscripts and for communication with authors, editors and reviewers, e-mail is used, so authors should be careful when specifying their e-mail address and promptly notify the editorial board and editorial office about its change.
1.5. If there are several works of one author in the editorial office only one work can be published in the current issue (at the choice of the editorial board), the second – in the next issue etc. In exceptional cases the editorial board may decide to publish no more than two works of one author.
1.6. These Rules for authors come into effect from the moment of their publication on the Internet on the website of the journal. In case of changes to the Rules, such changes come into effect from the moment of publication of the new version of the Rules on the website.
2. The order of sending articles
2.1. The authors give articles, prepared for the publication according to Rules for authors, established by the editorial board of the journal “Russian Universities Reports. Mathematics”. The manuscript is sent via mail to the editorial board Zhukovskiy Evgeny Semenovich or to the editorial office Via these e-mail addresses and editorial office telephones +7(4752)72-34-34 add. 0440, you can get additional information about sending and reviewing the manuscripts.
2.2. The received manuscript in the editorial office is marked with the date of receiving and the editorial informs the author about this by e-mail.
2.3. If the formal requirements for the materials of publication are not fulfilled, so the article is not received by the editorial according to “formal requirements” and the author is informed about it. The editorial has the right to reject the articles in case the author does not follow the rules of the editorial.
2.4. The maintenance to the publication ethics of the journal is obligatory for publishing in the journal. All the received manuscripts are checked in the system “Antiplagiat”. Plagiarism is not allowed. In case of multiple borrowings the editorial will act in accordance with the rules of COPE.
Manuscript formatting policy
3. General article requirements
3.1. The editorial office accepts manuscripts in Russian. By decision of the editorial board it is possible to publish the article in English. The article should be carefully verified. Pages of the manuscript, as well as tables, figures and figure captions should be numbered.
3.2. The editorial board does not require strict restrictions on the length of the article; the recommended length of a short message is 3–5 journal pages, articles – 6–15 journal pages, review article – 16–40 journal pages.
3.3. Attached information about all authors of the article (surname, name and patronymic in full), with marking their academic rank, scientific degree, post, place of work (full name of organization, to which the author belongs to, but not the abbreviation, post address of the organization with marking the city, country, ORCID, Scopus ID, Researcher ID), for post-graduates and doctor’s candidates – the name of the speciality, post address (with the index for delivery of the issues according to subscription). It is necessary to mark the author who is responsible for corresponding with the editorial and his or her e-mail. A PDF file of the published article is sent to the e-mail address for free.
The information about the authors is presented in Russian and English.
3.4. Manuscripts should be prepared on computer using publishing system TEX and following templates of the article:
4. Structure of the article
4.1. Text of the article begins with the UDC index (on the left), followed by the title of the article, the first name, SURNAME and patronymic of the authors, the line below – the full name of the organization with its legal address in Russian (information about authors affiliation). The following is a brief abstract (150–200 words) and keywords (up to 15 words). The use of formulas in the abstract is undesirable. The abstract should not contain links to the formulas and literature of the article. Information about financial support of the work (acknowledgements) is recommended to be indicated on the first page of the article.
4.2. In the introduction it is necessary to reflect the relevance of the study, give references to the relevant literature. Bibliographic references in the articles are numbered in the order of their location in the text, in the review works – in alphabetical order.
4.3. The file of a manuscript written in Russian must also contain a translation into English of the title of the article, first name, patronymic and SURNAME of the authors, data on the affiliation of the authors, annotations, keywords, information about the authors and References.
A manuscript prepared in English must have a translation into Russian of the title of the article, first name, patronymic and surnames of the authors, data on the affiliation of the authors, annotations, keywords, References and information about the authors.
4.4. References should contain only those sources to which there are links in the text of the article.
Bibliography references are given in order of citation, for example [1, p. 25] or [1, theorem 3.3.11].
The link format must comply with the rules package amsbib.sty.
The author is responsible for the accuracy of the presented data, citations and the right names of the books and other sources.
The editorial board has the request to the author: if the article or monograph published in Russian you refer to has an English variant (for example, the journal is translated into English or monograph was translated from English), please, specify after the reference in Russia the reference in English with the same number.
The reference to the unpublished works is not allowed.
4.5. Information about the conflict of interest (its absence).
4.6. Author(s) of the article is the responsibility for errors and inaccuracies of a scientific and factual nature, the translation of the abstract and keywords.
5. Features of the formula set
Formulas, theorems, consequences, remarks etc. are numbered separately.
It is necessary to simplify the set of formulas, simple fractional expressions, if possible, to write in one line, using a slash fraction, do not leave unnecessary multiplication signs in the formulas. Only those formulas that are referenced in the text are numbered. The numbered formulas are placed in separate lines, the formula number is placed at the right edge of the sheet, it is recommended through numbering.
It is desirable to make a separate line in complex formulas including bulky fractions, summation signs, product, maximum etc. Instead of repeating the same blocks in the formulas it is desirable to use their abbreviations.
All used letters and abbreviations must be deciphered.
6. Illustrations
Illustrations should be submitted in one of the standard graphic vector or raster formats: SVG, EPS, TIFF, PNG, GIF etc. Bitmap images, preferably 600 DPI.
Graphics, pictures and photographs are installed in the text after the first link to them and they must be put in as an object or media file. It is allowed to place illustrations, tables and formulas on the entire width of the page. The name of the illustrations is given under them in the center after the word Fig. with the serial number in Russian and English languages. The dot is not put after the subscription. The space between caption to the picture and the text is single feed pitch.
The author is responsible for graphic materials (graphics, diagrams) arranging. They are not edited at layout of the journal. The author is responsible for absence of grammar mistakes in text in the legend. The signage at axes of coordinates and in legend shouldn’t contain the abbreviations except common.
All inscriptions – font of the same size. It should be possible to reduce explanations to the picture, putting them in the signature. All the details of the picture in its decrease should be seen.
All illustrations should have links in the text (fig. 1).
The use of images that are protected by copyright is not allowed. Reuse of images without specifying the source of the image is not allowed.
7. Tables
The word Table with number is situated in the right side before the table. Next line contains the name of the table in Russian and English languages without dot at the end. The tables should be numbered. The main text should contain the references (table 1).
Tables should be used only for presenting the data that cannot be described in the text, which are placed near the paragraph where it is mentioned for the first time. The words in tables should be written fully with considering of transfers. In table cell the dot is not allowed in the end of sentence. In decimals in Russian language the comma is put, but not the decimal point like in English language (for example: 5,62 %). The quantity of characters after the comma for all numbers should be the same.
Open access policy
Author’s rights and archiving policy
Authors published in the journal agree with the following:
Payment for the publication
Disclosure and Conflict of Interest
Confidentiality position
Plagiarism, multiple and redundant publication position
The process of revoking (retracting) articles
1. Purpose of revocation (retraction) of the article
1.1. Without limitation of publication, correction of published information and alerting readers to articles containing serious flaws or erroneous data that cannot be trusted.
1.2. Warning readers about duplicate articles, plagiarism, concealment of important conflicts of interest that may affect the interpretation of data or recommendations on their use.
2. The reason for the withdrawal (retraction) of the article is the confirmation by the editors of the journal of the fact that the article contains extreme violations of scientific and publication ethics.
2.1. Falsification of data, when most of the article contains inaccurate data - the result of deliberate violations or conscientious misconceptions due to miscalculation, experimental error, typo.
2.2. Multiple publications, that is, authors have published the same data or article in several journals without proper justification, permission or cross-references.
2.3. Plagiarism, when most of the article contains the results of previously published studies of other authors, or when borrowing is not properly designed.
2.4. The authors hide a conflict of interest that could affect the interpretation of data and their use.
3. The order of revocation (retraction) of the article
3.1. The editorial board retracts the article on the official request of the author/team of authors of the article, who explained the reason for his decision, as well as on the decision of the editorial board on the basis of their own expertise or information received by the editorial board.
3.2. If the editorial board has not responded to the author’s request within 30 working days, the author has the right to apply to the Council on Ethics of Scientific Publications of ASEP.
3.3. If the editorial board decides to retract the article on the basis of violations listed in par. 2, the author (corresponding author in the case of collective authorship) shall be notified with the justification of the reasons for the retraction.
3.4. The decision to retract the article is made taking into account the answer of the author (authors) of the article, justifying their position on this issue. If the author(s) within 10 working days do not respond to the request of the editorial board, the editorial board has the right to retract the article without his (their) consent. The authors may not agree with the position of the editorial board, but this does not negate the right to conduct a retraction procedure.
3.5. The decision to withdraw the article is made with the protocol of editorial board meetings. Copies of the protocol are sent to the author (corresponding author in case of collective authorship), to the Council on Ethics of Scientific Publications of ASEP, to the Scientific Electronic Library eLIBRARY, electronic library “CyberLeninka”.
3.6. Having decided to retract the article, the editors indicate the reason for this decision, as well as the date of the retraction. The article and the description of the article remain on the website of the journal as part of the corresponding issue, however, the text is marked “Retracted” and the date of retraction. The same mark is placed in the PDF version of the article and in the table of contents of the issue. The Digital Object Identifier (DOI), as well as a permanent link identifying the location of the material, are retained. Retracted articles and links from them are excluded from citation indices and are not included in the calculation of indicators.
3.7. Along with the decision on the retraction of the article the editorial may make a decision on the imposition of a ban on the acceptance for publication of articles by the author of the retracted article for a certain period.
These Rules for the authors of the articles
were discussed, confirmed and approved at the editorial board meeting
of November 27, 2021
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