Editorial office of the scientific and theoretical journal “Russian Universities Reports. Mathematics” in its activities is guided by the recommendations and standards of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE’s Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors), ethical standards for the work of editors and publishers, enshrined in the Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors and the Code of Conduct for Journal Publishers, developed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), and also takes into account the valuable experience of reputable international journals and publishers, in particular, Elsevier publisher (Elsevier Guidelines on the Ethics of Scientific Publishing).
The editorial office of the journal “Russian Universities Reports. Mathematics” strives for full and comprehensive compliance with the ethical standards adopted by the international scientific community in order to prevent the negative consequences of their violation for the development of mathematics and the mathematical community, for the scientific fate of the participants in the publication process, to prevent misleading grant givers and employers, and to identify unscrupulous researchers.
The authors of the article must provide reliable results of the research. Knowingly erroneous or falsified statements are unacceptable.
Authors must ensure that the results of the study presented in the submitted manuscript are completely original. Borrowed fragments or statements must be formalized with the obligatory indication of the author and source. Excessive borrowing, as well as plagiarism in any form, including loose quotations, paraphrasing, or appropriation of rights to the results of other people’s research, is unethical and unacceptable.
It is necessary to recognize the contribution of all persons who in one way or another influenced the course of the study, in particular, the article should provide links to works that were important in the conduct of the study.
Authors should not submit to a journal a manuscript that has been submitted to another journal and is under consideration, as well as an article that has already been published in another journal.
If the author(s) discover a significant error or inaccuracy in their published work, they are obliged to immediately notify the editors and propose for publication in the journal a message about the error in the article and how to eliminate it. If the editor learns from a third party that the published work contains a significant error, the author(s) are notified about this, and the author(s) are obliged within a month to propose for publication in the journal a message about the error in the article and how to eliminate it, or submit to the editors proof of the correctness of the corresponding result.
Authorship. The authors of the article should indicate all persons who have made a significant contribution to the study. Among the authors it is unacceptable to indicate persons who did not participate in the study. Authors must ensure that all persons involved in research and writing the manuscript are placed on the list of authors, and that all authors have read the final version of the article, approved its text and agreed to its publication.
If the manuscript is prepared by several authors, then they appoint one author responsible for correspondence (corresponding author), and he acts as a contact person between the editors and co-authors. The corresponding author should inform the co-authors and involve them in making decisions on publication issues: preparing responses to reviewers’ comments, correcting the article, and approving the final version.
The publication of an article will mean the assignment of Copyright © to its author(s), however, they cannot claim the payment of a fee. The authors submit to the Publisher of the journal – Derzhavin Tambov State University, copyright for the use of transmitted materials as part of the journal in the following ways: publication, reproduction, distribution, bringing the work to the public by posting on the Internet, public display, and translation into foreign languages. At the same time, the authors have the right to use all materials in their subsequent publications, provided that a link is made to the publication in the journal “Russian Universities Reports. Mathematics”.
By sending the manuscript to the editorial office of the journal, the author(s)expressly agree to place the article in the public domain on the Internet.
The author(s) of a publication accepted for publication conclude an author’s publishing agreement. The text of the author's publishing agreement can be found on the journal’s website in the “Guide for Authors” section.
The editorial board supports a policy aimed at observing the principles of publishing ethics and recognizes that monitoring compliance with the principles of publishing (editorial) ethics is one of the main components of reviewing and publishing a journal.
The editor-in-chief is in charge of the overall management of the publication. The decision on which of the papers submitted to the editors of the journal should be published is made by the editorial board, guided by the policy of the journal, based on scientific reviews. Evaluation of works should be based solely on their content and the quality of scientific results, regardless of gender, race, sexual orientation, ethnic origin, religion, citizenship or political views of the author(s).
Information about the submitted manuscript can only be provided to authors, reviewers, potential reviewers, members of the editorial board, the publisher. The editor and all editorial office staff do not have the right to disclose information about the submitted works to anyone other than the relevant authors, reviewers, other editorial consultants and, if necessary, the publisher .The editor and editorial office staff do not have the right to use unpublished materials used in the submitted manuscript in their own research without the consent of the authors.
Upon receipt of the manuscript (delivered personally, by registered mail, by e-mail), the editors check it for plagiarism using a software and hardware complex for checking text documents for borrowings https://www.antiplagiat.ru/. If the check reveals incorrect borrowings, the manuscript is rejected.
Plagiarism is the submission of other people’s work or ideas without proper reference to the cited work. Plagiarism is a gross violation of scientific ethics. Quotations should always be identified as such, accompanied by full citations to the sources cited. The text of the manuscript should give a clear, unambiguous idea of which parts of it are the independent work of the authors, and which parts used other people’s ideas and text. Paraphrasing other people’s results by changing the words and their order, designations, etc., while maintaining the essence of the result, observing the structure of the argument, is plagiarism, unless there are links to the relevant work. A general reference to the original work may not be enough; the author must make sure that no misleading impression is created that the paraphrased results (ideas, terms, designations, formulas, statements, etc.) belong to him. When citing own, previously published results, the author must provide a link to the published work, otherwise the corresponding text is autoplagiarism. Republishing an identical article is also self-plagiarism.
Peer-reviewing. If during the check using the software and hardware complex https://www.antiplagiat.ru/ no incorrect borrowings are found, then a double blind peer-review is mandatory as the most consistent with the standards of publication ethics. The editorial board sends the manuscript to two reviewers who are recognized experts in the subject matter of the peer-reviewed materials and who have published on the subject of the peer-reviewed article over the past 3 years. The reviewer is provided with a manuscript without indicating the author’s name. The author does not know the name of the reviewer. Reviewers have every opportunity to freely express motivated criticisms regarding the level and clarity of presentation of the material presented, its compliance with the profile of the journal, novelty and reliability of the results. The recommendations of the reviewers are the basis for making the final decision on the publication of the article.
Ethical principles in the activities of the reviewer. The manuscript received for peer-review must be treated as a confidential document, which cannot be transferred for review or discussion to third parties who do not have permission from the editors.
The reviewer is obliged to give an objective and reasoned assessment of the stated results of the study. Personal criticism of the author is unacceptable.
Unpublished data obtained from submitted manuscripts should not be used by the reviewer for personal purposes.
Non-public information or ideas obtained during peer-review must be kept confidential and not used for personal gain.
Reviewers should identify published work used but not cited in the peer-reviewed manuscript. Reviewers should check that ideas, results, methods, concepts that have already been used previously in any publications are properly formatted as citations. The reviewer is also obliged to draw the attention of the editorial board to a significant or partial similarity with any other work with which the reviewer is directly familiar.
A reviewer who, in his opinion, does not have sufficient qualifications to evaluate the manuscript or cannot be objective, for example, in the event of a conflict of interest with the author or organization, must inform the editorial office about this, which, having considered the specific situation, decides to exclude it from reviewers of this manuscript.
A conflict of interest arises when considering a manuscript in the event of personal, financial, work and other relationships or the presence of scientific competition between the authors and someone involved in making a decision on publication (reviewers, editors, heads of the university and publishing house, etc.). All parties involved in the publication process (authors and reviewers, editors, etc.) are required to report the presence of personal, financial, work and other relationships that may affect the objectivity of the consideration of the manuscript.
When submitting an article, authors are responsible for disclosing all relationships that may have an impact on the consideration of their work. Authors are required to disclose potential conflicts of interest that may be perceived as having an impact on the text and the results presented in the article. Information about the conflict of interest (or lack thereof) should be disclosed at the end of the article. The authors are obliged to reliably indicate the place of their work and the source of funding for the study.
Editors should ask all participants in the publication process to disclose existing competing interests. If at the stage of consideration of the manuscript a conflict of interest of the reviewer with one of the authors, companies, or institutions associated with the submitted manuscripts is revealed, the editorial board may transfer the manuscript for consideration to another reviewer. If the competition of interests led to a change in the text, literary references, etc., and this was revealed after the publication of the article, the editors are obliged to ensure the publication of amendments to the article.
When making an ethical complaint regarding a submitted manuscript or published article, the editor must take reasonable retaliatory action in cooperation with the publisher (or the public). Every report of unethical behavior will be considered, even if it came years after the publication of the article. If the complaint is upheld, appropriate corrections, rebuttals, or apologies should be published.
Retraction is a retraction of an article without a statute of limitations for its publication. The purpose of retracting an article is to correct published information and alert readers to articles containing serious shortcomings or erroneous data that cannot be trusted; Warn readers about cases of duplicate articles, plagiarism, concealment of important conflicts of interest that may affect the interpretation of data or recommendations for their use.
The basis for retraction of the article is the confirmation by the editors of the journal of the fact that the article contains gross violations of scientific publication ethics:
– falsification of data (most of the article contains unreliable data – the result of deliberate violations or conscientious error due to a miscalculation, experimental error, typo);
– multiple publications (authors published the same data or article in several journals without appropriate justification, permission or cross-references);
– plagiarism (most of the article contains the results of previously published studies by other authors, or borrowings are not properly formatted);
– authors hide a conflict of interest that can influence the interpretation of the presented results and their use.
The editorial office of the journal retracts the article at the official request of the author (group of authors) of the article, who reasonably explained the reason for his decision, as well as by the decision of the editorial office of the journal on the basis of its own expertise or information received by the editorial office.
If the editorial office of the journal has not responded to the author's request for retraction of his article within 30 working days, the author has the right to apply to the Council on Ethics of Scientific Publications of ASEP.
If the editorial office of the journal considers the issue of retracting the article on the basis of violations of scientific publication ethics, then the author (corresponding author in the case of collective authorship) is sent a notification with justification of the reason for the retraction. The decision to retract the article is made taking into account the response of the author(s) of the article, substantiating his position on this issue. If the author(s) does not respond to the editorial office request within 10 working days, the editorial office has the right to retract the article without his (their) consent. The authors may not agree with the position of the editorial office, but this does not cancel the right to conduct a retraction procedure. The decision to retract the article is documented in the minutes of the meeting of the editorial board. Copies of the protocol are sent to the author (corresponding author in the case of collective authorship), to the Council on Ethics of Scientific Publications of ASEP, to the Scientific Electronic Library eLIBRARY.RU, Electronic Library “CyberLeninka”. Having decided to retract the article, the editorial office indicate the reason for this decision, as well as the date of retraction. Along with the decision to retract the article, the editorial office of the journal may decide to impose a ban on accepting articles from the author of the retracted article for publication for a certain period.
The retracted article and its description remain on the journal’s website as part of the corresponding issue, but the inscription “Retracted” and the date of retraction are applied to the text. The same note is placed in the PDF version of the article and in the table of contents of the issue. The Digital Object Identifier (DOI), as well as the permalink that locates the material, is retained. Retracted articles and links from them are excluded from citation indices and do not participate in the calculation of indicators.
Open access policy. The journal proposes open access to its content according to the following principle: free open access to the research results helps to increase global exchange of knowledge.
The journal follows the policy of Open Access Journals. All publications of the journal in electronic form are distributed free of charge and without restrictions.
All content of the journal is distributed in accordance with the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License (CC BY) . The journal provides the right to read, save, copy, distribute, print, search and make links to the full texts of materials with the obligatory indication of their author(s) and the journal “Russian Universities Reports. Mathematics”. The correct reference to a specific publication is placed in each article of the journal in Russian and English.
The author has the right to archive (upload) the version of the article (PDF-file) placed on the journal’s website and upload it to any open access repositories.
By decision of the editorial board and the publisher, all content of the journal accepted for publication and/or published before January 1, 2017 is also distributed under the CC BY 4.0 license.
If the authors of previously published content do not agree with the terms of the CC BY 4.0 license, then we ask them to immediately inform the editorial board about this by e-mail ilina@tsutmb.ru.
Publication in the journal is free for the author (there are no fees for the preparation, placement and printing of materials). The journal does not provide paid services. The publication of an article means the assignment of Copyright © to its author(s). Authors are not paid fees for articles published in the journal.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License