1. The publication reviews all materials received by the editorial office that correspond to its subject matter, with the aim of their expert evaluation.
The editorial board necessarily conducts a two-way anonymous ("blind") review (double blind peer-review) as the most consistent with the standards of publication ethics. After checking for plagiarism, the editorial board sends the article to two reviewers who are recognized experts on the subject of peer-reviewed materials and have had publications on the subject of the reviewed article for the last 3 years.
2. Reviewers within two months make a conclusion about the possibility of publication of the article, the need for its revision or rejection. The reviewer evaluates the compliance of the article with the scientific subject of the journal, its relevance, novelty, theoretical and (or) practical significance, the presence of conclusions, compliance with the established rules of registration for the purpose of their expert evaluation.
Reviewers are prohibited from making copies of manuscripts for their own needs and giving part of the manuscript for review to another person without the permission of the editorial board.
Reviewers give their consent to the publication of the text of the review in the RSCI/eLibrary.
3. Copies of reviews with a reasoned conclusion on the article are provided to the author(s) by e-mail. The review is conducted confidentially, is closed, the review is provided to the author of the manuscript without specifying the surname, position, place of work and signature of the reviewer.
Based on the reviewers' opinion, the editorial board of the journal decides on the publication, referral for revision or rejection of the manuscript. After making a decision on publication, the editorial board determines the order of publications depending on the subject of the journal issues, as well as taking into account the timing of receipt of the manuscript to the editorial office.
In the event that the manuscript is returned for revision, the author can submit the article again with a cover letter - a response to the reviewer about the changes made for re-review. The date of receipt to the editorial office is the date of return of the revised article.
Manuscripts rejected by the editorial board are not published and are not returned, a reasoned refusal is sent to the author. The editorial board does not keep manuscripts that are not accepted for publication.
The original reviews are kept in the publisher and editorial office of the journal for 5 years.
4. The editorial board of the publication sends copies of reviews or a reasoned refusal to the authors of the submitted materials, and also undertakes to send copies of reviews to the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation when the corresponding request is received by the editorial office of the publication.
5. When choosing a reviewer, the editorial board strives to avoid conflicts of interest between the parties involved in the review process due to joint participation in financial, official, scientific or other activities.
These Rules for the peer-review process
were discussed, confirmed and approved at the editorial board meeting
of November 27, 2021
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