The journal “Russian Universities Reports. Mathematics” came out of the press on June 26, 2024. Volume 29, no. 146 for 2024
The authors and subscribers can get the journal at address 5 Komsomolskaya Sq., Tambov. Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Information Technology. Functional Analysis Department. E-mail:
The journal “Russian Universities Reports. Mathematics”. Volume 29, no. 146 for 2024 is sent for the press of June 14, 2024.
Dear Colleagues!
The list of the authors, whose articles are planned to be published in the journal “Russian Universities Reports. Mathematics”.
Tambov, 2024, Vol. 29, no. 146 according to the decisions of the Editorial Board at the meeting of June 7, 2024 is presented below.
Volchkova N.P., Volchkov V.V. On the harmonicity of a function with a Bocher–Koebe type condition
Dzyuba S.M. About recurrent motions of periodic processes in a sequentially compact topological space
Dorovskikh D.I., Izmailov A.F., Uskov E.I. Globalizing convergence of piecewise Newton methods
Laneev E.B., Klimishin A.V. On an approximate solution to an ill-posed mixed boundary value problem for the Laplace equation in a cylindrical domain with homogeneous conditions of the second kind on the lateral surface of the cylinder
Loboda N.A. Comparing the spectra of wandering exponents of a nonlinear two-dimensional system and a first approximation system
Provotorov V.V., Sergeev S.M. Mathematical modeling of physical processes in composition media
Uspenskii A.A., Lebedev P.D. Alpha sets and their hulls: analytical relationships in the plane case
Fedotova I.M., Medvedeva M.I., Katsunova A.S. Methods for constructing invariant cubature formulas for integrals over the surface of a torus in R3
The journal “Russian Universities Reports. Mathematics” came out of the press on April 8, 2024. Volume 29, no. 145 for 2024
The authors and subscribers can get the journal at address 5 Komsomolskaya Sq., Tambov. Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Information Technology. Functional Analysis Department. E-mail:
The journal “Russian Universities Reports. Mathematics”. Volume 29, no. 145 for 2024 is sent for the press of March 18, 2024.
Dear Colleagues!
The list of the authors, whose articles are planned to be published in the journal “Russian Universities Reports. Mathematics”.
Tambov, 2024, Vol. 29, no. 145 according to the decisions of the Editorial Board at the meeting of March 11, 2024 is presented below.
Alves M.J., Alves E.V, Munembe J.S.P., Nepomnyashchikh Yu.V. Linear integral operators in spaces of continuous and essentially bounded vector functions
Barotov D.N., Barotov R.N. Construction of smooth convex extensions of Boolean functions
Barseghyan V.R., Simonyan T.A., Matevosyan A.G. On one problem of quadrocopter control with given intermediate values of different parts of coordinates
Burlakov E.O., Verkhlyutov V.M., Malkov I.N. On well-posedness of a mathematical model of evoked activity in the primary visual cortex
Volkov A.A., Izmailov A.F., Uskov E.I. Reduced Hessian methods as a perturbed Newton-Lagrange method
Langarshoev M.R. The best approximation of analytic in a unit circle functions in the Bergman weight space
Rodina L.I. On some classes of systems of differential equations
Romanenkov A.M. On the solution of a mixed problem for the equation of vibrations of a moving viscoelastic web
Stupin D.L. A new method of estimation of moduli of initial Taylor coefficients on the class of bounded non-vanishing functions
For the attention of the lecturers and employees of the university!
The application for the privileged subscription for the journals, published in Derzhavin Tambov State University in 2024 is available.
You can subscribe in the incorporate editorial of scientific journals at the address: Tambov, Sovetskaya St., 190g
Journal’s title
Information about the journal
Price of an annual preferential subscription
Russian Universities Reports. Mathematics
Index 83372
Mathematics and its applications
Scopus, Indexed in Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) on Web of Science platform, Math-Net.Ru, Zentralblatt MATH, SciLIT, Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory, CrossRef (DOI) |
500 rub.
Tambov University Reviews. Series: Humanities
Index 83371
Pedagogical Sciences
Historical Sciences
CrossRef (DOI), Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory, SciLit |
1200 rub.
Index 80303
Philological Sciences
DOAJ, Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory, ResearchBib, CrossRef (DOI) |
650 rub.
The journal “Russian Universities Reports. Mathematics” came out of the press on December 7, 2023. Volume 28, no. 144 for 2023
The authors and subscribers can get the journal at address 5 Komsomolskaya Sq., Tambov. Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Information Technology. Functional Analysis Department. E-mail:
The journal “Russian Universities Reports. Mathematics”. Volume 28, no. 144 for 2023 is sent for the press of December 1, 2023.
Dear Colleagues!
The list of the authors, whose articles are planned to be published in the journal “Russian Universities Reports. Mathematics”.
Tambov, 2023, Vol. 28, no. 144 according to the decisions of the Editorial Board at the meeting of November 23, 2023 is presented below.
Arutyunov A.V., Zhukovskiy S.E. Generalization of Banach’s theorem for cones and covering along curves
Dzyuba S.M. On recurrent motions of dynamical systems in a semi-metric space
Patrina A.S. On a boundary value problem for a system of differential equations modeling the electrical activity of the brain
Serova I.D. Study of the boundary value problem for a differential inclusion
Solodusha S.V. On a class of the first kind Volterra equations in a problem of identification of a linear nonstationary dynamic system
Sumin M.I. On the role of Lagrange multipliers and duality in ill-posed problems for constrained extremum. To the 60th anniversary of the Tikhonov regularization method
Uskov V.I. Boundary layer phenomenon in a first-order algebraic-differential equation
Khachatryan R.A. On continuous and Lipschitz selections of multivalued mappings given by systems of inequalities
The journal “Russian Universities Reports. Mathematics” came out of the press on October 10, 2023. Volume 28, no. 143 for 2023
The authors and subscribers can get the journal at address 5 Komsomolskaya Sq., Tambov. Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Information Technology. Functional Analysis Department. E-mail:
The journal “Russian Universities Reports. Mathematics”. Volume 28, no. 143 for 2023 is sent for the press of September 26, 2023.
Dear Colleagues!
The list of the authors, whose articles are planned to be published in the journal “Russian Universities Reports. Mathematics”.
Tambov, 2023, Vol. 28, no. 143 according to the decisions of the Editorial Board at the meeting of September 12, 2023 is presented below.
Bazulkina A.A. Estimation of total income with discounting for probabilistic models of population dynamics
Borzov N.S., Zhukovskaya Z.T. On the existence of admissible processes for control systems
with mixed constraints
Burlakov E.O., Malkov I.N. Mathematical modeling in the problem of developing an effective method for controlling fusarium of wheat ear
Dyakovich M.P., Finogenko I.A. Dynamic evaluation of criteria of the health-relatad quality of life on the base of the hierarchies analysis method
Maksimov V.P. To probabilistic description of an ensemble of trajectories to a continuous-discrete control system with incomplete information
Sengupta R. Ekeland Variational Principle in quasimetric spaces
Stupin D.L. The coefficient problem for bounded functions and its applications
Sumin V.I., Sumin M.I. Regularization of classical optimality conditions in optimization problems for linear Volterra-type systems with functional constraints
Filippova O.V. Estimates of the phase trajectories of controlled systems with multi-valued impulses
Chentsov A.G. About topological properties of attraction set in ultrafilter space
The journal “Russian Universities Reports. Mathematics” came out of the press on July 6, 2023. Volume 28, no. 142 for 2023
The authors and subscribers can get the journal at address 5 Komsomolskaya Sq., Tambov. Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Information Technology. Functional Analysis Department. E-mail:
The journal “Russian Universities Reports. Mathematics”. Volume 28, no. 142 for 2023 is sent for the press of June 14, 2023.
Dear Colleagues!
The list of the authors, whose articles are planned to be published in the journal “Russian Universities Reports. Mathematics”.
Tambov, 2023, Vol. 28, no. 142 according to the decisions of the Editorial Board at the meeting of June 9, 2023 is presented below.
Abduragimov G.E. On the existence of a positive solution to a boundary value problem for one nonlinear functional-differential equation of fractional order
Alves M.J., Alves E.V, Munembe J.S.P., Nepomnyashchikh Y.V. Linear and nonlinear integral functionals on the space of continuous vector functions
Arutyunov A.A. A categorical approach to the study of derivations in group algebras
Borzov N.S., Zhukovskaya T.V., Serova I.D. Ordinary differential equations and differential equations with delay: general properties and features
Boudref M.A. Hermite functions and inner product in Sobolev space
Vasilyev V.B., Mashinets A.A. On a discrete boundary value problem in a quarter-plane
Langarshoev M.R. The best approximation and the values of the widths of some classes of analytical functions in the weighted Bergman space
Odinabekov J.M. On the study of the Neumann problem for elliptic system of two sixth order equations in the plane
Provotorov V.V., Rybakov M.A. Solution of the initial-boundary value problem in symbolic form
The journal “Russian Universities Reports. Mathematics” came out of the press on March 24, 2023. Volume 28, no. 141 for 2023
The authors and subscribers can get the journal at address 5 Komsomolskaya Sq., Tambov. Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Information Technology. Functional Analysis Department. E-mail:
The journal “Russian Universities Reports. Mathematics”. Volume 28, no. 141 for 2023 is sent for the press of March 15, 2023.
Dear Colleagues!
The list of the authors, whose articles are planned to be published in the journal “Russian Universities Reports. Mathematics”.
Tambov, 2023, Vol. 28, no. 141 according to the decisions of the Editorial Board at the meeting of March 10, 2023 is presented below.
Afanas’ev A.P., Dzyuba S.M. On the interrelation of motions of dynamical systems in separable locally compact metric space with invariant measure
Bulatov M.V., Indutskaya T.S. Numerical solution of differential-algebraic equations of arbitrary index with Riemann–Liouville derivative
Woldeab M.S. Properties of the average time benefit for probabilistic models of exploited populations
Ivanovsky L.I. Dynamic properties of one impulse Cauchy problem
Ponosov A. Existence and uniqueness of solutions to stochastic fractional differential equations in multiple time scales
Stash A.Kh. On the continuum spectra of the exponents of linear homogeneous differential systems
Fomin V.I. About operator functions of an operator variable
Rain T. Program complex for modelling a manipulating robot
The journal “Russian Universities Reports. Mathematics” came out of the press on December 26, 2022. Volume 27, no. 140 for 2022
The authors and subscribers can get the journal at address 5 Komsomolskaya Sq., Tambov. Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Information Technology. Functional Analysis Department. E-mail:
For the attention of the lecturers and employees of the university!
The application for the privileged subscription for the journals, published in Derzhavin Tambov State University in 2023 is available.
You can subscribe in the incorporate editorial of scientific journals at the address: Tambov, Sovetskaya St., 190g
Journal’s title
Information about the journal
Price of an annual preferential subscription
Russian Universities Reports. Mathematics
Index 83372
Mathematics and its applications
Scopus, Indexed in Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) on Web of Science platform, Math-Net.Ru, Zentralblatt MATH, SciLIT, Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory, EBSCO, CrossRef (DOI) |
500 rub.
Index 80303
Philological Sciences
DOAJ, Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory, EBSCO, ResearchBib, CrossRef (DOI) |
650 rub.
Tambov University Reviews. Series: Humanities
Index 83371
Pedagogical Sciences
Historical Sciences
CrossRef (DOI), Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory, EBSCO, SciLit |
1200 rub.
Current Issues of the State and Law
Index 80661
Law Sciences
CrossRef (DOI) |
700 rub.
The journal “Russian Universities Reports. Mathematics”. Volume 27, no. 140 for 2022 is sent for the press of December 12, 2022.
Dear Colleagues!
The list of the authors, whose articles are planned to be published in the journal “Russian Universities Reports. Mathematics”.
Tambov, 2022, Vol. 27, no. 140 according to the decisions of the Editorial Board at the meeting of November 24, 2022 is presented below.
Arutyunov A.A. On derivations in group algebras and other algebraic structures
Atmania R., Burlakov E.O., Malkov I.N. On existence and stability of ring solutions to Amari neural field equation with periodic microstructure and Heaviside activation function
Grazhdantseva E.Yu. On exact solution of a hyperbolic system of differential equations
Langarshoev M.R. On the best approximation and the values of the widths of some classes of functions in the Bergmann weight space
Sumin M.I. On regularization of the nondifferential Kuhn–Tucker theorem in a nonlinear problem for constrained extremum
Uskov V.I. Solution of a second-order algebro-differential equation in a Banach space
Chernikova A.V. About existence of the limit to the average time profit in stochastic models of harvesting a renewable resource
Journal “Russian Universities Reports. Mathematics” in October 2022 is included in full in the international database Scopus.
The journal “Russian Universities Reports. Mathematics” came out of the press on October 7, 2022. Volume 27, no. 139 for 2022
The authors and subscribers can get the journal at address 5 Komsomolskaya Sq., Tambov. Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Information Technology. Functional Analysis Department. E-mail:
The journal “Russian Universities Reports. Mathematics”. Volume 27, no. 139 for 2022 is sent for the press of September 20, 2022.
Dear Colleagues!
The list of the authors, whose articles are planned to be published in the journal “Russian Universities Reports. Mathematics”.
Tambov, 2022, Vol. 27, no. 139 according to the decisions of the Editorial Board at the meeting of September 13, 2022 is presented below.
Arutyunov A.V., Zhukovskaya Z.T., Zhukovskiy S.E. Antiperiodic boundary value problem for an implicit ordinary differential equation
Bogatov A.V., Gilev A.V., Pulkina L.S. A problem with a non-local condition for a fourth-order equation with multiple characteristics
Garipov I.B., Mavlyaviev R.M. Non-local problem with an integral condition for a parabolic equation with a Bessel operator
Zhukovskaia T.V., Merchela W. On stability and continuous dependence on parameter of the set of coincidence points of two mappings acting in a space with a distance
Zolotareva N.D. On a new method for obtaining a guaranteed error estimate for Numerov’s method using ellipsoids
Lanina A.S., Pluzhnikova E.A. On properties of solutions to differential systems modeling the electrical activity of the brain
Khachatryan R.A. On the existence of continuous selections of a multivalued mapping related to the problem of minimizing a functional
The journal “Russian Universities Reports. Mathematics” came out of the press on July 6, 2022. Volume 27, no. 138 for 2022
The authors and subscribers can get the journal at address 5 Komsomolskaya Sq., Tambov. Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Information Technology. Functional Analysis Department. E-mail:
The journal “Russian Universities Reports. Mathematics”. Volume 27, no. 138 for 2022 is sent for the press of June 14, 2022.
Dear Colleagues!
The list of the authors, whose articles are planned to be published in the journal “Russian Universities Reports. Mathematics”.
Tambov, 2022, Vol. 27, no. 138 according to the decisions of the Editorial Board at the meeting of June 9, 2022 is presented below.
Abduragimov G.E. On the existence and uniqueness of a positive solution to a boundary value problem for one nonlinear functional differential equation of fractional order
Afanas’ev A.P., Dzyuba S.M. On the interrelation of motions of dynamical systems
Balashov M.V. Embedding of a homothete in a convex compactum: an algorithm and its convergence
Boudref M.A. Inner product and Gegenbauer polynomials in Sobolev space
Оdinabekov J.M. On the Noethericity conditions and the index of some two-dimensional singular integral operators
Uskov V.I. Properties of one higher order matrix-differential operator
Fomin V.I. About a complex operator resolvent
The journal “Russian Universities Reports. Mathematics” came out of the press on March 25, 2022. Volume 27, no. 137 for 2022
The authors and subscribers can get the journal at address 5 Komsomolskaya Sq., Tambov. Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Information Technology. Functional Analysis Department. E-mail:
The journal “Russian Universities Reports. Mathematics”. Volume 27, no. 137 for 2022 is sent for the press of March 15, 2022.
Dear Colleagues!
The list of the authors, whose articles are planned to be published in the journal “Russian Universities Reports. Mathematics”.
Tambov, 2022, Vol. 27, no. 137 according to the decisions of the Editorial Board at the meeting of March 10, 2022 is presented below.
Afanas'ev A.P., Dzyuba S.M. New properties of recurrent motions and limit sets of dynamical systems
Woldeab M.S., Rodina L.I. About the methods of renewable resourse extraction from the structured population
Merchela W. Inclusions with mappings acting from a metric space to a space with distance
Mitrokhin S.I. Spectral properties of an even-order differential operator with a discontinuous weight function
Sumin M.I. On ill-posed problems, extremals of the Tikhonov functional and the regularized Lagrange principles
Hoang V.N., Provotorov V.V. Stability of a three-layer symmetric differential-difference scheme in the class of functions summable on a network-like domain
Chentsov A.G., Chentsov P.A. Dynamic programming in the routing problem: decomposition variant
The journal “Russian Universities Reports. Mathematics” came out of the press on December 21, 2021. Volume 26, no. 136 for 2021
The authors and subscribers can get the journal at address 5 Komsomolskaya Sq., Tambov. Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Information Technology. Functional Analysis Department. E-mail:
For the attention of the lecturers and employees of the university!
The application for the privileged subscription for the journals, published in Derzhavin Tambov State University in 2022 is available.
You can subscribe in the incorporate editorial of scientific journals at the address: Tambov, Sovetskaya St., 190g
Journal’s title
Information about the journal
Price of the privileged yearlong subscription
Russian Universities Reports. Mathematics
Index 83372
Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Included in the List of the reviewed scientific journals and issues, published in Russian Federation and recommended by Higher Attestation Commission, Indexed in Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) on Web of Science platform, RSCI, Math-Net.Ru, VINITI RAS, Zentralblatt MATH, SciLIT, Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory, EBSCO, Scientific Electronic Library “eLIBRARY.RU”, Electronic Library “CyberLeninka”, CrossRef (DOI)
1050 rub. |
Index 80303
Philological Sciences
Included in the List of the reviewed scientific journals and issues, published in Russian Federation and recommended by Higher Attestation Commission
Indexed by RISC, DOAJ, Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory, EBSCO, ResearchBib, CrossRef (DOI), Scientific Electronic Library “eLIBRARY.RU”, Electronic Library “CyberLeninka”
700 rub.
Current Issues of the State and Law
Index 80661
Law Sciences
Included in the List of the reviewed scientific journals and issues, published in Russian Federation and recommended by Higher Attestation Commission,
Indexed by the RSCI,
CrossRef (DOI),
Scientific Electronic Library “eLIBRARY.RU”,
Electronic Library “CyberLeninka”
1100 rub. |
Tambov University Reviews. Series: Humanities
Index 83371
Pedagogical Sciences
Historical Sciences
Included in the List of the reviewed scientific journals and issues, published in Russian Federation and recommended by Higher Attestation Commission
Indexed by RISC,
CrossRef (DOI),
Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory,
Scientific Electronic Library “eLIBRARY.RU”
1050 rub.
The journal “Russian Universities Reports. Mathematics”. Volume 26, no. 136 for 2021 is sent for the press of December 13, 2021.
Dear Colleagues!
The list of the authors, whose articles are planned to be published in the journal “Russian Universities Reports. Mathematics”.
Tambov, 2021, Vol. 26, no. 136 according to the decisions of the Editorial Board at the meeting of November 27, 2021 is presented below.
Abduragimov G.E., Abduragimova P.E., Kuramagomedova M.M. On the existence and uniqueness of a positive solution to a boundary value problem for a nonlinear ordinary differential equation of even order
Arutyunov A.V., Pluzhnikova E.A. On the Cauchy problem for implicit differential equations of higher orders
Atmania R., Burlakov E.O., Malkov I.N. On ring solutions of neural field equations
Zhukovskiy E.S. On the existence problem for a fixed point of a generalized contracting multivalued mapping
Labovskiy S.M. On a necessary and sufficient condition for the negativeness of the Green’s function of a two-point boundary value problem for a functional differential equation
Laneev E.B., Anisimov V.A., Lesik P.A., Remezova V.I., Romanov A.A., Khegai A.G. On an ill-posed boundary value problem for a metaharmonic equation in a circular cylinder
Merchela W. One method for investigating the solvability of boundary value problems for an implicit differential equation
Uskov V.I. Solving a second-order algebro-differential equation with respect to the derivative
The journal “Russian Universities Reports. Mathematics” came out of the press on October 12, 2021. Volume 26, no. 135 for 2021
The authors and subscribers can get the journal at address 5 Komsomolskaya Sq., Tambov. Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Information Technology. Functional Analysis Department. E-mail:
The journal “Russian Universities Reports. Mathematics”. Volume 26, no. 135 for 2021 is sent for the press of September 24, 2021.
Dear Colleagues!
The list of the authors, whose articles are planned to be published in the journal “Russian Universities Reports. Mathematics”.
Tambov, 2021, Vol. 26, no. 135 according to the decisions of the Editorial Board at the meeting of September 10, 2021 is presented below.
Benarab S. On Chaplygin's theorem for an implicit differential equation of order n
Zhukovskaya Z.T., Zhukovskaya T.V., Filippova O.V. Eckland and Bishop-Phelps variational principles in partially ordered spaces
Zhukovskaya Z.T., Zhukovskiy S.E. Perturbation of the fixed point problem for continuous mappings
Kamenskii M.I., Obukhovskii V.V., Petrosyan G.G. On the existence of a solution for a periodic boundary value problem for semilinear fractional-order differential inclusions in Banach spaces
Kolodina K., Kostrykin V., Oleynik A. Existence and stability of periodic solutions in a neural field equation
Molchanov V.F., Tsykina S.V. Symbols in Berezin quantization for representation operators
Serova I.D. Superposition measurability of a multivalued function under generalized Caratheodory conditions
Helminck G.F., Weenink J.A. Homogeneous spaces yielding solutions of the k[S]-hierarchy and its strict version
The journal “Russian Universities Reports. Mathematics” came out of the press on July 2, 2021. Volume 26, no. 134 for 2021
The authors and subscribers can get the journal at address 5 Komsomolskaya Sq., Tambov. Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Information Technology. Functional Analysis Department. E-mail:
The journal “Russian Universities Reports. Mathematics”. Volume 26, no. 134 for 2021 is sent for the press of June 22, 2021.
Dear Colleagues!
The list of the authors, whose articles are planned to be published in the journal “Russian Universities Reports. Mathematics”.
Tambov, 2021, Vol. 26, no. 134 according to the decisions of the Editorial Board at the meeting of June 10, 2021 is presented below.
Burlakov E.O., Kayumov F.B., Serova I.D. Numerical assessment of the spread dynamics of the new coronavirus infection SARS-CoV-2 using multicompartmental models with distributed parameters
Gorbatova Yu.V. On permutable strongly 2-maximal and strongly 3-maximal subgroups
Mohamad A.H. Solvability conditions in the analytical form of a descriptor system of partial differential equations
Ponosov A. A counterexample to the stochastic version of the Brouwer fixed point theorem
Sumin M.I. Lagrange principle and its regularization as a theoretical basis of stable solving optimal control and inverse problems
Uskov V.I. Study of rigidity of a first-order differential system with perturbation in the right-hand side
Chentsov A.G. Maximal linked systems on products of widely understood measurable spaces
Benarab S. Two-sided estimates for solutions of boundary value problems for implicit differential equations
The journal “Russian Universities Reports. Mathematics” came out of the press on April 6, 2021. Volume 26, no. 133 for 2021
The authors and subscribers can get the journal at address 5 Komsomolskaya Sq., Tambov. Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Information Technology. Functional Analysis Department. E-mail:
The journal “Russian Universities Reports. Mathematics”. Volume 26, no. 133 for 2021 is sent for the press of March 22, 2021.
Dear Colleagues!
The list of the authors, whose articles are planned to be published in the journal “Russian Universities Reports. Mathematics”.
Tambov, 2021, Vol. 26, no. 133 according to the decisions of the Editorial Board at the meeting of March 5, 2021 is presented below.
Afanas’ev A.P., Dzyuba S.M. About new properties of recurrent motions and minimal sets of dynamical systems
Egorova A.V. Optimization of discounted income for a structured population exposed to harvesting
Kim A.V. On application of the i-smooth analysis methodology to elaboration of numerical methods for solving functional differential equations
Laneev E.B., Bykov D.Yu., Zubarenko A.V., Kulikova O.N., Morozova D.A., Shunin E.V. On an ill-posed boundary value problem for the Laplace equation in a circular cylinder
Merchela W. On stability of solutions of integral equations in the class of measurable functions
Provotorov V.V., Zhabko A.P. Stability of a weak solution for a hyperbolic system with distributed parameters on a graph
Uskov V.I. Solution of a problem for a system of third order partial differential equations
Chentsov A.G. Maximal linked systems on families of measurable rectangles
The journal “Russian Universities Reports. Mathematics” came out of the press on December 24, 2020. Volume 25, no. 132 for 2020
The authors and subscribers can get the journal at address 5 Komsomolskaya Sq., Tambov. Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Information Technology. Functional Analysis Department. E-mail:
The journal “Russian Universities Reports. Mathematics”. Volume 25, no. 132 for 2020 is sent for the press of November 27, 2020.
Dear Colleagues!
The list of the authors, whose articles are planned to be published in the journal “Russian Universities Reports. Mathematics”.
Tambov, 2020, Vol. 25, no. 132 according to the decisions of the Editorial Board at the meeting of November 19, 2020 is presented below.
Zhukovskaia T.V., Zhukovskiy E.S., Serova I.D. Some questions of the analysis of mappings of metric and partially ordered spaces
Kim A.V., Bocharov G.A. Minimax differential game with delay
Lebedev P.D., Uspenskii A.A. Elements of analytical solutions constructor in a class of velocity problems with the break of curvature of a target set
Lemita S., Guebbai H., Sedka I., Aissaoui M.Z. New method for the numerical solution of the Fredholm linear integral equation on a large interval
Mamatov M.Sh., Alimov Kh.N. Fractional order differential pursuit games with nonlinear controls
Perov A.I., Kostrub I.D. On differential equations in Banach algebras
Sumin V.I. Volterra funktional equations in the stability problem for the existence of global solutions of distributed controlled systems
Filippova O.V. Controlled differential equations with a parameter and with multivalued impulse actions
The journal “Russian Universities Reports. Mathematics” came out of the press on October 19, 2020. Volume 25, no. 131 for 2020
The authors and subscribers can get the journal at address 5 Komsomolskaya Sq., Tambov. Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Information Technology. Functional Analysis Department. E-mail:
The journal “Russian Universities Reports. Mathematics”. Volume 25, no. 131 for 2020 is sent for the press of September 28, 2020.
Dear Colleagues!
The list of the authors, whose articles are planned to be published in the journal “Russian Universities Reports. Mathematics”.
Tambov, 2020, Vol. 25, no. 131 according to the decisions of the Editorial Board at the meeting of September 9, 2020 is presented below.
Grazhdantseva E.Yu. Fundamental operator-function of an integro-differential operator with derivatives of functionals in Banach spaces
Kuterin F.A. On the regularization of classical optimality conditions in a convex optimal control problem with state constraints
Maksimov V.P. To estimating linear functionals values over solutions of systems with aftereffect
Petrosyan G.G. On adjoint operators for fractional differentiation operators
Serkov D.A. On a representation of the solvability set in the retention problem
Simonov P.M. On the stability of a system of two linear hybrid functional differential systems with aftereffect
Sumin M.I. Nondifferential Kuhn-Tucker theorems in constrained extremum problems via subdifferentials of nonsmooth analysis
Helminck G.F., Panasenko E.A. Scaling invariance of the strict KP hierarchy
The journal “Russian Universities Reports. Mathematics” is placed on scientific level 1 in the Norvegian Register for Scientific Journals, Series and Publishers (NSD).
The journal “Russian Universities Reports. Mathematics” came out of the press on Jule 16, 2020. Volume 25, no. 130 for 2020
The authors and subscribers can get the journal at address 5 Komsomolskaya Sq., Tambov. Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Information Technology. Functional Analysis Department. E-mail:
The journal “Russian Universities Reports. Mathematics”. Volume 25, no. 130 for 2020 is sent for the press of June 26, 2020.
Dear Colleagues!
The list of the authors, whose articles are planned to be published in the journal “Russian Universities Reports. Mathematics”.
Tambov, 2020, Vol. 25, no. 130 according to the decisions of the Editorial Board at the meeting of June 8, 2020 is presented below.
Averina T.A., Rybakov K.A. Statistical filtering algorithms for systems with random structure
Alves M.J., Labovskiy S.M. On the spectral properties and positivity of solutions of a periodic boundary value problem for a second-order functional differential equation
Barseghyan V.R., Solodusha S.V. The problem of boundary control of string vibrations by displacement of the left end when the right end is fixed with the given values of the deflection function at intermediate times
Vdovin A.Yu., Rubleva S.S. On the possibility of obtaining the optimal order of accuracy when restoring the impact by the dynamic method
Laneev E.B., Lesik P.A., Klimishin A.V., Kotyukov A.M., Romanov A.A., Khegai A.G. On a stable approximate solution of an ill-posed boundary value problem for the metaharmonic equation
Khachatryan R.A. The conditions of minimum for a smooth function on the boundary of a quasidifferntiable set
Helminck G.F., Panasenko E.A. Properties of the algebra Psd related to integrable hierarchies
Chentsov A.G. Relaxation of the game problem of guidance connected with alternative in guidance-evasion differential gam
The journal “Russian Universities Reports. Mathematics” came out of the press on Jule 2, 2020. Volume 25, no. 129 for 2020
The authors and subscribers can get the journal at address 5 Komsomolskaya Sq., Tambov. Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Information Technology. Functional Analysis Department. E-mail:
The journal “Russian Universities Reports. Mathematics”. Volume 25, no. 129 for 2020 is sent for the press of March 23, 2020.
Dear Colleagues!
The list of the authors, whose articles are planned to be published in the journal “Russian Universities Reports. Mathematics”.
Tambov, 2020, Vol. 25, no. 129 according to the decisions of the Editorial Board at the meeting of March 6, 2020 is presented below.
Burlakov E.O., Malkov I.N. On connection between continuous and discontinuous neural field models with microstructure: II. Radially symmetric stationary solutions in 2D (“bumps”')
Zhukovskaia T.V., Merchela W., Shindiapin A.I. On the coincidence points of the mappings in generalized metric spaces
Mitrokhin S.I. On the study of the spectral properties of differential operators with a smooth weight function
Uskov V.I. Asymptotic solution Cauchy problem for the first-order equation with perturbed fredholm operator
Fomin V.I. About unbounded complex operators
Chentsov A.G. Maximal linked systems and ultrafilters: main representations and topological properties
Chernov A.V. On the uniqueness of solution to an inverse problem of the atmospheric electricity
The journal “Russian Universities Reports. Mathematics” came out of the press on January 10, 2020. Volume 24, no. 128 for 2019
The authors and subscribers can get the journal at address 5 Komsomolskaya Sq., Tambov. Institute of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Informational Technologies. Functional Analysis Department. E-mail:
The journal “Russian Universities Reports. Mathematics”. Volume 24, no. 128 for 2019 is sent for the press of December 12, 2019.
Dear Colleagues!
The list of the authors, whose articles are planned to be published in the journal “Russian Universities Reports. Mathematics”.
Tambov, 2019, Vol. 24, no. 128 according to the decisions of the Editorial Board at the meeting of November 29, 2019 is presented below.
Berceanu S., Gheorghe A. The Jacobi group and its holomorphic discrete series representations on Siegel–Jacobi domains
Guebbai H., Segni S., Ghiat M., Merchela W. The pseudospectrum of the convention-diffusion operator with a variable reaction term
Grosheva L.I. Decomposition of boundary representations on the Lobachevsky plane associated with linear bundles
Zhukovskaya Z.T., Zhukovskiy S.E. On the existence of a continuously differentiable solution to the Cauchy problem for implicit differential equations
Zhukovskiy E.S., Munembe M.J. On the implicit and inverse many-valued functions in topological spaces
Litvinov G.L., Rodionov A.Ya., Sergeev C.N., Sobolevskiy A.N. Universal algorithms for solving discrete stationary Bellman equations
Molchanov V.F. Radon problems for hyperboloids
Platonov S.S. Spectral synthesis on zero-dimensional locally compact Abelian groups
For the attention of the lecturers and employees of the university!
The application for privileged subscription for the journals, published
in Derzhavin Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin in 2020 is available.
You can subscribe in the incorporate editorial of scientific journals
at the address: Tambov, Sovetskaya St., 190g
(Ilyina Irina Valerievna)
Journal’s title
Information about the journal
Price of the privileged yearlong subscription
Russian Universities Reports. Mathematics
(01.01.00 – mathematics)
Index 83372
Included in the List of the reviewed scientific journals and issues, published in Russian Federation and recommended by Higher Attestation Commission
Indexed by RISC, VINITI, CrossRef (DOI)
Included in databases: Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory, zbMATH, SciLit
500 rub.
Tambov University Reviews. Series: Humanities
(07.00.00 – historical sciences and archeology, 13.00.00 – pedagogical sciences)
Index 83371
Included in the List of the reviewed scientific journals and issues, published in Russian Federation and recommended by Higher Attestation Commission
Indexed by RISC, ERIH, CrossRef (DOI)
Included in databases: Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory, SciLit
1050 rub.
(philological sciences, culturology)
Index 80303
Included in the List of the reviewed scientific journals and issues, published in Russian Federation and recommended by Higher Attestation Commission
Indexed by RISC, CrossRef (DOI)
700 rub.
Current Issues of the State and Law
(juridical sciences)
Index 80661
Indexed by RISC, CrossRef (DOI) |
1100 rub.
The journal “Russian Universities Reports. Mathematics” came out of the press on October 23, 2019. Volume 24, no. 127 for 2019
The authors and subscribers can get the journal at address 5 Komsomolskaya Sq., Tambov. Institute of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Informational Technologies. Functional Analysis Department. E-mail:
The journal “Russian Universities Reports. Mathematics”. Volume 24, no. 127 for 2019 is sent for the press of September 6, 2019.
Dear Colleagues!
The list of the authors, whose articles are planned to be published in the journal “Russian Universities Reports. Mathematics”.
Tambov, 2019, Vol. 24, no. 127 according to the decisions of the Editorial Board at the meeting of August 23, 2019 is presented below.
Andersen N.B., Flensted-JensenM. Asymptotics for the Radon transform on hyperbolic spaces
Butkovic P., Schneider H., Sergeev S. Core of a matrix in max algebra and in nonnegative algebra: A survey
Zhukovskaia T.V., Filippova O.V., Shindyapin A.I. On the extension of Chaplygin’s theorem to the differential equations of neutral type
Yoshioka A. Star product and star function
Kulmanakova M.M., UlianovaE.L. On the solvability of causal functional inclusions with infinite delay
Roos G. Bergman–Hartogs domains and their automorphisms
FominV.I. About a complex operator exponential function of a complex operator argument main property
Elsaev Ya.V. On a dilation of a some class of completely positive maps
Due to the journal renaming to advance in the international scientometrical data bases approved:
– Rules for the authors
– The rules of scientific articles sending, reviewing and publishing
– Publishing agreement
– Scientific papers’ ethics
The journal is registered by the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media (Roskomnadzor) on July 3 and has changed the name to “Russian Universities Reports. Mathematics”. The mass media registration certificate is ПИ no. ФС77-76133 of July 3, 2019
ISSN 2686-9667
Subscription index in the catalogue of the Stock company Agency “Rospechat” is 83372
The journal “Tambov University Reports. Series: Natural and Technical Sciences” came out of the press on Jule 3, 2019. Volume 24, no. 126 for 2019
The authors and subscribers can get the journal at address 5 Komsomolskaya Sq., Tambov. Institute of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Informational Technologies. Functional Analysis Department. E-mail:
The journal “Tambov University Reports. Series: Natural and Technical Sciences”. Volume 24, no. 126 for 2019 is sent for the press of May 31, 2019.
Dear Colleagues!
The list of the authors, whose articles are planned to be published in the journal “Tambov University Reports. Series: Natural and Technical Sciences”.
Tambov, 2019, Vol. 24, no. 126 according to the decisions of the Editorial Board at the meeting of May 20, 2019 is presented below.
Zhukovskiy S.E., Ngok T.T. Existence of inverse function in a neighbourhood of a critical value
Zhurbenko N.G., Izmailov A.F., Uskov E.I. Hybrid globalization of convergence of subspace-stabilized sequential quadratic programming method
Korabelnikov V.A. Procedural interpretation of symbolic integration algorithms in MathPartner system
Molchanov V.F., Yuryeva E.S. Integer triangles, Pell’s equation and Chebyshev polynomials
Pchelintsev A.N., Polunovskiy A.A., Yukhanova I.Yu. The harmonic balance method for finding approximate periodic solutions of the Lorenz system
Starikova O.A. Projective congruent symmetric matrices enumeration
Fomin V.I. About the general solution of a linear homogeneous differential equation in a Banach space in the case of complex characteristic operators
Khellaf A., Benarab S., Guebbai H., Merchela W. A class of strongly stable approximation for unbounded operators
The journal “Tambov University Reports. Series: Natural and Technical Sciences” came out of the press on April 22, 2019. Volume 24, no. 125 for 2019
The authors and subscribers can get the journal at address 5 Komsomolskaya Sq., Tambov. Institute of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Informational Technologies. Functional Analysis Department. E-mail:
The journal “Tambov University Reports. Series: Natural and Technical Sciences”. Volume 24, no. 125 for 2019 is sent for the press of March 29, 2019.
Dear Colleagues!
The list of the authors, whose articles are planned to be published in the journal “Tambov University Reports. Series: Natural and Technical Sciences”.
Tambov, 2019, Vol. 24, no. 125 according to the decisions of the Editorial Board at the meeting of March 28, 2019 is presented below.
Dorokhov A.N., Karpov M.G. On the existence of fixed points in completely continuous operators in F-space
Zhukovskaya Z.T., Zhukovskiy S.E., Sengupta R. On exact triangle inequalities in (q1, q2)-quasimetric spaces
Zhukovskaia T.V., Pluzhnikova E.A. The set of regularity of a multivalued mapping in a space with a vector-valued metric
Korabelnikov V.A. Symbolic integration algorithms in CAS MathPartner
Logacheva L.F. On differential-operator partial differential equations in locally convex spaces
Obukhovskii V.V., Getmanova E.N., Karpov M.G. On random equilibrium points
Dear Colleagues!
The list of the authors, whose articles are planned to be published in the journal “Tambov University Reports. Series: Natural and Technical Sciences”.
Tambov, 2019, Vol. 24, no. 125 according to the decisions of the Editorial Board at the meeting of March 14, 2019 is presented below.
Byzov V.A. Enumeration problems associated with Donaghey’s transformation
Ibragimova N.A. Construction of a fundamental solution for a one degenerating elliptic equation with a Bessel operator
Izmailov A.F., Kurennoy A.S., Stetsyuk P.I. Levenberg–Marquardt method for unconstrained optimization
Nikolayev A.A. Decay of the solutions of the generalized Korteweg–de Vries equation at large times
Shaburov A.A. Asymptotic expansion of a solution for one singularly perturbed optimal control problem with a convex integral quality index depends on slow variables and smooth control constraints
For the attention of the lecturers and employees of the university!
The application for privileged subscription for the journals, published
in Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin in 2019 is available.
You can subscribe in the incorporate editorial of scientific journals
at the address: Tambov, Sovetskaya St., 190g
(Ilyina Irina Valerievna)
Journal’s title
Information about the journal
Price of the privileged yearlong subscription
Tambov University Reports. Series: Natural and Technical Sciences
(01.01.00 – mathematics)
Index 83372
Included in the List of the reviewed scientific journals and issues, published in Russian Federation and recommended by Higher Attestation Commission
Indexed by RISC, VINITI, CrossRef (DOI)
Included in databases: Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory, zbMATH, SciLit
1050 rub.
Tambov University Reviews. Series: Humanities
(07.00.00 – historical sciences and archeology, 13.00.00 – pedagogical sciences)
Index 83371
Included in the List of the reviewed scientific journals and issues, published in Russian Federation and recommended by Higher Attestation Commission
Indexed by RISC, ERIH, CrossRef (DOI)
Included in databases: Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory, SciLit
1050 rub.
(philological sciences, culturology)
Index 80303
Included in the List of the reviewed scientific journals and issues, published in Russian Federation and recommended by Higher Attestation Commission
Indexed by RISC, CrossRef (DOI)
700 rub.
Current Issues of the State and Law
(juridical sciences)
Index 80661
Indexed by RISC, CrossRef (DOI)
1100 rub.
The journal “Tambov University Reports. Series: Natural and Technical Sciences” came out of the press on October 11, 2018. Volume 23, no. 124 for 2018
The authors and subscribers can get the journal at address 5 Komsomolskaya Sq., Tambov. Institute of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Informational Technologies. Functional Analysis Department. E-mail:
The journal “Tambov University Reports. Series: Natural and Technical Sciences”. Volume 23, no. 124 for 2018 is sent for the press of September 14, 2018.
The issue contains past peer review articles of the participants of the International scientific conference “Kolmogorov Readings – VIII. General Control Problems and their Applications (GCP-2018)”, dedicated to the 115th anniversary of the birth of A.N. Kolmogorov and to the 100th anniversary of Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin, and those of the participants of the II International school of young researches “Multivalued Analysis, Convex Analysis, and Optimal Control”, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin. The conference is organized with the financial support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project no. 18-01-20079г) and Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin. The school is organized with the financial support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project no. 18-41-681001р_г), the administration of the Tambov region, and Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin.
Dear Colleagues!
The list of the authors, whose articles are planned to be published in the journal “Tambov University Reports. Series: Natural and Technical Sciences”.
Tambov, 2018, Vol. 23, no. 124 according to the decisions of the Editorial Board at the meeting of June 26, 2018 is presented below.
on the direction 01.01.00 – Mathematical Sciences
Гомрани С. Изучение существования глобального решения системы уравнений вертикального движения воздуха в дымоходе
Хеллаф А. Новые достаточные условия метода обобщенного спектрального подхода для решения спектрального загрязнения
Bagno A.L., Tarasyev A.M. Asymptotics of value function in models of economic growth
Bondarev A.S. The strong-norm convergence of a projection-difference method of solution of a parabolic equation with the periodic condition on the solution
Zhelonkina N.I., Sesekin A.N. On the stability of solutions of nonlinear systems with a impulse structure
Zhukovskaya Z.T., Zhukovskiy S.E. On equations generated by nonlinear nilpotent mappings
Zhukovskiy S.E., Ngomirakiza L.-E.I. On continuation in metric spaces
Mishachev N.M., Shmyrin A.M. Declusterization of neighborhood structures
Molchanov V.F., Kryukova E.E.Placements without neighbours
Pavlova N.G. Closedness of the technology set in dynamical production models
Perov A.I., Kostrub I.D. Signs of regularity and stability of higher order differential equations
Petrosyan G.G., Koroleva O.Yu.On a controllability problem for a differential inclusion with fractional derivatives of Caputo
Rodina L.I. About one stochastic harvesting model of a renewed resourse
Sabatulina T.L. On oscillation of solutions for some nonlinear equations of population dynamics
Sandler I.L. Recursive algorithm for estimating the parameters of multidimensional discrete linear dynamic systems of different orders with errors on the input
Serkov D.A., Chentsov A.G. On the existence of a non-anticipating selection of non-anticipating multivalued mapping
Simonov P.M. The theorem of Bohl–Perron on the asymptotic stability of hybrid systems and inverse theorem
Skomorokhov V.V. Approximation of hyperbolic differential inclusions of fractional order with impulses
Sumin V.I. Volterra functional-operator equations and distributed optimization problems
Sumin M.I. Why regularization of Lagrange principle and Pontryagin maximum principle is needed and what it gives
Tyrsin A.N., Surina A.A. Models of monitoring and management of risk in Gaussian stochastic systems
Uskov V.I. Asymptotic solution of first-order equation with small parameter under the derivative with perturbed operator
Uspenskii A.A., Lebedev P.D. Euclidean distance to a closed set as a minimax solution of the Dirichlet problem for the Hamilton–Jacobi equation
Filippova O.V. Some properties of the generalized solutions of an initial value problem for functional-differential inclusion with multiple-valued impulses
Fomin V.I. About the Banach algebra of complex operators
Khachatryan R.A. On some properties of quasi convex functions and sets
Tsykina S.V. Symbols in polynomial quantization: explicit expressions
Chentsov A.G. Maximal linked systems and ultrafilters of widely understood measurable spaces
Chernov A.V. On differentiation of functionals of approximating problems in the frame of solution of free time optimal control problems by the sliding nodes method
Shagalova L.G. The value function of a differential game with simple motions and an integro-terminal cost
Shevchenko R.I., Dolgii Yu.F.Discrete procedure of optimal stabilization for periodic linear systems of differential equations
The journal “Tambov University Reports. Series: Natural and Technical Sciences” came out of the press. Volume 23, no. 123 for 2018
The authors and subscribers can get the journal at address 5 Komsomolskaya Sq., Tambov. Institute of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Informational Technologies. Functional Analysis Department. E-mail:
The journal “Tambov University Reports. Series: Natural and Technical Sciences”. Volume 23, no. 123 for 2018 is sent for the press of August 28, 2018.
The issue contains past peer review articles of the participants of the International scientific conference “Kolmogorov Readings – VIII. General Control Problems and their Applications (GCP-2018)”, dedicated to the 115th anniversary of the birth of A.N. Kolmogorov and to the 100th anniversary of Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin, and those of the participants of the II International school of young researches “Multivalued Analysis, Convex Analysis, and Optimal Control”, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin. The conference is organized with the financial support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project no. 18-01-20079г) and Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin. The school is organized with the financial support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project no. 18-41-681001р_г), the administration of the Tambov region, and Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin.
Dear Colleagues!
The list of the authors, whose articles are planned to be published in the journal “Tambov University Reports. Series: Natural and Technical Sciences”.
Tambov, 2018, Vol. 23, no. 123 according to the decisions of the Editorial Board at the meeting of June 19, 2018 is presented below.
on the direction 01.01.00 – Mathematical Sciences
Алвес М.С., Алвес М.Ж. О стабилизации дифференциальных гибридных управляемых систем с обратной связью
Молчанов В.Ф. Полиномиальное квантование и надалгебра для однополостного гиперболоида
Apartsyn A.S., Markova E.V., Sidler I.V.Integral model of developing system without prehistory
Zhabko A.P., Provotorov V.V., Provotorova E.N.On stability control of a parabolic systems withdistributed parameters on the graph
Zhukovskaya Z.T., Zhukovskiy S.E.On generalizations and applications of variational principles of nonlinear analysis
Zhukovskaya T.V., Zabrodskiy I.A., Borzova M.V.On stability of difference equations in partially ordered spaces
Ivanov D.V., Ivanov A.V.Identification of Hammerstein systems of fractional order with a polynomial nonlinearity in the presence of a fractional white noise
Kandakov A.A., Chudinov K.M.Effective criteria of exponential stability of autonomous difference equations
Kleimenov A.F.Decision-making in a hybrid two-step problem of dynamic control
Kleshchina O.I. The norm and the logarithmic norm of infinite matrices
Kostrub I.D. Hurwitz matrix, Lyapunov and Dirichlet on the sustainability of Lyapunov’s
Kotyukov A.M., Kotyukov M.M.Necessary optimality conditions for optimal control problems with second grade equation
Maksimov V.P. Attainable values of on-target functionals for a functional differential system with impulses
Malai N.V., Samoilova N.N.Solution of the system of Navier–Stokes equations linearized with respect to the velocity with regard of a power-law dependence of viscosity, thermal conductivity and the gaseous medium density on the temperature
Malygina V.V.On the stability of a population dynamics model with delay
Mzedawee A.N., Rodionov V.I.On exact solution of optimization task generated by the Laplace equation
Mishachev N.M., Shmyrin A.M.Discrete systems and neighboring structures
Mishachev N.M., Shmyrin A.M.Neighborhood metasystems on digraphs
Mulyukov M.V. Stability of one-parameter systems of linear autonomous differential equations with bounded delay
Perov A.I. Kolmogorov matrix, and a continuous Markov chain with a finite number of States
Perov A.I., Kaverina V.K. Research of the nonautonomous system of ODE by the ideas of the method of guiding functions
Petrova A.A. On the convergence and rate of the convergence of a projection-difference method for approximate solving a parabolic equation with weight integral condition
Petrosyan G.G. On the formal representation of solutions of differential equations of fractional order
Plaksina V.P. On obtaining effective conditions for the solvability of a system of functional-differential equations determinated on a geometric graph
Plaksina I.M. On solvability of one singular boundary value problem for functional-differential equation with special-type deviation
Pluzhnikova E.A., Zhukovskaya T.V., Moiseev Yu.A. On sets of metric regularity of mappings in spaces with vector-valued metric
Pchelintsev A.N. On the numerical method of construction of unstable solutions of dynamical systems with quadratic nonlinearities
Serova I.D., Repin A.A. About existence and estimates of solutions of the implicit differential equation with autoadjustable deviation argument
The journal “Tambov University Reports. Series: Natural and Technical Sciences” Volume 23, no. 122 for 2018 came out of the press on July 13, 2018.
The authors and subscribers can get the journal at address 5 Komsomolskaya Sq., Tambov. Institute of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Informational Technologies. Functional Analysis Department. E-mail:
The journal “Tambov University Reports. Series: Natural and Technical Sciences”. Volume 23, no. 122 for 2018 is sent for the press of June 19, 2018.
The issue contains past peer review articles of the participants of the International scientific conference “Kolmogorov Readings – VIII. General Control Problems and their Applications (GCP-2018)”, dedicated to the 115th anniversary of the birth of A.N. Kolmogorov and to the 100th anniversary of Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin, and those of the participants of the II International school of young researches “Multivalued Analysis, Convex Analysis, and Optimal Control”, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin. The conference is organized with the financial support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project No. 18-01-20079 g) and Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin. The school is organized with the financial support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project No. 18-41-681001 r_g), the administration of the Tambov region, and Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin.
Dear Colleagues!
The list of the authors, whose articles are planned to be published in the journal “Tambov University Reports. Series: Natural and Technical Sciences”.
Tambov, 2018, Vol. 23, no. 122 according to the decisions of the Editorial Board at the meeting of June 5, 2018 is presented below.
on the direction 01.01.00 – Mathematical Sciences
Грошева Л.И. Разложение канонических представлений в сечениях линейных расслоений на плоскости Лобачевского
Каменский М.И., Обуховский В.В., Петросян Г.Г. О методе полудискретизации для дифференциальных включений дробного порядка
Колодина К., Олейник А., Виллер Й. Существование и устойчивость бампов в модели нейронного поля
Корнев С.В., Обуховский В.В. Асимптотическое поведение решений включений с каузальными мультиоператорами и метод интегральных направляющих потенциалов
Averina T.A., Rybakov K.A. Modeling of multistructural systems on manifolds for statistical analysis and filtering problems
Alves M.J., Labovskiy S.M. On the spectral problem and positive solutions for a functional-differential equation of the even order
Andreeva I.Yu., Shlyakhov A.S. Degenerated linearly-quadratic problem with delay
Apartsyn A.S., Sidler I.V. The test Volterra equation of the first kind in integral models of developing systems containing n age groups
Afanasova M.S. On the Cauchy problem for a functional differential inclusion of fractional order with a general initial condition in a Banach space
Balandin A.S. On asymptotic behavior of the fundamental solution and the Cauchy function for neutral differential equations
Barseghyan V.R., Barseghyan T.V. The problem of optimal control for one system of linear loaded differential equations
Benarab S., Zhukovskiy E.S. About covering mappings with values in the space with a reflexive binary relation
Vasilyev V.B. On digital approximations for pseudo-differential equations and related boundary value problems
Vdovin A.Y., Rubleva S.S. Numerical simulation of the input impact in a nonlinear dynamical system
Voskovskaya N.I., Zvereva M.B., Kamenskii M.I. On the wave equation with the hysteresis type condition
Gelman B.D. The inequality of Karisti and generalized compression (the case of singular images)
Glazkov S.A. Algorithms for solving differential equations in Math Partner
Gomoyunov M.I. About an estimate from above of the fractional derivative of the composition of two functions
Gomoyunov M.I., Lukoyanov N.Y., Plaksin A.R. Hamilton–Jacobi equations in dynamical optimization problems for neutral-type systems
Gorokhova I.V., Sumin V.I. About singular controls of pointwise maximum principle for optimization problem connected with Goursat–Darboux system
Grebennikova I.V. To the iterative method of constructing optimal control of a singularly perturbed system with delay with geometric constraints
Grigorenko A.A. On solvability and estimating solutions of a perturbed inclusion in the space of continuous functions
Zubova S.P., Raetskaya E.V. The study of a singullarly perturbed control system
Zykov I.V. On the algorithm for constructing reachable sets of control systems with isoperimetric constraints
Korzhavina M.S., Sumin V.I. On the initial-boundary value problem for semilinear parabolic equation with controlled principal part
The journal “Tambov University Reports. Series: Natural and Technical Sciences” Volume 23, no. 121 for 2018 came out of the press on April 6, 2018.
The authors and subscribers can get the journal in the editorial at address 190g Sovetskaya St., Tambov.
The journal “Tambov University Reports. Series: Natural and Technical Sciences”. Volume 23, no. 121 for 2018 is sent for the press on March 12, 2018.
Scientific articles on the direction 01.01.00 – mathematical sciences are published in the issue.
Dear Colleagues!
The list of the authors, whose articles are planned to be published in the journal “Tambov University Reports. Series: Natural and Technical Sciences”.
Tambov, 2018, Vol. 23, no. 121 according to the decisions of the Editorial Board at the meeting of February 20, 2018 is presented below.
on the direction 01.01.00 – Mathematical Sciences
Labovskiy S.M. On discreteness of spectrum of a second order functional differential operator
Benarab S., Zhukovskiy E.S. On the conditions of existence coincidence points for mapping in partially ordered spaces
Burlakov E.O., Nasonkina M.A. On connection between continuous and discontinuous neural field models with microstructure I. General theory
Kornev S.V., Obukhovskiy V.V. Integral guiding potentials in the problem of asymptotic behavior of solutions for functional differential inclusions
Kulmanakova M.M., Obukhovskiy V.V., Ulianova E.L. A generalized boundary value problem for a feedback control system with infinite delay
Merchela W. On Arutyunov theorem of coincidence point for two mapping in metric spaces
Mitrokhin S.I. On the study of spectral properties of differential operators of even order with discontinuous weight function
Khvorov S.A. Parallel inversion of integer matrix: the results of the experiments
For the attention of the lecturers and employees of the university!
The application for privileged subscription for the journals, published in Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin in 2018 is available.
(Order no. 14 of 16.01.2018)
You can subscribe for them in the editorials of the journals: Tambov, Sovetskaya St., 190g
Journal’s title
Privileged subscription
Tambov University Reviews. Series: Humanities
(07.00.00 – historical sciences and archeology, 13.00.00 – pedagogical sciences)
Index 83371
Included in the List of the reviewed scientific journals and issues, published in Russian Federation and recommended by Higher Attestation Commission
Included in database of RISC, ERIH
Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory
1050 rub.
Tambov University Reports. Series: Natural and Technical Sciences
(01.01.00 – mathematics)
Index 83372
Included in the List of the reviewed scientific journals and issues, published in Russian Federation and recommended by Higher Attestation Commission
Included in database of RISC, VINITI
Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory, ZBMATH
1050 rub.
Tambov University Reviews. Series: Social Sciences
(philosophical sciences, sociological sciences, psychological sciences)
Index 80301
Included in database of RISC |
700 rub.
(philological sciences)
Index 80303
Included in database of RISC |
700 rub.
The journal "Tambov University Reports. Series: Natural and Technical Sciences” is included in the one of the biggest international bibliographic databases "Ulrich's Periodicals Directory" of American Publisher Bowker. It provides information about serial (periodical and continued) published issues (popular and academic journals) on all thematic directions of life's activity.
The journal “Tambov University Reports. Series: Natural and Technical Sciences” came out of the press. Volume 22, issue 6, part 2 for 2017
The authors and subscribers can get the journal in the editorial at address 190g Sovetskaya St., Tambov.
The journal “Tambov University Reports. Series: Natural and Technical Sciences”. Volume 22, issue 6, part 2 for 2017 is sent for the press of November 30, 2017.
Scientific articles on the direction “Medical Sciences” are published in the issue.
The journal “Tambov University Reports. Series: Natural and Technical Sciences” came out of the press. Volume 22, issue 6, part 1 for 2017
The authors and subscribers can get the journal in the editorial at address 190g Sovetskaya St., Tambov.
The journal “Tambov University Reports. Series: Natural and Technical Sciences”. Volume 22, issue 6, part 1 for 2017 is sent for the press of November 24, 2017.
The issue publishes scientific articles on the following directions: physics and mathematics, technics.
The journal “Tambov University Reports. Series: Natural and Technical Sciences” came out of the press. Volume 22, issue 5, part 2 for 2017.
The authors and subscribers can get the journal in the editorial at address 190g Sovetskaya St., Tambov.
The journal “Tambov University Reports. Series: Natural and Technical Sciences”. Volume 22, issue 5, part 2 for 2017 is sent for the press of October 12, 2017.
The issue publishes scientific articles on the following directions: physics and mathematics, mathematics, technics.
The journal “Tambov University Reports. Series: Natural and Technical Sciences” came out of the press. Volume 22, issue 5, part 1 for 2017.
The authors and subscribers can get the journal in the editorial at address 190g Sovetskaya St., Tambov.
The journal “Tambov University Reports. Series: Natural and Technical Sciences”. Volume 22, issue 5, part 1 for 2017 is sent for the press of September 28, 2017.
The issue publishes the materials of scientific-practical conference “Rare Species of Life Organisms: Problems, Prospects and Protection Levels”
The issue publishes scientific articles on the following directions: biology, chemistry.
The journal “Tambov University Reports. Series: Natural and Technical Sciences” came out of the press. Volume 22, issue 4 for 2017.
The authors and subscribers can get the journal in the editorial at address 190g Sovetskaya St., Tambov.
The journal “Tambov University Reports. Series: Natural and Technical Sciences”. Volume 22, issue 4 for 2017 is sent for the press of August 22, 2017.
The issue publishes the materials of scientific-practical conference “Modern Achievements in Ophthalmology”.
The journal “Tambov University Reports. Series: Natural and Technical Sciences” came out of the press. Volume 22, issue 3 for 2017.
The authors and subscribers can get the journal in the editorial at address 190g Sovetskaya St., Tambov.
The journal “Tambov University Reports. Series: Natural and Technical Sciences”. Volume 22, issue 3 for 2017 is sent for the press of June 7, 2017.
The issue publishes the materials of V international scientific seminar Proceedings of the V International scientific workshop “Functional-differential equations and inclusions and their applications to mathematical modeling” with elements of school for young researchers.
The journal “Tambov University Reports. Series: Natural and Technical Sciences” came out of the press. Volume 22, issue 2 for 2017.
The authors and subscribers can get the journal in the editorial at address 190g Sovetskaya St., Tambov.
The journal “Tambov University Reports. Series: Natural and Technical Sciences”. Volume 22, issue 2 for 2017 is sent for the press of April 20, 2017.
The issue publishes the materials of International Scientific-Practical Conference “relevant Problems of Fundamental Disciplines”, of March 17, 2017, Tambov.
The issue publishes scientific articles on the following directions:, medicine and public health, biology, physics and mathematics.
The journal “Tambov University Reports. Series: Natural and Technical Sciences” came out of the press. Volume 22, issue 1 for 2017.
The authors and subscribers can get the journal in the editorial at address 190g Sovetskaya St., Tambov.
The journal “Tambov University Reports. Series: Natural and Technical Sciences”. Volume 22, issue 1 for 2017 is sent for the press of February 10, 2017.
The issue publishes scientific articles on the following directions: physics and mathematics, biology, medicine.
The journal “Tambov University Reports. Series: Natural and Technical Sciences” came out of the press. Volume 21, issue 6, for 2016.
The authors and subscribers can get the journal in the editorial at address 190g Sovetskaya St., Tambov.
The journal “Tambov University Reports. Series: Natural and Technical Sciences”. Volume 21, issue 6 for 2016 is sent for the press of October 28, 2016.
The issue publishes scientific articles on the following directions: physics and mathematics, medicine, technics.
For the attention of the lecturers and employees of the university!
The applications for privileged subscription for the journals, published in Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin in 2017 is available.
You can subscribe for them in the editorials of the journals
(Order no. 615 of 8.11.2016)
Название журнала
Льготная подписка
Вестник Тамбовского университета.
Серия Гуманитарные науки
(исторические науки, педагогические науки)
Индекс 83371
входит в Перечень ВАК
1050 руб.
Вестник Тамбовского университета.
Серия Естественные и технические науки
(физико-математические науки, биологические науки, медицинские науки)
Индекс 83372
входит в Перечень ВАК
1950 руб.
Вестник Тамбовского университета.
Серия Общественные науки (философские науки, социологические науки, психологические науки)
Индекс 80301
700 руб.
Неофилология (Вестник Тамбовского университета. Серия Филологические науки и культурология)
(филологические науки, культурология)
Индекс 80303
700 руб.
The journal “Tambov University Reports. Series Natural and Technical Sciences” came out of the press. Volume 21, issue 5 for 2016.
The authors and subscribers can get the journal in the editorial at address 190g Sovetskaya St., Tambov.
The journal “Tambov University Reports. Series Natural and Technical Sciences”. Volume 21, issue 5 for 2016 is sent for the press of September 10, 2016.
The issue contains the materials of International Scientific Conference “The results and prospects of inventory vertebrata’s research”, 12 October 2016, Tambov.
The journal “Tambov University Reports. Series Natural and Technical Sciences” came out of the press. Volume 21, issue 4 for 2016
The authors and subscribers can get the journal in the editorial at address 190g Sovetskaya St., Tambov.
The journal “Tambov University Reports. Series Natural and Technical Sciences”. Volume 21, issue 4 for 2016 is sent for the press of June 27, 2016.
The issue contains the materials of International Distance Scientific-Practical Conference “Modern achievements in ophthalmology”, September 2016, Tambov.
The journal “Tambov University Reports. Series: Natural and Technical Sciences” came out of the press. Volume 21, issue 3 for 2016
The authors and subscribers can get the journal in the editorial at address 190g Sovetskaya St., Tambov.
The journal “Tambov University Reports. Series: Natural and Technical Sciences”. Volume 21, issue 3 for 2016 is sent for the press of May 25, 2016.
The issue contains materials of VIII International Conference “Micromechanisms of plasticity, fracture and concurrent phenomena” (MPFP-2016), 27 June – 1 July 2016, Tambov.
The journal “Tambov University Reports. Series: Natural and Technical Sciences” came out of the press. Volume 21, issue 2 for 2016
The authors and subscribers can get the journal in the editorial at address 190g Sovetskaya St., Tambov.
The journal “Tambov University Reports. Series Natural and Technical Sciences” Volume 21, issue 2 for 2016 is sent for the press of April 10, 2016.
The issue publishes the materials of IV International Scientific Seminar “Functional differential equations and including their employment in mathematic modeling” with the elements of young scientists’ school, 4–10 July 2016, Tambov.
The issue publishes scientific articles on the following directions: physics and mathematics, biology, medicine.
The journal “Tambov University Reports. Series: Natural and Technical Sciences” came out of the press. Volume 21, issue 1, 2016
The authors and subscribers can get the journal in the editorial at address 190g Sovetskaya St., Tambov.
The journal “Tambov University Reports. Series: Natural and Technical Sciences”. Volume 21, issue 1, 2016 is sent for the press of February 10, 2016.
The issue publishes the articles from Tadjikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine, Penza, Moscow, Saratov, Tambov, Lipetsk, Tolyatti, Volgograd, Kursk and other scientific centres according to the following branches: physics and mathematics, biology, medicine, techniques.
“Tambov University Reports. Series: Natural and Technical Sciences” Volume 21, Issue 6, 2016 came out of the press.
The scientific articles on the following directions: physics and mathematics, medicine, technics are published.
The journal “Tambov University Reports. Series: Natural and Technical Sciences” Volume 21, Issue 5 for 2016 came out of the press
The issue contains the materials of International Scientific Conference “The results and prospects of inventory vertebrata’s research”, 12 October 2016, Tambov.
The journal “Tambov University Reports. Series: Natural and Technical Sciences” Volume 21, Issue 4 for 2016 came out of the press
The issue contains the materials of International Distance Scientific-Practical Conference “Modern achievements in ophthalmology”, September 2016, Tambov.
The journal “Tambov University Reports. Series: Natural and Technical Sciences” Volume 21, Issue 3 for 2016 came out of the press
The issue contains materials of VIII International Conference “Micromechanisms of plasticity, fracture and concurrent phenomena” (MPFP-2016), 27 June – 1 July 2016, Tambov.
The journal “Tambov University Reports. Series: Natural and Technical Sciences” Volume 21, Issue 2 for 2016 came out of the press
The issue publishes the materials of IV International Scientific Seminar “Functional differential equations and including their employment in mathematic modeling” with the elements of young scientists’ school, 4–10 July 2016, Tambov.
The issue publishes scientific articles on the following directions: physics and mathematics, biology, medicine.
The journal “Tambov University Reports. Series: Natural and Technical Sciences” Volume 21, Issue 1, 2016 came out of the press.
The issue publishes the articles from Tadjikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine, Penza, Moscow, Saratov, Tambov, Lipetsk, Tolyatti, Volgograd, Kursk and other scientific centres according to the following branches: physics and mathematics, biology, medicine, techniques.